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    Sunday, August 9, 2020

    Call of Duty Zombies Bo2 panzer really lost his clout

    Call of Duty Zombies Bo2 panzer really lost his clout

    Bo2 panzer really lost his clout

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 08:37 AM PDT

    As one of the newest members to the cod zombies gaming scene i am proud to say i got my first raygun today (sadly i couldn’t pack a punch it :c)

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    My Friend made this juggernog replica machine

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 06:57 AM PDT

    There aren’t a lot of things as relieving as escaping almost certain death in zombies

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 11:46 PM PDT

    FUN FACT: On BO4 you can link up Ragnaroks. The blue line unfortunately doesn't kill zombies but it looks pretty awesome (old gameplay I just found on my ps4)

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 04:48 AM PDT

    He missed his flight

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 07:46 AM PDT

    Noahj456 got a box from activision like some other people did, but his box has the number 935 on it, possible zombies reveal?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Stephen King's "IT" 1990 Loading Screen - feel free to use

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 01:03 AM PDT

    For the PS4 players always complaining about not having friends to play zombies with, look for these communities

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    We’re probably getting our first look at Cold War zombies tomorrow, what are you hoping for?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    I'm surprised I haven't seen much about it on this sub. Considering NoahJ & DalekJD are getting boxes we know it's probably relevant to zombies. (Especially as Noah's said 935 on...)

    I think Chaos is probably dead in the dust, the Dark Aether theory with remakes sounds unlikely - so an Aether remake during Cold War times maybe using campaign characters is on the horizon.

    Whatever happens, I just want good gameplay and hopefully a story which can promise exciting locations and longevity for the mode.

    submitted by /u/LordOryx
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    So this is my first time doing the Moon EE, and I'm at the step where I am supposed to put the ball into the MPD, but its just kinda stuck here... did I miss a step?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 09:04 AM PDT

    My friend is forever traumatized

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 11:26 AM PDT

    A few days ago my bff came over to my house and had a sleepover, he's a big fan of zombies yet he hasn't played any of the big maps like Origins and etc.

    I introduced him to mob of the dead and we played together...but then he saw Brutus and he looked like he had seen a ghost, after we both died thanks to his panic he was like "dude that guy is so terrifying when he screams and when you shoot his helmet off it sounds like he's pulling the pin of a grenade and about to go super saiyan". I'm gonna be honest, Brutus still scares me to this day but holy crap.

    There's nothing scarier in the world than Brutus spawning right in front of you.

    He didn't sleep that night.

    submitted by /u/Valeazu04
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    Zombies vorkuta

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 04:06 AM PDT

    I played through black ops ones campaign a few days ago and when I played the mission vorkuta I couldn't help but think about it as a zombies map, imagine if you started in the room where you get the keys off the guard and the Easter egg could revolve around the 8 steps reznov uses to escape vorkuta (secure freedom, skewer the winged beast etc), and the 4 players could be reznov, Mason, that massive Sergei guy and another prisoner or something

    submitted by /u/brandongames02
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    What is the best bo3 dlc other than chronicles

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 09:12 AM PDT

    I already own chronicles and the giant and I was wondering which other dlc map is the best. ( story doesn't matter)

    submitted by /u/i_eat_paper_for_mony
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    Weapon Battles #45-#51. Which are your favorites?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    Floating Zombies In Origins

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 08:39 PM PDT

    Die Rise was almost a great map, and the problem with Die Rise lies within the perks.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 03:49 AM PDT

    (this is a long post. TLDR; if Who's Who was fixed, PHD and Staminup were added, and perk spawn locations were preset, Die Rise would be a great, or atleast way better map)

    this may seem like some bold claim, but i think that the main problems of Die Rise reside in the perks of the map.

    on Die Rise, you get to choose from 6 perks; Quick Revive, Juggernog, Speed Cola, Double Tap, Mule Kick, and Who's Who (with PHD Flopper being teased but inaccessible)

    first, lets talk about Who's Who. while Who's Who may be a perk that does not work well and is generally considered bad, in concept it is an amazing perk. a perk that lets you revive yourself using finesse to get through zombies, and you get to keep your perks when revived? thats better than quick revive if you have the skill to do it.

    however, Who's Who's execution was not well done. i dont think i need to explain why. but if it was done well, it would be a perk chosen over Quick Revive by everyone who has confidence in their skill in zombies. it would be useful on solo, so you can never run out of revives and keep your perks, and in multiplayer, so if you go down you dont mess everyone elses flow up and you can take care of yourself. Who's Who is conceptually the best and most skill based zombies perk of all time.

    next, im going to say what may seem obvious, but PHD would have been perfect on Die Rise. the fact that treyarch didnt add PHD is just awful game design.

    with PHD on Die Rise, you can now safely jump from building to building without worry of fall damage, and you can use explosions in the tight areas of the map without worrying about splash damage. its like PHD was made FOR Die Rise. but for some reason, it just wasnt put in.

    before coming to the main point, i just want to say 2 more things.

    the first is, that Staminup should have also been on Die Rise. it would let you move around the map more easily and tight areas would be less of a problem if you find yourself getting caught in them often.

    the second is, perk locations should not have been randomized. i do not mind perks being in elevators that you have to wait at, however when you dont even know if the perk your waiting for is the right perk and you have to check every location just to find the right spot, it makes you just not want to play the game. especially whenever a perk you need is in a really bad spot. perk locations should be set in stone so you know where everything you want or need is at all times.

    NOW, to my MAIN POINT.

    if perk locations were preset, Who's Who was fixed, PHD Flopper was added, and StaminUp was added, then Die Rise would be an amazing map.


    if all of what I said was true, then your entire gameplay experience would be way better. let me explain.

    Your "crutch perks" would differ greatly on this map, and it would all lead down to YOUR decision. From the perspective of the player, you have a choice of MULTIPLE crutch perks; Juggernog, PHD, Who's Who, and Quick Revive. What you choose out of these perks all would depend on the player.

    Juggernog is a given, everyone is going to choose it. but, if you dont find yourself taking fatal fall damage all too often, then you can skip PHD. If you have enough skill to revive yourself with Who's Who, Quick Revive is useless except as a backbone for players that need both Who's Who and Quick Revive to survive. And if you don't like Who's Who, you can use Quick Revive instead.

    now that you have chosen your crutch perks, and if you did not choose all 4 crutches, then you have a good choice of secondary perks.

    Let me give some possible perk setup examples -

    if you choose Jug, PHD, and Quick Revive, then you can choose Staminup as a secondary so you can quickly traverse the map, and without taking fall damage thanks to PHD.

    If you choose Jug and Who's Who, then you can choose Double Tap and Mule Kick so you don't have to traverse the map much and instead you can camp with more fire power, not needing to worry about fall damage.

    And if you choose all 4 crutches, you are probably just a player who is trying to learn how to survive and eventually you can start removing your crutches and play according to your preferred play-style.

    these are just a few examples.

    and on top of all of that, you can still gain extra perks from the jumping jacks rounds. so even if you do have to miss out on a perk that you like, theres always a chance you can get it. or if you choose all 4 crutches, you can still get secondary perks.

    in conclusion, Die Rise was almost a great map, or at the very least it was almost way better than it is. But, for the most part, everything to do with perks is why the map didnt work imo.

    submitted by /u/timbs00
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    Am I the only one who noticed this? (Yes, the power is on!!!)

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 12:26 AM PDT

    (Just curious) Do you say "im gonna pack my weapon" or "im gonna PaP my weapon"

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 05:23 AM PDT

    I personally say Pack and all my mates say Pack, but noone else seems to on the Internet so? Maybe it's just us?

    submitted by /u/John-Waters
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    Well then... I’ve seen the black ice bergs on COTD, but I’ve never seen this on Moon. How do I fix this? (I’m on Xbox)

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    when high sensitivity comes in clutch

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 07:59 PM PDT

    Need people to play with (ps4)

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    Lookin for people to play zombies with Mainly b04 but will play b03 ww2 or other games if wanted, preferably from Scotland aged around 17ish also im about prestige 4

    submitted by /u/Joey_walker02
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