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    Tuesday, March 3, 2020

    Call of Duty Zombies I tried making a cleaner HUD for BO4 Zombies!

    Call of Duty Zombies I tried making a cleaner HUD for BO4 Zombies!

    I tried making a cleaner HUD for BO4 Zombies!

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 05:26 AM PST

    Hope this hasn’t been done already. But it happens.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 09:56 AM PST

    Just found 3 random people in public and we did it

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 11:24 AM PST

    Why does anybody want an Aether reboot?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 10:21 AM PST

    I've seen multiple requests for an Aether reboot in BO5. That just... isn't getting me excited. I'm hoping someone here can get me pumped up again by poking holes in my logic.

    These are the important core elements of the Aether storyline: - The characters (Richtofen and Sam especially) - Element 115 - German Nazi science (and Group 935) - Perk Machines

    These were the things retained after the soft-reboot with Tranzit in Black Ops 2. They were also retained after the second soft-reboot with Origins in Black Ops 2.

    Retaining any of these on their own is pointless, because no one thing defines the Aether storyline. Retaining all of them seems to be pointless as well. The reboot is going to go one of two ways, both of which invalidate the entire point of a reboot.

    Option A- The only things retained are the idea that zombies spawn from German science and (possibly) Element 115. Old characters are mentioned as Easter eggs but not present.

    How is this option any different from COD: WW2's zombie mode? Heck, how is it any different than Tranzit? Unless you favor BO5 just because it's Treyarch (which yes, many people do), this distinction seems arbitrary.

    Option B- The Ultimis/Primis 4 and the "NuVerse" post-Tag der Toten are retained. Some form of the P4/U4 return without memories as "new" characters in a "new" storyline with vague references to the original.

    Where can this story go that it hasn't already? Even if it stays grounded and one-dimensional, we've seen so many map locations that things would need to change drastically to stay fresh. A little more than half the current Aether maps are "Bad Zombie science/magic facility in Biome X".

    I could see a potential version of this where the storyline begins with Sam as an adult (main playable character) and Richtofen in control of the zombies. Doing this invalidates the P4/U4's sacrifice at the end of Tag, along with the last 12 years of the story. So that's not great, but most companies don't care about that very much when money is on the line.

    Anything beyond this strays out of "reboot" territory and into "new storyline" territory instead. At this point, I would be more interested in seeing Richtofen cameo in Chaos as a "relics expert" than I would another round of Aether.

    So please, someone, justify this for me and get me excited for BO5. I don't want this to be the end, but I think an Aether reboot means I will finally give up on playing Treyarch's version of zombies after almost 12 years.

    submitted by /u/TheNicestOne
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    Yeah... Takeo isn't getting back up...

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 06:38 PM PST

    Call of Duty’s zombie soundtrack

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 04:04 AM PST

    So I've been listening to the Zombies soundtracks and holy shit! These songs are great it honestly seems like Treyarch put more time into the songs they put into their games than what popular rappers are taking the time for their music. You can certainly tell that treyarch took their time on this music, it's great.

    submitted by /u/Vault519
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    The apothicons and Shadowman should've been more present throughout the bo3 season.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 11:43 AM PST

    The only time we come face to face with shadowman is in shadows and revelations and that too during the ee where he dodged our attacks. As his description and powers are stated, he should've been more prevalent throughout the season creating trouble for our crew and as we progressed, the presence and threat of apothicons grew bigger and bigger which leads into an epic boss fight like the director's cut of IW zombies with Shadowman in it's true form.

    Edit: Grammar

    submitted by /u/manok2299
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    Origins EE cutscene not happening

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 10:59 AM PST


    On BO3, I played a public match with 3 randoms and we did the Little Lost Girl EE, however when we sent Maxis up to the sky, nothing happened: we didn't get any prompt to hold square or anything at all. This is the 2nd time it has happened.

    Am I missing something?

    submitted by /u/Darnenix
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    Returning player confused about the kt4 upgrade on zetsubou no shima

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 08:12 AM PST

    So I've recently returned to bo3 zombies and done a fair bit, and now I actually like zns, is it still possible to upgrade to kt4 on solo? Just because I can't mesmerise the wall for the rainbow plant

    submitted by /u/AnonymousFurLover
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    When to expect BO5 news?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 07:35 AM PST

    It's march and it releases this very year. I want to know when does Activision begin showing teasers and such? Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Fuba301
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    I need help in the der Eisendrache easter egg.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 11:55 AM PST

    So first you get a bow upgraded, then you need to shoot the things on top of the teleporter with the normal bow, after that you need to find the blue electic things, teleport back in time, get the fuse and the canister of souls, write down the code and put the fuse into the zappy thing, and switch it to protect After that, you are supposed to put the code into the monitors, but for some reason the monitors aren't even on when I reach that step. Does anyone know why that is?

    submitted by /u/a-fat-penguin
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    Returning To Zombies and Confused

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 11:24 AM PST

    I was an avid zombie player from WAW to the middle of BO3. Until BO3 I had completed every Easter egg and am used to placing 30-45 rounds before I die. I just returned and got the battle pass for BO4 and am very confused.

    The customization is overwhelming (and unbalanced in my humble opinion)... Is there a meta to follow? What happened to Juggernog and Sleight Of Hand? Can you do Easter eggs with 2 players? What happened to the main characters? Who are the new protagonists and what is up with the Greek/Ancient Egypt themes?

    The maps are also very unlike the old games. Running a train does not seem to be an option with all of the maps being small with sharp corners. I'm not sure how I feel about the game with all of the drastic changes that were made. I am trying to adjust, the game is still fun, I just want to be caught up! Help me improve please!

    Myself and my friend play Xbox One if anyone wants to play as well. My GT is "Flam It"....

    submitted by /u/Flam-It
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    This is legitimately the BEST wonderweapon of all time and nobody talks about it? (If you don’t believe it’s the best tell me why and I will prove you wrong)

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 11:43 PM PST

    My first time playing bo3 zombies.

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 09:39 AM PST

    Hi, this is my first time playing cod zombies and such a noob. I buyed cod bo3 season pass so i got all the zombies maps. And i heard there is such thinb called pack a punch? How do get it? And which are the best maps for newer players like me? I would like to hear your answers.

    submitted by /u/mycool123
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    Black ops pass?

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 01:01 PM PST

    It was recently my birthday and I got a bit of money and I am a huge zombies fan but have been debating if I should get the black ops pass since it's a lot of money and bo4 seems like a "iffy" game I loved IX and classified though

    submitted by /u/BroganC115
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    There’s lotsa baduns out there you need to send to hell

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 01:49 PM PST

    Using classic gobblegums with mods loaded

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 12:23 AM PST

    So obviously with mods loaded on bo3 it sets your level to 1 and you can't use the good classic gobblegums. Is there a way to get your level up while in mod mode or unlock classics permanently?

    submitted by /u/Bigboipappy
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    Infinite warfare

    Posted: 03 Mar 2020 02:56 AM PST

    Why do people not talk about or play IW anymore, the zombies wasn't that bad the only thing holding it back was the storyline. It also brought new things in like Directors cut which in my opinion was cool because the was finally a reward for doing the EE's. Also in every map there was a celebrity and if you beat the EE on the map you could put in a code and play as the celebrity, one being on the map Zombies in Spaceland if you do Left, Right, Left, Up, Down you can play as David Hasselhoff. Unlike Bo3 and Bo4 it wasn't as much of a pay to win, it had gobblegums/elixirs but instead it was fate and fortune cards and these cards didn't have crazy things like perkaholic, it had perkaholic but even with the card you still have to do the skull and bones machine to get it. Skull and bones is a EE to get perkaholic and the card skips the steps for skull and bones and let you go straight to the game, which varies each map and if you fail the game you don't get anything. And then there's nitpicking like the soundtrack in shaolin, the spawn/start of rave, most of the wonder weapons, etc.

    submitted by /u/bigdaddy5568
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    Five discussion. Opinions?

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 11:37 PM PST

    I honestly prefer playing Five now over Kino in Blops 1. Hell, I'm starting to like it more than Kino overall. I slept on this map for years and always hated the challenge, but now i love it. It's probably because I've played Kino hundreds upon hundreds of times, as did pretty much every zombies fan, but the map just doesn't have much "flavor" left in it for me, but man, going back to Five was a blast, and I ended up getting to 28, which I would've considered impossible had I not given this map another chance and became more skilled with it. I just wanted to express my appreciation for this map. I'd like to hear what others think of Five, and do you find it more enjoyable than Kino these days as I do?

    submitted by /u/DylanTheSlaya03
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    A small fan concept photo for Treyarch's next game

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 06:35 PM PST

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