• Breaking News

    Friday, November 15, 2019

    Call of Duty Zombies Finally got my Ray Gun, it fits well into my gaming room

    Call of Duty Zombies Finally got my Ray Gun, it fits well into my gaming room

    Finally got my Ray Gun, it fits well into my gaming room

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 12:33 AM PST

    But you know wherever he goes... he'll be kickin ass

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 08:34 AM PST

    WWII Nazi Zombies - Wüstling (Concept)

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 09:27 AM PST

    You can get extra ammo for the Ballistic Knife by firing a few knives before picking up a max ammo and then collecting them.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 09:33 PM PST

    Isn’t mule kick supposed to be here on kino der toten or am I just stupid?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 10:27 PM PST

    If you can drink one of any of the perks in the game (waw bo1/2/3) and get the ability of that perk which perk would you drink?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 05:33 AM PST

    If you can drink one of any of the perks in the game (waw bo1/2/3/4) and get the ability of that perk which perk would you drink?

    I would go for Speed Cola because, well just think about it.

    submitted by /u/1-800-SUCK-MY-COCK
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    People that quit when you go down... why!? I’m on my way to revive you.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 08:11 AM PST

    Is there a reason as to why people do this, doesn't seem to matter what round, granted some people don't but why quit just because you got downed, it ruins it for everyone else since it's 4player zombies attacking 3,2 or 1.

    Even if people get annoyed because they bleed out I still see people quit once they are up.

    submitted by /u/JSurri96
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    IDK if this was already posted but, did anyone knew you could get the MK2 Ray Gun in BotD?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 11:44 AM PST

    I’m sorry for posting this here but I dont know who to ask

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 03:15 AM PST

    Hi guys I just bought cod bo3 and I got awakening dlc and I don't have ps plus so if I buy chronicles will still be playable while I'm offline/without ps plus or do i need to do something ( I saw a guy posting about the dlc maps not appearing in the offline zombies mode because he didn't have ps plus or it expired) I'm sorry for sounding cheap but my internet is pretty bad and I don't wanna buy ps plus if I don't have to and I've been saving up for about a month

    submitted by /u/MCRX880
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    WWII Nazi Zombies - Bomber (Concept)

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 01:14 PM PST

    Is there any chance for me getting a jug machine?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 07:26 AM PST

    I just want one under $300 but it seems impossible, does anybody think itll ever sell for that price again?

    submitted by /u/GolemThe3rd
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    Any Reccomendations for BO3 custom zombies maps?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 05:20 AM PST

    Looking for BO3 custom zombies maps to play. There is too many to try out. Any reccomendations on the best to try?

    submitted by /u/SGPL12
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    My Love Letter to the Aether Storyline

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 04:52 PM PST

    Simple Drawing Of The TV From The Afterlife Arcade

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 05:01 PM PST

    Optimal map choices for operator mod calling card grind?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 08:26 AM PST

    I'm close to dark matter, but if I have to get one more Saug headshot I am going to go so thoroughly crazy that I make Ultimis Richtofen look like Primis Takeo. To avoid burnout, I'm going to grind out the operator mod calling cards. If anyone has any tips on map or loadout choices, please feel free to share!

    The only one I'm really concerned about is Strelok/Belt Feed/Crossbar; I'm thinking Koshka on Classified in the War Room since setup for that map is easy and there's a wallbuy. Is that the best way to go about getting that one done? I'd like to avoid having to get the pap'd Hades on IX and then grinding out kills since that would probably take a few irritating runs or one painful run.

    submitted by /u/95rockfan
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    I am an off and on COD player and am currently back into Zombies for a bit. Which Maps from WaW to AW to IW to Blops4 have soloable Easter Eggs?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 04:53 AM PST

    I prefer doing them solo for point management and zombie control. A few years ago, I did Der Reise, The Giant, Der Eisendrache, Zetsubou no Shima, and Gorod Krovi Solo. I got to the end of IW's first map, but I didn't have a guide at the time and didn't know how to kill the little alien bastard. I tried Origins back in the day, but I couldn't get through the foot and out the other side to throw Maxis in time. I ended up doing it with a friend so there was just the two of us.

    Yesterday, I attempted Moon because I just found out it was doable in solo, but of course since I don't buy microtransactions, I was left to using points old school to hit the box. I ended up on round 23 with a floating Samantha waiting for my dumb ass to teleport the plates from the floor to the computer and just couldn't get the grenades. Then I got cornered by a blink zombie or whatever they are called.

    So, my question is simple. I've seen answers online covering some of the Treyarch maps, but not anything compiling all their's or the other types. Which maps, out of all the Zombies modes (and the alien one in Ghosts because why not?) are able to be completed Solo? And which maps need a least amount of people like how Moon used to need 2 and so on? Is there a list out there or a Zombies expert here that just knows?

    Edit: I'm asking about all maps from World at War, Black ops, Black ops 2, Ghosts (I know it's not Zombies), Advanced Warfare, Black Ops III, Infinite Warfare, WWII, and Black Ops IIII.

    submitted by /u/PhilTheStampede
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    Black Ops Zombies storyline. Is this the end of aether?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 10:50 AM PST

    Do you guys really think the aether storyline is really over? And just a quick side not, does anyone know when the next chaos map is coming out?

    submitted by /u/thecheeserspecialist
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    Is anyone else just not feeling Zombies?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2019 09:07 PM PST

    Dont get me wrong I love zombies, but I honestly don't know if I can keep buying the games. BO4 had a strong start but just fell flat on its face at the end of the DLC season, the ending was such a let down and even if they do more maps in BO5 they'll all lead to the same ending regardless. Another thing are the rumors of Chaos being cancelled (inb4 "they arent rumors, it is cancelled"), Treyarch really had a chance to do something fun, creative, and new for once. I know I probably talk about Chaos being good too much, but it just seemed like a really fun concept to me. I really want to continue liking Zombies, but Treyarch is doing a poor job at keeping it fun. If we get a trailer for BO5 zombies that has the same effect the IX trailer had, I'll probably get it, but I think I'm done with zombies now

    submitted by /u/TheHarryman01
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    ZOMBIES STORYLINE NOT OVER!! Theory by FredL7Weenie and Dailycodzombiesmemes

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 05:35 AM PST

    You know the zombies story isn't over right? It will continue through Sam and Eddy's new universe/reboot but you gotta remember the dark aether was not erased and still exists, victis is still alive and what happens when they lose Richthofen? They go crazy.. and the only one that can guide them is a higher being monty/shadowman who have been sent to the dark aether, the only reason they brought victis back into the last map was too show that they aren't done and them getting banished to the dark aether is them teasing them living, we will see a return of victis and the dark aether and whenever they break free all hell will set loose because the aether makes everything immortal and without the aether who knows what will happen I think this is the reason they kept Nikolai's soul because they will need it later on throughout the dark aether.

    Nikolai did this to eliminate the aether because it made everything immortal right? This is their way of making it so that Monty and shadowman can die meaning as well as allowing the Great War and the apothican actually able to die


    This puts up the possibility that the Primis crew and victis crew are in two separate universes paralleling each other in which the Primis crew dies at blood. In the intro cutscene on tag the portal they take is blue, from what we see in BO3 that's not the summoning key but rather looks more like the portals from the original teleportal seen in the Rev intro cutscene. Where does this portal come from?

    submitted by /u/2FirstnamesRyan
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    Thanks for that, box.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 05:29 AM PST

    BO1, Kino Der Toten

    Round 11, still running with regular Stakeout with Juggernog. I have enough points to PaP, but I wanted to see if I could get a good pull from the box.

    First spin: Spectre

    Okay sure, its not strong but I guess for now it can be decent for points.

    Round 12, used up most of Spectre's ammo and got a ton of points, teleporter was linked up abd ready for when I got a half decent gun from the box

    Second Spin: Python

    Python is decent yeah, its usefulness even without PaP can last quite a while with headshots, but its not exactly what I'm looking for. I grabbed it anyways just to replace my nearly empty Spectre.

    Third spin: CZ75

    No thanks.

    I open the box a fourth time as one of my team comes sprinting up the stairs followed by a massive zombie train. I had no idea this guy was coming and now the room is full of zombies. By the time I noticed, I was mostly boxed in. The Stakeout was no longer a one-shot kill even at point blank (maybe on a headshot but I was being smacked around by zombies so I couldn't aim) so it didn't get me out of this one.

    They get me, I go down, some guy in the Theater also goes down so things aren't looking good. I fired every round from the Python into the train and turned back around just in time to see the Thundergun slowly lowering back into the box.

    And then the rest of the team died.

    One of the guys on my team got snipers 3 times in a row so that really sucks too. Just bad luck for everyone that round I guess.

    submitted by /u/WithAGrainOfNutmeg
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    Anyone got this bug before?

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 02:01 AM PST

    I was playing Der Eisendrache and I had the self medication gobble gum. When I went down (with 72 shots in my bow) I got a kill, got back up, and when I got back up my bow was completely empty??? I had done the easter egg as well so idk if that has anything to do with it but it was really weird. I also can't see what power ups are what. They're just green with nothing there.

    submitted by /u/FreckledSchlong
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    The Dark Aether

    Posted: 15 Nov 2019 05:14 AM PST

    You know the zombies story isn't over right? It will continue through Sam and Eddy's new universe/reboot but you gotta remember the dark aether was not erased and still exists, victis is still alive and what happens when they lose Richthofen? They go crazy.. and the only one that can guide them is a higher being monty/shadowman who have been sent to the dark aether, the only reason they brought victis back into the last map was too show that they aren't done and them getting banished too the dark aether is them teasing them living, we will see a return of victis and the dark aether and whenever they break free all hell will set loose because the aether makes everything immortal and without the aether who knows what will happen I think this is the reason they kept Nikolai's soul because they will need it later on throughout the dark aether.

    Nikolai did this to eliminate the aether because it made everything immortal right? This is their way of making it so that Monty and shadowman can die meaning this was the way of making the Great War and the apothicons actually able to die?

    The summoning key has Red portals, the apothicons have purple portals, but who has blue??? The blue portals in blood ending and tag intro If the summoning key made red portals then how did richtofen get too shadows 😱

    Just my theory but I'm almost 100% sure that the zombies storyline for atleast victis isn't over

    submitted by /u/fredl7weenie
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