• Breaking News

    Tuesday, July 28, 2020

    Call of Duty Zombies Imagine having friends to play withπŸ˜‚πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­

    Call of Duty Zombies Imagine having friends to play with��������

    Imagine having friends to play with��������

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 04:39 AM PDT

    I don’t know if this joke has been made before

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 08:30 AM PDT

    Weird bug has the beast from Shadows of Evil eating beans on my menu screen... wack

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 06:17 AM PDT

    I recreated The Victis in Artbreeder

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:52 AM PDT

    Satisfying round ender on Revelations today

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 08:15 PM PDT

    I got to round 71 on origins with my friend, I've never gotten this high before

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 07:11 PM PDT

    Day 34 - Shark Skin Soda $2500 "Liquid sandpaper on the go!"

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 09:47 PM PDT

    Best box luck

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    Somehow did this without jugg

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 12:44 PM PDT

    I hit prestige master and I went in a game but it says max not level 37? Is it normal or will i have to leave when it hits max to level up?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    I know this might not have been the most used feature but I would like to see it brought back in COD 2020 zombies

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 07:41 PM PDT

    Please bring back the quick restart option for Solo and splitscreen matches. It was in WAW and BO1, but they removed it in BO2 and it hasn't been seen since except on PC through console commands. It's super convenient when you fuck up on an early round, or if you're doing something like the Area 51 challenge. In BO1, when I go down, I hit start, hit restart game, ba da Bing ba da boom, I'm in a new game nearly instantly. When I do it in BO3, whenever I die I have to wait for the end screen to finish, then wait for the 2 minute cutscene of the forest to play, then select moon and wait for the map to load again which takes a minute, which gets really tedious when I'm trying to get better at the Area 51 challenge.

    Again, not the most used feature but I would love to see it return

    submitted by /u/ThunderStruck115
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    If you were only allowed to use 1 perk for the rest of a game which perk would you choose

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    just some notes

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 01:48 PM PDT

    BO4 Map Ranking

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 10:14 AM PDT

    I've got back into Bo4 and now that I have finally played tag der toten I can rank all the maps

    1. Ancient evil
    2. Tag der toten
    3. Dead of the night
    4. IX
    5. Classified
    6. Alpha omega
    7. Voyage of despair
    8. Blood of the dead

    Whats yours?

    submitted by /u/weemick2002
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    Little update on my zombies shelf!

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 04:45 PM PDT

    Black Ops Cold War Aether Story Continued?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    Here me out on this. If you go to Steve Blum's (Voice actor for Tank Dempsey) Tik Tok account he has been making a lot of videos using the voice of Tank Dempsey. He seems to be reading lines off of his computer, some iconic lines we know and some new ones. Could this mean he is recording these new clips for Black Ops Cold War? Could we be seeing the return of Primis or Ultimis? Just an interesting bit I thought I'd share.

    submitted by /u/YaBoyHallsey
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    Anyone got tips for training in the giant spawn room, I keep dying and don’t know what I’m doing wrong

    Posted: 27 Jul 2020 03:04 PM PDT

    Should I buy Der Eisendrache?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    I have zombies chronicles but was told that DE was an amazing map.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/TheGoalieChef
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    Best Victis map?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 09:38 AM PDT

    I’m playing Revelations again with a friend.

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 08:51 AM PDT

    I was wondering if the Wonder Weapon Duplication from Weapon Bench in Nacht was patched. The method is when one person puts down the Servant or ThunderGun on the bench your friend could the get it out of the box.

    submitted by /u/ZombiKillr2001
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    Your Personal Highest Round in Zombies?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    What is your highest round? I'm curious to see what you've reached. Can be solo or co-op, in any game.

    Here are some of mine: Highest:

    Revelations- 156

    Ascension (BO3)- 122

    Shadows of Evil- 120

    Der Eisendrache- 114

    Origins (BO3)- 101

    Highest BO2:

    Die Rise- 63

    Origins- 60

    Highest BO1:

    Ascension- 83

    Highest WaW:

    Shi no Numa- 29 (pathetic, I know :( )

    submitted by /u/Aljoriz14
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    I just bought the bo3 pass not knowing it doesn't give you chronicles...

    Posted: 28 Jul 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    50 fucking dollars and it doesn't give you absolutely everything in the game... its 4 years old I mean come on... seriously though what the fuck

    submitted by /u/GhillieReaper
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