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    Monday, March 23, 2020

    Call of Duty Zombies The Purge Siren is nothing compared to this..

    Call of Duty Zombies The Purge Siren is nothing compared to this..

    The Purge Siren is nothing compared to this..

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 01:00 AM PDT

    Alpha Omega comic loadingscreen

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    How's your day goin?!

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 12:50 PM PDT

    First time getting over round 100 in any zombies map!

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    Does anybody have this image with actual zombies stuff on the board? And maybe without the caption

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    Monty and the Shadowman - The Hidden Story of Tag Der Toten

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 07:07 PM PDT

    I want to once again thank u/Xptg for the contributions. Just with the Apothicon Language that we deciphered ( https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/f13fao/the_apothicon_language_decoded_for_real_this_time/ ), this was just as much a team effort. I hope you enjoy the theory:

    One question held by many players during the final map of Black Ops 4, Tag Der Toten, was where were Doctor Monty and the Shadowman? Both appear and are referenced heavily in-game, and even if one takes into account budget arguments, surely it would have been possible for some sort of appearance, even only in the campfire dialogue with the characters? No, this was a deliberate decision by Treyarch, and one with incredible ramifications. This video will seek to explain why. But first, in order to dissect the end, we must travel back to the beginning.

    It is impossible to say what reality was before creation, however it began with a single entity - The First One[1]. In the first moments, he brought into being the Astoth Arbzorark - The Key to All or Summoning Key, as it would come to be known, and with it, the first language. With the first object in existence, he crafted the dimensions and gave each one a unique mix of life. But he was alone and had no equal, and so he created kin, beings to watch over the universe with him and Keep it from harm. However, they still existed within the Aether, and without physical forms, so these Keepers created a space out of the infinite in which to manifest physically - Agartha[2]. It is impossible to date these processes, indeed, they could have been simultaneous, however in and among them, The First One ceases to be - henceforth in his place, two figures emerge and rise high within their society - one who would eventually come to be known as The Harbinger of Doom, The Shadowman and Mr. Rapt, and another who would be known as The Great Dragon, Satan and Dr. Monty. During this period, the race began experimenting with the Aether, with those under Monty developing a way to travel through the aether in order to bridge vast distances in space, and even time - Teleportation. However, The Shadowman undertook further experimentation with the Aether to a degree that his colleague deemed unnatural, manipulating the darkest forces of the Aether, and even creating a device, a Pyramid, in order to completely manipulate them. This led to an all-out war between the two factions, with those who were touched by the Aether's darkness ultimately being defeated and banished into the very Aether that they had begun to shape for themselves.

    Over millennia, the two factions began to evolve to the point where they were no longer just separate factions, but separate species. Those who remained free became almost humanoid, abandoning the first language for a new one and believing themselves to be the righteous protectors of the universe, all the while endeavouring to keep their race pure[3]. Meanwhile, those who pushed the Aether to its limits lost their sense of self, instead becoming part of a singular hive mind, the only member with any sort of agency being their former leader [4], and yet maintaining their original language - a link to their past; perhaps a reminder of what they once were?

    Now one thing of note here, the seeming disappearance of The First One at the moment of the appearance of Monty and the Shadowman. It seems somewhat odd that the undisputed most powerful being in existence would instantly fade, and give way to the two most powerful, and evenly matched beings in existence. A rather simple explanation is that The First One, at some point, was severed (or severed himself) into two beings, equal yet opposite in power. This is not entirely unsubstantiated either: In revelations, when speaking about the nature of the Aether, Monty goes on the following tangent

    "...You know how people say when you cut a worm in half, both parts keep on living? Well, they do! Kind of.. for a bit. But then one of them dies, not sure if it's the ass or the head, but that's the problem with worms! They're a bit short on distinguishing features."

    Within the map itself, we see the Shadowman die, just as with one half of the worm, and yet come the next cycle, he is still alive, leading the Apothicons in the great war, as if he cannot be truly destroyed, and when exploring the analogy even more, if we take the line on "Distinguishing features", Monty and the Shadowman, when in their true forms, look identical, in fact, being a perfect balance between the eldritch features of the Apothicons and the human features of the Keepers. Furthermore, we know that Monty's power is limited to the manipulation of existing matter [5], yet the Shadowman is able to only manipulate the souls of individuals, with neither being able to use the ability of the other. This relationship is shown clearly by the Alcatraz pocket dimension: The Shadowman instructs the Warden to sacrifice the four mobsters, and then himself, in order to form the pocket. This is an identical relationship to Primis/Ultimis and the Elemental shard, however here, rather than the four souls fused to the shard to form the Aether, it's four souls fused to the Warden himself to create the pocket (This is why the warden's body can be manipulated through the Kronorium and Summoning Key to cause direct changes to the Pocket during BotD's easter egg).

    These limitations confirm Monty's assertion in Revelations that he "isn't all-powerful", however if the Aether itself is based on souls, or life-energy (the very thing that the Apothicons are said to consume), then surely if the two were a singular entity, they would in fact be able to create ex-nihilo, or from nothing, just as The First One did.

    Now onto Tag Der Toten. Within the timeframe of this map, The Shadowman exists exclusively within The Summoning Key, and Monty is unaccounted for. The end goal of Nikolai here is to permanently remove the Aether by destroying the current existence - that includes Agartha, because as previously established, Salvation comes only when Agartha burns. Furthermore, as stated by Maxis, if Agartha is to be destroyed, Monty himself will cease to be. This places Monty in an incredibly threatened position - regardless of what he does, he is now doomed to be destroyed and has no way to survive… Or does he?

    When building the Agarthan Device, the player retrieves three components. These are the Seal of Duality, the Blood of an Apothicon Elder God/Overlord, and the Elemental Shard.

    The Shard is the simplest to explain. In the forties when Richtofen was carrying out his initial experiments on Dempsey, Nikolai and Takeo, he learned about the Agarthan Device's components from Jeb Brown's recovered schematics, and decided he would do his best to construct it. Fusing the souls of the three test subjects, and his own, to a single piece of the Element, it grew and crystalised, forming the Shard. The Shard permanently binds the souls of these four, regardless of Dimension, and also means that these four souls form the lattice within which the Aether exists - just like its relationship with Agartha - one becomes intrinsic to the other. In essence, the shard is the entire aether given form.

    The Blood of the Apothicon Elder God (or Overlord) is particularly interesting, and is what resulted in our decoding of the entire Apothicon language, of which we now have an entire other level of understanding. The Apothicons function under a hivemind, in fact, their language has no concept of "I", with "Mine" in english translating into the Apothicon word for "Our". For the Apothicons, the closest concept they have to a leader is that of the Shadowman, as he is capable of acting with a certain degree of agency, however without a doubt is undyingly loyal to his brethren - but the Shadowman is now sealed within the summoning key. This means that the Apothicon hivemind now takes exclusive precedence. The blood itself is interesting, because it presents us with the revelation that the Apothicons that we see are less like traditional life-forms, and instead like "crafts" or "vessels". In fact, the only sentient part of an Apothicon is the Blood. This connection is what leads to the understanding that for all intents and purposes the Blood and the shadowman are one and the same, or at the very least mentally understand what the other is doing.

    The blood is seen talking to the player within the map, where it gives some incredibly interesting dialogue. After the initial "offerings", the blood claims it will "speak now in the tongue that is forbidden" and proceeds to say "Seal of Duality" in Keeper (Leesanatahn lu ahm) - this shows a clear resentment to the "new" language harboured by the Apothicons - however what follows is far more interesting. After completing the Shard - fully binding the Blood of the Apothicons within the Seal of the Keepers through the Aether - they say verbatim:

    "Light and Darkness reunite - The duality is resolved" Followed by "Beginning… End… Forever" in Apothicon - and to reiterate - this would have implications for the entirety of these races.

    Which leads us to our final conclusion. The purpose of the Agarthan Device, The Tag Der Toten Easter Egg, and the reason both Shadowman and Monty had been found pursuing this device in the past (keepers and jeb brown/reporter[6] going after device) was that it allows for the reuniting of Dr. Monty and the Shadowman, Keepers and apothicons, back into a singular being leading a singular race.

    The First One.

    The one who created all from the aether when there was nothing. Taking into account we see no resistance from Dr Monty in Tag Der toten and no evidence the shadowman was in the key or died when it explodes, it seems that the fusion took place before everything was put into the dark aether.

    So with everything not destroyed, but in the dark aether, and sam and eddie in this new reality, the question remains: what does the existence of the first one matter?

    Well, I leave you with this question:

    If the first one created reality FROM the aether… Could he leave it?


    [1]: "Kronorium

    Excerpt 349561223:

    The Summoning Key is one of the oldest artifacts in all creation. It was used by the first one to mix all the dimensions with life, giving each one its unique balance. Under certain circumstances, it has the ability to form bridges between dimensions allowing the transfer of life forces back and forth. It resides in the 63rd dimensions"

    [2]: The Keepers craft the Summoning Key, a device that allows them to manipulate the Aether. Holding power over reality itself, they use it to create Agartha. (Timeline section: Agartha)

    [3]: Shadows of Evil sword "upgrade", destroying the apothicon egg; circumstantially, it is the APOTHICONS who resolve the duality, not the keepers, they even break from tradition and speak in the new language

    [4]: Nan-Sapwe going to the island and rescuing it himself shows that the keepers were more than capable of breaking from the herd and undertaking individual tasks.

    [5]: Revelations quote "The minute you people teleported for the first time, you changed the rules. How am I supposed to keep track if you keep moving the pieces? Even when you were just a little problem, brewing in the far corner of existence, I tried to throw you a bone or two. I told you this, didn't I? The magic box of weapons, the little clues here and there. I always tried to give you a little help without drawing too much attention to myself. The thing is though, I can't just magic things out of thin air. I have to manipulate things that already exist in your reality, like the perk drinks. They were something originally cooked up by Group 935. I just (whistles) I just used them for my own ends. Heh, I honestly don't even know how they work. I-I-I swear! As for the songs: Don't get me started!"

    [6]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDh3yyqoAwQ

    Edward Richtofen: "Log Entry 1438. Date: July 18th, 1945. Dear diary, I have been in Group 935 Siberian facility for nearly days and mein cup already runneth over with exciting news! First, yesterday I've learned that I would receive not one, not two but three test subjects! Aah, hopefully with proper 115 injections we will be able to use these specimens to access to the human mind. The Chancellor's undead army is on standby until we crack this crucial step. Und secondly...

    (A door is opened. Someone entered the room dragging another person)

    Soldier: Here he is, Richtofen.

    Richtofen: Get your damn hands off me! Now what do we have here? A spy?

    Reporter: If you know what's good for you, you'd let me go!

    Richtofen: Oh yes, ja, ja! I'm just you worked for someone incredibly important.

    Reporter: Honestly, you have no idea.

    Richtofen: How did you find mein secret facility? Who are you?

    Reporter: I'm a reporter. I was hired by a man, Mr. Rapt, I never met him. He asked me to find some goods for him. Things he wanted badly.

    Richtofen: Sounds thrilling. And what were these... goods he wanted so badly?

    Reporter: (sigh) Look, I don't know the specifics, he just told me to travel to Russia. He gave me these coordinates, which led me here. How was I supposed to know it was a freaking German base?! Gave some vague description of a strange metal object.

    (Richtofen picks up the Vril Vessel)

    Richtofen: This, I assume?

    Reporter: Yeah, that'll be it. Called it the "Seal of duality", whatever the hell that means.

    Richtofen: Well, the Vril Vessel isn't for sale and is certainly not for stealing. But it is curious. I have only just arrived in this facility, bringing the Vril Vessel with me. Yet, you somehow know it would be here. How is this possible?

    Reporter: How the hell am I supposed to know? I just go where the Shadowman says to go. I don't know how he does it. Listen, when Mr. Rapt wants to find you he's got his ways. Look, you want to go ahead and get this over with, if you're gonna kill me, kill me. Not like it'll matter. It's kind of funny, you know. Something Mr. Rapt said, but if I failed him and died, it'll be okay. He said he'd reach out to me all over the multiverse, whatever that means. I didn't pay it no mind then but maybe some other me is out there having a lot better luck than I have

    Soldier: Sir, what should we do?

    Richtofen: Take the strange sad little man away. Find a hole.

    submitted by /u/thecaljitsu
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    So somehow my game glitched and my friend and I both had lightening bows

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 07:48 PM PDT

    What is your favorite wall weapon in treyarch zombies?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    For me I would say the AN-94 from Black Ops 2. Buried t one of my favorite maps and the AN is super good on that map especially. Also the AN was my favorite gun in multiplayer so I always gravitated towards the AN

    submitted by /u/Homer4a10
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    anyone have any idea of how he was able to glitch out the wall power/sheiva to get the unlimited death machine?( extended to show the unlimited death machine )

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    War between Zombies games?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 05:25 AM PDT

    So, if there was a Battle between all the Zombies universes, divided into Armies according to their seperate games, which one would win? (Excluding the Keepers from the Treyarch Universe because they are way too OP). So if all the zombies and bosses from WaW, Bo1, Bo2, Bo3, Bo4, WW2, IW and AW fought each other, which team would win? If you understand my question. Seems like a fun discusson. I'm going with the Bo3 team. Even excluding Chronicles, they have the Margwas, Panzers, Zombies on roids etc.

    submitted by /u/jokerizzzzle
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    Are there actually three types of Hellhounds?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 10:34 AM PDT

    The original Hellhounds of the Ultimas universe were the spawn of Fluffy, Samantha's pregnant dog that Richthofen conducted experiments on.

    I'm assuming they're not related to the Hellhounds in Blood of the Dead, as they're in a hell dimension, I could buy that these are legitimately hounds from actual Hell, like actual supernatural monsters

    That does make me wonder then, what about the Hellhounds from Alpha Omega? Do we get any backstory with them? They're electric based, so they're clearly at least somewhat different the previous Hellhounds, but do we know where they came from for sure? Are they Broken Arrow experiments? Do we know that they're definitely not the spawns of Fluffy that we've been facing off against until then? I've found a decent chunk of lore in Alpha Omega but none about the Hellhounds there

    submitted by /u/InnsmouthShoreman
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    Hey guys I hope you have a safe day :)

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 03:40 AM PDT

    It's quarantine. Lockdown time. Don't go outside, wash your hands and play some Zombies :). This is a great opportunity to grind those easter eggs and get to high rounds. Stay safe and get those HeLLpIGs❤

    submitted by /u/jokerizzzzle
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    Reverse rainbow challenge, moon, local gums with a tad more proof its locals only, got god rng too got double tap and staminup back to back on rounds 5 and 6

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    Most innovative map in each game. Let's argue.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 08:51 PM PDT

    MOTD EE help?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 09:17 AM PDT

    Me and my friend have been trying to do all the easter eggs and we just finished Moon (not doing them in order) and I was wondering if there are any tips to complete the mob of the dead easter egg.

    submitted by /u/Penotebotor
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    Made my own Perk-A-Cola bottles today!

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 08:54 PM PDT

    Black Ops 5 Zombies can’t come soon enough

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    I feel like there's never been a quieter point for zombies. It's good that there's no zombies at the minute because it's making me anticipate it's return, but I miss talking about it and seeing content for it.

    My ideal BO5 would be a continuation of Chaos with Black Ops 3 style gameplay but I think that that story is done unfortunately. It was Jason's baby and he's gone.

    I can see a 'realistic' reboot style call of duty. Maybe an Aether story or one with old campaign characters. The most important things is that they get gameplay right. So it's quality and replayable, which means there's a buzz around the game.

    I also think the game needs something different and special to make it survive and be replayable. Just having 6 horde-based maps surely can't keep the mode alive for much longer. Once again, after BO4 backfiring I think they'll be back to simple stuff though.

    Hoping for an announcement in May.

    submitted by /u/LordOryx
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    Moe version of the Perk-a-Colas (by /u/Diengine on /r/MoeMorphism)

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 06:10 PM PDT

    Easiest and hardest high round map

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    By high rounds I'd say 30-100 Easiest:buried or revelations Buried because all you need is vulture aid and a paralyzer (though past round 70 paralyzer doesn't work) revelations because thundergun and apothacan servant, and double pap. If you're half decent at training you can get round 50+ easy

    Hardest: verruckt So close quartered, no good training spot, no wonder weapon, glitches waw zombies, super fast verruckt sprinters, only thing on your side is the 24 zombie cap. You could make an argument for shangrila too

    I'd love to hear yalls opinions!

    submitted by /u/bendaniels1
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    Shangri-la Easter egg question

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 09:04 PM PDT

    So my 2 brothers and I are currently going through Shangri-la in order to finish moon (we already did CotD) and it says that the map requires 4 players.

    We're only 3 but we can have our dad join us, he's not good at the game and only knows the absolute bare basics. (thanks corona outbreak)

    Does the map require 4 player coordination? Can it be done with 3 "actual" players?

    I apologize if the question seems dumb or out of place, we just really want to witness the Moon Easter egg.

    submitted by /u/BigDong1142
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    Need help with custom box weapons on bo3 mod tools

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 11:40 PM PDT

    Need help with custom box weapons on bo3 mod tools

    I really dont understand how to do it. Every video ive watched doesnt work. As you can see i even changed my map thing to that and put my custom weapons "list" in the file it is pointing to. Any tips?


    submitted by /u/Zuko420
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    Firembomb on IX

    Posted: 23 Mar 2020 01:04 AM PDT

    Are there weapons that can't get firebomb ? I am really new to this but I just pack-a-punched my mog12 6 times and I haven't gotte firebomb.

    It happened to me with another starting gun (the one that you get for the third challenge) and I pack-a-punched that one like 8 times.

    Is firebomb specific only to certain guns ?

    submitted by /u/Dublas3
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    BO2 - When do I put in NavCards?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 07:04 PM PDT

    I am confused on how I should do these navcards. Should I go into buried first and get the card for tranzit, then do the tranzit egg, then get the Navcard for tranzit, do the die rise egg, then get the die rise card, then put that card in buried and all will be done?

    submitted by /u/veggiegat
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    You know the good old days weren't always good...

    Posted: 22 Mar 2020 03:35 PM PDT

    We all like to complain about changes we don't like, but some things are way better, like ""your controller batteries are low". Went back and played Kino on the 360. Got "Please Reconnect Controller" and forgot how terrifying that is. Round 3 zombies aren't terribly fast, but they are a hell of a lot faster than me changing AA batteries.

    submitted by /u/BashoDonut
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