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    Monday, September 7, 2020

    Call of Duty Zombies The Evolution of the MonkeyBomb - Which one looks the best? What do you think guys? :D

    Call of Duty Zombies The Evolution of the MonkeyBomb - Which one looks the best? What do you think guys? :D

    The Evolution of the MonkeyBomb - Which one looks the best? What do you think guys? :D

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 04:03 AM PDT

    I just can’t believe my luck today ��

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 12:44 AM PDT

    First time doing Shadows, boss fight done in 5 seconds

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 07:06 AM PDT

    Thought this belonged here (credit to OP)

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    How’s my mystery box look? ����

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    Worst excavator luck in history

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    Finally did it

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 10:42 AM PDT

    Never seen that before.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 03:17 AM PDT

    Cold War Starting Room Wall Weapons?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    What would you guys like the Cold War starting room wall weapons to be? Personally, I'd like two new weapons!

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/TrashiestTrash
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    Does this count as doing the orgins easter. First time attempting the orgins easter egg.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 12:49 PM PDT

    Just my luck...

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    My personal list of the top 9 hardest Easter eggs

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 08:29 AM PDT

    Hello fellow zombie slayers,

    So now that the wait for the next zombie game has started, let's take a little trip down memory lane and list the hardest Easter Eggs in all cod zombies, starting from the bottom. (Note that #9 is by no means an easy easter egg, just the easiest from the hardest easter eggs list, if that makes sense).

    As written in the title, this is my personal ranking of the hardest easter eggs. For this ranking I take consideration of the duration of the easter egg, how many steps are involved, how much RNG is involved, ect. Please let me know if you agree or disagree. Let's start:

    # 9: Moon

    I really liked this map, especially because it introduced a new game mechanic, low gravity, which we never had in any zombie map before moon. beside's the dome and no man's land it was a pretty close quarters map, random astronaut hugging was part of the experience. Having to switch between your oxygen mask and the hacking device, having to wait for the right excavator to show up, getting setup with gersh devices, Zap guns, QED's made this Easter Egg 50% RNG, that's why its on the list.

    # 8: Tranzit (Maxis & Richtofen)

    Fog everywhere, a rude bus driver, denezins that scratch your eyeballs out if you accidentally walk into their fog. Also a bit of RNG involved, getting the avogadro to spawn, having to survive on a very small surface in the cornfields, getting the Jet Gun, EMP's and playing (Maxis Side) without any power was a pretty good challenge. Tranzit recieved a lot of hate from the zombies community, for me personally it was a fun map to play, i liked the concept a lot. Sadly back then consoles just didn't have enough computing power to proceed large maps and graphics, so they had to cut corners everywhere in terms of graphics and map design.

    # 7: Zetsubou no Shima

    Jumping forward to Black Ops 3, this map, which i personally experienced as being a mixture between Black Ops, Plants vs zombies and gardening simulator. The Easter Egg itself was not to very complicated, basically get the KT4, ppgrade it, kill spider daddy and repair an elevator. Still I found it being challenging in terms of RNG, getting the right items out of plants, managing your gardening so you don't waste rounds, going back to every spot to water your plants, ect. That's why it comes at number 7.

    # 6: Der Eisendrache

    First of all, this is by far one of my favorite Zombie maps out there, the atmosphere of that snowy medieval castle in austria, bringing back the panzer soldat from origins, and these amazing bows. I love how every bow quest has a little side story to it. The Easter Egg had no almost no RNG in it, you could plan every step ahead and with the right team coordination it became pretty easy. Nevertheless, you had to upgrade every bow, there were steps that involved timing and communication as well as codes to memorize and memory games to play, in order to complete it. This was also the first boss fight in zombies history, with an attack that, if not countered quick enough, one hit kills every player in the arena, if you didn't manage to hide behind the pillars in time.

    # 5: Revelations

    The final chapter of BO3, loved and hated by the community. In my opinion, this map was a little bit too much of everything. It incorporated parts of old fan favorite maps, like Shangri La, Kino, Origins, Eisendrache, ect. You could also find old wonder weapons like the raygun, thunder gun, Mar Asthagua, ect, aswell as the special DG-4 wonder weapon. After getting setup, building a mask and upgrading the wonder weapon, you had to find body parts, locate eggs around the map, follow audio pings to locate symbols... overall a time consuming easter egg, with both elementary margwas and panzer soldats spawning. The boss fight was neither to hard nor to easy. it consisted of 2 major fights and could take up to 20 minutes. Again, with good team coordination and a strong setup, this boss fight wasn't that difficult to beat.

    # 4: Shangri La

    This OG Zombies Map is also one of my favorites, because it was the first easter egg in bo1 that required 4 players and was very time consuming and challenging. It landed on #4 because its a very tight map, with almost no good training spots, napalm zombies that one shot killed you if they blow up to close to you, screamers that blurred your sight and obstacles like mud or spikes that made your life harder, by slowing you down or blocking your way. On top of that every easter egg step had to be initiated by activating an eclipse with all 4 players, that was on a timer, if you failed the step or took to long you had to restart the eclipse. Going from memory games, to waiting for a napalm zombie and keeping him alive, to solving codes and finding symbols and matching gong sounds it was a very fun and exciting challenge.

    # 3: Gorod Krovi

    Getting into our top 3, we have the russian city of stalingrad, being the 3rd DLC Map in bO3. As the storyline progresses, Primis crew has to kill the original Nikolai to preserve his soul in the summoning key. After teasing the appearance of dragons in zombies with multiple hidden easter eggs on the previous maps, we were finally able to fight a dragon. This is one of the most challenging and most rewarding easter eggs in the Zombie universe. Having to build the gauntlet of siegfried by finding a dragon egg, accomplishing challenges and finally incubating it, surviving lockdown sequences and getting setup was already a good challenge, to prepare for the main quest. After having that done you had to locate statues, to unlock challenges. These challenges had to be done, while fighting the zombies. As the order of these challenges was random at every game you had to be prepared for every challenge at all times. Escorting a mangler zombie, a valkyrie drone, solving codes, shooting the gersh soul that could fly through walls, etc.. on top of that, everything was on a timer, if you failed, you had to complete the round and claim a new challenge. The most stressing quest was a 30 second bomb defusing challenge, where if someone failed the given order it could kill every player and end the game. I've completed this easter eggs several times, and still today it is a fun map to play.

    # 2: Voyage of Despair

    Getting into Black Ops 4, this is the 2nd hardest easter egg on my list. This map requires skilled zombie players with a decent map knowledge. After watching Tutorials that can take up to 50 minutes, with multiple steps that you have to wright down, parts you have to collect and challenges that need to be done. I really enjoyed this easter egg, my team and I took 3 or 4 tries to complete it, mostly dying due to bad preparation in the final boss fight. What makes this map hard is the very time consuming preparation, with steps associated to RNG like getting the elemental zombies to spawn, killing them in the right spot, being forced to proceed through rounds, getting and upgrading wonder weapons, doing multiple lockdown challenges, collecting body parts of elemental zombies, solving symbols and time codes, ect. This is also one of the hardest boss fights in COD Zombies, as it consists of 5 stages, in which all 4 players are trapped in a small area, getting attacked by waves of zombies, blights and catalysts. After the second step you have to deal damage to "Odin's Eye" in order to succeed. The final stage can one hit kill every player if not dealt with correctly.

    #1: Blood of the Dead

    The number one on my personal list would definitely be blood of the dead. This is a remake of our beloved bo2 map Mob of the dead, part of it is a remaster, the rest is added like the wardens house, etc.

    What's makes this easter egg so challenging but also fun is the small failure rate that is allowed. If you fail to "prepare" the game correctly, by not wasting rounds, opening the map quick enough getting set up, gathering points etc. you are punished hardly as every step you go trough will get more difficult on higher rounds. After picking up all your perks, weapons, upgrading the wonder weapon, getting the spork, hell's retriever and maybe monkey bombs, you can start by locating an invisible bird, that you have to locate and view trough your spectral shield, this has to happen 4 times during 4 rounds in total. After that you start a series of challenges, that occur in a random order, these challenges were very difficult and time consuming. (After the patch they made a lot of them easier, but my POV is based on the pre-patch EE).

    If you somehow management to accomplish all challenges, you were able to defeat the boss warden to complete your quest.

    Hope you guys liked my list, feel free to share your opinion :)

    submitted by /u/Sxzen
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    BO3 Zombies EE’s

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    Me and my cousin and trying to finish doing all the bo3 zombies ee's. All we have left is gorod krovi (which we've made it to the boss fight once), revelations, and shadows. We're playing on ps4. Would love some experienced help! My psn is scarletspedster7!! We're decent at zombies but not very good unfortunately...

    submitted by /u/Ybird
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    Better late than never am i right?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 01:21 PM PDT

    I need some help with CoD: WaW Custom Zombies Lobbies

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    Me and my brother have been wanting to play together in the same game of Call of Duty: World at War Custom Zombies, and I have tried everything from Hamachi to port-forwarding. I'm hoping someone out there knows how to conquer this problem. After all, all the videos I see trying to solve my problem, are from 2015 and 2012. So, maybe there's some new information that I'm missing? Hopefully one of you out there can help me with this, if so, thank you! And if not, thank you for reading my post anyway!

    submitted by /u/Storm_Dev
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    Storyline Poster

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    does anyone know where i can get an hd poster of the zombies storyline, a lot of reviews either say it's nearly eligible but not great, and some just don't even have reviews, anyone who bought one that can help me?

    submitted by /u/athegradeducatchun
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    If they were just going to give us the og perks through different means than why not just increase the perk limit?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 04:12 AM PDT

    They've taken away the early game danger and the iconic perk machines/jingles. You're not supposed to feel safe until you obtain you've done your set up which includes getting perks. This is a way to progress through the map. I shouldn't have the same level of confidence on round 5 that I do on 50. And the new perks combined with automatic jugg are way more clutch. Victorious tortoise and death wish are both get out of jail free cards.

    Wanting the old machines isn't blind nostalgia either it's psychological. The machines are designed to catch your eye and make you want to buy them. They're all unique and have jingles that give the game a uniqueness you can't find anywhere else. Having four bland machines that could have any perk in them isn't the same. There's a reason people buy NyQuil rather than the generic version, we like to attach ourselves to a brand. People literally spend their time making custom perk bottles because of this and treyarch was able to sell a juggernog mini fridge.

    The new perk system is generic and boring both aesthetically and in terms of gameplay.

    submitted by /u/jakeeighties
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    Cheapest legit place to buy black ops 3 and or 4 on PC?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 11:42 AM PDT

    My friend recently got interested in zombies but they don't have either game and not tons of money, where should I go for the best deal?

    submitted by /u/DrLovesFurious
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    Best Non-Wonder Weapon. (Treyarch only)

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 07:34 AM PDT

    Personally damage wise I think the Helion Salvo is the best weapon. That thing will keep killing forever. Yes I know the zombies health caps at round 50 on bo4, but that still pretty good for a rocket launcher.

    submitted by /u/EpicGamerBoi420XD
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    Odd glitch with the RK5.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 11:08 AM PDT

    Whenever I pack the RK5, it glitches out my loadout. This happened on The Giant and Revelations while going for higher rounds. All my other guns work just fine but the second the RK5 is packed it breaks everything.

    Am I just cursed

    submitted by /u/Fake_Australian_Mate
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    The curse of round 71..

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    In Your Opinion, What is the Best Training Locations

    Posted: 06 Sep 2020 10:21 PM PDT

    Kino stage is great and I've always been a big fan of Tranzit's tunnel; but tonight a friend and I did all the Origins steps except freedom cause we just wanted to go for high rounds, and the crazy place with out the random walls dropping is my new favorite.

    submitted by /u/Slumped_Shady
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    What can Cold War add that can make high rounds more fun? I am not talking necessarily about skill, but more to keep people interested. Please Explain

    Posted: 07 Sep 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    One idea that came to my head is a challenge system thing we got in ancient evil and some other BO4 maps. It was like kill 15 zombies with snowballs, stuff that are more challenging and different from typical high rounds. That can even be its own game mode (yes I know gauntlet exist)

    submitted by /u/ThatRedditGuy64
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