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    Monday, November 16, 2020

    Call of Duty Zombies Exact twins

    Call of Duty Zombies Exact twins

    Exact twins

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 04:55 AM PST

    Zombies Is Back Boys!

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 06:51 AM PST

    Killing A Megaton For The First Time Be Like

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 08:39 AM PST

    [Idea]Being able to apply our custom loadouts to any weapon in-game.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 05:04 AM PST

    Round 126 exfil :) -peepozay

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 10:26 PM PST

    so this happened

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 08:49 AM PST

    I made a very basic map layout for Die Maschine.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 08:05 AM PST

    When "Bro Revive me i have the Raygun!" Is actually relevant again...

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 02:20 PM PST

    Zombies winning a 10,000 vote poll as Cold War’s most popular mode - we’re back

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 03:55 PM PST

    What's in a Plaguehound?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 03:36 AM PST

    Engage Warp Drive chopper gunner go wooosh

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 03:18 AM PST

    PSA: If you max out all of your skills, you will no longer collect aether crystals.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 07:13 AM PST

    I recently reached Prestige 1 and maxed out all of my skills. As a result, I no longer collect aether crystals from progressing rounds and completing exfils.

    If you want to stockpile crystals for future updates and potentially new upgradeable skills, leave a couple things that you don't use as often un-maxed, that way you can continue to collect crystals for when you need them further down the line

    submitted by /u/Robu_Rucchi
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    POV: You spend £65 on a game to sit afk in a glitch spot to boost stats no one cares about

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 06:34 AM PST

    What a way to die on my first round 100 in cold war

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 04:08 AM PST

    Cold War Zombies is actually good, but there are changes needed.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 03:07 AM PST

    [Warning] Too many words.

    [Edit] TLDR:

    1. Points system needs to be improved or reverted back into either BO4 or the original system.
    2. Dying then respawning should let you keep guns like BO4 and retain the Salvage values.
    3. We need the old weapon kits back. To customize weapon camos and stuff.
    4. Plaguehound behavior needs to reverted back to just a plain hellhound behavior.
    5. Megaton needs a nerf to health, reach, and damage.
    6. Upgrade Stations needs to be spread out instead of just one spot.

    Read further to see in depth explanations. Just a quick note, this focuses more on gameplay mechanics than general bugs.

    The Point/Essence Awarding System

    With how expensive a lot of things are in Cold War, the points system isn't good enough to help you. This is well evident in public matches and if you died in a high round and respawn back in. The prices in Cold War are compared to the old games below.

    • Comparison of point systems:
    Hit Type WaW to BO3 BO4 (Capped at 150 per zombie)* Cold War
    Melee Kill +130 +150 +115
    Headshot Kill +100 +130 +115
    Neck/Critical Limb Kill +70 +130 +115
    Torso Kill +60 +90 +90
    Equipment Kill +50 +90 +90
    Hit +10 Varies** N/A
    Tactical Hit (CW) N/A N/A +10 (per use, per zombie hit)
    Support Kill (CW) N/A N/A +50
    Hellhound / Plaguehound kill +70 +70 +90

    * BO4's system, each zombie is worth 90 points. It will add a bonus +40 if it's a headshot kill or +60 if it's a melee kill. Bonuses are marked as a green score. The maximum points you can earn per zombie is 150. Hellhounds are only worth 70 points for some reason (You would always see a deduction score indicator every time you kill a hellhound.

    ** BO4's hit system varies on the lethal capability of the weapon. But all hits will end up accumulating to 90 points. Bonuses are applied only after the kill. If it takes 5 hits to kill a zombie, 90 points will be divided into 5 and that's the distribution of points per hit. (+20+20+20+20+10+Bonus)

    • Comparison of perk costs:
    Perk WaW to BO3 BO4 Cold War
    Quick Revive 1,500 (500) 2,000 2,500
    Juggernog / Stonecold Stronghold 2,500 2,500 3,000
    Speed Cola 3,000 N/A* 3,500
    Stamin-up 2,000 2,000 4,000
    Deadshot Daquiri / Deadshot Dealer 1,500 2,000 4,500
    Elemental Pop / Electric Cherry 2,000 3,000 5,000

    * BO4 Speed Cola effect is activated if all 4 perks are purchased or the modifier slot is active. Modifiers are an additional 500 to the cost of the 4th perk.

    WaW to BO3 BO4 Cold War
    Total: 12,500 (11,500) 11,500 + 500* 22,500

    • Pack-a-Punch Cost:
    Type BO2 to BO3 BO4 Cold War
    First Pack 5,000 5,000 5,000
    Re-Pack 2,500* 2,500** N/A
    Change AAT 2,500* 2,500 or 1,500** 2,500
    Stage II Pack N/A N/A 15,000
    Stage III Pack N/A N/A 30,000

    * BO2 will change the attachments of a weapon, AAT application and changes are only applicable for BO3.

    ** You can re-pack the guns in BO4 up to 4 more times to increase damage output. Each re-pack will change the AAT of the gun. Each subsequent re-pack after upgrading 4 times will cost 1,500.

    • Pack-a-Punch Total Cost Full Upgrade of a Weapon:
    WaW to BO1 BO2 to BO3 BO4 Cold War
    5,000 7,500 (First Pack + First Re-Pack) 15,000 (Stage I to Stage V + AAT) 52,500 (Stage I to Stage III + AAT)

    What needs to be changed for Cold War?

    • Recap: Total cost to buy all perks is 22,500 and to fully PaP a weapon is 52,500.
      • Now imagine dying at Round 25 and respawning with your starting weapon at blue level plus 15,000 points.
    • Apply the same points mechanic as BO4 if the WaW-BO3 system is not feasible anymore.
      • Through this, people can earn points even if we're just hitting zombies. Essential in high rounds if the player respawned with nothing. (Discussed in the next section)

    Respawning After Dying

    The Cold War Mechanic:

    • You respawn with your selected class setup.
    • The rarity of the class weapon will change based on what round you respawn in.
      • 10-20: Uncommon (Green)
      • 21-30: Rare (Blue)
      • 31+: Epic (Purple)
    • Your Salvages and High Grade Salvages will be reset to 0.
    • The amount of points you spawn back in with varies on the round you respawn in.
      • I don't know the exact values.
      • But if you have more points than that set value for that round, you keep your points.

    The BO4 Mechanic:

    • You respawn with all the guns you've had at the state it was when you died.
      • This means you get to keep your PaP-ed weapons.
    • You get to keep your points.
      • The amount of points you spawn back in with varies on the round you respawn in if you have less points than the amount of points set for that round. Unknown exact value.

    The WaW to BO3 Mechanic:

    • You respawn with the starting weapon.
    • You get to keep your points, but it will be deducted.
      • You spawn back in with 1,500 points if you have less than 1,500.
    • The moment you die, everyone else's points get deducted as well. (Except BO3?)

    What needs to be changed for Cold War?

    • We should be able to keep the guns we had, applying the same mechanic as BO4.
      • This is because of the inability of people to earn points at high rounds to purchase other essential items such as perks and PaP-ing the weapons to make it lethal.
      • Zombies are essentially bullet sponges at high rounds. Given you don't get a single point unless you kill one.
    • Salvage balances should retain.

    Weapon Kits

    First introduced in BO3 and was carried to BO4. The mechanic allowed players to customize the attachments of the weapons as well as their camos. Regardless whether the weapon is a wall or box weapon. The difference between BO3 and BO4 is that BO4 included the DLC weapons.

    Apply the same or similar to Cold War.

    • Given that Cold War utilizes a randomizer for the weapon's attachments through the upgrade station using Salvage as the currency. To respect that design, Cold War just needs at least a personalization option to let us apply the camos/decor we want on the weapons.
      • An option to retain the camo when PaP-ed or not would also be nice.
    • Additionally, an implementation of an "Apply Weapon Kit Attachments" to the gun equipped in the upgrade station for a higher Salvage cost could also be an option.
      • Box and Wall weapons can retain the same mechanic if this was to be applied.

    Plaguehound Behavior

    • To put it simply, the changes applied to the behavior of hellhounds in BO4 should just be reused.
    • Right now, plaguehound spawn clouds block the player.
      • In BO4, it used to be the same in Classified (both hellhounds and nova crawlers) until they patched it.
    • The leap attack of plaguehounds are also annoying as they sometimes pass through or go behind the player.
      • This should just be removed.
      • It's like they combined the Hellhound and Nova Crawler of Classified and added the Die Rise Jumping Jack to it.
    • Plaguehound pathfinding also seems bugged, they sometimes randomly appear and attack the player. Sometimes it's all the plaguehounds suddenly teleporting to a location far away from their original position and then immediately downing a player as they appear right in front of the player's path.
      • Needs a distance re-calibration if such mechanic is to be retained in order to give the player a chance to retaliate.
      • If it's to be retained, the teleport should just respawn them in with a cloud again instead of just instantly appearing.

    The Megaton...

    • It's a bullet sponge times 3.
      • It's basically fighting 3 Megatons in one. What more if we're fighting a total of 3 Megatons at the same time in higher rounds.
      • Reduce the health of the splits.
      • Like split the main health of the Megaton into two...
    • The melee attack reach is a bit too far.
      • We've had Brutus in BO2, Manglers in BO3, and Gegenees on BO4. The Megaton's melee swipe reach feels farther than those.
    • The burst shot attack should just shoot 2 lethal shots instead of 3 lethal shots.
      • Given on how accurate the shot is...
      • If you won't reduce the shots, make it less accurate like the Russian Manglers in Gorod Krovi.
    • Their damage output should not increase as the rounds go higher. They're already lethal...
    • The amount of points awarded should change.
      • Think of BO3's Margwas, 500 points per head.
      • Right now we only get 100 points for splitting it...
    • We need more critical spots for the splits. Their heads are small and they flinch when hit causing them to move their heads.

    Upgrade Stations

    • They need to be scattered around the map. It's quite hard that we're supposed to rely on the armor system at high rounds despite the existence of juggernog solely because of the Megaton's damage output.
    • Should be treated similarly to World War II Nazi Zombies' Armor Stations being scattered. Or simply like a Gobblegum Machine.
    submitted by /u/Timerstone
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    My create a class names. Who can guess the gun in each?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 07:58 AM PST

    Toxic zombie players

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 05:12 AM PST

    Last night I thought I was playing with a nice group of guys. With the Easter egg we gotten up to the point where we pick up the family photo to start the boss battle. The other 3 people were in a party together, they tell me they'll help out but we need to wait a round to get more perks and weapons. Which I was fine with by the way, little did I know they had a different plan in mind for the next round. The next round starts and they unanimously vote for a exfil. For those who don't know once you start a exfil you can't go pick up the photo to stop it. I'd would've been just a little upset with their decision to exfil but they decided to make it worse. They proceeded to berate me and tell me to suck on their Easter egg badges. Turns out there plan was to help me to the end just to quit on me and gloat that they had already finished the Easter egg earlier. I've been trying all weekend to get a decent group together to finish the Easter egg, but this group has put off the idea for me to finish it any time soon. RatBait and crew, why'd you have to let down a fellow zombie player like that.

    submitted by /u/americanaussie95
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    I am going to crown myself the king of the Die Machine high round record.

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 10:00 AM PST

    115 Gun Sync

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 07:59 AM PST

    I had this made for Bo4 launch, I think it aged well

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 03:11 PM PST

    I did some art of juggernog, what do y’all think?? Any feedback would be awesome.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 09:02 PM PST

    Die Maschine - In Depth Easter Egg Guide (With Pictures)

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 07:32 AM PST

    I noticed a lot of the guides for the Die Maschine Easter Egg were either missing steps, difficult to follow, or just confusing. I took the time to make a straightforward, but in depth guide with photos of locations you'll need. This is useful for people who are jumping into the map for the first time, and people who know what they're doing.


    The link to the doc :)

    Let me know if there's anything I can edit/add if anything's confusing!

    submitted by /u/FijiVEVO
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    Sorry if this is a dumb question, but what even is the difference between these modes?

    Posted: 16 Nov 2020 08:33 AM PST

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