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    Saturday, November 9, 2019

    Call of Duty Zombies Training game on point!

    Call of Duty Zombies Training game on point!

    Training game on point!

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 06:25 AM PST

    When Samantha & Eddie don't wanna hold hands anymore.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 05:52 AM PST

    Now, we take Vorkuta

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 11:02 AM PST

    Forgot how this worked in public, got very lucky with the power-ups.

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 06:11 AM PST

    So... What's with primis Richtofen 2 in BOTD intro?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 10:12 AM PST

    I mean... He knew what was ultimately going to happen, I'm just kind of surprised he wasn't selfish about it and tried to preserve his own life. I mean, wouldn't he of eventually of been banished to the dark aether?

    submitted by /u/I_Am_ThatDuck
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    25 waves melee only in museum

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 03:25 AM PST

    Appreciate this game is pretty old now, probably not many players anymore, but I'm trying to unlock all the secret characters.

    At the moment I'm trying to do the 25 waves in museum with melee only - it's BS. I've done it multiple times but it just won't pop.

    This morning, I got into the museum on round 2 (using skeleton keys), then used nothing but the bat. I lasted until wave 29, but the challenge should've unlocked on wave 27. WTH??

    I used bat, and I had one of the green blitz to auto-revive - I did use this, but I didn't fire a single shot while on the ground. I also used a couple of regular self-revives but again, I didn't fire a single shot while I was on the ground. WTF? Used a nuke or two that dropped and a couple of instakills that dropped. Are you supposed to do it with no downs as well?

    I wouldn't mind so much but it takes about 45 minutes to attempt this challenge...

    Load-out is Camouflage with serrated edge, resourceful, and finishing blow. Throwing knife as lethal but didn't use any.

    What am I doing wrong?

    submitted by /u/danwellman
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    So I was on BO4 zombies earlier. Don't have the BOP or Classified. Yet I have a second Primis Richtofen with Ultimis Richtofen's description

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 05:52 AM PST

    A while ago a bought Black ops zombies on mobile for no reason, but every round can be finished with 2 thunder gun shots ( 27 Zombies only spawn on per round for some reason and thunder gun PaP has 24 ammo so it's ez.)

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 07:44 PM PST

    Happy 9th birthday to this map. What are your best memories playing kino?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 12:04 PM PST

    Why is Primis Richtofen in BOTD considered to be “the nicest one?”

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 07:05 AM PST

    I never fully understood why the community got so emotional from this moment. I understand that he sacrificed himself, but is that the only reason why?

    submitted by /u/Balago
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    "This don't feel like livin'... " Russman puking animation

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 03:34 PM PST

    [Leak] Information on CoD 2020's Zombies

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 11:36 AM PST

    Note: These are information gathered last month. Changes may or may not be made. Do not take all of the information listed here as reliable information as some of it are not set in stone.


    • CoD 2020 is titled Call of Duty: Black Ops V.
    • It is themed in the Vietnam war.
    • Black Ops V's logo in Zombies turn into the iconic 5 tally mark symbol.
    • The weapons are similar to the ones used in World at War.
    • The game is built on the new engine version used by Infinity Ward with Modern Warfare.
    • Black Ops 3 and Black Ops 4 will not receive any new DLC packs.
    • Tranzit, Die Rise and Buried are not planned for remasters.
    • The studio is exploring on utilizing the scrapped content across all the games. Such as the Paris map for Black Ops 1.
    • No current plans on lootboxes, but there might be a Season Pass.
    • None of the planned maps are remastered nor remade content. They will all be original maps.
    • A "Factions" system is being developed, utilizing the discontinued content from Black Ops 4.
    • Other gamemodes such as Gauntlet, Rush, Grief and Turned are being planned to return.
    • A third Dead Ops Arcade is being planned on, will feature maps from Black Ops 1 to Black Ops 4 along with the story, 4 characters being Ultimis.
    • Separation of Story and Survival Mode. [Specifics on Survival mode below]

    Map & Story Specifics:

    • The game will have 1 confirmed map at launch.
    • There are plans for a second map that might be released with the Season Pass.
    • The first map is larger than Tranzit's whole area.
    • The map does not have a name yet.
    • The map is set in France.
    • Aether is the only storyline.
    • Ultimis, Primis and Victis will no longer be continued as core characters.
    • A new story is created.
    • A new set of characters and timeline is made for this new title.
    • 4 player crews as always.

    Survival Mode:

    • The gamemode will act similarly to Black Ops 2's Survival.
    • Same characters as Story mode.
    • All weapons and gear are available through walls or the mystery box.
    • Custom Classes will still be used.
    • Perks are available.
    • Gobblegums are available.
    • Pack-A-Punch are available.
    • Easter eggs/Quests are disabled, except for the music easter egg.
    • Quest weapons and equipment will be available in the mystery box.
    • No buildables.

    System Mechanics:

    • The game will return to the traditional system mechanics.
    • Old perk system. [Specifics below]
    • Old scoring system.
    • Pack-A-Punch will adopt the Black Ops 4 mechanic.
    • AATs are not returning.
    • Gobblegums are set for a return. [Specifics below]
    • Talismans are not returning.
    • Create a class will be returning in a different way. [Specifics below]
    • 150 health or 3 hits to down.
    • Mystery box will be overhauled to not rely on random mechanics.
    • Special Weapons will be returning but modified. [Specifics below]

    Perk System:

    • The old perk system will return.
    • Juggernog, Speed Cola, Double Tap Rootbeer (Black Ops 1), Quick Revive will return as base perks.
    • Base perks appear in all maps, alongside the Wunderfizz Machine.
    • Wunderfizz Machine will cycle through only 5 perks.
    • You can have 5 perks at a time.
    • The perk system will adopt Black Ops 4's modifier slot, which is slot number 5.
    • There is a new perk planned.
    • Some perks from Black Ops 1 will be reintroduced.
    • Some perks from Black Ops 2 will be reintroduced.
    • Some perks from Black Ops 4 will be reintroduced.
    • Widow's Wine will not return.
    • Approaching the machine can remove a perk if desired.
    • Removing a perk will move all the perks to fill it in. 5th perk will move to 4th slot if 2nd perk is removed, removing its ability to have a modifier.

    Gobblegum System:

    • Many of the gums from Black Ops 3 will be used.
    • The amount of gums you have in Black Ops 3 and Black Ops 5 will be the same if they are present in Black Ops 5.
    • Monty's Laboratory will be reused.
    • Newton's Cookbook will be reused.
    • Certain gums are modified to create better balance, but not as intense as Black Ops 4's.
    • You can only carry 5 gobblegums per match.
    • You can activate any of the 5 gobblegums by pressing dpad-up.
    • You can select which to activate by holding dpad-up.
    • No gobblegum machines.
    • Each gobblegum will have a 3 min. cooldown after use regardless of rarity, unless specifically excluded, but requires a new round to be replenished.
    • Some gobblegums do not have a cooldown such as Point Drops which can be activated every 3 seconds.
    • Perk-Up will only grant you random 5 perks.
    • Perkaholic will grant you the 4 base perks and a random 5th perk.
    • Soda Fountain will grant you a random perk after purchasing 1 perk, 2 times.
    • No gobblegum will grant a perk after having 5 perks active.

    Create-A-Class System:

    • You can customize your weapons and startup load out in this menu.
    • Your starting pistol can be changed but cannot have attachments.
    • The current pistols you can choose are: Colt M1911, Mauser, Remington New Model Army.
    • The starting grenade can be changed.
    • The current grenades you can choose are: Frag, Semtex, Claymores, Stick.
    • You can choose 5 gobblegums to bring in a game.
    • You can choose a special weapon to bring in a game.
    • The current special weapons you can choose are: WunderWaffe DG-7, Ragnarok DG-5, Path of Sorrows, TAM-23, Immobilizer, 31-79_JGb215, Raygun, Flamethrower.

    Mystery Box:

    • The box will still cycle through all the weapons available.
    • Box weapons you hold will of course not appear.
    • Box weapons you hold that are traded or removed will not reappear until 10 spins are done.
    • For example, you got the Raygun from spin 1, another weapon from spin 2 and traded the Raygun for it, the Raygun will not be in the loot pool of the box until spin 12.

    Special Weapons:

    • The weapons will take longer to charge and faster to deplete compared to Black Ops 4.
    • The weapons will not be as powerful as the ones in Black Ops 4.
    • The weapons will introduce more risks when using them than just being powerful.
    • One of the risks being slower moving when using the TAM-23 and the Ragnarok DG-5 slowing you down each slam.
    • The Wunderwaffe DG-7 will not be as powerful as the original DG-2, DG-3 or the DG-Scharfschutze.
    • WunderWaffe DG-7
      • Level 1: Fire a straight ray of lightning that stuns and kills enemies.
      • Level 2: Hit targets will now arc to nearby targets.
      • Level 3: Charge shots will launch an orb of lightning.
      • Level 4: Firing a shot at a downed player will revive them.
    • Ragnarok DG-5
      • Level 1: Slam attacks will kill nearby enemies, knock down enemies that are not killed.
      • Level 2: Enhanced slam attacks will kill nearby enemies at a greater radius.
      • Level 3: Holding the L2 will create a lightning storm that stuns enemies in place.
      • Level 4: You can deploy the weapon and become a tesla coil. Cannot be picked up.
    • Path of Sorrows
      • Level 1: Kill enemies with using a deadly melee attack with a great range.
      • Level 2: Pressing L2 will lunge you forward killing enemies in front.
      • Level 3: You can throw the sword and kill enemies pierced by it, sword will return.
      • Level 4: Pressing both L2 and R2 will make you invisible.
    • TAM-23
      • Level 1: Suck nearby enemies to kill them.
      • Level 2: Suck enemies faster and at a bigger range.
      • Level 3: Pressing L2 will launch the device and explodes on contact of a wall. Will not work when deployed.
      • Level 4: Pressing both L2 and R2 will deploy the device creating a vortex that sucks in enemies.
    • Immobilizer
      • Level 1: Slow down enemies in front of you until killed.
      • Level 2: Kill enemies faster.
      • Level 3: Pressing L2 will blast away enemies.
      • Level 4: Pressing L2 and R2 will reset the current round. Everything will revert back to the end of the previous round. Points, perks, guns.
    • 31-79_JGb215
      • Level 1: Shots shrink enemies in a radius, walking over enemies will kill them.
      • Level 2: Shots are now in a splash effect.
      • Level 3: Pressing L2 will fire one shot to turn an enemy friendly that lasts 30 seconds. Only once per activation.
      • Level 4: Shooting a downed player will revive them.
    • Raygun
      • Level 1: Fire rays that explodes on impact at an enemy.
      • Level 2: Rays will not pierce through multiple enemies instead of an explosion.
      • Level 3: Charge shots will fire an explosive bomb.
      • Level 4: Dual wield ray guns that has rapid fire, each ray pierces through enemies, charge shot will fire a larger explosive bomb.
    • Flamethrower
      • Level 1: Spew out flames in an area in front of you.
      • Level 2: Charge shot will release flames that carpet an area that lasts for 5 secs.
      • Level 3: Pressing L2 will launch a vortex of fire.
      • Level 4: Pressing L2 and R2 will deploy the weapon as a turret.
    submitted by /u/wilpetelazlo
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    Is It Just Me Or Are Quotes Disabled in Gauntlet?

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 02:04 AM PST

    I barely hear any quotes when playing gauntlet. I don't know if this is intentional by treyarch or if its a bug. Have treyarch at least spoken about this issue in patch notes? If you guys know a solution to this it would be greatly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/TheFahmyPlays
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    Best base games zombie experience

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 05:01 AM PST

    All the lists I see of what game has the best zombies experience always seem to include all the dlc levels. Since season passes don't seem to go on sale that regularly on ps4, I was wondering what base game is best to get into zombies.

    submitted by /u/furryjunkwulf
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    Zombies coming to Call of Duty Mobile soon!

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 05:25 PM PST

    I think i found a new easter egg

    Posted: 09 Nov 2019 06:56 AM PST

    Okay so I have a ps4 and codbo3 zombies i only have SOE so i play it all the time, i found out that if you go to the pekka punch room and look at the stand where you would put the summoning key their a brick with random on it could mean something if decode it( and maybe it connected to the note of the boxing noir easter egg? who knows?) please tell me your thoughts :)

    submitted by /u/Whiz_Gamer25
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    Why Yuri didn’t return

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 06:44 PM PST

    So with Yuri being added to Blackout, it got me think about why he didn't return in Classified. I'm sure the specialist would've killed him with ease during the round he spawns in and might've broken the game. However, they could've reworked him in a similar way to Brutus I think

    submitted by /u/Reverse-Totoro
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    Searching For Shangri-La PC Solo Mod

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 08:30 PM PST

    No, I don't want the BO Re-imagined Mod sent to me 115x
    I want the Solo-able Mods from UGX that are no Longer available
    If anyone can slide those to me (Feel free to DM over posting here) That would be fantastic.

    submitted by /u/JustCallMeWade
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    BO1 Moon Easter Egg Items - someone please confirm!!

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 09:51 PM PST

    Can I do the moon Easter egg with a buddy if I completed solo COTD EE, or do I have to complete the co-op one?

    I see the golden rod in Shangri La solo but I don't see the golden rod in Moon solo.. is the golden rod on visible in co-op moon games for Richtofen?

    Just to be clear. I have completed the COTD Easter egg only on solo and will be working on Shangri La soon.

    Please someone confirm.

    submitted by /u/eatvenom
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    Wait, What?

    Posted: 08 Nov 2019 05:11 PM PST

    As someone who has been playing since WaW, I've always loved zombies. Yet I haven't gotten a chance to play bo4 or 3. Could someone basically explain what's happened up to the final DLC of bo4?

    submitted by /u/thegalaxi
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