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    Wednesday, October 9, 2019

    Call of Duty Zombies After a hour of telling my son how powerful the upgraded ice staff is, we get 30 seconds with it.

    Call of Duty Zombies After a hour of telling my son how powerful the upgraded ice staff is, we get 30 seconds with it.

    After a hour of telling my son how powerful the upgraded ice staff is, we get 30 seconds with it.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 06:05 AM PDT

    My brother did this and I decided to divulgate it.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 04:02 PM PDT

    Just triggered the unsolved jumpscare in DOTN!

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 05:53 PM PDT

    So iv got the equipment to make phone cases and since I wasn’t able to buy both posters since I live in Australia and it would have cost round $100 I decided to make these awesome cases��

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 04:18 AM PDT

    Tim Hansen's "Why BO4 Zombies Failed" video...Oh dear. I disagree with SO many points.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 07:06 AM PDT

    *These are just my opinion*

    I just watched his vid on why BO4 failed, and... I disagree with some, agree with some, and some of it is really just complaining for the sake of hating on BO4.

    He says they innovate just to innovate. Well, some of this was clearly complaining just to complain. He complained about names...How does an AAT name change affect your gameplay? Does Turned being changed to Brain Rot really make your experience worse? Sure, they didn't need to change it. But how in any capacity does it make the game worse? And how does it hurt the game by changing it from Electric CHERRY to Electric BURST? For the record, the reason they did this was to make them fit with the Chaos maps; it wouldn't make sense to have name of sodas when you pick up totems.

    Then, the "don't fix what isn't broken". Imo, the old perk system was FAR from perfect. Yeah sure, it's nostalgic, it's charming, and we're so familiar with these perk machines. But god, it was horribly balanced. Jugg and Quick Revive are clearly balanced for a perk system where you only have 4 options, aka a perk system where you will pick up these 4 perks no matter what. When they started to introduce more perks, they gave you more options, but they kept Jugg and QR the same. If you don't pick these up, you are instantly handicapped. Like he said: "You built points and bought Juggernog". Jugg and QR took up perk slots, easy as that. They were not balanced as Perks. And Double Tap 2 was horribly balanced. You say you or anyone else don't wanna PaP 5 times to get your gun to max damage. In my opinion, I like this system much better. It gives me something to actually spend points on, instead of ending up with 30k points that I can't use anywhere. Double Tap 2 was horribly balanced, in that it gave EVERY bullet weapon double damage for just 2k points....I mean, what in the world? It basically became a better PaP machine, and became yet another must-have perk. I like that Jugg made low rounds harder and it gave you something to work towards, but it should never have been a Perk once they introduced more options than 4. You say "Dying Wish is better than Death Perception, but not miles better". Well, would you WANT perks to be better than others, like before? What if 4 perks were must-haves, and the other 12 were just there? Would that be better? Imo, far from it. Perks not being "miles better than others" is what balance is. It's the whole reason why they revamped the system. He even made the argument"You can't meme on shitty perks anymore" ...Is this really an argument? You want perks to be bad or useless so you can meme on them, instead of them being balanced?

    In BO4, he says he always run the same perks every game. That doesn't mean everyone does it. I run different perks every single game, and when I look at streams and videos, I always see people use different perks. In BO3 on the other hand, EVERY video I have seen, people use Jugg, QR, Double Tap, and a fourth one which usually is Widow's Wine. And I always use them too, because if you don't, you are punished for it. So I would much rather sacrifice the design of the perk machine that I will walk by once a game, in order to have perks that are actual perks, instead of a system where some perks are must-haves, some are decent, and some are useless. The perks are Nostalgic and classic, but that doesn't mean they are perfect in gameplay. Far from it.

    He says they overwhelme you with options in early BO4. How can you get TOO many maps? What about Chronicles that gave you 8 maps at once? How was that any better? And I personally think BO4's launch maps are all excellent. IX is a small map, with tons of enemy variety, and a very unique setting. Easy to learn, with lots of variety. Voyage is difficult to learn and navigate, and provides a challenge, with a very cool and unique Wonder Weapon. Blood is a very difficult map with TONS of features, and a trip back to a familiar location. Classified is very classic and perfect for casual Zombie killing. I honestly don't see what the problem is here.

    Now for the Elixirs...I'm sorry, but I couldn't understand his point at all here. "I miss the lose and comfortable gobblegums". You mean the ones where you had to go to a machine, pray to RNGsus you get the 1/5 gum you want, and if not, you gotta pay an insane price or wait until next round? Wheras Elixirs lets you actually use them when you want, comfortably and loosly? Maybe you haven't used any megas, but that doesn't mean they're bad or that no one else uses them...Imo, Elixirs are better than Gums in every way possible. He says Elixirs and Tallismans are boring, and I disagree; Gums are just gums, Elixirs are really cool designed bottles. And...he calls Elixirs knockoffs. Most of them even has the exact same effect as the Gums, so how on Earth are they "knockoffs"? And complaining about Nebulium Plasma and its name is really just complaining for the sake of complaining...It's a name of a collectible. It doesn't hurt the game in any way. And I think they work much better than in BO3; you earn them consinstalty, instead of earning one by one after a while. Furthermore, you have contracts that give you enough Plasma to get 3 elixirs, and BO3 has 1 daily challenge that gave you 1 gum... Again, I seriously don't see what the issue is here.

    And as for the "I have to adjust your playstyle all the time because Zombies AI and special enemies", in my opinion, that's a great feature. I'd much rather have a Zombies mode where I actually have to think, react, and feel like I'm surviving. In previous games I ran around and around and around until I got bored.

    So yeah. These are my opinions, of course. But man I disagree so much with what the majority of people say about this game.

    Tl:dr: I agree with some points. Disagree with some points. But some points he made were straight up stupid: Electric Cherry being renamed to Electric Burst apparently hurts the game, and Elixirs are apparently so much worse and useless than Gums when in reality they mostly have the exact same effect, only that Elixirs can be used strategically instead of hoping you get what you want. I also dislike that most of these are his own opinions that clearly isn't shared by everyone, but he says it like it's a fact.

    submitted by /u/WwwWario
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    Zombie Richtofen's Death 3D Render i made for an upcoming TDT music video!

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 12:07 PM PDT

    Pack A Punch Machines Complete ! Both 10 Inches Wide

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 10:20 PM PDT

    I made the first quote of shadows of evil a bit better

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 08:20 AM PDT

    RIP to the nacht and verruckt crews that I call maledictis (top) and insanis (bottom)

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 05:26 AM PDT

    Good Lord Brain Tuey is the unsung hero of Treyarch zombies

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 08:01 AM PDT

    Is This The "Secret" Achievement?

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 07:42 PM PDT

    Made a Tranzit Phone background. (It’s supposed to look like it’s a post card) I also have a Night and a Clean version.

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 05:42 AM PDT

    Nice one Treyarch!

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 12:15 AM PDT


    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 02:25 PM PDT

    COD Mobile's Zombies Mode

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 10:22 AM PDT

    I used to play BOZ Mobile for convince and the new game mode for COD Mobile looks promising from alpha gameplay, for those who know what i'm talking about, how do you feel about it? It doesn't look bad but it seems more like China's exclusive COD Online game's zombies mode.

    submitted by /u/EpicZ1O1
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    Treyarch confirms that Alpha Omega and Tag der Toten are intended to be added to the Daily Contracts pool this week

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 10:04 PM PDT

    OG mode in bo4

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 12:28 PM PDT

    Tryarch should add and og mode so we can play with the og perks, og pack a punch, and maybe a better hud. It would make a lot of people in the community happier about bo4.

    submitted by /u/Yo_nut_scracha
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    Thoughts on this image? Working on some Thumbnails for future videos.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 07:28 PM PDT

    Theoretical scenario

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 11:29 AM PDT

    Now this would never EVER happen irl, but theoretically if it was revealed that all the COD Zombies storylines (Aether, Chaos, Exo, IW, WW2) coexisted in the same continuity, how would the community react? Especially people like Milo and Reed who are heavy story people

    submitted by /u/ALL_HALLOWS_EVE-
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    Made this at school. Thought it might be appreciated here.

    Posted: 08 Oct 2019 04:54 PM PDT

    Dead of the Night Jumpscare Solved? Just stare at the picture for a long time? Full video. Credit to travtracks for initial work. (skip to 3m34s for the jumpscare)

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 12:34 PM PDT

    Opinions on Mob of the Dead

    Posted: 09 Oct 2019 12:32 PM PDT

    The map Mob I think is good. Just good, nothing about it makes me actually want to go back and play the map. Quite a few people hold Mob on a pedestal as one of the best zombie maps ever created. I'm not dissing anyone for their opinion, I disagree but I'm genuinely curious as to why that is? Is it overhyped? Am I missing that special something in the map? Or maybe it's just not for me. Curious to hear peoples real opinions on it

    submitted by /u/Electr1cWizard
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