• Breaking News

    Monday, November 18, 2019

    Call of Duty Zombies “A tale of two Dempseys. Starts slow but has a happy ending.” - Honestly, meeting Steve was probably one of my best Comic Con experiences ever!

    Call of Duty Zombies “A tale of two Dempseys. Starts slow but has a happy ending.” - Honestly, meeting Steve was probably one of my best Comic Con experiences ever!

    “A tale of two Dempseys. Starts slow but has a happy ending.” - Honestly, meeting Steve was probably one of my best Comic Con experiences ever!

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 06:53 AM PST

    Anyone else remember that in Buried the teddy bear would rarely move it’s head?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 09:13 PM PST

    Treyarch please add better Reserves support to zombies after the latest Black Market update

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 06:05 AM PST

    Idea: have the ability to change the rewards on contracts from Plasma to Reserves (or vice versa if you want) and make the Hard contracts guaranteed 2 reserves. I have tons of elixirs and you earn plasma through gameplay. You don't earn tier or reserve progression so I feel this is a viable option.

    submitted by /u/thisfiendis138
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    Out of my now 3 years playing Gorod Krovi I didn't know that on the piano near Jugg there is a Music Sheet with the name "Revelations" on it

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 09:20 PM PST

    Not sure if this ones been done yet

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 12:12 PM PST

    WWII Nazi Zombies - Head Designs. The two below were steampunk explorations while the zombies team were still deciding the game's style.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 10:20 AM PST

    Voltmeter label Written in improper Latin.

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 06:32 AM PST

    BO2 Origins Fire Staff

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 11:33 AM PST

    I'm doing the fire staff and my code should be 11 7 6 4 but when I put it in its not spawning the orb. How would I fix this? Any help appreciated!

    Edit: I don't know if it would help but I went back to the cauldrons and they're empty again

    Edit: Thanks to everyone for their help, I actually ended up doing it a bit slower but it randomly worked!

    submitted by /u/_dark___ninja_
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    PSA: Every contract today in BO4 Zombies will give you a reserve case

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 10:33 AM PST

    Just a quick FYI for you folks, ever since the black market revamp I'm sure there's been a lot of interest in reserve cases lately

    submitted by /u/LiteralTP
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    This is how you escape Alcatraz

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 12:46 AM PST

    BO4 Zombies Public Matchmaking - Broken

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 08:41 AM PST

    With the BO4's life cycle over, i feel like it is a little too late to bring this up as this has been an issue since release, but it is still an important topic anyways, and it is unbelievable that Treyarch never fixed this.

    The issue im having since i bought the game is, for a lot of maps and playlists it is literally impossible to find any lobbies, it will search for a little and a few moments after set up a lobby with just me, that never finds any other player.

    Now, im sure this is not an issue with my connection since i have a really good internet, open NAT, and even switched the internet provider by july. Not only that, but researching in reddit and other places i've seen people having the exact same issue as me through all of the game's life cycle, a problemn i've never had in the older games. I always search for games in the weekends in the hours that it should have the biggest player's traffic, and i am only able to find matches in IX and Voyage, almost never in any other map, sometimes i can't even find players in the base maps, now i've tested in this year the older games base maps (waw, bo, bo2 and bo3, in ps3 and ps4) for comparison and was still able to find matches easily.

    Im pretty sure the problemn is not the game being dead either, since it is not possible that there were 0 people playing even the last DLCs when they dropped and i've seen people saying they never had issues finding lobbies.

    My hypothesis, based on some observations, is that BO4's matchmaking is somehow unable to search for lobbies out of your region. From what i've seen people having the same issue as me live far from the USA (where most players are), i live in Brazil, and whenever im able to find lobbies, it is always lobbies within Brazil or Latin America, i've almost never played with people from regions further away.

    Now in the older games, even when they were already 'dead' (played a lot of Black Ops 1 and 2 in 2014 and 2015), if there were no brazilian lobbies i would still at least be able to find people from USA or Europe, meaning my connection would be from 1-3 bars, but it is still better to be able to play with lag than not being able to play at all.

    Not being able to find any players in public matches when im pretty sure there are people playing is really frustating.

    Moreover, the fact that all of the other games would indicate how many lobbies there were available, and that waw-bo2 showed player count and would let palyers choose search preferences (local/best, default, any) made searching for lobbies a much easier experience. BO4 has none of that.

    submitted by /u/Hardcore_Survival
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    My opinion on zombies then and now

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 01:09 AM PST

    The best cod zombies game of all time is BO1. BO1 was the peak of the old school zombies formula. The zombies formula drastically changed in BO3. Or from Origins and MOTD in BO2 to be precise.

    BO1 was what took zombies to a new level, it's when zombies truly peaked imo. From nacht in WaW, to der riese, every map stepped it up and got better and better with new innovations. BO1 took it even further and every map was a banger. Every map added a new layer to zombies whilst maintaining the core spirit of what the mode was. Subtle Easter eggs, a linear mysterious story based on conspiracy theories and fantasy. Gameplay was still always tied around surviving.

    BO3 changed this. The Easter eggs was the core focus point of the whole map. The gameplay tied around it. The story was complicated and based on a flawed multi verse theory. The gameplay became more about running around the map doing chores than actually surviving.

    BO3 was fantastic still in terms of the maps, but it lost a bit what zombies was about. BO4 took this formula even further and then zombies really lost its identity imo.

    submitted by /u/madzuk
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    My friend got sent to The Secret from the golden Pack-a-Punch flinger

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 12:36 PM PST

    Finally got the secret trophy

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 12:19 PM PST

    Since the exact steps aren't knowing I figured I could maybe help some out who are trying for it. This is what I did.

    I was on normal playing with 1 bot (bot was misty, I was marlton but I don't think character makes a difference.

    I had all power on and both flingers fixed.

    No challenges started or completed.

    I had the heat pack built and equipped.

    From round 20 I was running around on the facility flinger and the bot was running on it with me.

    Round 24 was when it sent us. The bot and I both got flung at the same time.

    I can post gameplay when I get home from work tonight if anyone is interested and I can try to answer any questions if you guys have any.

    submitted by /u/nightfall6688846994
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    Botd glitch?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 08:09 AM PST

    I keep spawning with bots on botd and they start shooting as soon as we drop. This never happened before too. Is it a glitch or something? Also worth noting: the bots are teamed in twos. So it was me and dempsey against nikolai and takeo.

    submitted by /u/pizzadough21
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    Upgrade of the shield on Voyage of Despair if the step glitches out after a fail

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 03:42 AM PST

    So, maybe you don't know, but on Voyage of Despair there's a glitch right now that pops up after you fail the upgrade of the shield, for instance by putting the wrong bone in the safe.

    Say for instance that you had this combination:

    - 1912 Skull

    - 2340 Leg bone

    - 4250 Hand bone

    - 1404 Foot bone

    After you fail the step, the skull paper always says 19 and the other numbers don't load and if they do, they keep changing the whole time. Also, if you go and check at the foot bone, the paper will now say 1912 instead of 1404. If you use the same combination as before (1912 skull, 1404 foot bone) that won't work and will count as a fail. On the other hand, if you swap the numbers between skull and foot bone (1404 skull -- 1912 bone), that will count as a success.

    Just saying, the upgrade of the step takes a lot of time, and it's never pleasant having to give it up after you've wasted your time because Treyarch hasn't fixed it in one year. That should work with other combos as well.

    Meantimes, u/Treyarch_official, you are pretty much invited to work on it.

    submitted by /u/OverTheReminds
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    Best bo4 zombies dlc weapon?

    Posted: 18 Nov 2019 11:02 AM PST

    What is the best dlc weapon to have if you were to choose one? Or give several that may be good.

    I would like to know so i can buy it with the new reserves system!

    Thanks for any and all feedback!

    submitted by /u/Justice914
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    Played BO2 zombies for the first time in years

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 08:08 PM PST

    This evening I finally gave in to the nostalgic longing and dug my 360 out of storage to play black ops 2 zombies.

    To the disagreement of many in the community, I absolutely loved Tranzit and I obviously loved all of the other maps as well.

    I loaded into tranzit and, well, things didn't go well. My first attempt and I was downed in the starting room on round 1. cries I had forgotten how difficult life was in zombies when you go down on the SECOND hit.

    Attempt #2 went better. I managed to ride the bus to the power room and get power turned on. Sadly, I couldn't find the damn ladder beforehand and I got downed while trying to train awaiting the bus to take off again.

    My third attempt ended with me getting backed into a corner at the diner while trying to hit the box. Did manage to play a little bit with the mtar and that honestly made my night.

    Overall, playing tonight helped me stop romanticising the titles and appreciate the many quality of life improvements made on black ops 4.

    Treyarch!!! Please. Remaster Tranzit!!!

    submitted by /u/lololthom
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    Playing Shadows of Evil on BO3 and I got kicked out of my game and this pops up. What happened?

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 02:31 PM PST

    Not bad for classics only on shi no numa

    Posted: 17 Nov 2019 03:24 PM PST

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