• Breaking News

    Saturday, December 14, 2019

    Call of Duty Zombies Went for a high round run on my favorite map of all time! Going to go for the big 50 next run! High Rounding on this map is no joke.

    Call of Duty Zombies Went for a high round run on my favorite map of all time! Going to go for the big 50 next run! High Rounding on this map is no joke.

    Went for a high round run on my favorite map of all time! Going to go for the big 50 next run! High Rounding on this map is no joke.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 02:17 AM PST

    First attempt in two years, god bless the Golden Shovel!

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 02:36 AM PST

    Blood of the Dead's No Budget Cutscene

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 11:38 AM PST

    Here is the rough cut of a project I was working on a couple of months ago. The idea was to turn BOTD's CG cutscene into an animated one, but the price to have an artist digital "re-paint" all the images ended up being way too much. Anyway, I thought it'd still be fun to share!


    submitted by /u/Glitchalodon
    [link] [comments]

    Im SOOOO sorry for this, please don’t ban me ������ Me and my best friend made this so I thought I would share it with you guys ♥️

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 02:21 PM PST

    Weird funny denizen glitch

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 09:04 AM PST

    Zetsubou No Shima is broken

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 06:23 AM PST

    My Reddit Secret Santa got me a Perk Cola mug that fills the sodas when it’s hot!

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 04:08 PM PST

    Ancient and German knowledge inspiring the Cold War superpowers

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 03:08 AM PST

    Ancient and German knowledge inspiring the Cold War superpowers

    Guten Morgen, y'all zombie slayers. It's weekend again and I figured out you folks might feel like to have something to read about the story. And with that I do not mean the direct story of the events of Ultimis, Victis and Primis, but the story that lays in the shady background the entire time. Its all hypothised, nothing proved, but I hope the following chapters (which are all works of CoDZ Forums) may inspire y'all for brand new, out-of-the-box ideas and theories. You don't need to read it all in one time, just take your time and, most importantly, enjoy. There's a zombie slayer in all of you! Auf Wiedersehen!

    Ancient Aliens

    In ancient times, aliens visited earth and interacted with early humans, leading to the gods of our myths and legends. The mythologies of early civilizations show aliens helping early mankind, and explain the rise of mankind from primate to the domination of our planet. The main argument for the theory is that much of early man's megastructures required technology, engineering, mathematics, and other sciences that we simply weren't capable of back then. Similarities among images from various cultures that never had contact with each other shows a common experience of these 'gods' coming from above, as do strange images that seem to be of modern day tech such as the famous hieroglyph of what seems like a helicopter or spacesuits.

    Alfred Russell Wallace, a biologist living in the same era as Darwin, believed that Darwinian evolution couldn't completely explain life on earth. He theorized that a Higher Being intervened in the evolution of life three times: creating life from organic matter, creating consciousness in animals, and finally giving humans sentience. This idea is pretty similar to many creation stories, like the well-known one in the Bible. Later writers expanded upon this idea with the Spirit being replaced by extraterrestrials.

    The Swiss author Von Daniken believed that early man had progressed just enough technologically to construct the wonders of the ancient world, and stated that famous landmarks such as the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Moai heads of Easter Island were either constructed by aliens or by humans with extraterrestial assistance. He theorized that early humans viewed alien technology as supernatural, divine magic, the aliens theirselves as gods, because their technology was so far beyond humanity's.

    An interesting observation is how similar the Pacific cargo cults are. These cults arose when island cultures that were more primitive concerning technology, met with foreign WWII soldiers who gave them the aforementioned cargo, in the form of material assistance. The cults arose when they began to worship the advanced humans as gods, going so far as to create costumes similar to the soldiers to try and convince their gods to return. They created elaborate rituals and even using wooden replicas of the technology the soldiers used.

    One of the most important 'ancient-alien' writers was Zecharia Sitchin, who declared that aliens interacted with the homo sapiens living in Mesopotamia, coincidentally the area with the first known human civilisation on Earth, where they became the gods of their religion. Sitchin claims that the Mesopotamian myth Enuma Elis, which details the gods or "annuaki" created mankind as servants, was in fact describing the work of aliens. These aliens came to mine raw materials, but decided to have others do the work. To this end, they genetically bio-engineered the first humans, possibly from already existing primates, creating what they called "adapa," or model man. This is where the name of the first man, Adam, comes from. These "annuaki" were directly involved with human civilization, until the destruction at the end of the last ice age 12,000 years ago, which is often theorized to be the basis of the myriad flood myths of world cultures: Noah's Ark, the Ragnarok, the tales of the mythical empires of Atlantis, Lemuria and Mu, swallowed by the sea. By many of these legends, a Great War between highly intelligent beings, whether it are between Gods or between advanced civilisations, is included, leading to the concerning Doom.

    There was a tribe in Mali, called the Dogon, who had detailed legends about creatures they named the Nommo helping their ancestors. The curious thing is that supposedly, before the Dogon met modern civilization, they claimed the Nommo came from the star Sirius, which they maintained had two companion stars. Interestingly, modern science did not discover the second companion until 1915 due to its faintness. Theorists claim that the Dogon also had knowledge of the rings of Saturn, as well as the moons of Jupiter, despite the plain lack of telescope technology...

    The Nazca Lines, gigantic ancient structures in South America which reveal drawings of various animals when viewed from high in the air, are cited as being signals for aliens, who could properly view the drawings from their flying machines. The Hindu work Ramayana depicts their gods and demons using flying vehicles called Vimanas. These Vimanas were said to fly on a beam that was as "brilliant as the sun and made a noise like the thunder of a storm", quite similar to a rocket-powered vehicle.

    Even a war among the gods is depicted by theorists as being an actual thermonuclear war between groups of ancient aliens for dominance. In the tales of the sunken continents, the civilisations sought refuge for the radiation underground, where they created the subterranean world 'Agartha'. In some theories, the Bible even gets used quite a bit. The Nephilim of the Old Testament, offspring of man and angel, are claimed to be alien hybrids who dominated mankind until humanity rose up and destroyed them. The Nephilim are said to use the skills given to humanity by angels, called Watchers (synonym for Keepers, anyone?), until the Deluge destroyed the civilization. Even the famous vision from Ezekiel of the Wheels in the Sky are claimed to be sightings of ancient UFOs.

    There also is a very similar, yet different theory: It aren't extraterrestrials. Long ago, prior to our known history, a race of advanced humans built a mighty civilization in ancient times and helped other cultures to evolve with gifts of knowledge and technology. This "mother culture", was destroyed in some form of cataclysm millenia ago but lives on as the legends of lost places, such as Atlantis, Lemuria, and Mu.

    Whether our stories of gods are real, made-up, or inspired on highly advanced humans or extraterrestials in the far past, I leave that up to you. They were so influential, however, that they are even said to inspire the entire Nazi-ideology. They set expeditions to reveal the mystery of the past, and ancient clues of this theory are even believed by some to have led to the creation of Nazi wonderweapons that have brought them so close to world domination. And to what extent is it similar to the story of the Keepers, the Great War and their creation of Agartha? Are they, perhaps, a warning for humans to remain wary with advanced technology? Have they assisted, or created early mankind? Or were they once actually humans themselves?


    Die Glocke

    Even before the Second World War, Hitler was aware of "Anti Gravitational Fields" very early on in his rise to power. It is speculated that he became interested when when he would see glowing orbs following around aircraft. Now, old mythologies involving Vril Energy mentioned ancient flying pyramids called Vimana's, using a so-called Mercury Vortex Engine as well as the power of an Eclipse to form a Tornado that activated the anti-gravity mechanism inside the vessel. After getting familiar with the mythos, Hitler put his top scientists on the job to figure out as much as they could. One thing they figured out was the existance of "Super fluids" that are essentially metals that can be transformed into a liquid state and effectively conduct electricity. The prime example of a "super fluid" here on earth is Mercury. A type of Mercury that is believed to exist is red mercury, a substance of uncertain composition purportedly among others, used in the creation of nuclear weapons. The Nazi's also equiped it on their most top-secret project: Die Glocke.

    Die Glocke, also known as the Bell, was a purported top secret Nazi scientific technological Wunderwaffe. It is a metallic object said to be between 12 to 15 ft tall and about 9 ft in diameter, in the shape of a large bell. The device ostensibly contained two counter-rotating cylinders which were be filled with an extremely unstable radioactive mercury-like substance, violet in color. This metallic liquid was code-named Xerum 525 and was stored in a tall thin thermos flask a meter high encased in lead. Additional substances said to be employed in the experiments, referred to as Leichtmetall (light metal). The bell was said to have an effect zone stretching between 490 and 660 ft. around the craft. Some claim that unexplainable things occurred within this zone, such as the formation of crystals within animal tissue, the decomposition of plant matter into a greasy substance, and the gelling and separation of blood. What the exact purpose of the device was is widely speculated by conspiracy theorists, but the words 'anti-gravity', 'time travel' and 'Nazi UFO' are mentioned the most. Die Glocke was housed in a facility referred to as "Der Riese," or "The Giant" in English. Within the zombies community, this place is notorious for being the operation base of Group 935.

    The Der Riese facility was disguised as a gold mine with a strange structure outside of it, dubbed as 'The Henge'. This Henge can be seen in the map Der Riese, and shooting it is the first step in the Fly Trap Easter Egg quest. The Henge was the testing area for Die Glocke, which apparently needed a ton of electrical energy to use. When it was in use, it could only go for a minute or two before shutting itself off, and it gave off extremely large amounts of radiation. During its first use, several of the scientists working on it died, and the ones that didn't suffered memory loss, permanent metallic taste in their mouths, and sleep loss. Group 935 recognized the danger, and began to test its effects on plants, animals and toys. It was reported that after it's use, the test subjects decomposed into a blackish-purplish goo on the floor. Also, while Die Glocke was in use, some objects began to lift off the ground, propelled by some sort of anti-gravity field.

    When talking about the origins and inspiration of Die Glocke, most fingers point to the ancient India. An old Hindu manuscript, Samarangana Sutradhara, circa 1000 AD, describes a very machine very similar to the Nazi Bell.

    "Strong and durable must the body of the Vimana be made, like a great flying bird of light material. Inside one must put the mercury engine with its iron heating apparatus underneath. By means of the power latent in the mercury which sets the driving whirlwind in motion, a man sitting inside may travel a great distance in the sky."

    According to another ancient Hindu text the Mahabharata, one Vimana variety was shaped like a sphere and borne along at great speed on a mighty wind generated by mercury.

    Myths and legends of ancient India had a huge impact on Germany of the 1940s. A hefty portion of the Nazi dogma of racial purity and the concept of the Aryan race is largely derived from ancient Hinduism. The Aryans they claim to descent from are thought to have invaded India eons ago from Central Asia and established a rigid social structure which has evolved into the caste system. The Swastika and the Black Sun symbols, infamous for their use by the Nazi's, originated from the Hindu religion. The Nazis have also lead multiple expeditions into India and Tibet with the intent of studying Vedic-Hindu legends and artifacts and to trace the Aryan ancestry. One of the more notable of these was the Schaefer Expedition which many writers have theorized had a sinister hidden agenda. As other Nazi expeditions were known to have been conducted in 1931, 1932, 1934, 1936 and 1939, it is theorized that at during one or more of these expeditions information was obtained that contributed to building Die Glocke. As Vimanas can be seen in the Shangri La loading screen, it could be very likely that Group 935 investigated the ancient devices in the Lost City, leading to the creation of Die Glocke at Der Riese.

    "Behind the veil of legend and scientific truth comes out that three flying-cities were made for and were used by the demons. Of these three, one was in a stationary orbit in the sky, another moving in the sky and one was permanently stationed in the ground." - Prof D.K. Kanjila.

    So according to ancient Hindu scripts, the Vimanas, chariots of the gods, were powered by something called a Mercury Vortex Engine. The Mercury Vortex Engine is creating the Tornado. It needs a special type of solar energy from the eclipse, in order to be activated. It was said that Vimanas were being powered by a Solar energy, and then switching to a free-form type of energy that sounded much like Anti-Gravity.



    So Die Glocke is said to be based upon something in Shangri La, or possibly on the entire city. ElectricJesus, a guy on the CoDZ forums, once mentioned the possibility of Shangri La being a huge prototype teleporter, mankind's 'ground zero' of contact with the Aether. Both Der Riese and Shangri La seem to (be able to) get stuck in time when the Eclipse occurs. So what is the connection? I am quite convinced it has to do with the technology at the sites. Lots of things in Shangri La refer to the idea of the natives being visited by Ancient Astronauts, assisting them with issues such as irrigation, as the water system in the map seems pretty well-developed. An argument for this could be the fact that Ancient Mesoamerican, Asian and Arabian tribes even mention having learned matters as irrigation from their gods. The entire timetravel mechanism could also be teached, or even build, by these ancient astronauts. Maybe Shangri La is the origin of the human branch of the Order of the Keepers, the place where mankind was teached about the Keepers, the Apothicans, the Aether, et cetera. Though this is genuine interesting matter, I have too few time to go into all that now and must continue with the main point: the Time Paradox. Activating the Eclipse made Brock and Gary get stuck in not merely the temple complex, but in that fraction of time.

    Brock: "I have found some unfinished carvings around the structures I can't make out. They do not look like...wait...what is this?"

    Gary: "What the hell is that? Why is the sky dark?"

    Brock: "It's an eclipse! We must've-"

    Gary: "Run!"

    The moment the Eclipse radiates it's energy through the site, it get stuck in a time loop. Exactly the same seems to have happened in the Der RIese facility upon Ultimis' arrival. That the two events relate isn't coincidence, as Die Glocke is based upon the Shangri La temple system. Die Glocke is said to create an Extreme Low Frequency (which was by the way most likely the reason the bees died), similar to the Schumann field, Earth's electromagnetic 'rythm'. In this thread I've discussed the Schumann field's connection with the Aether, our Life Force and our brain. As time doesn't exist in the Aether, is this the reason Die Glocke/Vimaña's could make the time stand still? Brock and Gary find themselves in the exact same position as Ultimis in Der Riese, only lacking an overloaded MTD to escape this 'artificial time pocket'.

    A question would be, what exactly happened at Der Riese that made this Die Glocke be activated? Perhaps it is tied by 'Operation Shield', which is still unclear what it exactly means. All we know is that Richthofen would get rid of the Maxis family and begin Operation Shield. Now in older threads on this forum, the 'Shield' is by some believed to be Die Glocke. Radzakpak, the writer of the awesome CoD: Zombies Storybook (https://www.callofdutyzombies.com/topic/183877-the-cod-zombies-storybook/), considered the possibility that Die Glocke could be connected to the teleporters at Der RIese, which may also explain why right at the moment of activation the time is seen to stop in the Giant. Activating Die Glocke and bringing the facility in a time paradox might be what Operation Shield is. The energy of the Eclipse 'holds' the site at that given time period, exactly those few seconds that the Eclipse occured and radiated the energy. In Gorod Krovi, it is also said that "Die Glocke research continues to inspire new theories of time displacement and possibly even movement across dimensions". Interesting that they don't mention matter transference, but time displacement. It would fit with the Nazi conspiracies believing the device was a time travel machine, just like the extraterrestial moving cities. Now the final note I would like to make is that (if I recall correctly) the Frozen Forest also has an Eclipse. Could this too be a time paradox site, locked out of the other dimensions?

    Cold War

    It was 1945: Germany capitulated, and after the dropping of two atomic bombs (of which as a matter of fact, one was created in the Hanford Works) Japan as well. Doctor Richthofen had send his demand list to both the United States and the Soviet Union, in exchange for Group 935 scientists and intelligence about their research. After the Greek Civil War in 1946, the era of the Cold War had started. An era of military competition between the United States and the Soviet Union, the two countries that had not only made a deal with Richthofen, but also raided and recovered the work of Group 935 at the Der Riese facility and the other facilities of the Nazi-funded organization.

    The Soviet Union's initial sole deposit of Element 115 was located at Tunguska. The Americans had Groom Lake, Nevada. However, both supplies was limited and both nations wanted to stay ahead of each other. Group 935 intelligence taught them about the large amount of the element on Earth's Moon, as well as 935's research base there. Getting Griffin Station would mean becoming the sole superpower and winning the Cold War.

    The Ascension Group

    With the liberation of Eastern Europe and the conquering of East-Germany, the Red Army discovered a Group 935 facility near the Polish city of Wroclaw. This so-called "Project Riese" was built on another meteorite impact site including Ununpentium. Group 935 had used the element for matter displacement, weapons and many other scientific inventions. With this German knowledge, the research to Element 115 became an important yet secret task for the Russian scientists. In 1948, a top-secret bioweapons laboratory was established on Vozrozhdeniya island, a.k.a. Rebirth Island, in the Kazakh Sovjet Socialist Republic, far from any populated areas, but not that far from the already existing secret station near Baikonur experimenting with Ununpentium. In 1954, Rebirth Island was expanded and named Aralsk-7, one of the main laboratories and testing sites for the Soviet Union's Microbiological Warfare Group tasked with inventing and testing the effects of multiple fatal diseases.

    However, with a limited amount of Element 115, the Soviets had looked up in the cosmos: Griffin Station. Directly after the second world war, they had founded an organisation named the 'Ascension Group', mainly focussed on reaching Griffin Station, but also the Soviets' main group experimenting with the mysterious 115. A secret cosmodrome was built in the middle of the Kazakh steppes, and a lot of 115-related experiments from Rebirth Island and the (now by Soviets captured) Siberian Facility were transferred to this Ascension Cosmodrome. The facility, as the name implies, also houses investigation to rocket technology, in order to reach the Moon prior to the Americans.

    In 1950, the scientists Igor Tamm and Andrej Sacharov managed it to create the Tokamak, a device that uses a powerful magnetic field to confine plasma in the shape of a torus. This device was based on designs of Group 935's antigravity mechanism, Die Glocke. The Vril Ya inspired the ancient Indians, inspired the Nazi's, inspired the Soviets. This device was the basic principle behind later projects including Element 115 and Red Mercury being done by the Ascension Group, namely the Thundergun (Projekt Thunder), the Gersch device (Projekt Mercury) and the Casimir Mechanism. However, their usage of Element 115 became eventually their downfall, and the Cosmodrome and Siberian Facility became overrun by the undead.

    The Moon landing

    "I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the Earth. (JFK, 1961)" - Moon level description

    For the sake of Broken Arrow and winning the Space Race, Doctor Schuster was working on an MTD, a Matter Transference Device, linking Groom Lake with Griffin Station. In 1969, the time was there: The first Moon Landing would happen, under the name Apollo 11. What was seen and believed by most people: The lunar module Eagle descended on the Moon surface, the 3 astronauts walked and jumped a bit around, planted a flag in the ground and flew away again, back to Earth. But in our story there happened something different. First of all, the astronauts didn't arrive on the moon by a rocket and lunar module, but by the MTD. Once the astronauts arrived there, strange things happened. A certain professor, who wished to remain anonymous, was engaged in a discussion with Neil Armstrong during a NASA symposium.

    Professor: What REALLY happened out there with Apollo 11?

    Armstrong: It was incredible, of course we had always known there was a possibility, the fact is, we were warned off! (by the Aliens). There was never any question then of a space station or a moon city.

    Professor: How do you mean "warned off"?

    Armstrong: I can't go into details, except to say that their ships were far superior to ours both in size and technology - Boy, were they big!... and menacing! No, there is no question of a space station.

    Professor: But NASA had other missions after Apollo 11?

    Armstrong: Naturally-NASA was committed at that time, and couldn't risk panic on Earth. But it really was a quick scoop and back again. (1)

    Armstrong confirmed that the story was true but refused to go into further detail. One unquestionably absolute expert, who was Director of the NASA tracking base in Houston during the Apollo Moon missions, revealed the following conversation "after" he left his work at NASA:

    ASTRONAUTS NElL ARMSTRONG and BUZZ ALDRIN speaking from the Moon: "Those are giant things. No, no, no .... this is not an optical illusion. No one is going to believe this!"

    MISSION CONTROL (HOUSTON CENTER): "What...what...what? What the hell is happening? What's wrong with you?"

    ASTRONAUTS: "They're here under the surface."

    MISSION CONTROL: "What's there? Emission interrupted...interference control calling Apollo II."

    ASTRONAUTS: "We saw some visitors. They were there for awhile, observing the instruments."

    MISSION CONTROL: "Repeat your last information."

    ASTRONAUTS: "I say that there were other spaceships. They're lined up on the other side of the crater."

    MISSION CONTROL: "Repeat...repeat!"

    ASTRONAUTS: "Let us sound this orbita ..... In 625 to 5... automatic relay connected... My hands are shaking so badly I can't do anything. Film it? God, if these damned cameras have picked up anything... what then?"

    MISSION CONTROL: "Have you picked up anything?"

    ASTRONAUTS: "I didn't have any film at hand. Three shots of the saucers or whatever they were that were ruining the film."MISSION CONTROL: "Control, control here. Are you on your way? Is the uproar with the U.F.O.s. over?

    ASTRONAUTS: "They've landed there. There they are and they are watching us."

    MISSION CONTROL: "The mirrors, the mirrors...have you set them up?"

    ASTRONAUTS: "Yes, they're in the right place. But whoever made those space ships surely can come tomorrow and remove them. Over and out." (2)

    The space ships the astronauts talk about are Vimana's, chariots of the Vril Ya. Something or someone activated the Eclipse on the Shangri La loading screen. Meanwhile (as seen in the left upper corner of the comic panels of the Moon loading screen), these Vimana's orbited the Moon, where the "Moon landing" at that moment takes place. In the loading screen, the three astronauts are walking through the alien lunar landscape: Armstrong, Collins and Aldrin . Oddly, there is fourth person standing on the rocks, next to a pyramid that has landed on the Moon surface. who or what is that? It seems to keep an eye on the terrified astronauts. Here is an final unconfirmed report, also documented by Steve Omar, that when Buzz Aldrin opened the door after landing on the Moon, he immediately saw a transparent etherical being staring at him outside.

    "They're here. They are right over there and look at the size of those ships. And, it is obvious they don't like us being here" (3)

    The astronauts were observed from something from beyond our dimension: An "Angel"…


    The Hanford Site

    In 1943, in the midst of World War II, the United States launched the construction of nuclear facilities in the area of the small town of Hanford. For the sake of winning the war, Hanford's citizens were relocated to new living areas and the area became fully restricted to enter. Huge concrete constructions raised from the ground, miles of road and railway were created, and four electrical substation were built. So-called 'tank farms' appeared, which had a function in storing radioactive waste: Large, partly underground, waste cylinders.

    In case it wasn't clear yet: Hanford became a massive top-secret nuclear research facility, mainly focussed on forming plutonium. Remember: This was in a time in which compared with these days very little was known about the effects of radioactive waste on humans. You can imagine relatively few safety measurements were taken. Subsequently, the area became extremely polluted with many types of hazardous elements and chemicals. It was in the drinking water of not only the workers, but also the citizens who lived some miles away. In their blood. In their cells. And many of them died not old.

    Now in the Cold War, the United States faced a new strategic threat in the rise of the Soviet nuclear weapon program, and expanded the Hanford Site. By 1963, the Hanford Site was home to nine nuclear reactors along the Columbia River, five reprocessing plants on the central plateau, and more than 900 support buildings and radiological laboratories around and underneath the site. Since the early 1900s, the area had developed from a small farming community to a booming "Atomic Frontier". Starting in 1946, the US government secretly released radioactive fission products in the populated area around Hanford. This event was known as 'Green Run', and continued till at least 1962, when more experiments commenced. The purpose of Green Run was to test methods of detecting radiation from the Soviet Union's nuclear weapons programs, since the released radioisotopes were supposed to be detected by the US Air Force reconnaissance. This unethical human experimentation led to the death of many more local civilians. But the experimentation didn't stop at "merely" releasing the radioactive isotopes of iodine, plutonium, uranium and xenon in the area…

    The two new superpowers were not merely in a space- and nuclear arms race, they were involved in a shadow race for element 115 as well. The US's 115 deposit in Nevada and Japan was limited, and since Griffin Station was overrun by the undead, they had to find a way to gain more of the element in order to continue this arms race against the Soviets. By 1963, the Broken Arrow Program gained approval by the American government, and the Hanford Campus was handed over this brand new 115-studying organisation. The Hanford Campus was home to nine nuclear reactors along the Columbia River, five reprocessing plants on the central plateau, and more than 900 support buildings and radiological laboratories around and underneath the site. Now under Broken Arrow, it became a location where scientists, for the first time, succeeded in artificially creating the element. With the support of several ex-935'ers obtained through Operation Stapler, they were successfully able to generate 115. The barn at Farm has boxes with scratched off signs, possibly storing the element. The Green Run event also included the secret release of Element 115, much of this was leaked in the soil and water too, possibly with the purpose of testing how the Air Force could localize Soviet facilities working with 115.

    Now in Tranzit, the doctor-like zombie character models in Green Run wear a sign with 'Hanford Sanatorium' written on it. A sanatorium is a medical facility for long-term illness, most typically associated with treatment of tuberculosis, in the late-19th and 20th century before the discovery of antibiotics. In the United States, especially the West Coast became a popular spot for sanatoria. In 1910, tent cities began to pop up in different areas in this region, some described as places of squalor and shunned by most local citizens. Hanford is not confirmed to have had a for the outside world known sanatorium, but the fact that it isn't registered doesn't mean there never was any.

    All zombie models in Tranzit, whether it are doctors, patients or citizens, share a common feature: a wound in their backs, as well as their collars. James C. Burns, the voice actor of sergeant Frank Woods, told us to look at these identical wounds, hinting that it has a reason it is there. These imply that the undead were released from a hospital: the Hanford Sanatorium! It is most likely that the patients, as well as the locals from Town, were experimented upon. Why their backs and collars? It seems like the doctors were performing surgery in their spine, as well as their brain, to control cerebral function. The fact that they are now undead means that Element 115 was also included in these experiments. It could even be possible that the facility's leaking of 115, the infecting of the patients, was done for this purpose. The scientists could be trying to create a new undead super soldier army, or this whole experiment could have been part of Broken Arrow's Project MKAlpha, control over the brain through the usage of 115. MKAlpha was part of Operation MKUltra, the CIA's mind control program. This Operation included methods of brainwash due to physicial, mental, sexual torture, hypnosis and drug use, and the testsubjects were often illegally aqcuired. Several ex-Nazi scientists and investigation, taken during Operation Paperclip, also participated in MKUltra. Operation MKAlpha was a sub-project of this, investigating the use of Element 115 concerning this matter.

    submitted by /u/AnonymousCoDZ
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    What is your favorite wonder weapon, and why?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 09:05 AM PST

    My favorite wonder weapons has got to be the Ice staff from Origins. I have so many good memories using that staff on that map.

    submitted by /u/Bleachboy321
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    This about sums up my public match experience in 2019.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 06:04 PM PST

    I didn't know zombies can trip and fall too

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 01:42 AM PST

    Public BO4 Lobbies

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 04:01 AM PST

    Just wondering what it's like for console players. Is finding a lobby hard for you guys too? I'm on PC in Europe region and I assume this is the most "alive" region for PC but unlike Blackout and Multiplayer I can't find full lobbies instantly in zombies even in the base maps for BO4. You console players experiencing the same? It's strange because I find lobbies for BO2 and BO3 instantly. (Havent tried WAW or BO1)

    submitted by /u/Ryanoman2018
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    “Classified” issues

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 06:46 AM PST

    I know this has probably already been posted, but I just don't know what to do. I have Classified on my PS4 and I'm trying to do the Easter egg where you interact with the door and the crawlers appear. I'm playing on Normal, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I knife the door, I press square on it and nothing happens. The only thing I got to happen was some dogs spawning, but that's where it stops.

    submitted by /u/dropdown33
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    What happens to the Shadows crew after the easter egg?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 02:02 AM PST

    I assume that morg city was also a purgatory where our crew was stuck because of their sins just like the mob crew. So what happens to shadows crew after the capture shadowman? Are they still stuck in the purgatory or they get to go back and live normally?

    submitted by /u/manok2299
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    Treyarch Please Increase the Upgraded Havelina Ammo Count

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 04:18 PM PST

    I love this new sniper, but the ammo for the upgraded havelina is so little, its pretty much unusable. It's crazy how the upgraded version of a gun has LESS ammo than the regular version. Treyarch please change this!!!!

    submitted by /u/Icycold157
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    Can’t find BO3 Tools in steam

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 12:36 AM PST

    I looked in my steam tools and I can't seem to find bo3 tools, I searched it aswell and verified the game files and still nothing. Any help would be well appreciated👍

    submitted by /u/ZacjustZac
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    Brutus art.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 01:18 PM PST

    Nazi zombie movies.

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 08:03 PM PST

    There arnt really any nazi zombie movie, except for Dead snow) (Død snø) (2009) Dead snow 2 (Død Snø 2) (2014) And Overlord (2018)

    I would like to recommend Dead Snow (2009) if you want to scratch that Nazi zombie itch. The movie is in norwegian so you would need to find it with subtitles, but you should give it a chance. Is it a masterpiece of cinema? No, but its a balls to the walls funny gore fest from start to finish. You should not watch this movie if you cant handle gore because this movie is filled to the brim with some pretty extreme gore, fantastic but nasty makeup and glorious prosthetic work.

    We follow 8 medical students who celebrate easter (we do that in norway) in a cabin in the mountains, little do they know that the very same hills they are on used to be riddled with nazis back in the war. And now, they want blood. The movie uses some tropes that we are very familiar with but he uses it in a smart way at least in my opinion.

    So if you can find a subtidled version of it why not give it a try?

    submitted by /u/Dustifier
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    What kind of overcoat does Drostan wear in WW2?

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 04:15 PM PST

    I'm getting a newsie cap and I would like a coat like the one Drostan wears to match it. Does anyone know what kind of overcoat this is?

    submitted by /u/TheHarryman01
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    Question about the cage that goes underground at lab B in Zetsubou no Shima

    Posted: 13 Dec 2019 10:58 PM PST

    I've wondered about this cage ever since I first did the EE in coop on ZnS. It requires another player to lower you and raise you back up. So what happens if the other player just leaves you down there? Does it eventually raise you back up? What if the other player goes down?

    This cage has potential for some interesting, but terrible strats. What if you sent someone down there with a phoenix up and played like you were solo? The other player could just revive you if you went down. What if you made a new account, and got someone to just keep sending you down to the bottom of the cage? Theoretically, you could get to prestige master without ever firing a shot, getting a kill, or going down. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Snipers_end
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