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    Wednesday, December 11, 2019

    Call of Duty Zombies Just wait for the dogs

    Call of Duty Zombies Just wait for the dogs

    Just wait for the dogs

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 08:51 AM PST

    Happy 1 year birthday Dead of the Night! You are a special map.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 03:33 AM PST

    You okay there?

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 07:41 PM PST

    Me on Kino

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 11:21 AM PST

    This is amazing

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 04:02 PM PST

    I modeled the revive symbol and 3D Printed it!

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 08:33 AM PST

    Any good Zombies YouTubers in 2019?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 05:46 AM PST

    I was a huge fan of TheRelaxingEnd, The SmithPlays and MrTLexify during the Bo2 and Bo3 era, but I feel like they've all moved on (except for Lex, he's doing custom zombies). I watch some people like KrazyRabb1t and Tim Hansen, but I wanted to know any other good content creators out there. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/KillaZami
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    DarkMatter all weapons complete. Need tips for DM grind? Discuss fav/most hated weapons? Would like to join a team for EE, but not well versed in the steps, but have lots of all elixirs saved up to better the team. TY friends ��

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 10:10 AM PST

    If you could...

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 06:50 AM PST

    If you could go and visit any Zombies map in real life, which would you go to, one with Zombies for you to survive in, and one just to explore IRL.

    Mine would be:

    Revelations: Just to explore

    Verrückt: To survive

    Just a bit of fun to see what you guys think


    submitted by /u/PassionPlays_
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    Black Ops Mobile is a gift that keeps on giving

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 11:26 AM PST

    Just randomly in r/btd6. Shoutout to u/ExpirimentalSpirit

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 06:00 AM PST

    Had to get some zombies representation on the tree this year

    Posted: 10 Dec 2019 05:22 PM PST

    Just a normal day for Richtofen.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 08:46 AM PST

    I can't believe I just clutched that and didn't know that I had this in me. Just wanted to share with you guys :)

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 02:00 AM PST

    Was Nova 6 really explaiend in the Aether timeline?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 04:26 AM PST

    Since Nova Crawlers were introduced in Kino, did Treyarch ever explained Nova 6 in the Aether story. Nova 6 in the Bo1 Campaign was explained, but was really explain in Aether since Ultimus were immuned to the Nova 6 gas by the Crawlers?

    submitted by /u/DerpyBox
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    In the Revelations opening cutscene, Dr. Monty says Maxis was manipulated by the Shadowman because he doesn't have a soul. This is a subtle reference to Origins, when Dr. Richtofen puts Maxis's brain into a drone and sends it to the house.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 06:54 AM PST

    It’s been over a year since BO4 release and I’m finally able to reliably play on PC.

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 09:04 AM PST

    I bought the deluxe edition the night it came out excited as all hell to play the 4 new zombies maps that came with it. That excitement was quickly replaced with disappointment and frustration when I wasn't able to even load into a game without frequent crashing. We are all familiar with the crashing issues that plagued all platforms at launch. Disheartened but understanding because many games these days have rough launches, I wait for an update to fix the crashes.

    Several updates later, I'm at least able to load into a game, but outside of a few rare instances, it still crashes within about 30 minutes or so. I tried updating drivers, uninstalling and reinstalling countless times, changing settings in the config file, dropping down to the lowest graphics settings, and even after restoring to a clean install of windows and buying a new graphics card, the game still would not run for more than 30 minutes without crashing.

    I gave up at this point. I would try again with each new map released but every time I was met with the same results. I did have an older system but still plenty capable. i7 3770k liquid cooled, 16 gb of DDR3 ram, GTX 1060 6 gb. I could max out BO3 at 1080p no problem. Even BO4 ran smoothly at max before it crashed. Every other game ran fine including VR games.

    Recently, given that the older i7 and DDR3 ram were beginning to bottleneck my system, I decided to scrap it and rebuild from scratch. Ryzen 7 3700x, 16 gb DDR4 ram, and an RTX 2070 super. Given the more powerful hardware I also upgraded my monitor from a basic 1080p 60 Hz to a 1440p 144 Hz display. I load on all my shit to a clean install of Windows 10 and out of curiosity, boot up BO4 to see if it would finally behave. To my delight, it did! I haven't had a single crash in BO4 on my new system.

    While I'm still upset that it wouldn't run reliably on my old system for over a year despite plenty of other games running fine, I'm excited to finally be able to at least play the game I dropped $100 on. During the rare instances that it stayed stable enough for a full game, I did enjoy the maps and new zombies gameplay. Especially the likes of Classified, IX, and Ancient Evil.

    I guess BO4 just didn't like something with my old system but seems to play nice on my new one. Exasperated doesn't even begin to describe my experience with trying to run this game so far but now it seems I'll finally be able to enjoy it, which I am happy about.

    TL;DR: BO4 was being a school yard bully to my old system. After building a system that can kick the shit out of it, it's finally decided to play nice.

    submitted by /u/arrocknroll
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    (Chronicles, Josh A feat. LonelyMailbox) Brings back the memories bois

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 12:44 PM PST

    Somewhat new to Zombies, finding it hard to move on from BO1

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 12:36 PM PST

    My history with zombies is relatively short, even though I played bits and pieces of it throughout the years. I never did get very far in any of those partially due to not knowing what to do or any general strategies. I'd spawn in, shoot a few zombies, and then die by round 3.

    It wasn't until maybe a year ago that I made a friend with somebody that had some experience with Zombies in the past and we sat down and played Black Ops 1 on Xbox One's BC, that I had started to get it. Part of it was knowing exactly what "turning on the power" meant, that you effectively had two hits until you went down, the perks (especially jug), and in general, just how you play the game. It subsequently made zombies into one of my favorite modes ever. I like PvE modes and I like first person shooters, and this intersection is primarily taken up by horde modes and zombie shooters. Prior to this, my experience was with Left 4 Dead and Killing Floor, both of which play very differently from the two-hit down. It was somewhat refreshing to actually be vulnerable and knowing that there is a progression system where you go from essentially a baby to a killing machine.

    That said, when Kino Der Toten started to get old, we branched out to other maps in BO1, which all had their own additions and new scenarios that we mostly understood. Five is actually one of my favorite maps in BO1 because the idea of playing as JFK shooting up zombies in the pentagon was hilarious, and I love that opening cutscene. Ascension was a nice and easy map to understand, and most of the maps boiled down to a few things:

    • Figure out how to turn on the power
    • Find Jug
    • Find the mystery box locations
    • Figure out how to Pack a Punch
    • Find the other Perks
    • Survive

    And it was great fun. The special rounds always threw a curve ball, but for the most part, I understood how to play the map. The zombies mostly acted predictable and kiting them around, while occasionally dangerous, was mostly manageable.

    When it came to BO2, however, things didn't go nearly as well. I think I got around to figuring out Tranzit eventually, but already it felt more complicated with the introduction of buildables. I liked the idea of it, and the map does a good job of teaching you this, but it felt infinitely more complicated than BO1. That and the map felt significantly more restrictive and didn't flow like anything in BO1. It took a lot longer to "get" Transit and how it worked, and at least for my friend, it wasn't worth really getting into. We bought all of the DLC maps to see if any of them would be simpler, and they all felt more complex. Some of this is down to neither of us having any background with BO2 zombies, but it just felt impenetrable and hard to get far in. I only got around to understanding Tranzit through solo play, but it didn't end up being a map we really enjoyed playing together. I think Nuketown might have been the only map that we kind of understood, but as I understand it, that was intentional as an "old-school" map.

    Fast forward to BO3 and the Zombies Chronicles pack, and we gave that a shot as well. Shadows of Evil felt completely foreign to us, and whatever knowledge we might have had from BO1 was grossly insufficient to make it far here. Between transforming into the monster and not quite understanding how to get things like jug or turning on the power (if there even was a power switch), we wipe around round 7, and we've more or less just given up on it.

    We thought that maybe the remade maps for Kino might be ok, and they were for a bit. But it quickly became clear that the zombies felt different. Maybe they were smarter or more chaotic, or the map design was subtly tweaked to make a difference, but it felt more overwhelming, which I guess is the point. One personal gripe I have is the look of the guns, which I'll give that they're very detailed, but kind of designed to the point of looking all the same to me. This might also just be something that becomes less of an issue after playing more, but compared to BO1, where I could very easily distinguish what kind of gun something is by just looking at it, most BO3 guns look like Automatic Rifles to me. The gobblegum system looked intriguing, but we never made it far enough to have anything but the default set and those didn't seem to make much of a difference in gameplay.

    BO4 is basically the same to us as BO3, except now the perk system is kind of weird, and we get 5 hits off the bat without needing Jug. On one hand, that's easier to manage the beginning when exploring, but on the other hand, progression gets a bit wonky.

    So to date, only BO1 (and maybe Tranzit and Nuketown in BO2) has really connected with me. I'd love to know why the other zombies games are so good and I'm interested in seeing how far it goes, but it's really difficult for me to get into. Solo is too overwhelming for me to feel like I'm making progress in, and that's not even me getting into whatever Easter eggs these maps actually have. My friend would rather just play BO1 zombies, and most people I've run into in online games aren't really going to teach you how to play any maps. I just kind of follow them around without really understanding anything. Is there something I'm missing? Is my mindset for these maps just fundamentally mismatched?

    submitted by /u/OtakuReborn
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    Is there any confirmed validity to a new season of DLC for BO4?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 12:27 PM PST

    I was so wrapped up in playing the new call of duty, that I hadn't had too much of a chance to scour the Internet for answers.

    Upon looking, I did not find anything definitive. Only a bunch of Clickbait style YouTube videos.

    Does anybody have a definitive answer as to whether or not there will be new zombies content coming for Black Ops 4?

    submitted by /u/AttractiveRobot
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    Black Ops 3 Host Issues

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 12:17 PM PST

    I keep getting migrated when I'm the host in a zombies game after 5 minutes or so.

    What is the minim speed you need to be the host connection, cause I am wired and my Nat in open.

    The only thing I could think of would be my speed, but also been told you only need 1 mbps? If anyone knows the speed, that could help a lot, thanks.

    submitted by /u/Silverandgold841
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    Which zombies has highest matchmaking population?

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 07:11 AM PST

    I play World at War PC zombies, BO2 PC zombies and BO1 Xbox zombies and they're ghost towns. Can't even find a kino match on black ops anymore. If anyone wants to play any of those though let me know!

    submitted by /u/land_o_scrakes
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    Revelations EE

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 10:44 AM PST

    Would anyone be willing to help with the Revelations EE, I have all the Gateworms and key, used to remember steps, and I am currently brushing up on them. Any help on Xbox would be appreciated. Would like to get both achievements for it. Thanks.

    submitted by /u/medic54-1
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    Zombie Chronicles 2??

    Posted: 11 Dec 2019 12:55 AM PST

    What is everyone thinking about ZC2? Do we still think it's coming?

    I know there's portions of the maps in the games & apparently the maps are supposedly ready, but I just wanted to know what everyone thought and/or if they heard anything about it as of late.

    Hopped back on zombies & now working on getting DM for DLC/BM weapons and just wanting to know if there's anything else to loom forward to 😂

    In my opinion: I feel like it's still coming. With all the controversy surrounding MW and it's post launch sales/reception, as well as the fact that DLC5 is still in the game files & the blank box that is still in the BO4 Zombies store, that it is coming, it's just a question I guess of when.

    submitted by /u/jacobwenner
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