• Breaking News

    Saturday, October 5, 2019

    Call of Duty Zombies Used an Anywhere but Here. Got trapped in a location I hadn’t bought to and couldn’t open the barriers from the back end.

    Call of Duty Zombies Used an Anywhere but Here. Got trapped in a location I hadn’t bought to and couldn’t open the barriers from the back end.

    Used an Anywhere but Here. Got trapped in a location I hadn’t bought to and couldn’t open the barriers from the back end.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 08:48 PM PDT

    The Dark Aether

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 07:43 AM PDT

    The Dark Aether


    The Dark Aether Storyline - Aether Reboot

    Chapter 1 - A new beginning

    After everything has been banished to the dark aether.

    Many years have gone by in the world without corruption, Eddie and Samatha are own up, living normal but not perfect lives. Eddie is in his earlier thirties is a doctor of science. He has children but also has had a tragic loss, he had a wife that passed away caused by one of his experiments, that she was helping him with. Ever since that day, he has been drowning in grief and regret.

    Samatha is in her late twenties is a

    In the dark aether, Dr. Monty and the keepers start to take over and become what they're once enemies were but worse, over the years they have changed to beasts the world has never seen, to beasts you could never dream of, to beasts only the dark aether could form. The once Shadowman and the Apothicons become slaves and prisoners of Dr. Monty.

    After Zombie Richtoffen was shot, he was banished to the dark aether, he soon finds out that Victis and others were banished there too, he finds a way to contact the crew, zombie Richtoffen then plans a way to escape the dark aether by getting Victis to do a series of tasks for him. After the tasks have been completed, a rift in the dark aether starts to form, which starts to leak into the normal world where Edie and Samatha are fully grown up in.

    The longer Zombie Richtofen and the others spend in the dark aether, the more corrupted they become, just as the ones before them. After the rift in the dark aether has been partly formed, Zombie Richtofen escapes into the normal world. With the rift in the dark aether still open, Dr. Monty and the evil that hides attempt to seek their way into the normal world that hasn't been touched by such corruption with the goal of seeking revenge on those who trapped them in there. But Dr. Monty and the evil can't yet seek through without waiting eons or corrupting someone from the normal world that hasn't been corrupted.

    Eddie or known as Dr. Edward Richtofen begins to hear voices in his head, telling him of treasures and all the things he could dream of if he did a series of tasks. Eddie thinking it was his grief, he began to take medication but the voices become louder. He started to believe what the voices said, so he told the voices in his head that he wanted his wife back and for her to be alive again. The voices told him, his wish would be grated if he did what he was told. Eddie starts to do the series of tasks that he was asked of, one of those tasks was to take an innocent life.

    After Primis Nikolai was shot, he wakes up in a place of total darkness, he begins to hear voices talking in the distance. He makes his way through the total darkness towards where the voices are coming from. The voices become more clearer where he begins to recognize them. He hears Dempsey say "Where the fuck are we?" then he hears Takeo say "Why do I see nothing but darkness?". Nikolai than shouts out "I don't think stumbling in total darkness was part of pain" Richtofen responds "Yah, yah, you said that last time, wait, Nikolai?." Dempsey responds yelling "Nikolai, where the fuck are we?" Nikolai responds "My friends I believe this is the dark aether". Some of the darkness starts to fade away which uncovers a twisted nightmare right in front of their eyes. A zombie in the distance begins to moan and scream, warning all the other zombies and creatures nearby. *Dempsey then says "Here we go again" then he reloads his gun and then says "Let's get back to killing' meat bags".


    Here's what I have so far, share your ideas with me, feel free to mention anything, it doesn't have to be limited because I'm trying to go be on the limit, This is far from being over.

    I might make this into a novel or a comic.

    - The Aether, The Dark Aether, Dr. Monty, and The Shadowman were created by a higher being which will be known as "shall not be named" and that Dr. Monty and The Shadowman lied about being the only ones.

    Again, It's just an idea. nothing more.

    submitted by /u/aloneouthill
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    I made these in 2012 when i was 13 and i was so proud of them

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 08:35 PM PDT

    Weekly Challenges #13 : 05/10/19

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 07:12 AM PDT

    To celebrate the ending of the Aether Story me and (mostly) a friend of mine did this pixelated Nikolai (96x96) We used a program to create the lines of Nikki, then we started the coloring by ourselves :P

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 11:12 AM PDT

    Worst. Timing. Ever.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 02:24 PM PDT

    I must go, my people need me.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 10:23 AM PDT

    Taking part in inktober and making all mine CoD zombies themed. Day 4, freeze

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 10:26 AM PDT

    So uh, what the hell happened to this?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 11:54 PM PDT

    Ok, lets talk about the daily tier skip challenge..

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 10:29 AM PDT

    Why am I only getting Ancient Evil, Dead of the Night and Voyage on my daily tier skips in zombies??! I mean, cmon I can't be the only one who gets these all time!!?

    submitted by /u/Zombie_Scor34
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    Is it really to much to ask that the 2 new maps just be added to the rotation? Alpha Omega has been available on all platforms since July

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 11:51 AM PDT

    me and the boys did Mephistopheles

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 10:53 PM PDT

    Got Tag Der Toten done on split screen!

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 11:26 PM PDT

    I'd like to see Victis return (Tag Der Toten spoilers)

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 07:50 AM PDT

    I was playing Tag for the first time and it just felt nice to hear their voices again. I love Black Ops 2's Victis maps and really enjoy their characters. I'm assuming that Primis and Ultimus are finished for good, but I'd really like to have more maps with Victis. Also I do think they deserve a better send off, considering how the ending was. I won't go into my opinion on that though.

    If they continue Chaos, which I assume they will, do you think they could exist in that timeline?

    If they reboot Aether in some way, do you think they'll take the lead as the main crew, or will we have new characters completely?

    I'm curious what's next for the series. What do you all think?

    submitted by /u/Phantom265
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    [UPDATED] weapon overview for all guns required for dark matter including required rank, weapon max lvl and map availability

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 08:00 PM PDT

    Hmm, which door should I open?

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 07:41 PM PDT

    Collecting Data on Zombies Player Base for all Games, DLC and Plataforms

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 08:58 AM PDT

    To be able to do further examinations of how zombies popularity and player base behaved over the years, we need to have some actual data. Even though, it will still be inaccurate, we are able to reach an aproximattion of the player base by using some tools the games give us. I'm asking everyone who can to help me collect this data, i collected all i needed for PS4 and PS3, and now need people to do the same in PC and XBOX 360/ONE

    DATA -> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ieK--kBVFXGT8eXJyIvt1-DyJFGGZhIl_cOxqvVnIbg/edit#gid=0

    Help me Complete the chart, and after completed, an actual discussion of the results can be initiated


    WAW - Created a new account, started a match and killed myself in each map as soon as grenades appeared in my hud (round 1 - 0 kills), so i could be at the bottom of the leaderboards, then checked my rank, i still wasn't completely at the bottom, so rounded the numbers a little bit up.

    BO - Looked at the leaderboards player count for Kino der toten and each DLC map, in the case of Rezzurection (DLC 4) look for the map with the biggest player base (in ps3's case it was moon).

    BO2 - Looked at the leaderboards player count for Kills, and each DLC map - 4 players category (which in ps3's case was always the one with the most entries, but check all of them).

    BO3 - Looked at the leaderboards player count for Kills, and each DLC map - 2 players category (which in ps4's case was always the one with the most entries, but check all of them), for DLC5 (Chronicles), looked at all maps until i found the one with the most entries (kino der toten in ps4's case).

    BO4 - Created a new account, started a match and got one single kill, then looked at my rank in "my call of duty" leaderboards, finally, i rounded the number up as i still couldn't be at the bottom of the leaderboards. site: https://my.callofduty.com/player/leaderboard?currentGame=bo4&currentPlatform=psn&currentType=core&currentMode=zcareer&currentGameMode=zm&currentCategory=global&currentTimeframe=alltime

    Now, if you can, repeat the methods and post the numbers down in the comments or simply add them to the spreadsheet if you are in xbox or pc.

    P.S.: I know the problemns and inacuracies that these methods will cause, and will mention them in a future discussion about the results.

    submitted by /u/Hardcore_Survival
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    I love this game :)

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 12:32 AM PDT

    Part not able to be picked up? Not sure if a glitch on Xbox One but there’s a briefcase here in Boathouse where I have an option to pick it up but to no avail. Thoughts?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 01:15 AM PDT

    I just about escaped, barely.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 09:32 AM PDT

    Figured I would share this because it was kinda clutch. I was just changing my weapon as I didn't want the Hades and went for the box and just about made it out alive.


    submitted by /u/GigglesYeahMan
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    So this is what saved our EE run... I hate this boss fight.

    Posted: 04 Oct 2019 11:03 PM PDT

    Got my first round 100 today (easily)

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 08:58 AM PDT

    EE extension?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 09:39 AM PDT

    Did anybody find anything to do with the orb on the argarthan device at the end of the ee? Or has it been debunked?

    submitted by /u/B0W53Rx2022
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    Mystery box attempts.

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 11:44 AM PDT

    Honest question. Please don't delete. Been playing zombies since day one very casually. But I've got them all. Online half the time, no time to play with friends unfortunately due to work. Why do people hate on too many box attempts? Sometimes you have a garbage weapon and get a garbage weapon.

    submitted by /u/WellHungSnorlax
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    Has anyone else notice the staff records on Tag?

    Posted: 05 Oct 2019 09:24 AM PDT

    I've only seen two, the lightning one (when you open the garage door in spawn and go to the room to the right, it will be on one of the dinner table chairs) and the fire one ( in ice in the cave where you get the blue rock). I was wondering if anyone has seen wind or ice?

    submitted by /u/PetEweNzfrOmMCR
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