• Breaking News

    Friday, December 6, 2019

    Call of Duty Zombies Some of you asked on my first clock post if you could purchase one. Well I’m happy to announce, yes. I’ve finished making a good amount of these and I’ll give y’all an update when I have a link to a shop up.

    Call of Duty Zombies Some of you asked on my first clock post if you could purchase one. Well I’m happy to announce, yes. I’ve finished making a good amount of these and I’ll give y’all an update when I have a link to a shop up.

    Some of you asked on my first clock post if you could purchase one. Well I’m happy to announce, yes. I’ve finished making a good amount of these and I’ll give y’all an update when I have a link to a shop up.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 06:08 AM PST

    To each their own.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:12 AM PST

    Havelina is bugged in zombies, you get a wooping 6 rounds in the mag and 18 to spare.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 06:44 PM PST

    Can we PLEASE get the ability to activate new contracts in mid-game?!

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 05:52 AM PST

    I play all of the 3 gamemodes. Zombies games take way more time than multiplayer and blackout. It doesn't make sense that we cannot activate new contracts during a zombies game. If there are 6 contracts (7 if we include the one that gives you the second tier skip) I would have to play 3 zombies matches just to complete all of them, while instead, we could complete all of them just in a match, if we had the ability to activate them mid-game.

    submitted by /u/reginof99
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    Path of Sorrows Theory (Primis Takeo is not the Owner)

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 07:23 AM PST

    Note: (my theory which I have developed through multiple shower thoughts )

    Main problem:Something happened after Zetsubou no Shima. After severing the head of Proditione Takeo by his kaishakunin, Primis Takeo, we follow the journey of Primis until we arrive at Revelations. Somehow, we can purchase the Path of Sorrows in the Shang-ri-la portion of the map after doing a side quest requiring the wisp. We can also use the Path of Sorrows within all Aether maps in Black Ops 4. Also why is Revelations Path of Sorrows different from the Path of Sorrows in Black ops 4?Now that doesn't make sense, but allow me to explain.

    Explanation time:

    REVELATIONS: The Path of Sorrows was never owned by Primis, but by Ultimis Takeo specifically, PRODITIONE TIMELINE Takeo. Notice how we can use the weapon in Revelations? The reason why Primis Takeo decided not to use this before was because it belonged to Proditione Takeo which is lost through time as the places they go to are Fractures of the Universe, and where can you purchase the weapon? At the legendary lost shrine, the time travelling temple, the Shang-ri-la portion of the Revelations map.

    The reason why the Path of Sorrows in Revelations is not as powerful as it is in Black Ops 4 is because I believe that Takeo's soul is not yet within Monty's house, thus his soul is still free. His soul wishes to aide Primis Takeo into completing the journey, powering and fuelling the sword with countless Spirits and with the guidance of his ancestors, the weapon can preform just as well as we see in Black ops 4, yet since the souls have been collected by Primis and given to Dr. Monty after the events of Gorod Krovi, Takeo's soul is innocent, thus the spirit of the blade is lost, resulting in a Path of Sorrows which is not as powerful as the Path of Sorrows Specialist issue weapon in Black Ops 4.

    BLOOD OF THE DEAD: Notice how in the intro of Blood of the Dead, Primis Takeo was seen fighting zombies not with the Path of Sorrows but with the Original Katana model?

    One of the answers I can come up with is that before the Primis cast can travel to Gorod Krovi, they must first secure the blood vials in Alcatraz and then come back to Zetsubou in order to access Agonia Fracture, all of this was pre-established and cannon. Yet what I believe is that After securing Takeo's soul, Primis Takeo picks up the surrendered weapon of Proditione Takeo, the Path of Sorrows and continues on their journey. Yet he cannot contain the burden of the weapon, so he must leave it behind traveling back to ZNS and continuing their journey. In Blood of the Dead, the cycle is beginning to break and Primis never leaves Alcatraz, in doing so, Primis Takeo never left the Path of Sorrows behind in ZNS, but instead carrying it in Blood of the Dead.

    CLASSIFIED: We are also able to use the Path of Sorrows, much like Blood of the Dead yet the only difference are the characters which wield them. Ultimis Takeo can use the Path of Sorrows because he is not the Takeo in Proditione Fracture, where the Takeo in that timeline is made to surrender his Path of Sorrows and be tortured. He keeps the Path of Sorrows as it is a family heirloom and honouring his emperor in the process. We already know that the emperor has betrayed Ultimis Takeo and he is made into a test subject of Division 9 and Group 935. His Path of Sorrows, lost indefinitely, now he only carries a simple Katana on his waist.

    The reason why Ultimis Takeo carries the Path of Sorrows in Classified is because before arriving in the Pentagon, Dempsey overloads the teleporter, shooting the 31-79 JGb215 on a zombie, ultimately sending them to the Pentagon. My guess is that when Ultimis was in Shang-ri-la and overloaded the teleporter, Ultimis Takeo is reunited the Path of Sorrows, which was lost through time and space, yet with the presence of the time travelling temple, combined with the overloading of the Shrink Ray, and with the abnormal presence of the Spirits within the Path of Sorrows, the weapon found its way to its rightful owner.

    ALPHA OMEGA: The Path of Sorrows can also be used within Alpha Omega, both Ultimis and Primis can wield the weapon for they are using different Path of Sorrows from different timelines. Primis Takeo uses the Path of Sorrows from the Proditione Fractured Timeline, while Ultimis Takeo uses a Path of Sorrows from his Original Timeline.


    The path of sorrows is a symbolical weapon, it cleaves through foes like autumn leaves, it grants you abilities no mortal man can wield, for it is a noble blade with matchless pedigree but with the price of your sorrow and despair. It has traveled through time because Primis Takeo, holds the guilt and suffering he endured while taking the life of his older self. He must carry the burden no matter how stoic he is.Notice also how The Path of Sorrows is a 'specialist weapon' making them only use it whenever a certain requirement is fulfilled. Well, I believe that Ultimis and Primis Takeo both have different reasons to use the weapon as Ultimis Takeo uses this in order to give hail and honour to his emperor, while Primis Takeo uses this for tactical advantage minimalizing the suffering he has to endure while using the weapon.

    Some questions that you guys might have so I'll try to answer them here:

    Q: The Katanas in Zetsubou confuses me, can you explain it?A: Alright, so Primis Takeo in the start of the trailer carries one katana, sheathed in his waist, while during the intro cutscene in the deck of the boat, Primis Takeo disarms the Japanese Officer's Katana, thus carrying it; we later learn that this is the same katana that Proditione Takeo uses to commit seppuku while Primis Takeo uses his own to behead Proditione. We also learn that the Path of Sorrows is Proditione Takeo's ownership. So there are a total of 3 katanas, 1 owned by Primis Takeo, 1 held by the Japanese Officer but was later disarmed thus used by Proditione Takeo to commit seppuku, and the Path of Sorrows.

    Q: How come other crew members (Victis, Ultimis, Primis) that isn't Takeo can use the Path of Sorrows?A: I'm sorry but I really cannot explain the reason why this is even possible. The reason why we can use different characters but somehow still use weapons not associated with them cannot be explained (storyline wise). If I were to answer this question (gameplay wise) then it's easy.The reason why we can use specialist weapons not related to the character whatsoever was in order to add replayability into the game, making us choose between 4 different weapons to suite our own play style. The only gameplay difference between characters which use their weapon related to the character vs the one that doesn't has no gameplay factor, expect for the character's quotes, which doesn't alter the gameplay.

    Q: What is your point in making this theory?A: Well... My favourite character is Primis Takeo, I find him the most relatable and enjoyable character in all of zombies. Yet when I first loaded in black ops 4, saw that I can use the Path of Sorrows once more, I was in utter jubilation. My heart was filled with rejoiced until I read the description of the Path of Sorrows in bo4- "Carried by Takeo Masaki, through both victory and sacrifice, the Path of Sorrows is a tragic blade with many more tales to tell." I was left to contemplate because I really really thought that the Path of Sorrows in Rev is just a cool little Easter egg like the time trials in Gorod Krovi, yet learning that the Path of Sorrows is related to the storyline, I sunk on my chair and made a theory, and here is the polished version. Currently sharing it to you guys in order to know if what I believe in makes sense or you guys can help me uncover the real origins of the Path of Sorrow.

    submitted by /u/FedIsDead
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    Tag Der Toten EE

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 01:15 AM PST

    So, the Tag easter egg, I know that 3Arc were hard up for the budget and the work force they could use on the map etc, but in my opinion, it is the worst easter egg for steps being monotonous, repetitive, and just plain boring. Now don't get me wrong, the "boss fight" (and I use that term loosely) was amazing! It was intense to say the least especially when you get to the facility, but the orb step was a poor excuse for an easter egg step, once was fine, twice at a push, but three times doing the same thing just felt like they were fleshing out something that they put no effort in to. I've been playing Zombies since WAW when I finished the Campaign to unlock Nacht, but have only just started doing the EE's as it has been hard to find someone who is as passionate as me about the game.

    My question really being, does anyone else agree that they should have just put another Chaos map as DLC4 and finished the story in BO5 where they could have had a bit more time and resources to give the game, that has had such a big impact on all of our lives, the send off it deserved?

    "When I killed myself, I felt nothing. When we killed Dempsey, I felt something. When we killed Takeo, I knew I had to save them." - Dr Edward Richtofen

    submitted by /u/PassionPlays_
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    Am I the only one?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 12:13 PM PST

    What themed maps would you like to see in the next game?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 05:40 AM PST

    What type of maps are you expecting to be in the next game? It can be for either Aether or Chaos. I'd like to see Atlantis for Chaos.

    submitted by /u/Defgnw
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    TIL: The monkey bomb in zombies is actually a reference to real life cymbal monkeys. The exploding monkey bomb is loosely based on an urban legend where cymbal monkeys would explode if thrown.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:02 AM PST

    Treyarch, I know we're far and few, but PLEASE keep Zombie Rush for the next game!

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:32 PM PST

    I know, theres probably a total of MAYBE 100 people here who fuck with Rush, but it honestly made me love BO4 zombies. I can get contracts done much easier and level up weapons way faster. AND EVERYTHING IS FREE PLUS BUILDABLES ARE MADE AUTOMATICALLY Its just you, the zombies, and a point to protect, you can get your perks, hit the box, grab a shield, and even PAP for free, all so you can just focus on killin' meatbags.

    You can complain all you want about setting up a map, I'll be over here just killing zombz and letting the game do the annoying stuff for me. Even Tag der Toten is pretty great with Rush! But my favorite will always be Classified, short sweet, and of course, Area 51 just hits home for me.

    u/treyarch_official please don't forget about us! Theres dozens of us! DENIZENS DOZENS!

    submitted by /u/Fu453
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    I know I’m late to the party but I brought tequila, let’s keep it going.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 11:32 AM PST

    Played the hell out of this game a few years back when I was staying with a friend who had it. Crushed most of the easter eggs, overall had a blast, but eventually moved away from his place and away from a PS4. Wasn't until last year I finally got my own, and it wasn't until last night that I got BO3 for myself to relive the fun...
    unfortunately, the servers are dead as dirt, more barren than I could've ever imagined. Soo, yeah, I guess what I'm trying to say is I could use some new friends on this game to keep the party alive. If anyone's still shredding on PlayStation, get at me. I know from being on this sub for a while now that the main player base is on PC but I just don't have the setup.

    submitted by /u/IdahoTrees77
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    Help, can someone tell me what are those numbers for? thx!

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:14 AM PST

    How the hell am I supposed to complete the kills challenge with the pap'd welling without losing my mind?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:00 AM PST

    Hey guys. I'm grinding for dark matter in zombies. I completed the headshots for the welling a couple of weeks ago. I thought that the pain had finished there... However, I just realised that the pap'd welling is absolute garbage as well (never used it tbh). I thought it'd be as good as the mustang and sally but no, it fucking sucks lol. Takes almost all the shots to take down a warden and 2 for a single zombie (easy mode btw) and its explosive range is so small!!

    What's the best strategy to complete this challenge without losing my mind? Thank you

    submitted by /u/reginof99
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    I'm so confused..

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 06:11 PM PST

    [BO3] if you downloaded the season pass via a different account can you still get the whimsical gums?

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 06:34 PM PST

    I downloaded the season pass via another account but the whimsical gums don't appear nor did I get the liquid divinium that would have come with the DLC. What might be the problem?

    Also on the menu, it shows a green notification by goblegums tab but when I go into it there are no new gums.

    submitted by /u/NerdGaming103
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    BO3 Custom Maps that feel like older games

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 06:25 PM PST

    Hey y'all. Dunno if this has been posted before - but I got a question.

    What are some BO3 Custom maps that TRULY feel like they're from BO2 or BO1? The Zombies Chronicles for BO3 is a ton of fun but doesn't quite feel the same. Help a poor man live in his nostalgia bubble forever please

    submitted by /u/sirchico90
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    I need some questions answered because I'm dumb.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 01:14 PM PST

    1:Does Richtofen (Ultimis) control the zombies while in the dark Aether pyrwmid. If he needed the three things activated, he would keep zombies off Victus to appeal

    2: Wait 5 seconds and remember Russman Fucking Dying from a jumpy boi. Not a question, but still.

    3: In blood of the Dead, Spoiler: Richtofen pre Gorod has to go in the blood machine. Couldn't he just put in a little blood slowly so that the dimension would break and he would live.

    Of course, I'm applying logic to a game where you kill zombies with magical powerups, and drinks that take 5 seconds to drink (perks).

    submitted by /u/HamsterGaming76_2
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