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    Wednesday, October 23, 2019

    Call of Duty Zombies Thank you monkey

    Call of Duty Zombies Thank you monkey

    Thank you monkey

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 04:28 AM PDT

    How Much would y'all be willing to pay for a stand alone Zombies game with all the maps ever made included?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 08:54 AM PDT

    I'm one of many that doesn't give a damn about the campaign or multiplayer. And when the next gen consoles come out there's going to be even less players on these maps. It's a pain in the ass to have to have not only two different games but two separate consoles to play all the maps. Obviously they dropped the ball with BO4 and the likelihood of them continuing is low.

    But if they gathered up all the maps ever and consolidated them into one game, on one console, then you bet your ass I'd pay money for it!

    submitted by /u/jedsaccount
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    Bo2 zombies just hit a new low

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 04:00 PM PDT

    One of the most iconic and original easter eggs ever made. Love WaW.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 03:25 PM PDT

    My Buried poster, 4th in the comic book style set of posters. More details in comments.

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 11:46 PM PDT

    Why is Bo2 really dark?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 09:13 AM PDT

    Ik that it's supposed to be pretty dark because of the nukes and such but I have my brightness on max and I still can't really see in front of me because it's so dark. Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/KetchupFace02
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    Can we all just acknowledge the fact that samuel stuhlingers voice actor really gave it his all in bo4?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 08:32 PM PDT

    Like dave boat brought his A game for tag der toten. Hes just as good as our beloved aether in terms of voice acting (IMO). Like marlton and russ are good too, and misty needed a little more practice, but man tag just gave me more appreciation for stuhlingers character as a whole. You can just hear how into it he is

    submitted by /u/the_red_firetruck
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    Anyone know some good WRs to go for?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 08:46 AM PDT

    I'm getting a bit bored of just playing normally without knowing a goal in mind so does anyone have some good world records to go for?

    submitted by /u/Snakiestmars24
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    My Zombies Story: How one little game mode shaped my entire future

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 08:50 AM PDT

    Seeing as how Aether Zombies is over I think it's an appropriate time to post this. Because of this one game mode, a lot of people's lives were changed. Some became top tier content creators on Youtube. Some strived to become that but failed and faded away. And some met people that they would consider their best friends. I was a mixture of the last two. My friends (Adam, Gill, and Fire) and I met through this game. And the relationship we held throughout 2015-2019 shaped my life as it is right now. Adam and Gill first met each other through Minecraft and Fire joined them through the FNAF community. At the time they were around age 10 or 11. So with the names and what not cleared up let me start: One day I walked over to my friend's house across the street, this was back in 2012 when bo2 was first released. I saw my friend's older brother playing the map town with his buddy. His brother was 3 years older than us and at the time I was only 9 years old. I watched and was enthralled and wanted to play though they wouldn't let me. The year is 2013 and I was going into 6th grade, my brother was deathly ill and went into the hospital so I was given to my aunt while my mom stayed with him. I was there for a month and during that month I developed extreme depression and anxiety due to being put in middle school at this time. My uncle sent me an HP laptop he didn't need any more to try and cheer me up. Using the laptop and $20 my mom gave me I bought Call of Duty: World at War. I played COD world at war on that laptop until June of 2015. The steam summer sale was on and for $100 you would get every zombies map up to origins. I bought it and imminently launched Black Ops 1 and tried to play a map. It crashed while it was loading. I tried every map, however, only four would work. The waw remakes. I played Shi No Numa on a Public Match and found someone. We played for an hour and talked about stuff. Eventually, he told me about his friend who wanted to play with us, his name was MeatNyanCat22 or as I would call him in the future: Adam. He introduced me to his friend group and we all played zombies together. We had so much fun and laughed every day we played together, so Adam came up with an idea. Let's create a Youtube channel! He dubbed it "Zombies Group" and we followed through with it. As time passed through 2015-2019 we evolved and changed as a group. We stopped making videos and we lost Fire as a friend. However, Gill, Adam and I still are great friends and we are still trying to make content on twitch and youtube. Our content isn't for being popular anymore, it's just for fun. There's a lot I left out in this story, but I'm willing to answer any questions you might have about me and my friends! Btw for context I'm currently 16

    ttld; zombies made me meet people I consider my best friends

    submitted by /u/thatgeek13
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    Black Ops 1 Zombies Mods

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 10:16 AM PDT

    Hello! There's two things I wanted to bring up for discussion today, both related to the PC platform:

    Firstly, I've searched high and I've searched low but have been unable to find anything of the sort, so I figured I'd ask here and see if anyone else knows about a resource that I overlooked. I'm looking for a Black Ops zombies mod that replaces the weapons, namely box weapons, with the World at War weapons. I know a mod of this ilk exists for BO3, but I'm looking for something specifically for BO1. I don't have high hopes that someone will be able to show me something along these lines, but there was no harm in asking, especially considering that weapon replacement mods do exist for BO1 zombies.

    Second, are there any Black Ops mods that you enjoyed and wish to share?

    submitted by /u/zeemaster33
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    GG Margwas

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 08:42 PM PDT

    "Beauty of Annihilation" foreshadowed the events of Tag Der Toten, 10 Years ago [SPOILERS]

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 01:31 AM PDT

    Hey, Reddit. Friendly neighborhood conspiracy theorist here.

    I was recently listening to the classic song Beauty of Annihilation, from good ol' Der Reise. With the very polarizing, and controversial conclusion of the Aether storyline lingering in the air, I couldn't help but notice a few coincidences.

    I've done my best to try and find out if someone has already suggested this idea, but I could not find anything. If this has already been suggested somewhere, and explored, and disproven, I apologize for being that guy.

    Now, in the official lyrics for the song, there are several lines which almost directly connect with the events of the Easter Egg cutscene. I'm just going to list them off pretty quickly, and explain what I think the connection may be.

    • "All my atrocities come by way of reciprocity"

    This is the first line of the song. It is initially played backwards, and then played normally. I believe this represents the actions of our Primis crew, in the sense that they killed other versions of themselves to save their own lives. But in turn, it would seem that the reciprocal occurs, in that the Primis crew destroys itself for the betterment of others.

    • "I am chewing the bones of my own reprieve"

    I believe this line is symbolic of when Richtofen was originally employing his insurance policy to avoid being wiped out of existence. He, or perhaps a representative figure of the Primis crew entirely, was entertaining the idea that they could survive, only for their plan to save reality costing them the lives they were insuring. They weren't preventing their demise, but we're instead delaying it, as the definition of 'reprieve' implies. It's likely that most of the crew were unaware of the truth behind the matter, except for Nikolai, with his knowledge from the Kronorium.

    • "Death be my dignity, execute hemlock philosophy, poison fills the cup of the carpenter"

    These few lines could potentially be implying the sense of atonement behind the action of the Primis crew's sacrifice. By the way, I do use the word sacrifice because I'm confident that the crew would have done the right thing regardless, but Nikolai was making it quick, easy, and painless for them because they were his friends. I don't know what the connection to carpenter may be, perhaps a nod to the power-up? I'm not a hyper zombies lore enthusiast I must admit, so if there is any connection related to this part, it's nothing I can cohesively decide myself.

    • "Looks like your prophet was mistaken"

    I think this refers to Richtofen being unable to keep his promise to keep his partners alive, because in the end they needed to die to accomplish the goal they've been chasing all this time. Richtofen was telling the others that he could save them all, and be was wrong.

    For pretty much the rest of the lyrics, you need to go pretty deep to try and get connections, and I already feel like I'm reaching here. I'll spare you that nonsense.

    Whether this be hilariously wrong, or truly a spectacular piece of foreshadowing, I think it's fun to entertain nonetheless. It's always been things like this that made the community feel so special. There aren't many games out there that make the players dig so deep, and go so far. Games don't make people think in terms of Easter eggs anywhere else. That's what's special, is being able to conjure up crazy theories, and still be able to say, "But what if?" It's fun to entertain outrageous theories.

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/iOathwood
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    Winter's Wail plus Timeslip is borderline cheese

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 10:49 PM PDT

    A couple days ago I whined about the IX easter egg being "inSaNeLY dIfFicuLT". Many of you suggested using Winter's Wail in the modifier slot, so I tried that in conjunction with Timeslip. UNBELIEVABLY EFFECTIVE. I just beat the IX EE using that setup, and that boss fight was completely worth the effort! Apologies for the salt in my initial post. Thanks everyone for your suggestions, they all helped!

    Are there any other ultra-powerful perk combinations? I know that Deadshot + Stone Cold is the backbone of the BOTD Gondola Dark Matter grind, and that Victorious Tortoise + Quick Revive + Dying Wish turns you into an absolute TANK.

    submitted by /u/95rockfan
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    Has anyone else gotten worse FPS?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 10:27 AM PDT

    Is anyone else having weird FPS drops since the release of this newest update/Tag Der Toten? I'm on PC, and I played Alpha Omega perfectly fine, my PC even recommends I play everything basically maxed out, but now when I'm in a game, really early on in the game my frames will drop every minute or so, making it hard for me to host games, or even play in general. This last game I played a few minutes ago my computer straight up froze for about 10 seconds before unfreezing. I didn't use to have this problem before the last update that released? I really don't know what to do to make this game playable anymore. When I'm not lagging I'm running on a constant 60 (capped) FPS, and then out of nowhere I just drop to 10-20, sometimes even 0.

    submitted by /u/Josephmszz
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    Should my team wait for Tag’s cutscene crash to be fixed?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 07:33 AM PDT

    Title basically. Should we just wait or is there any way to reduce the chance of a crash on the cutscene. Any help is appreciated, my team and I really wanna get the ending done and I would hope to not see a crash

    submitted by /u/ThisGuyYouHate
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    Has anyone remember that fake Die Rise leak from 2013?

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 05:45 PM PDT

    Long ago in 2013, someone who pirated BO2's DLC 1 got access to the Zombies map Die Rise and it was way bogus than the one we got. I know this back in 2013 at the time the Zombies Community was small, but I thought this would be interesting as there's a few who remembered it.

    Anyways, this version of Die Rise was going to be a Farmland Tranzit type map that's set in Breslau, Germany.

    Will list the main parts of this fake version of Die Rise:

    • 4 sub areas being City, Village, Nuclear Plant, and Train Station. With City being the biggest of the 4 maps.
    • Tedd returns in the map with a farmer outfit who now rides a tractor in the Die Rise map.
    • Lantern Buildable to scare off Denizens but attracts zombies if players wear them.
    • One EE achievement "Where it all started" references Der Riese when revisiting the map.

    I don't know if you remember this back in 2013, but did it made you feel like this version of Die Rise would've made it better or the Skyscraper version (that we got) was better?

    submitted by /u/DerpyBox
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    Does zombshell perk work with wonder weapons ?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 12:26 PM PDT

    Like title says, Ive never used zombshell before, want to know if the effect triggers with wonder weapons more specifically the redeemed hands from Ancient Evil.

    submitted by /u/TheBoyLeks
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    As per request, here is Jugg'O'Lantern lit up (details in comments)

    Posted: 22 Oct 2019 09:42 PM PDT

    Does anybody want to do the Revelations Easter Egg on PS4?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 12:23 PM PDT

    It's the last EE I need to do on BO3 but none of my friends seem to be playing nowadays, let me know.

    PS4: (RoadmanJim) - Have a mic if interested

    submitted by /u/MrSalvatore-
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    Can someone please tell me what this radio does. I was able to pick it up so is it some sort of Easter egg. I could not find anything about it when I googled it.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 03:58 AM PDT

    Best way to play BO 1 & 2 maps

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 10:10 AM PDT

    Hello. I have an Xbox One and I currently own BO4. I'd like to play all the BO 1&2 zombies maps again but it looks like I would have to pay $100 to get BO2 (backwards compatible) plus all the maps. Is there a cheaper way to play all the old maps on XB1?

    submitted by /u/The_Original_Flavor
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    Just a thought/idea that would be very niche

    Posted: 23 Oct 2019 08:12 AM PDT

    I think someone should create a manga adaption of the entire storyline of aether zombies, it has a lot of tropes without even realizing it lol. Like convoluted story line and shady organizations who actually end up being not as bad as originally thought. And a universe ending battle. Plus the zombie killing scenes leave alot of creative freedom with how the scene plays out. And each game could be treated as a story arc. It could work

    submitted by /u/chubbyweebu
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