• Breaking News

    Friday, September 27, 2019

    Call of Duty Zombies "I think I would like to teach... medicine...maybe pathology."

    Call of Duty Zombies "I think I would like to teach... medicine...maybe pathology."

    "I think I would like to teach... medicine...maybe pathology."

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 06:50 AM PDT

    That moment when you realise they've had this planned all the way since black ops 3 launched. So it was always supposed to end like this.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 03:02 AM PDT

    "I would like to return to my home, my beloved. Before the bombs fell. If only to die by her side." (@Spooky_Sal on Twitter)

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 11:12 AM PDT

    Figured people might like this

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 11:20 AM PDT

    Press F to pay respects

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 07:17 AM PDT

    May be showing my age here but Russman has a quote on Tag that references a Led Zeppelin track called "The Crunge"... thought it was a pretty cool nod.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 10:05 AM PDT

    Was very nervous about posting this but since the story has now come to an end I think it's about time. Here's a few pics of my Ultimis Richtofen cosplay. Hope you guys like it. Pics were taken a few years ago. (Blurred my face since I'd rather not have pics of me in a nazi uniform on the Internet)

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 10:16 AM PDT

    Misty Zombified Head Model WIP!

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 02:52 AM PDT

    So this is not the way to the secret.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 04:14 AM PDT

    Tag der Toten all Campfire Conversations Transcribed

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 11:11 AM PDT

    This is a continuation of my previous post containing every radio and wisp which is why it starts at 26. Check that one out if you haven't already. Please comment so I can correct any mistakes or if I missed anything!

    26. Tank Dempsey (Primis): "I've known some of you for a long time. The others? Well, it kind of feels that way too. It's not always been plain sailing but, it looks like we've finally pulled it off. So, to answer Nikolai's question about what I really want. I just want my happy ending!"

    *Cheers and applause*

    Tank Dempsey (Ultimis): "Yeah! Me too, brother!"

    Tank Dempsey (Primis): "Ok, calm down. By happy ending I mean finally being able to hang up my guns and… Maybe do something that won't end up getting me maimed or killed. Look… I know what you're thinking. What the hell else can Dempsey do besides be knee deep in combat? Well… I've thought about that. We may have won our war but that doesn't mean there won't still be a need for soldiers. Reckon I might serve my country best by helping train the next generation of recruits. Yunno, pass on my expert knowledge."

    Edward Richtofen (Ultimis): "Excellent idea, making the next generation even DUMBER is the American way!"

    Tank Dempsey (Ultimis): "ZIP IT DOC! BEFORE I DO IT FOR YOU, WITH MY BOOT! Anyway, while we're on the subject of boots, let me raise a glass to one of the finest men to ever set foot in a pair. Peter McCain… semper fi brother, semper fi."

    Takeo Masaki (Ultimis): "???"

    Edward Richtofen (Ultimis): "Hip hip hooray… Sorry."

    27. Takeo Masaki (Primis): "Now, Dempsey. When I count to three, I want you to throw the grape into the air."

    Tank Dempsey (Primis): "What? At you? Into the fire?"

    Takeo Masaki (Primis): "The choice is yours. One…"

    Tank Dempsey (Primis): "Really?"

    Takeo Masaki (Primis): "Really… Two-"

    *Tank throws the grape and Takeo slices it into two with his katana*

    Tank Dempsey (Primis): "WOAH!"

    Takeo Masaki (Primis): "Do you know why I picked you, Dempsey? I knew you would go on two!"

    Nikolai Belinski (Ultimis): "Hey… Where'd you get fucking grape?"

    28. Tank Dempsey (Primis): "You wanna know about pain? I know about pain levels that none of you bozos can even imagine!"

    Edward Richtofen (Ultimis): "I got shot in the face. Does that count?"

    Tank Dempsey (Primis): "I'm talking about the kind of pain you have to live with!"

    Edward Richtofen (Primis): "Ohh, sounds intriguing. Do tell."

    Tank Dempsey (Primis): "Ugh, so… Back in boot camp, the squad house had these cheap broke ass, bunks. The MRCRD probably bought them second-hand from Alcatraz or some other hellhole. Anyways, the mattress was about as think as your frickin' finger, and it sat right on top of an old ass metal frame of half rusted bed springs."

    Takeo Masaki (Ultimis): "My word, what horrors you have suffered… I have experienced more pain stubbing my toe."

    Tank Dempsey (Primis): "Hold your horses, Tak. I haven't gotten to the pain bit yet. So, I wake up early, swing my legs onto the ice cold floor, try to remember what the biggest problem of the day is gonna be. I don't know it yet, but my biggest problem is that the crappy mattress is no longer covering the springs near the side of the bed. DI stomps in and yells "LIGHT, LIGHTS, LIGHTS!". We all snap to our feet. Now, I don't know how much you all know about physics, but when your body weights on a bed, those springs are all stretched out. When that weight is removed, it snaps shut like a bear trap. Took me a minute to process what had happened, but that my friends- *gulps* is why you always, ALWAYS wear shorts. Even more important when you get older."

    Takeo Masaki (Ultimis): "Ohhh… Amen… Uggghh…"

    29. Tank Dempsey (Primis): "So, we got these boy scouts to run around frantically trying to construct some Agarthan Device. I get it, but… What is it? What does it do?"

    Nikolai Belinski (Primis): "The Agarthan Device can do many things. It has the power to open and close new worlds."

    Tank Dempsey (Primis): "New worlds? Ain't we opened enough new worlds? Isn't that we're in this mess in the first place?"

    Nikolai Belinski (Primis): "As I said, it has the power to do many things. For us, I intend to use it to bring us the peace that has eluded us for so long."

    Tank Dempsey (Primis): "Cheers to that! But… We'll see."

    Nikolai Belinski (Ultimis): "??? (Something in Russian)"

    Takeo Masaki (Ultimis): "??? (Something in Japanese)"

    Edward Richtofen (Ultimis): "I need a refill."

    30. Nikolai Belinski (Ultimis): "Ha, ha. I feel very much more drunk than usual, ho ho! What is it you put in this stuff? Potatoes?!? Ha, ha!"

    Takeo Masaki (Ultimis): "Ha, ha ha?"

    Nikolai Belinski (Ultimis): "No, is not joke! Potato vodka is veeery good… So! Nikolai was out drinking with friends. *burps* I knew it was late, and wife would be mad. But we were having good time! Heh heh. After few more drinks, heh, I vomited on uniform! Ho ho… I knew I was in big trouble, ha ha, da? My friend says, "No, Nikolai!" and tucks five rubles in my pocket. Just tell wife that drunken stranger made mess, and even gave money to pay for cleaning! Is brilliant idea, da? So I stay out, more drinks, more fun, yeah? So I finally get home. Wife is very, very mad, ha ha. I tell her about drunk man who made sick, and how he gave me five rubles to pay for cleaning. Wife says "But there is TEN rubles here.". "Ah yes" I say "He also crapped in my pants."

    *Laughter from the group*

    Takeo Masaki (Ultimis): "Hmmm, I do not get it. Maybe you would like to hear Takeo's stand-up routine?"

    Tank Dempsey (Ultimis): "Um, NO!"

    31. Edward Richtofen (Ultimis): "I am not a very complicated man, my needs are simple. I just want power, preferably absolute."

    Nikolai Belinski (Ultimis): "You destroyed Earth, is that not enough"

    Edward Richtofen (Primis): "Thank you, other me. Thank you, other Nikolai. This is all very entertaining. But I cannot help but feel a little morose.

    Tank Dempsey (Primis): "Ain't that you all over, Richtofen?"

    Edward Richtofen (Primis): "Ja, ja I suppose you're right. We may be victorious, but wouldn't you like to hear a little story? A story you've never heard? A sad story?"

    Tank Dempsey (Primis): "Ah man, why do you always have to be such a debbie downer?"

    Nikolai Belinski (Primis): "Let him speak."

    Edward Richtofen (Primis): "It is a story of Dimension 2210. A story of mein soul. By the way you're nodding, Nikolai, I can only assume the Kronorium already told you the whole sorry tale. Well, for the benefit of the peanut gallery, I was just a boy then, and innocent. I was a sensitive child, a lonely child, orphaned at a young age. I never got to know who I really was. But one day, I learned who I would grow up to be."

    Takeo Masaki (Primis): "What do you speak of, Richtofen?"

    Edward Richtofen (Primis): "I… Had to do it. The Kronorium told me. I had to trick the poor little innocent me into trusting a complete stranger."

    Tank Dempsey (Primis): "Geez, Richtofen. I don't think I like where this is going."

    Edward Richtofen (Primis): "Me neither Dempsey, but that is the sad truth of it all. I took my own soul, before it ever had the chance to flourish. Is it any wonder I am the way I am?"

    *Silence and then Ultimis Nikolai burps*

    Nikolai Belinski (Ultimis): "How about another drink? I am empty!"

    32. Tank Dempsey (Ultimis): "So Richtofen, what exactly is the deal with Sam? Weren't you mortal enemies?

    Edward Richtofen (Ultimis): "Oh yeah, very mortal, very mortal indeed! But a lot has changed. Maybe since we both got a little taste of the M.P.D., it's helped see a little more eye to eye."

    Tank Dempsey (Ultimis): "I know she's got every right to be mad, what with her dad being killed and all. But how can we be sure she won't turn on us?"

    Edward Richtofen (Primis): "You know, there was a time and place where Maxis was very much a father to me too."

    Edward Richtofen (Ultimis): "What? You're serious?!? I only ever knew him as a bitter rival!"

    Nikolai Belinski (Primis): "The Kronorium shows only Samantha's pass to redemption. When war is over, she will be normal child again. Innocent, same as boy."

    Edward Richtofen (Ultimis): "Well that's nice to know! It's been a looong time since i've been innocent."

    Edward Richtofen (Primis): "Do not remind me. But I tell you one thing. A long time ago, Samantha told me something very important. She promised she would keep us safe forever, and that she would make everything okay. She said her dad had a plan."

    33. Takeo Masaki (Primis): "Nikolai, if what you have told us is true, that we stand on the brink of victory, then I would like to make a toast to peace. We have travelled further than I ever dreamed possible. We have faced challenges that no matter should ever have to face. Though our alliance was brought to the brink of collapse many times, we have prevailed. Even in the face of unimaginable evil, we fought with courage and honor. But now, perhaps the fighting is truly at an end."

    Tank Dempsey (Ultimis): "Fightin's in my blood, Tak. I'm a marine, and that's not just something you turn off."

    Takeo Masaki (Ultimis): "Do not be so sure, Tank Dempsey. The warrior's path should always lead towards peace."

    Tank Dempsey (Primis): "Well, i'm with you on that, Tak. To peace."

    Takeo Masaki (Ultimis): "To peace!"

    34. Edward Richtofen (Ultimis): Well well well, I can honestly say, I never imagined myself being in this position! I mean look at us, all buddy-buddy! I am not going to apologize for the terrible things I have done, because frankly I am not sorry for anything! Ja, I HAD THE TIME OF MY LIFE, HA HA HA! So I know you'll never really trust me, and even now you've been expecting to pull some last minute rabbit out of a hat! A big rabbit of betrayal!"

    Tank Dempsey (Ultimis): "Yeah, no kidding!"

    Edward Richtofen (Ultimis): "Thank you, Dempsey. I knew I could rely on you!"

    Edward Richtofen (Primis): "Ugh, so. Do you have a rabbit of betrayal? If i'm being honest, i've been expecting one since we got together."

    Edward Richtofen (Ultimis): "Sadly, no. I am all out of rabbits."

    35. *Accordion starts playing*

    Nikolai Belinski (Primis): "Ok everybody, this is old song. I want you all to join in."

    Edward Richtofen (Primis): "I've got to be honest, Nikolai. I'm not sure if I want to join in."

    Nikolai Belinski (Primis):

    "I'll sing for my supper

    I'll drink to another

    I'll tell all ye folks a tall tale."

    Takeo Masaki (Ultimis): "A tall tale?"

    Nikolai Belinski (Ultimis and Primis):

    "Well it's all based on fact

    Though I should say the act

    Of telling gets taller each day."

    Takeo Masaki (Ultimis): "Literally."

    Nikolai Belinski (Primis): "Now you all know tune, is time for someone else to sing. Ladies and Gentlemen! Eh, gentlemen. TANK DEMPSEY!"

    Edward Richtofen (Ultimis): "Yaaayyyyy!" *Claps*

    Tank Dempsey (Ultimis):

    "My Aunt Jemimah

    Thought nothing was finer

    Than lazing around everyday"

    Tank Dempsey (Ultimis and Primis):

    "But my Aunt Jemimah

    Lost it all in a fire

    Including herself by the way!"

    *Cheers, laughter and clapping*

    Edward Richtofen (Ultimis): "I thought that old Jemimah line was going somewhere else entirely!"

    Nikolai Belinski (Primis): "Takeo Masaki!"

    Tank Dempsey (Ultimis): "Yeah, Tak! Give us something about the Emperor! Or honor!"

    *Cheers and fast clapping*

    Takeo Masaki (Ultimis and Primis):

    "Honor is one thing

    But i'm feeling nothing

    But lack of opportunity.

    Our leaders are watching

    But i'm not so eager

    To let them still watch over me!"

    Nikolai Belinksi (Primis): "Nicely done, Takeo! What about you, Richtofen?"

    Tank Dempsey (Ultimis): "Yeah!"

    Nikolai Belinski (Ultimis): "Do you have any soul?"

    Tank Dempsey (Ultimis): "No!"

    Edward Richtofen (Primis): "I did, a long time ago. But it hurts just to think about it."

    Takeo Masaki (Ultimis): "Aw."

    Nikolai Belinski (Primis):

    "I started this song

    But please don't get me wrong

    No one sings unless they want to sing."

    Nikolai Belinski (Ultimis and Primis):

    "We're all telling tales

    And we're all singing songs

    Drinking our drinks from midnight to dawn!"

    Edward Richtofen (Primis): "I was trying to say something there."

    Tank Dempsey (Primis): "Don't worry, Richtofen. We're not messing with you. We want to hear you dulcet tones! Ain't that right?"


    Edward Richtofen (Ultimis): "Really? Really?"

    Edward Richtofen (Ultimis and Primis):

    "This isn't the song that I wanted to sing

    But nobody gets what they want…"

    Edward Richtofen (Primis):

    "I was the nicest one…

    But… you won't even…

    Remember m-"

    Everyone except Edward Richtofen (Primis):

    "And if you start to doubt

    You should know that without

    Hindsight we'd all be blind everyday.

    You swallow the tail of the whale

    You were bit by the bite of the shark!"

    Edward Richtofen (Ultimis): "Ouch!"

    36. Takeo Masaki (Ultimis): "You have spoken many times of a war, Nikolai. Eh, a Great War."

    Tank Dempsey (Primis): "Yeah, a war unlike any we have ever seen."

    Edward Richtofen (Primis): "Oh, are you going to tell them everything, Nikolai? The Apothicons, the Keepers, the Shadow Man, the Dark Aether, Monty?"

    Tank Dempsey (Ultimis): "Shadow Man? The Apothi-whats? What's he talking about, Nikolai?"

    Nikolai Belinski (Primis): "They are… Legends contained in the book, the Kronorium. Tales of demons and angels. Commanded by the forces of light and darkness.

    Takeo Masaki (Ultimis): "That does not sound unlike any war we have ever faced."

    Edward Richtofen (Primis): "Demons und angels, light und darkness, the big stuff. Who was who? Which was which? Do you know that, Nikolai?"

    Nikolai Belinski (Primis): "Monty and Shadow Man were more similar than you know, Richtofen. Both were corrupted by the Dark Aether. One by his own ambition, the other desperately trying to save his friend. Do you remember when I asked you what you really want?"

    Takeo Masaki (Ultimis): "We remember, but why do you ask this now?"

    Nikolai Belinski (Primis): "Because the Great War, no, the Greatest War is the one we fight against ourselves."

    submitted by /u/Krrrrbin
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    What if the DLC season for BO4 was like this..

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 01:18 AM PDT

    Remember back when BO4 came out in October of '18 everyone theorized that we might get 2 maps per DLC - one for chaos and one for aether? Well thinking back this would've been a great idea. What if Treyarch only created 2 on disc maps for Black Ops 4, those being Voyage of Despair and Blood of the Dead. Just imagine if the DLC season went like this.

    [DLC 1] Chaos: Dead of the Night / Aether: Classified

    [DLC 2] Chaos: IX / Aether: Alpha Omega

    [DLC 3] Chaos: Ancient Evil / Aether: Tag Der Toten

    [DLC 4] Chaos: Library of Alexandria Map / Aether: Great War Map

    [Zombie Chronicles 2] Aether: Tranzit, Die Rise, Buried

    I know I know, many of you are eager to downvote and tell me how stupid this is, but just hear me out. I feel like if Treyarch did the whole 2 Zombies maps per DLC thing, more people would've liked BO4.

    The 2 base maps, VoD & BotD have something in common, they introduce a new storyline. Voyage is the map that introduces the Chaos crew to us and Blood is the first map that introduces a new aether storyline of breaking the cycle.

    DLC 1 would be DotN as it already was, but also with Classified. Imagine if back in december we got leaks that Ultimis was returning. People would lose their shit. If Treyarch brought Classified along with DotN for DLC 1 they would most likely add an actual easter egg to the map instead of the whole round 150 shit. The ending cutscene would have people very hyped with Primis and Ultimis meeting up together. The ending cutscene for Dead of the Night would have people confused but would also have them wanting to find out more about what's next for the Chaos crew.

    DLC 2 would be IX and Alpha Omega. IX is already a fan favorite from the chaos storyline and many people would enjoy this map for DLC 2. Alpha Omega would also be a game changer since we can play as Primis and Ultimis for the first time. Both of these maps would have Cliffhanger endings in the mid DLC season and every zombie player would be even more hyped for what's next to come.

    DLC 3 would be Ancient Evil and Tag Der Toten, now some would argue that it wouldn't make sense for the second to last aether map to be called "Tag Der Toten" and I agree. Treyarch would simply name this map something else but these maps would be instant fan favorites with the return of Victis and a pretty badass map for Chaos that shows us a true villain for their storyline.

    Here is where everything would be perfect.

    DLC 4. A chaos map set in the Library of Alexandria where we fight Medusa for the boss fight and a true Great War map where we fight both Keepers and Apothicons with the final boss fight being Dr. Monty in his keeper form. Oh boy would this be a dream come true. Chaos would most likely end in another cliffhanger but we would finally find out what happened after Ancient Evil. The Great War map would be the true season finale for Aether. The map would involve Great War Primis literally fighting against both the Keepers and Apothicons in the middle of their war alongside Templar Knights and the Wolf King and we would have the true original staves from origins and maybe they could've brought back the apothicon servant. This would've been the best fucking thing ever. Chaos would also have badass new wonder weapons in their dlc 4 map but holy shit would BO4 go out with a bang with these 2 maps. I wouldn't even care about the Microsoft paint cutscenes from Alpha Omega and Tag Der Toten with such a banger of a map like The Great War.

    I know one of you jackasses is gonna argue that "it wouldn't make sense to go to The Great War" well guess what buddy? This is Treyarch we are talking about here. They have a reason for everything and I'm sure they would find a reason for us to play as Great War Primis in the Great War.

    Then Zombie Chronicles 2. Victis Edition. Zombie players least favorite crew and maps (besides Buried) remastered and looking beautiful. I know treyarch is gonna do this anyways. I'm betting my bottom dollar on this.

    But yeah this never happened and is pure fantasy at this point. We've got what we've got and it's hot garbage. Goodnight.

    submitted by /u/wonders_art
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    Thank You.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 01:53 AM PDT

    From the bottom of my heart, thank you. From the 14 year olds right after school who refused to buy the first door even though they're on 3,700 points, to the 20+ year olds who would play obnoxiously loud music down the mic as we roamed the Moon on BO1. From the Know-It-All player who knew every spawn for the bombs Gorod Krovi, to the player who helped others build their bows in Der Eisendrache. From the casual player who started on Nacht Der Untoten, Found secrets on Kino Der Toten, Rode the bus on Tranzit, said "Whaaaatttt?!" To the opening cutscene of The Giant and cried, but won't admit it, to the Blood of the Dead Outro Cutscene. To the player who became more and more emotionally invested in a story that spanned 11 years. Thank you for this journey. The best community I've ever been apart of. Thank you. 💙

    submitted by /u/kylethory
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    Tag Der Toten - Secret Trophy (Debunk Page - All info)

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 05:34 AM PDT

    List of things that are confirmed to not be related to "Secret" Flinger EE.

    - No specific character needed

    - No specific weapon/specialist/equipment needed

    - Light doesn't have to be at a specific pack a punch.

    - It doesn't matter where you stand on the flinger

    - It doesn't matter what "order you stand on the different parts"

    - Amount of totems/challenges you have done doesn't matter

    - Progression through EE doesn't matter.

    - Don't need to be "looking" in a certain spot/direction.

    - You do not need to be on a certain round

    - You do not need to be a certain level

    - You do not need to have all EE's completed.

    Things related to the Secret flinger EE:

    - It can be done from any single flinger on the map (People have been flinged from the cotd boat one, through the boat walls.

    - Seems it doesn't matter how many people are on the flinger, the game just randomly chooses 1 person to send there.

    - You can get there at any stage of the EE, even in the last bit where everything is turned to lava. The island stays normal.

    - UPDATE: Found something to do with the secret EE that I'm almost 100% needs to be done beforehand to be able to activate it. Doing lots of testing now that I've found this out. (Sorry for being quiet on this)

    Theories on how it's done:

    - Probably full RNG, with very low odds. (could very well be like 1 in 935?)

    - Or it might automatically "enable" the flinger to take you to the island for like 5 seconds or so every 10/15/20 minute intervals

    submitted by /u/Nanikos
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    I've tried to replicate something that was posted here earlier, and it works!

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 07:11 PM PDT

    The In-Development BO2 Zombies Menu

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 02:24 PM PDT

    All 20 Offering Locations

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 09:32 AM PDT

    Here are the exact locations for all 20 Offerings when doing the Tag der Toten Easter Egg. Here is a visual guide as well! https://youtu.be/dVsGol080vg?t=272

    Where one mysteries - On a step of the broken set of stairs on the 3rd level of the Lighthouse, behind the mystery box location.

    Where preservation freezes - If you are heading toward the Forecastle from the Main Deck on the right side of the ship, it can be found in a life preserver on your left.

    Where crows roost - On some knocked over barrels to the right of the ship's crows nest on the Forecastle.

    Where bounded slept - On top of a light socket in the blue shipping container on the Forecastle.

    Where bread breaks - On the corner of the salad bar in the Gangway/Kitchen area below the 2nd power switch on the ship.

    Where earth crumbles - If you walk into the Geological Processing room of the Facility, it'll be on the front left side of the conveyor belt (the side facing you).

    Where falls freeze - To the left of a jerrycan in the flooded cargo hold.

    Where feet slip - In the middle of the Ice Slide, on the left slide. Just go down the slide and you should be pushed to the left. Hold your interaction button as you go down to pick it up.

    Where filth cleanses - In a knocked over cart in the back left corner of the Decontamination room of the Facility.

    Where fire sinks - To the right of the Lantern near the campfire in the Sunken Path area.

    Where helixes peak - Resting on one of the pee jars at the top of the Lighthouse.

    Where lightning aims - On a bench below a Wunderwaffe blueprint in the Security Lobby area. Directly to your right when entering the room from the zipline.

    Where lines berth - On the left side in the pile of snow below the zipline at the docks that leads up to the 4th level of the Lighthouse.

    Where lungs close - In the underwater cave between the Lighthouse Cove and the Lagoon areas. Can be found on the ground to your left at the end of the cave.

    Where madness sleeps - On a mattress in the prison cell of the Specimen Storage area.

    Where mountains throw - On the edge of the floor directly behind you when standing on the Flinger in the Outer Walkway area of the Facility (requires dynamite to access).

    Where North is found - On a compass in the bridge area directly in front of the Ship's 2nd power switch.

    Where power ends - On a terminal to the right of the 3rd power switch in the Human Infusion area of the Facility.

    Where hidden burns - In the Hidden Path area which is the little side path that leads to the Beach when making your way to the Cargo Hold from the Lighthouse. It can be found on the edge of a generator to the RIGHT of all that fire.

    Where thirst dawns - On the edge of the Ship to the left of the Soda perk location in the Stern area.

    submitted by /u/Glitchalodon
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    I’m studying to be a 3D designer, this is my second term project. Introducing, the DG-THUND3R (DG3)! Hope you enjoy it :)

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 01:38 PM PDT

    Here’s the double tap machine 3d modeled!

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 07:10 AM PDT

    Now that Aether is over, can we FINALLY get the rest of the zombie songs on Spotify?

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 01:08 PM PDT

    A lot of Kevin Sherwood's songs are up on spotify but a lot of them are missing. Most of the Bo1 songs and everything after Bo2 is missing. I love the songs and I'd love to listen to them outside of the games! I'm sure most others would like to have them as well. I'm not sure if Apple Music has them but I'm pretty sure they don't as well.

    submitted by /u/Hammer-The-Lard
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    Started from the bottom now were here Thank you treyarch for your hard work and dedication for this amazing game mode. ����❤️

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 01:51 PM PDT

    Just a reminder that IW zombies had a full, super rewarding super EE, with an epic and difficult boss fight.

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 09:36 AM PDT

    IW zombies got a lot of hate, but I think it's hard to deny that they nailed the super EE. You got an actual reward for doing every EE in the game, one that felt meaningful and substantial. As well as the devil boss fight which was crazy difficult, and took co-ordination and team work. And it added to the replayability of every map in the game. What did we get for doing every EE in BO4? Seemingly nothing. Even BO3 gave us something, although unsubstantial it was something. IW zombies was honestly just a more enjoyable experience than BO4 for me, what a disappointment.

    submitted by /u/wuttholol
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    So this kind of happened to my buddy on the last step of the Easter egg

    Posted: 27 Sep 2019 09:08 AM PDT

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