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    Thursday, January 23, 2020

    Call of Duty Zombies Playing some Black Ops 2 Zombies at the movie theater I work at with my manager

    Call of Duty Zombies Playing some Black Ops 2 Zombies at the movie theater I work at with my manager

    Playing some Black Ops 2 Zombies at the movie theater I work at with my manager

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 09:35 PM PST

    Wunderwaffe Replica WIP #2 ! Started assembling and painting !

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 10:13 AM PST

    The AE concept is amazing, a legendary Greek City but it’s actually a decoy and is hidden underground. I just wish it was like 40% bigger and had more playable area and quests

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 04:34 PM PST

    First time in boss fight and was insta killed. What was it?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 05:30 AM PST

    Just completed Der Eisendrache ee for the first time

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 11:43 PM PST

    Bo2 zombies death

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 05:41 PM PST

    Anyone else remember how cool it was in bo2 zombies when you die and your character reaches out his hand and dies, why doesn't the other games have that? I thought it was awesome!

    submitted by /u/tuda21
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    easter egg ? finding them around themap IX

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 08:42 AM PST

    He spin n he stink

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 05:52 PM PST

    No feeling will ever top the ones you get after killing George.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 09:50 PM PST

    Did anyone else get tired of WW2 Zombies because of the constant horror theme?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 12:53 PM PST

    Disclaimer: I still love WW2 Zombies, and think the lore and atmosphere is PERFECT.

    After reading some comments on another thread, I think the reason I haven't personally continued playing WW2 is because of the emotionally exhausting horror theme. Unlike most other Zombies, which keep horror themes but usually stay upbeat, with characters who usually aren't too serious in-game, WW2 Zombies went full horror. I don't remember too many jokes being cracked, maybe aside from Drostan. That being said, I still haven't put too much playtime into WW2 Zombies, and I still am very intrigued by the storyline, and hope that somehow it will get a continuation. I think Sledgehammer nailed the theme and characters perfectly, I just personally quickly get exhausted from the constant horror, and that might be why it doesn't seem to be as popular as other Zombie modes.

    submitted by /u/Crazyspideyfan
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    What DLC map should i get for BO3?

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 06:43 AM PST

    So,Zombies Chronicles is on sale on the playstation, and thought about buying Zombies Chronicles along with a DLC map. Which DLC should I get? Btw,i already have Der Eisendrache and The Giant.

    submitted by /u/VictorCrazyD
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    Black Ops 3 Zombies - Somethings Hidden in Revelations (Possible cross map requirement)

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 06:28 AM PST

    Subject: Revelations Easter Eggs that are Undiscovered... Bows, staffs, upgraded shield to start... After almost 120 days of playing Revelations, and other maps, I have come to the conclusion that the community has been duped by the Developers yet again. Not going into details about the 6 or 7 things we have done in game attempting the non norm Easter Egg Game play. Some examples include, forming a bomb fire in spawn that lasted 20 plus rounds. Forming a helm above the truck in spawn that never disappears. Getting the corrupter engine lazer to form 3 solid beams deflecting off trip mines and players with certain helms time time attack weapons and activating the table, the scull in de and a combination of the lights in the lanterns and the ones in Notch. Getting multiple Easter eggs songs to play in Notch on the radio ee that i have yet to find in any guide. Hidden saying so the characters that i have yet to find documented... But thats not the purpose of this post. Heck its not even about being able to get the wolf helm and still have the scull floating in de. Or about the fact that 60% of the game content has nothing to do with any of the easter egg steps. This is about the most particular discovery i made a few weeks back. And after testing here is my find...

    After completing it appears to the Sword Step on Shadows of evil. When you go back to lobby, your character will be one of the Shadows Characters (boxer, magician, ect)... If you complete any Easter egg or load into any map other than Revelations, your characters reset back to the the Normal Characters (Dempsy, ect). With revelations, you can play it seams three games and each time you go back to lobby, your Character will remain a shadows Character. What I am saying is that the game remembers. One more thing to note, when you load in to Revelations like this your character in solo seams to always be takio!

    When you double pack your guns and switch them out, the game also remembers the last double pack type you had on the gun when you last had it.

    Lately, i have seen the Notch spark change into a flame similar to the beast flame on a round turn over from a bug round that ended with a round Robbin (possibly with a ca boom first). If i recall, we had the time weapons one in each persons inventory in a 4 player game. and the numb-chucks where on the table.

    It seams to me that there may be something to do with the time attack items, the helms, samanthas room and the spark, wisps and radios. Newtons negotiation, eye candy and projectile vomiting have interested me lately as many of the sayings im getting ingame suggest things like emptying the stomache ect...

    Feel free to reach out, im interested in testing a combination of a few things we have already discovered and hunting a bit...

    submitted by /u/DeajYT
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    (Solo) Does anyone else just....never buy Quick Revive?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 05:27 PM PST

    I started doing this back in Black Ops II. I don't remember exactly why I gained this whole 'one down, game over' mentality, but I'm pretty sure it had to do with all the ranking up rumors going around at the time. Among many others, this rumor had it that having 0-1 downs in a game would further increase your rank, making it easier to gain the skull and shotguns emblem. Fun fact: I am still stuck at the knife (and still do not understand how ranking really worked, has it ever been fully understood)?

    Today, still never buy it. I played zombies religiously ever since WaW and while BOII was at it's peak, I kinda got used to it over the years. I love the challenge and extra pressure to stay alive, plus having a different 4th perk is way to valuable to me. Only time you will see quick revive as one of my perks is if I'm playing co op, I was given all perks via an EE, extra perk power-up or I have been given several extra perk slots and ran out of other perks to buy, in the case of Origins. I do not use mega gobblegum in BOIII so no perks from them.

    This challenge get's pretty frustrating at times though. I've choked several high round runs, game overed many times very early into the game, lots o' rage inducin' fun.

    I think I play zombies wrong

    I am broken



    submitted by /u/soda_king_killer
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    What Would A Zombies-Only COD Game Look Like?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 06:34 PM PST

    I know another user already posted about this earlier today, but I've been thinking about this concept for a couple days now and I want to share my opinion on what a Zombies-Only game might look like.


    · Every Treyarch zombies map remsatered (excluding Chaos?)

    · All weapons from all Zombies CODs (WaW-BO4)

    · Can customise how each game will play out (like BO2 custom or BO4 Mutations)

    How Will It Play?

    · I'm thinking that you would only start with Nacht Der Untoten unlocked and you would have to reach round 5 to unlock Verrukt. Then on Verrukt, reach round 10 to get Shi No Numa and finally get to round 15 on Shi No Numa to unlock Der Riese.

    · After that, each map in chronoligical release order (Kino, Ascension and so on) would have to be unlocked by playing the previous map up to round 20. Not too hard, just enough time to really understand each map and keep their skill improving.

    · After all WaW maps are unlocked, you can then start Mutating them for custom games, but can only change basic zombies stuff (like zombie spawns and types, weapons, mystery box etc.). Once all BO1 maps are unlocked, you unlock new mutations related to BO1 (new weapons and equipment, zombie types etc.).

    · This constant stream of unlockables will keep the playerbase grinding (hopefully shouldn't be a hard grind but a fun one) and introduce new gameplay styles.

    · By the way, should Dead Ops Arcade be unlocked once ALL zombies maps are unlocked, or just already from the start along with Nacht? I reckon that start.

    Like What Kind Of Gameplay Styles?

    · Let's say that if you unlock Blood of the Dead, then you can mutate Mob of the Dead into having the map size from Blood incorporated into Mob (with the teleporters also optional) with weapons from BO1. It is up to the player how they want to play.

    · Similarly, after unlocking Tag Der Toten you can use that extra map space onto Call of the Dead if you wish.

    · Since Moon is set in 2025 like Nuketown, you could play Moon with BO2 weapons.

    · 'Five' with the rooms, fixed Winters Howl and teleporters of Classified would be sick. You could also add the Pentagon Thief into Classified if you wanted.

    · Finally, I would really love to see Grief, Survival and maybe Turned return to other maps. Maybe there'd be a better go-to Survival map than Town?

    What About Other Unlocks, Like Camos And Attatchments?

    · I'm thinking keep camo challenges in the game (but reduce their requirements, cause there'll be a crap-ton of weapons).

    · As for attatchments… I prefer the gameplay style of BO1 and sometimes BO2 where Pack-A-Punch would give you the attatchments of a weapon, but I also love the idea of customising the weapon to your liking… BUT I also hated the grind that BO3/4 put you in to get those attachments. Perhaps this could be up to you, because I'm unsure. Maybe in the menu of the game, you can customise what attachments you will get for your weapon IF you Pack it? Idk. What do you guys think?

    Easter Eggs:

    · I believe every Easter Egg Quest should be doable solo. Looking at you, Moon and Shadows.

    · Also, the type of easter eggs that you will find or complete correlate to the map you have chosen (CotD won't have the same easter eggs as Tag).

    · For maps that have an easter egg, you'd earn the achievement for completing it the way it was originally released (no mutations added). I'm thinking about any other achievements there could be…

    · Also, I'm wondering about customisable survivors… I would love to use different survivors for different maps but it wouldn't work well with the easter eggs so probably keep it as is. I will make an exception for Nacht and Verrukt though, I think you should choose to play as the Marines or the OG crew. This could change though if you have a better idea!

    Why Do We Need This Though?

    · We don't NEED it, but I feel that this would invigorate the zombies community again, maybe bring about new challenges for everyone to strive for as well as appreciate each map for how they are and the development of zombies through the years. I love it when games let me customise characters or levels (LittleBigPlanet is the f***ing best) and bringing this aspect to Call of Duty Zombies would be amazing. Maybe with the Steam Workshop support it would be even better (or since it's with Blizzard now, they should develop something akin to the Workshop)!

    · Also, I'm tired of Activision exploiting our nostalgia by remastering maps over and over again when I just feel that it would be better to have a one-stop shop for these maps and play it how we want to. This could probably be the final remaster of our favourite maps.

    submitted by /u/CluckenDip
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    cod prices (xbox one)

    Posted: 23 Jan 2020 09:22 AM PST

    in the holidays me and my friends were wanting to do a zombies marathon. From WaW to bo4. i only currently own bo3 and bo4 (since i got rid of the majority of my 360 games) and i was surprised by how expensive they all are. WaW (2008) currently costs £20, bo1 (2010) currently costs £25 and bo2 (2012) costs £40 plus all the maps (estimating around £10 per dlc pack?) that's probably around £250. What do you guys think

    submitted by /u/Crustysnail18
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    My brother wanted to make a Zombies comic based off COD Zombies so I helped with a title and location.

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 07:42 PM PST

    So I was watching the BOTD cutscene and I noticed that Richtofen vanishes

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 09:03 PM PST

    How Zombies has grown Stagnant

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 01:41 PM PST

    Zombies has grown extremely stagnant, and I believe that it is one of the factors as to why zombies has been on the decline.

    Think about it like this. There are three stages to zombie maps.

    - Stage 1: Simple maps, not much more than power, perks, and PAP.

    - Stage 2: Larger maps with Easter eggs, and the previously mentioned features.

    - Stage 3: Easter Eggs, Buildables, Quests, challenges, Boss Fights.

    Here is how i'd match all the maps.

    Natch - Stage 1

    Verrukt - Stage 1

    Shi No Numa - Stage 1

    Der Riese - Stage 1

    Kino - Stage 1

    Five - Stage 1

    Ascension - Stage 2

    Call of the Dead - Stage 2

    Shang - Stage 2

    Moon - Stage 2

    Tranzit - Stage 2.5

    Nuketown - Stage 1

    Die Rise - Stage 2.5

    Mob of the Dead - Stage 3

    Buried - Stage 2.5

    Origins - Stage 3

    Shadows of Evil - Stage 3

    The Giant - Stage 1.5

    Der Eisendrache - Stage 3

    Zetsubou - Stage 3

    Gorod Krovi - Stage 3

    Revelations - Stage 3

    Zombies in Spaceland - Stage 3

    Rave - Stage 3

    Shaolin - Stage 3

    Attack of the Radioactive Thing - Stage 3

    Beast from Beyond - Stage 3

    Final Reich - Stage 3

    Darkest Shore - Stage 2.5

    Shadowed Throne - Stage 3

    Tortured Path - Stage 2.5

    Frozen Dawn - Stage 3

    IX - Stage 3

    Voyage - Stage 3

    Blood - Stage 3

    Classified - Stage 2.5

    Dead of the Night - Stage 3

    Ancient Evil - Stage 3

    Alpha Omega - Stage 3

    Tag Der Toten - Stage 3

    What I'm trying to get at is the Zombies formula has not progressed to another stage in a while. Sure, you can argue BO4 made big changes, but I'd argue that the changes BO4 made were irrelevant to actually innovating zombies. Based on how I categorized these maps, zombies has essentially been built on the same formula within almost every map since Origins. To me, this is the big issue. Black Ops 3 worked because it was the first game to fully embrace what I called stage 3. Before Origins, the innovation occurred far quicker. WaW brought Stage 1. Black Ops brought Stage 2 in the middle. Black ops 2 brought Stage 3 at the end and Black Ops 3 embraced it. Fast forward to where we are now. IW, WW2, and BO4 are essentially all built on the same system as Origins. Stage 3.

    I do think some maps have made great strides towards the hypothetical Stage 4. For example, WW2 and The Final Reich felt like a truly innovative experience. More linear game-play, multiple Easter egg paths, and the mods and specials system. Spaceland made good steps as well, introducing another currency system, the afterlife arcade, and the rides/games. There are more examples of this in Zombies from plenty of other maps but none of it feels like the next step.

    To conclude, I'm not sure if the hypothetical stage 4 will ever exist. Is zombies just meant to be what it is now? Is this current stage the peak of the design? Personally, I don't think so, and I really believe Zombies can go in a multitude of different directions to improve. I'm hoping BO5 will be great!

    submitted by /u/KnownWay
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    Wall Weapons

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 06:05 PM PST

    Over the years involving Zombies from WAW to BO4, what are your favorite wall weapons and why? Mine has to be for the time being the MP40 given the price and decent damage for a starter before you get 'your favorites' and all that jazz.

    submitted by /u/AzraelVoorhees
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    My Top 5 Maps, whats yours?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 06:29 PM PST

    My Top 5 Maps, whats yours? Personally mine would be

    1.Zombies in Spaceland

    2.Shadows of Evil

    3.Gorod Krovi



    submitted by /u/HonestlyaBot
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    Favorite Easter egg song in all of zombies?

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 04:33 PM PST

    What is your guy's favorite Easter egg song ever? For me it's a tie between The Gift or Where are we going.

    I love to see what your guys favorites are.

    submitted by /u/TheOneAndOnlyWally
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    I wanna start CoD Zombies but idk where to start

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 04:26 PM PST

    I played Black Ops 1 and 2 zombies and tried BO3 Shadow of Evil, but I wanna properly start a good zombie experience and I don't know Wich game I should buy, WW2 seems to be Dark with a story line but I heard mixed feelings about it, some people are saying that the best is BO3 and others are saying it's BO4. I want a full Zombie experience with a good story and dope mechanics I need your help guys !

    submitted by /u/KLD_Hamdaoui
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    Weird max ammo

    Posted: 22 Jan 2020 02:37 PM PST

    One time when me and my brother were playing IX my brother got crowd fininty and the reward was a tiny max ammo but with a blue aura instead of green. Anyone know what this is

    submitted by /u/arnold_yonkee
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