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    Wednesday, November 27, 2019

    Call of Duty Zombies Best map ever made by treyarch

    Call of Duty Zombies Best map ever made by treyarch

    Best map ever made by treyarch

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 05:39 AM PST

    Things people may not know about zetsubou

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:36 AM PST

    You can get the artillery shell in two rounds

    So long as you water a plant, there is a chance it will spawn the reward tied to which colour the water was. If you let a round pass without watering after watering it once or twice already the reward will spawn. The chance to get your good reward would be either 1/3 or 2/3 for one or two instance of watering respectively; if not, a orange plant will spawn which gives the lowest tier rewards. You can thus water the plant once with blue water, fertilise it with the masamune, ignore it for a round, and if you are lucky you will get the artillery bullet. Understandably, no one really does this because of the luck involved, however this should be in the conversation for theorising the earliest round in zetsubou possible to complete the EE.

    Zombies released in the purple water room do not despawn

    Knifing the cocoons in the purple water room releases zombies which never despawn. This is a BO3 mechanic where if you leave the vicinity of a zombie they will die and a new one will spawn near you. This is useful if you want to do some side easter eggs and is more reliable than the green grabber plant.

    Not opening the door to the zipline gives one of the smallest rooms in zombies

    Not counting starting rooms, the zipline area (not lab A) is really small and pretty good to rush round 50 in. You also save 1250 points (1500 with multiple players) by using the zipline to get there, perform the skull ritual, and going back.

    The masamune/kt4 IS NOT a shitty sliquifier

    To be fair with this one, I have never played die rise. However, I have seen enough gameplay and heard enough descriptions to determine that the two WWs are very different. There is NO chain effect whatsoever in using the kt4; even the codzombies wiki says there is a "larger chain effect" when it is upgraded to the masamune, which is false. Nor is there a slipping effect. It is more like a puddle which takes out a limited number of zombies. Think of it like water and zombies stepping in it are sponges.

    The purple plant can die but still retain its attracting effect

    It looks like a purple pile of crap with purple mist around it and looks extremely sad after it dies, but it still draws zombies. However it can no longer consume them. Eventually it will shrivel up and become a branch like any other plant, but even this may take a few rounds.

    Using anywhere but here gobblegum while trying to unclog the turbine may automatically unclog it

    Using "may" because you need the gobblegum to get you out of the turbine pool in the power room. Also this is fairly well known, so here's another one: there's a chance the turbine pool zombies spawn anyway. This can lead to zombies being present during spider rounds. When this happens and you run far enough away from the turbine pool, they despawn and are converted to spiders.

    AA gun room has an escape slide and a skull of nan sapwe mesmerise location

    Along the walls to the right when you enter the room there is a 500 point barrier you can release that will lead out toward lab b. Also, to the right of the barrier you can mesmerise the wall to get a room with a max ammo. Unlike shadows of evil's free powerup in the spawn room, this max ammo can disappear.

    Blue perk powerups are permanent perk slots

    A bit minor, but took me a while to find out. Completing the 3rd challenge has one as a reward, and masamune fertilised plants with blue water has these as potential rewards.

    Alright, that's all i got. Some of these tidbits are just fun to know while i feel i need to clarify others because of disinformation being spread, e.g. the kt4 being a discount sliquifier. Have a great day.

    submitted by /u/I_Play_Zetsubou
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    Why did Weasel draw Ultimis Richtofen? Any explanations or just another loose end?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 04:59 AM PST

    Interesting points on why BO4 Zombies failed

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 11:58 PM PST

    A Youtuber named Tim Hansen has made a very interesting video talking about why BO4 Zombies failed.
    Here i summed up all the things he's mentioning in his video on why the game failed.
    I do share his opinion on most of it. Tell me what you guys think about it.

    1) The bar was set very high:

    BO3 as a fan favorite set the bar very high in terms of expectations. This game was fulfilling in every capacity, awesome gameplay, intriguing storyline that was very easy to get into, with our familiar and lovable characters, you immediately jumped aboard a mission. 14 Zombie Maps in total, 5 brand new, innovative and well designed. Treyarch was very passionate about this game, BO3 offered everything a zombies fan could ask for.

    2) BO4 was doomed to fail from the beginning:

    Huge Budget cuts for zombies, due to them suddenly cancelling the campaign and developing the Battle Royal mode (Blackout) to compete with other big games such as fortnite. They did not have the needed time, resources and manpower to put into making the zombies mode.

    3) The game divided the community from the beginning:

    The devs went for quantity instead of quality, by releasing 4 maps from the beginning, with 2 remasters, 2 separate storylines to chose from. It was very unclear which storyline to follow first, which was the main one that would be more important. By releasing 4 maps with 4 easter eggs at once the community was divided from the beginning.

    4) Changes that we didn't need:

    -Perk System: Back then, we had a variety of up to 9 perks per map, all very individual with their own style and jingle which we could choose from and build our very own play style plus if you went down you could freely change your setup.
    Of course some perks had to be used every game such as Juggernog or quick revive in solo.
    What BO4 tried to do is to eliminate crutch perks so every perk is almost equally good and it just comes down to personal preference, so players could really build their own play style without having to stick to necessary perks.
    Theoretically this new perk system is genius, but in practice it created more issues: They took away our iconic 4 perks, they were a part of us for such a long time that playing without them didn't feel like Black ops zombies.
    Of course the perks were still implemented in the game, in another form (Double tap by Pack a punching, speed cola by having all 4 perks, etc.) but didn't feel the same.

    This issue might concern some players, but the main issue with the new Perk system is how they changed the way you experience the game, i'll explain: Back then you spawned, had a pretty weak starting weapon, no perks, so you felt vulnerable, weak, had to be extra careful to not take more than 2 hits, you had to gather points, find power and when you finally drank that 2500 points jugg you started to feel safer, play more freely, buy other perks and spin the box,...
    This gameplay flow has always been in zombies in some way, with this new system where jugg is basically always there from round one, you have no difficulty from the start on, you don't have to grind for necessary things, you have no real goal, if you guys feel what i'm trying to say. You also spawn with an equipment and your specialist weapon so the "starting struggle" is gone, what in my opinion takes away a lot of challenge & fun.
    NO ONE wants to spend 15'000 points on Pack a punching a single weapon to get double tap if you could have it for 2k points permanently.
    The Perks don't feel special anymore, back then every perk was in its own way unique, you had very good must have perks and perks that really didn't do that much. Now we have no jingles, no personality, and they relatively all feel the same, you could easily skip the perks and still play a game of zombies.

    5) Specialist Weapon:

    Before BO4 you had to go on a quest, complete a series of tasks in order to get yourself the specialist weapon (or get it out the box in some maps). This process of acquiring it could take a while but you were rewarded with a very powerful weapon with basically infinite uses.

    in BO4 you spawn already invincible, you have infinite damage Specialist weapon, 200 HP and wraith fire grenades, there is no vulnerability, no challenge to motivate you to play. You can even start the game with Shotguns, MP's etc.
    The concept of collecting points round by round to strengthen yourself piece by piece is totally erased. Back then by round 30 you were some sort of invincible demi god with your wonder weapons and perks, now you are the demi god on round 1. The only thing that gets stronger are the zombies you basically stay the same, this leads to players being bored of the game very quickly.
    BO4 is fixing things that aren't broken, innovating for innovation sake, not for the better.


    The Graphics in BO4 just seem to be less appealing to the eye than Bo3 graphics, which is now 4 years old.
    Probably from a specific technical point of view the Bo4 graphics are better, but if you do the eye test, looking at bo3 and then bo4 gameplay, bo3 just looks so much better.


    There is just to much going on in a zombies game. Back then you would hoard up zombies, do your training and kill them. Now you have special zombies running around with broken tracking, werewolves, catalysts, nosferatus, tigers, ect.. that just don't make the game fun.
    Because of time and innovation lack, they just decided to make 4 special zombie types called catalysts, which appear in every chaos zombies map. Every Chaos Easter Egg has some step that involves catalyst zombies, so basically on one side they are giving us aether maps that are all remakes, on the other side they give us a storyline that involves the same special zombies on 4 Maps? seriously?
    Playing Chaos maps just feels like you're on the same map just different parts of it, the wonder weapons weren't very good either. Serkets Kiss, obtainable in the mistery box, Kraken out the mistery box, alister's annhilator you need a 4 digit code to unlock it. The only Chaos map with a tiny bit of challenge was Ancient evil, where you could upgrade your god hands into 4 different types, that's the only map on BO4 that had a comparable wonder weapon quest.


    The Chaos storyline was just overall underwhelming. The characters weren't groundbreaking, some of them were direct parallels to the aether storyline. Bruno as the brute of the team share's the same characteristics as nikolai and shaw is the alchemist, it's like a spin off richtofen. Dead of the night crew was completely uninteresting and there was no reason to care about them at all.

    So ignoring Chaos, we are being left with 4 Aether Maps... Classified, Alpha Omega, Tag & Blood.
    The common point here is that they are all REMASTERS. Not a single original aether story map has been produced since BO3 Gorod Krovi! Of course the maps are not total remasters, they are re-imagined, so we got different new parts of the maps added to it, but that's just not enough for the main DLC's. The wonder weapons pretty much also stay the same, we have the winter's howl on classified, the Ray gun mark 2 with elemental upgrades on Alpha Omega,the blundergat with a magma upgrade on Blodd and on tag der toten which was the grand finale, the end of a decade of zombies, we got a thunder gun and the Wunderwaffe with a SCOPE, is that realy it? How does treyarch want to make us love their game if they bring us content like this?!
    Maybe on a zombies chronicles 2 this could have worked out, but bringing 4 remasters as main Maps on BO4?!

    I think if they told everyone we aren't getting a single new aether map and the other storyline has been written in 6 minutes then 90% wouldn't have bought it.
    But who can we blame for this? Treyarch? Activison? Did treyarch really lack on resources and time to bring us a complete zombies mode or did they just have no passion or love anymore for this last finale of zombies and just had to bring something so the game would sell at release and then die out? I don't know...


    Black Ops 4 failed because it was unoriginal. It lacked innovation, half of the maps were remasters, there was a relatively uninteresting story and Easter eggs. There was a new tasteless Perk system, an over-powered specialist system, an unnecessarily complicated Heads up display. It seemed that this game mode had a complete lack of true identity and purpose. The game fixed so many issues that weren't even issues, they tried to innovate on things that didn't need change. Of course they had budget cuts and other issues, but i just feel like you have to have time to conclude zombies.
    The Ending was nice, but it was very abrupt, it didn't feel like it was the right time and way to end the story.
    Ending a 10 year journey on a REMASTER as the victis crew? did it work, yes, but was it the best possible way? NO.
    The slow animated cutscenes.. They worked, but was it the best possible solution? NO
    They could have at least gave us some CGI cutscenes... The cutscenes are one of the biggest reason's why the people just couldn't attach themselves emotionally to this story.

    And now before someone comments on why i'm just complaining and hating this game so much? No.
    BO4 was a good and fun game, we've had some fun times and cool memories playing it.
    If you put the game in a vacuum and don't compare it to any other game and look at it from an external POV, it did pretty well. But because of playing this Black ops franchise for the last decade we set ourselves standards that have to be met and fulfilled. So Black ops 4 just didn't hold up to it's predecessor.

    Thanks for reading guys, if you wan't to check out the entire Video on youtube it's called: Why Bo4 Zombies failed.

    submitted by /u/Sxzen
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    Egypt, 1944.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:52 AM PST

    My biggest (and only) complaint about Black Ops 4

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:18 AM PST

    I've wanted to vent about this for a while but just kept putting it off, the only thing (in my opinion) that's stopping BO4 from being a 10/10 CoD game. I hate that the Chaos crew were treated with so much love and care compared to Aether.

    Don't get me wrong I'm definitely a fan of Chaos, I'm a fan of all of their current maps (maybe except DotN) and I'm keen to see what happens after Ancient Evil. It just fills me with so many negative emotions the clearly visible decline in quality when Aether started being produced. I know there were rumours of Nuketown being remade from the start but - it's just so disappointing that Aether has had 5 maps straight of nothing but remakes and now the story is over. It's not fair that two of the most mysterious and hyped characters (Monty and the Shadowman) got virtually 0 screen time and are just wasted potential. And it's definitely not fair to the 12 year fans that Chaos can get several minute long action packed cinematic masterpieces but Aether gets a voiced over slideshow.

    The final slap in the face for me was Nikolai's voice line towards the end of Tag der Toten's easter egg. I was naive enough to think that despite all the rough spots we actually would've gotten a quality ending I mean, Treyarch literally spent all of Black Ops 4 building hype around tying up loose ends with characters and hyping up a great war (which I loved and appreciated) but it was all for the climatic end of the story to be "the treasure was the friends we made along the way" followed by a fade to black.

    It's just too much to process. I know there's nothing that can be done now and I know this isn't really Treyarch's fault. Activision doomed the game from the start with the month early launch and making Treyarch start work on BO5 since Sledgehammer dropped the ball. Part of me is still naive and hopes for a dlc 5 that will make everything right, or for BO5 to make Alpha Omega + Tag der Toten the non-canon ending but it's a pipe dream and a half. I don't care if this gets upvoted, I just don't have anybody to vent to about this game and needed to get this off my mind.

    I just wanna see Blundell again ; _ ;

    submitted by /u/7Mac
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    What are your highest rounds in BO3?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 04:21 AM PST

    Never realised BO4 soundtrack was on spotify, it's pretty cool

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 01:01 AM PST

    Unpopular opinion

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:45 AM PST

    Cod mobile zombies is bad.

    This post is probably gonna get removed so if you see this moderator, I will give you a cookie if you don't remove it

    submitted by /u/bestoutof64
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    K this was in the test chamber in cod mobile zombies, is there any more?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 11:24 PM PST

    Game of Zombies?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:15 AM PST

    anyone on PS4 about who fancies a game of zombies BO3/BO4? will do any map. I am a good zombies player who hasn't played in a while and fancies a game so if anyones down, drop ur PSN.

    submitted by /u/edexka
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    Anyone liking CodMobile zombies by chance? Kinda fun so far. Round 26 easily but got very bored.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 05:07 AM PST

    Why are the main story Easter eggs called Easter eggs?

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 10:54 AM PST

    I've never been fond of the zombies story due to a lot of personal issues. However my biggest pet peeve is story related content being called an Easter egg. Why? I've always thought of Easter eggs as either references, jokes or just silly stuff left by the developers, sometimes secret other times a bit more obvious. I don't think of regular cutscenes that advance the story as Easter eggs. For example, if I'm playing a game, for example the original black ops and I find out Hudson was interrogating me the whole time I wouldn't call that an Easter egg.

    I get that zombies Easter eggs are pretty well hidden and require a bunch of steps but I still don't think they're Easter eggs and I always found it pretty stupid how they're called Easter eggs. For example in silent hill 2 you got to do a whole bunch of stuff to get the dog ending and I would consider that an Easter egg because it's just a silly joke thing that doesn't progress or add anything to the story.

    So yeah sorry for the rant but why does the zombies community refer to the zombies story as Easter eggs?

    submitted by /u/josmp21
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    I have an issue with Der Riese on BO1

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:06 AM PST

    About a year ago, I was searching for matches and I found 1 person. I joined the game and suddenly noticed the round number was highly unusual. Soon I realized the person was hacking the server and I disconnected from it. I play on PC and my steam username is diet water. I am 2nd on the leaderboard because of them, and the round number is 100000003.

    Is there any way to reset my score?

    submitted by /u/thinking_emoji__
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    Noob at zombies need help for blops 3 zombies

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 08:04 PM PST

    Last time I played zombies was back in black ops 1 gonna play black ops 3 which seems quite overwhelming with all the new stuff like the gumballs any general tips and tricks that would help me thanks.

    submitted by /u/ImOnANewLevelz
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    What is one community hated map that you think is a masterpiece?(3ARC)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 05:04 PM PST

    Come on, we are all friends here right? I feel like when it comes to the opinion of this community a lot of us at least love one hated map.

    My opinion is Shangri la(im gonna lose karma for this but who cares) And i like it because of how unique and unexpected the atmosphere is, a jungle temple with lots of booby traps and with a cool underground cave and with an easter egg that has us help a trapped explorer. Seriously though this map does not deserve one piece of hate that it gets and i think people just havent played this map enough to realise how nice and unique it is

    So now is the time for your opinion, what is one community hated map that you think is a masterpiece?(Include a reason as well)

    submitted by /u/cluelessflier
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    Anyone know if I can find these for sale online? I’d really appreciate it

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 04:21 PM PST

    A few questions that I still think about regarding the aether story

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:16 AM PST

    How did Marlton escape nuketown?

    What happened to Peter McCain after alpha omega?

    Other than Samantha and Eddie, what happened to the children?

    When does alpha omega take place?

    submitted by /u/taken_username456
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    I HATE PLAYING PUBLIC GAMES! I can’t even play with other, random people without it being a horrible experience.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 05:24 PM PST

    I literally have been trying to play one good game of voyage for over an hour. 2 times the game crashed. My internet is great btw. One of those times, one teammate wasn't even playing and another teammate had already gone down 3 times by round 3. My third time playing, my teammates were absolute shit. I'm okay with teammates not being good at zombies, but they did just about everything wrong. I bought all the doors. I got all the items. I revived them all about 10 times by like round 8. They all ended up dying and I pulled a round through by myself on round 11 or so. When they get back, one decides to stand right in front of the pack-a-punch as I'm packing the Hellion Salvo, he stops playing, and then goes down right in front of it. I lost my launcher b/c of him and was so irritated cuz I've been trying for awhile just to have a decent game and this guy screws me over after I'm pulling the whole team's weight.

    Summary: I HATE MOST ZOMBIE PLAYERS. They have horrible courtesy and ruin the public experience when I want an enjoyable game. I usually can't even play to round 20 without everyone quitting or some shit happening.

    submitted by /u/Poop_0n_My_Chest
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    How would you rank all the snowy maps?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 10:47 PM PST

    These are maps I like best, not necessarily the objectively best ones:

    1. Call of the Dead

    2. Der Eisendrache

    3. Origins

    4. Tag Der Toten

    submitted by /u/BetterThanStarlight
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    Best weapon for cod mobile zombies is the ak117 without a doubt

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 04:27 AM PST

    For anyone struggling to kill zombies in that game the ak 117 will kill them quick when you have the red buffs and double tap to at least round 30

    submitted by /u/DraggingBallz09
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