• Breaking News

    Friday, October 11, 2019

    Call of Duty Zombies Join the Call of Duty Discord Server!

    Call of Duty Zombies Join the Call of Duty Discord Server!

    Join the Call of Duty Discord Server!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2018 12:40 AM PST

    Made a expanding brain meme reskin.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 03:13 AM PDT

    Interesting attention to detail I’ve never noticed, there’s Group 935 zombies/dead personnel all over Shang

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 08:38 AM PDT

    Why the actual fuck do my hands look glazed doughnuts?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 03:32 PM PDT

    Zombie Richtofen getting shot in the head by Nikolai from the ending cutscene of Tag Der Toten. ( A image I did, while in my free time.)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 04:35 PM PDT

    Playing zombies without sound can be absolutely terrifying sometimes (I nearly jumped out of my chair when I turned around)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 10:39 AM PDT

    4 days ago, George Romero haunted me. Now it's the Ghost of Delphi.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 08:52 AM PDT

    Inspired by u/Mistakingcone99

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 04:13 PM PDT

    Wunderwaffe DG-2 Pixel Art, Terraria style, time to shock those zombies.

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 06:07 PM PDT

    Poll on Black Ops 3 Zombies Perfomance

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 12:09 PM PDT

    Answer this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScU8mIlpfLeX26ar6tYJtp8vm7Yd6Y6SFfkOzfJAAWPDrwfxg/viewform

    Inspired on the BO4 community poll i did last weekend, i decided to do one for BO3.

    i will need some more time to actually analyze and create posts on the results of all the polls i did these last days since i will be busy this weekend, but the more data we gather to compare and review, the better it will be to do an actual analysis.

    submitted by /u/Hardcore_Survival
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    Tranzit was hardcore

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 09:26 AM PDT

    I played a match of zombies on Tranzit last night and entered the cursed realm of pubs, and i have to say, i miss what zombies was.

    Before BO3, before weapon customization, and before GGs and the juices in BO4, it was just...man. We had a pistol, we had 2 grenades, and we had a search for power and perks throughout the map. We get a warning hit, next hit, we're down.

    It took me one match of BO2 zombies, to help me pinpoint my biggest flaws in BO3+, and it's that Zombies is just too easy. Everything is now handed to us. We no longer struggle, and i dislike this. Zombies should be about survival, which it is, but also having that struggle to survive.

    Now Tranzit, add that feeling of desolation, the struggle, and top it off with that dark atmosphere they've built of Earth being left to rot.

    You spawn with nothing, and even though you get a gun you still struggle to get to point A-B. You reach the box, but now you have to continue on to survive. You manage to hold off hordes while you assemble the power, and you're still struggling.

    They're following you, about 30 feet back. They get down on all fours, and break into a sprint. They're gaining on you.


    you're left in a town with no guns, no ammo. you know in order to survive, you need to continue your journey. You know, in order to survive, you need to play things carefully to reach Pack a Punch.

    This is Tranzit. A struggle of getting to A-B. A different take on Zombies. Do you continue this journey by walking through the fog, and accepting the fate that awaits? or do you wait for Tedd's fucked Bus to aid you through this fight? You know the second you hear that loading screen music, and it distorts. You're entering a world in which Treyarch built, to restore that feeling of desolation in zombies.

    EDIT:I wrote this off 2 hours of sleep, im fixing my terrible writing atm

    submitted by /u/raisensareterrible
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    Zombies Chronicles 2

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 06:22 PM PDT

    What is everyones thoughts on a ZC2? I was talking to my friend about it and all the maps they haven't remastered would be Tranzit, Die Rise, and Buried, seeings as ZC has more maps do you think they'd lower the price or do something stupid like add turned and grief game modes into the paid dlc pack.

    submitted by /u/StrobeLightEagle
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    Ray Gun Mark 2 in Terraria Art style. Was a fun one to do.

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 09:43 PM PDT

    Is dlc 4 better for BO3 or BO4, Story aside

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 02:22 PM PDT

    If tranzit were to ever be remastered, this is my idea! (Made from the perspective of Black Ops 3)

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 06:04 PM PDT


    Locations are a little bit closer together

    PHD is back and if you buy it you avoid: all fire explosions and lava/fire on the ground

    denizens are gone, frick them little apes

    In areas between locations, there is background fog and very slight dense fog for
    an effect, doesnt ruin gameplay at all

    Bus is still here for early ish rounds, but you can also use new enhanced denizen portals. (Instead of denizen portals its just normal portals)

    Every location has their own little power area, turning on the power makes the portals usable and makes all things that require power in that area usable. (Because of this the turbine is removed)

    Avagadro is back but he is a lot less Op and only appears after every single power switch around the map is on.

    To turn on pack a punch, every switch needs to be turned on and an area in the middle of a map will open up (accesible from all locations, or you can teleport there)

    refined easter egg with steps like black ops 3, cutscene aswell

    Jet Gun is removed. But, a refined wunderwaffe is added into the map with different versions. Not elements but different effects/fire types.

    Hell hound rounds are a thing now.


    Wunderwaffe - Basic wunderwaffe, does how it normally does in every other map.

    Wunderwaffe V. 1.0 - Single fire. Shoots electric bursts that insta kill zombies, anything in a radius around the shots get electrocuted (like normal wunderwaffe)

    Wunderwaffe V. 2.0 -
    Single fire. Shoots an energy ball. Kind of like the ray gun, has splash damage to zombies (not to the player) Can also charge attacks to do more damage / more radius

    Wunderwaffe V. 3.0 - 3 Burst. Shoots 3 electric bullets that do a lot of damage. have slight splash damage and spread once a zombie gets hit with a bullet.

    Wunderwaffe V. 4.0 - Dual Wield Smaller Wunderwaffes. Left WW is like the normal wunderwaffe, but a lot weaker. Right WW is like an electric shotgun. If both fired at the same time, they combine together to shoot an energy ball similar to WW v. 2.0

    submitted by /u/Mason16YT
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    Hey Treyarch!, Let us change the menu theme of Zombies

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 02:27 PM PDT

    Weekly BO4 Challenge for you all

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 04:26 PM PDT

    BO4 Challenge

    1. IX EE Speedrun (under 1 hr)
    2. Unsinkable (Hard) Guantlet speedrun (under 90 mins)
    3. Voyage of Despair Hardcore EE (under 1 hr)
    4. Blood of the Dead Realistic No power (rd 20+)
    5. Alpha Omega insane mode (reach 201)

    Challenge is posted, let's see who can get it done! Started with IX so you got free doors til alpha. Feel free to post vids in comments of completion. Also feel free to share how much you dont care for bo4 too and the gauntlets!

    submitted by /u/Robo_TeamJABS
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    After 2 hours and 5 failed attempts I finally beat insanity mode on Alpha Omega

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 06:36 PM PDT

    Gathering data on Zombies Player Base over the games, i need some help

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 05:02 PM PDT

    I collected all i needed for PS4 and PS3, and now need people to do the same in PC and XBOX 360/ONE, for BO1, BO2 and BO3 (in Xbox at least), it's just about looking at the number of entries in the leaderboards for these games and inputting them in the spreadsheet, if the game doesn't tell you the number of entries (WaW, BO4 and BO1 for PC), it's about creating new accounts and trying to get to the bottom of the leaderboards, the methods are explained better below. It doesn't take too long to do it, i collected everything for PS3 and PS4 by myself in less than an hour, everyone (in Xbox or PC) can contribute a little bit.

    DATA -> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ieK--kBVFXGT8eXJyIvt1-DyJFGGZhIl_cOxqvVnIbg/edit#gid=0

    Help me Complete the chart, and after completed, an actual discussion of the results can be initiated


    WAW - Created a new account, started a match and killed myself in each map as soon as grenades appeared in my hud (round 1 - 0 kills), so i could be at the bottom of the leaderboards, then checked my rank, i still wasn't completely at the bottom, so rounded the numbers a little bit up.

    BO - Looked at the leaderboards player count for Kino der toten and each DLC map, in the case of Rezzurection (DLC 4) look for the map with the biggest player base (in ps3's case it was moon).

    BO2 - Looked at the leaderboards player count for Kills, and each DLC map - 4 players category (which in ps3's case was always the one with the most entries, but check all of them).

    BO3 - Looked at the leaderboards player count for Kills, and each DLC map - 2 players category (which in ps4's case was always the one with the most entries, but check all of them), for DLC5 (Chronicles), looked at all maps until i found the one with the most entries (kino der toten in ps4's case).

    BO4 - Created a new account, started a match and got one single kill, then looked at my rank in "my call of duty" leaderboards, finally, i rounded the number up as i still couldn't be at the bottom of the leaderboards. site: https://my.callofduty.com/player/leaderboard?currentGame=bo4&currentPlatform=psn&currentType=core&currentMode=zcareer&currentGameMode=zm&currentCategory=global&currentTimeframe=alltime

    Now, if you can, repeat the methods and post the numbers down in the comments or simply add them to the spreadsheet if you are in xbox or pc.

    P.S.: I know the problemns and inacuracies that these methods will cause, and will mention them in a future discussion about the results.

    submitted by /u/Hardcore_Survival
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    Infinite Warfare Zombies Community Response

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 05:00 PM PDT

    u/Hardcore_Survival posted surveys of Black Ops 3 and Black Ops 4. He did not have a copy of Infinite Warfare, so I made a survey for him.


    Please fill this out.

    submitted by /u/YenSid_2
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    Winter's howl I made from "FIVE" but pixel

    Posted: 10 Oct 2019 09:16 PM PDT

    Ancient Evil Round Skip Guide

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 12:14 PM PDT


    1. Weapons: Helion Salvo, Exalted/Redeemed Hand of Charon
    2. Perk Setups in these orders:
      1. Dying Wish, Quick Revive, Bandolier Bandit, Stamin-Up
      2. Dying Wish, PhD Slider, Bandolier Bandit, Stamin-Up
      3. Dying Wish, Quick Revive, PhD Slider, Stamin-Up
    3. Elixirs (Paired with the Perks):
      1. Alchemical Antithesis, In Plain Sight, Shields Up, + any other
      2. Alchemical Antithesis, Shields Up, + any other
      3. Alchemical Antithesis, Cache Back (optional), Shields Up, + any other
    4. Talisman: Any of the Shield Buff Elixirs or Battered Dragon Scale or None
    5. Equipment: Homunculus is highly recommended, but not needed since you have the Exalted/Redeemed Hand of Charon.
    6. Specialist Weapon: Chakrams or Hammer

    Step 1: Do the main quest up until you defeat Pegasus. (The moment Perseus (Zombie Warlord) sucks in Pegasus)

    Step 2: Whenever Perseus (Zombie Warlord) does his pose that indicates he is going to go down to the platform you are on, simply fire a charged shot using the Exalted/Redeemed Hand of Charon at the center of the platform. This will attract the zombies away from you.

    Step 3: When Perseus (Zombie Warlord) is on the platform, use the Helion Salvo 3 times on him directly (Lock On). The round changes when he starts glowing.

    Step 4: Do not attack him anymore and wait for him to recover and return to his platform.

    Step 5: Repeat from Step 2.


    1. Do not use the specialist weapon on Perseus when he is downed/glowing.
    2. Only use the specialist weapon when trapped.
    3. Keep avoiding the fire on the ground that Perseus shot, use only when you need to recharge the specialist weapon.
    4. The Oracle will sometimes fill your ammo up.
    5. The elixirs refresh every round.
    6. Gegenees and Blight Fathers will sometimes spawn at certain rounds (5 round interval after each spawn)
    7. Helion Salvo requires two hits to kill zombies starting at round 50. 4 hits to kill Blight Fathers (Any Round, Direct Hit). Gegenees will vary if you hit the critical point or the shield.
    8. Exalted/Redeemed Hand of Charon's charge shot can kill indefinitely but slower starting at round 50.
    9. Power Ups may still drop from zombies, Blight Father and Gegenees when killed.
    10. Best be able to down Perseus before he starts attacking.
    11. This was tested on Solo Classic only.

    This be pictures.

    submitted by /u/Timerstone
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    Zombies Shower Thoughts 2

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 06:47 AM PDT

    Bruh, all the zombies we killed were people at one point but were exposed to element 115, but how did the people in Green Run get turned into zombies?

    submitted by /u/ItsThePostman42
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    Does anyone know the music for the Tag escort final part?

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 02:20 PM PDT

    The music that plays when the sphere starts getting smaller and smaller on the last step of the Easter egg

    submitted by /u/joemamma8393
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    We wrote a TV Pilot screenplay for Cod Zombies!

    Posted: 11 Oct 2019 06:05 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    u/esh_sniiper and I have been huge fans of zombies and the story/journey we have undergone. It's such a shame we haven't got any film or show for this, because the material is actually awesome. We decided to write a little re-imagining of Cod Zombies, meaning changing around character traits, personalities, etc.

    We decided it was best to go for a TV Pilot. Here's a snippet of 20 pages, if anyone's interested in reading more, please let us know!

    Here's the link! Enjoy and please do not hesitate to provide feedback :)

    Yours truly,

    Doctor Maxis

    submitted by /u/ZeDrMaxis
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