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    Saturday, July 18, 2020

    Call of Duty Zombies No hate to anyone

    Call of Duty Zombies No hate to anyone

    No hate to anyone

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 08:05 AM PDT

    I don’t even care at this point. Also, no disrespect towards anyone on this sub, just saying it’s an unpopular opinion.

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 09:01 PM PDT

    Hell yeah Perk a Cola!

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    Am I Lucky, Or TOO Lucky?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 11:09 AM PDT

    Idk why people are making a big deal out of it. Just like maps you like and have fun that’s the whole point

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    I think Shaw has Dissociative identity disorder A.K.A. Split personality disorder

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 05:36 AM PDT

    So i know this has been done multiple times, but here's my version of an improved BO4 Zombies HUD

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 08:11 PM PDT

    In BO4 Why did Activision remove the feature to buy zombies maps by themselves like bruh me and my friends redownloaded Bo4 cause we were doing all the EE and you can buy the maps for $8 so now if i want nuketown zombies and CotD i have to buy a $50 pack

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    Like dafuq i get they wanted people buying the Black Ops pass cause apparently it would be better than grandmas homemade cookies. But i guess i'm used to Activision shoving a stick so far up the devs ass you can see it when they yawn

    submitted by /u/GoldPrism391
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    First time ever hitting 100

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 12:50 AM PDT

    Hot Take: Voyage of Despair is not even close to being as bad as everyone says it is. (Before you downvote, actually read the post.)

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 07:44 AM PDT

    This map is more hated than any map I have ever seen, and it's also one of the most unjustfully hated maps I've ever seen. When talking about this map, the criticisms usually come down to these things, which I will address and weigh in on:

    1. The layout is too confusing, map is too big

    2. The story had nothing to do with the Titanic

    3. It's boring to play

    4. The Easter egg is too long and tedious, and the boss fight is too hard

    5. Too many enemy types

    6. A bad ending cutscene, where the crew just escapes the ship and doesn't save everyone and reveals dark Bruno

    7. Tedious setup

    8. Boring wonder weapon

    9. Boring characters

    If I missed any, comment below. Please be respectful in the comments.

    Addressing the criticisms:

    1. The layout is too confusing and the map is too big:

    Yeah this one is completely valid, for someone who is new to zombies or a casual player. This one is completely understandable. I can totally see inexperienced players getting lost within the bowels of the map. But for hardcore players this map should not be too difficult to learn and understand. But then again, This map was not designed for casuals at all. Is this a bad thing? Not to me. Not every map has to be designed for casuals. There are just as many hardcore players as there are casual players. There needs to be a balance of easier designed maps and harder designed maps. Easy layouts to understand, and not so easy layouts. If every map had an incredibly simple design and layout, things would get boring very fast. But in conclusion, if you don't like the layout it's completely understandable and this is a valid point.

    1. The story had nothing to do with the Titanic

    This is true. But that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. The artistic decision with that map was to make it the Norse Mythology map out of the four chaos maps for Black Ops 4. The story of this map surrounds the Trial of Odin, the harnessing of the elements (catalyst lockdowns) the linking of the 9 realms (planet step), the activation of the Norse tree of Yggdrasil, and the Eye of Odin boss fight. I think they accomplished what they set out to do very well with the Norse themed Easter egg. Just because it had nothing to do with the Titanic doesn't make it bad. We have to judge zombies maps for what they are and how they function, not what they "should be" or "could be". Treyarch decides what maps Should be. They are the artist. You don't tell an artist, "Hey, this should have been this, and this should have been that." The artist creates what the artist wants to create.

    1. It's boring the play

    This is completely subjective. I don't find it boring to play, I have lots of fun on this map personally. To each their own.

    1. The Easter egg is long and tedious, and the boss fight is too hard.

    This Easter egg is not that long. It's the boss fight that's long. If there was no boss fight, this Easter egg would be the shortest Easter egg in all of bo4. When you break it down, there's 4 sections of the Easter egg:

    1. Clock step

    2. Catalyst lockdowns

    3. Planet step

    4. Boss fight

    Obviously, there are steps that lead up to each of these sections, but they really don't take too much time. For example, collecting the symbols for the planets, killing the correct catalysts in the right spots, and the valve step. When you know the Easter egg well, this Easter egg flows like a breeze. My fastest time with this egg is 50 minutes, and that was with 2 people. Addressing the boss fight, I love it so much. It's a blast. Yes, it may be long, but the whole boss fight is everyone running around and killing shit with Krakens until the later stages. Then, there's the adrenaline filled stage 5 of the boss fight. And for the record, I will never criticize something for being too hard, unless it's unfair. And this boss fight is completely fair, and has great mechanics and spectacle.

    1. Too many Enemy types

    There's the Blightfather and the Stoker, and Catalyst zombies. All of these enemies are well-designed except for one, and that's the water zombie. The rest of them are well-designed and well-balanced. And after the Blightfather nerf, they might be the most balanced yet threatening enemy we have ever seen in zombies. But the argument here is that there are too many enemies. Funnily enough, this map has the least amount of enemy types out of the chaos maps. And for the record, I personally welcome lots of enemy types. Gives some flavor to the gameplay, and for me it makes the gameplay itself less boring and more attention-demanding.

    1. A bad ending cutscene, where the crew escapes the ship and doesn't save everyone, Reveals dark Bruno

    Yes, this is true. It's not bad because they didn't save everyone, though. Again, it was an artistic decision to leave the events of the titanic as they were, and focus on the Odin Trial. It's bad because after so much work and effort story wise, not much is learned from the experience besides the audience finding out something is wrong with Bruno, The crew essentially finds out they need to go to Delphi, Greece. And that's all that was learned.

    1. Tedious setup

    This one I cannot understand. The setup on this map is so simple. There's four pedestals for Pack a punch and all you need to do is press square on them. The wonder weapon is in the box. There are only six parts in the entire map, only the shield parts are completely necessary. There's nothing you absolutely have to do outside of that.

    1. Boring wonder weapon

    This is completely subjective. Personally I think it's super fun to use. It's a blast. (No pun intended)

    1. Boring characters

    This is subjective as well. Personally I like these characters just fine. And it's their first map, so obviously people aren't going to be familiar with them. They're not the greatest crew in the world, but they're not horrible. They're average to me.

    If I missed any, or you have different criticisms, comment them below. I would love to hear everyone's thoughts on some of my takes, and I would love to hear other people's takes as well.

    submitted by /u/AngelOFDeath66
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    I took the time to redo the BO4 hud concept from earlier today, re-arranged some stuff and fixed the abundance of errors in the names of things

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 02:51 AM PDT

    top zombies maps of all time

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    Okay, so I want to hear all of your opinions on each game. In your opinion, what are the top 10 maps from every zombie game you have ever played. (IW, BO2, WW2, etc.) For me having played every map, my list goes like this.

    1.) Origins (BO2 version)

    2.) VOD (i know)

    3.) DE

    4.) Gorod

    5.) Der riese (WAW and/or BO3)

    6.) Zombies in Spaceland

    7.) The Final Reich

    8.) Moon

    9.) Shang

    10.) DotN

    I have completed basically every EE on most of these games (except for all the dlc in IW). I want to hear y'alls im curious.

    submitted by /u/kanopei
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    I bend the laws of the game for the max ammo!

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 04:17 PM PDT

    The Final Reich

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    I understand that this sub is mainly about treyarch zombies, but ever since WW2 became free for PlayStation plus, I've been playing the final reich, and actually enjoying it. I'm not too familiar with any non-treyarch zombies but after watching a tutorial on opening pack a punch, I was able to get a fairly high round as a casual player. I don't know how to upgrade the tesla gun, but upgrading some wall weapons was sufficient enough for me. TFR has a decent layout and WWII classes such as freefire and camoflague really help with using the box and upgrading weapons. Overall I like TFR and I believe it is at least a B class map and ranks higher than a lot of treyarch maps. Feel free to comment your opinions on the final reich.

    submitted by /u/pingpongpauls
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    In Progress

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 05:15 PM PDT

    BO4 is overlooked.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 03:29 AM PDT

    In a normal conversation if one was to bring up Black Ops 4 Zombies it's highly likely the majority will reign all hell upon the game.

    I feel at this point in time, after the dust has settled people still release a hellish shit upon an otherwise pretty good title. A common consensus has formed bringing an all to common negative view of the game with various amounts of youtubers amongst others destroying the game to no end. Yes, when the game released people were rightfully pissed as the game did have a horrible façade but the problem is that after the initial clusterfuck nobody seemed to want to touch the game with a 10ft barge pole.

    A majority of players never took the time to give the game another chance.

    It's likely the game was disliked by so many because they saw everything critically, they didn't like that it wasn't a BO2/BO3 clone but rather something completely new.

    For example, I bet a lot of people did not give Voyage of Despair enough of a chance or credit, the map was something so ambitious for a decade long series that had become so fixed that the plethora of changes was completely foreign to a point where 9/10 players disliked it simply for trying to be new.

    Don't get me wrong, BO4 has problems, many problems, however unlike popular belief, I do not believe these problems take away from the refreshingly new title.

    To understand BO4 you have to recognise that a conversion, a full U-Turn was nessacery for the survival of the series, if BO4 was a BO3 clone, that would be five consecutive games with the exact same systems and gameplay. The gameplay of WAW-BO3 was very good however had each subsequent entry been the same afterwards it could've tainted the original titles as clones definitely would've ruined the series as a whole.

    People got comfortable with the first four titles that the fifth being new completely disrupted everything they knew and people couldn't accept it.

    BO4 is a great game that is shunned by the masses for being a stand out title in an iconic series, due to the game's ambitious nature of breaking a decade old formula it tarnished everything BO4 Zombies stood for. If you hate BO4 but have barely played it I implore you to jump back into it with an open mind accepting the changes rather then pushing them away.

    But that is really just my opinion.

    TL;DR: BO4 is overlooked and dismissed because it changed what Zombies was and may very well become and gets unfairly hated on due to trying to be unique in a very well established series.

    submitted by /u/DonutsNoSprinkles
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    Unintentionally reloaded at the same time.

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 08:49 AM PDT

    Got BO3 for Zombies but stopped playing at BO1, what is different?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 04:56 AM PDT

    Honestly, I wanted to play Zombies on a next gen console so I got BO3 on sale with no real interest in regular multiplayer. I skipped BO2 zombies entirely so I'm not exactly sure what's different from BO1 times.

    submitted by /u/Two-Of-Nine
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    I’m gutted that we’re probably never going to get a Chaos continuation

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    It had so much potential. The storyline, the ciphers, and the 'rules' of the universe were so exiting to me.

    Black Ops 4 executed them horribly though. Firstly, they should have finished Aether first. Go out with a bang, then give us a new story when we're ready for it.

    The maps also would have been way better on BO3. A more appealing graphics style, unique specialists per map (imagine earning the Hammer on Voyage) and the old perk and movement system. I'm sure IX & AE would be classics.

    Plus, the story was just getting interesting. The library, all those teases about going through the packapunch machine to some afterlife world. Scarlett's parentage... what other real life places have dark stories behind them?

    We're trading all of that for what will likely be another round of german/soviet facilities overrun by zombies with classic soldier guys. It just feels so visited, I don't know how it can be special or new.

    Let me know your thoughts!

    submitted by /u/LordOryx
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    Got my little cousin a Cameo from Steven Blum himself playing Tank for his birthday! Tank’s a bit too dummy thicc..

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 12:46 PM PDT

    If you were to have one real life wonder weapon, which one will you have?

    Posted: 17 Jul 2020 08:50 PM PDT

    Best strategy for getting to lvl 1000 BO3?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 05:07 AM PDT

    I'm sure this has been asked 1000 times but what are the best stats for getting to lvl 1000 in b03 zombies? I play the giant alot and its the only easter egg I know but I was wondering if there are any other better strategies that I can do. And if I should do multiplayer or solo

    submitted by /u/DrDrewDude72
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    Any bo4 leveling up strats?

    Posted: 18 Jul 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    Now that there is no 2xp, leveling up feels like forever, is there any fast xp strat? I have the dlc so it can be in any map.

    submitted by /u/seb_mv
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