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    Tuesday, August 25, 2020

    Call of Duty Zombies Black Ops Cold War Product Description Confirms Zombies Mode

    Call of Duty Zombies Black Ops Cold War Product Description Confirms Zombies Mode

    Black Ops Cold War Product Description Confirms Zombies Mode

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 01:57 AM PDT

    Quick Revive emblem datamined from MW

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    Nacht der Untoten in a nutshell - Please ignore my subpar animating skills

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 04:32 AM PDT

    Teamed up with The_Vice_Squad to make a Zombies version of Black Ops Cold War’s Key Art!

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 04:40 PM PDT

    I knew I should have got the Gersch Device

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    Know Your History. Or Be Doomed To Repeat It

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 06:59 AM PDT

    "Know Your History. Or Be Doomed To Repeat It."
    Let me reiterate this back to you, Activison. Treyarch. And all other players of the COD franchise.

    Let's remember our history, with the Black Ops Franchise.

    COD: World At War. Released November 11th, 2008. The campaign, it's story mode, showed the perspective of different sides of WW2. Americans versus the Japanese, and Russians against the Germans and Nazis. This was the story of Private Miller, the soldier we play as on the American side, Dimitri Petrenko, the soldier we play as on the russian side, and Victor Reznov. Dimitri's, and our, Comrade on the Russian side. As we play through the game, we experience snippets of WW2. Though, I believe everyone remembers the Russian side a bit more then the American, due to well, how it ends, and our comrade, Reznov. It was a good campaign for it's time, and certainly felt engaging.

    But... that's not the only thing we remember from that game of course. I'm not just talking about the multiplayer.
    I am of course talking about, Nazi Zombies. 4 Maps. And it started with...

    Nacht Der Untoten. Night Of The Dead. Back then, no perks. Not that big of a place. Just, what? Three rooms really? And a Mystery Box. I think there was a easter egg song possibly, but I can't fully remember. You were simply one of four soldiers trying to survive the Nazi horde. Due to popularity of the mode, DLC was made for it. Verrukt, Shi No Numa, and Der Riese. Verrukt introduced Power, Perks, and Traps. Shi No Numa introduces what we now call the Ultimis Crew; Edward RIchtofen, Tank Dempsey, Nikolai Belinski, and Takeo Masaki. And Der Riese, well, introduced the Pack-A-Punch, and the Teleporter.

    That was it for the Zombies mode in World At War. And we've come a long, long way since then. But that's not our entire history.

    COD: Black Ops. Released November 9th, 2010. The Campaign is centered around Alex Mason, who is being interrogated by Hudson, though that isn't revealed to us at first. We are tasked with going through Mason's memories and piecing together his past, what built up to this moment of him waking up in a chair and being forced to listen to a numbers broadcast on repeat, always being asked "What do the numbers mean, Mason?"

    We are also introduced to an old friend, Victor Reznov. And through Reznov's eyes, we learn of how he ended up in Vorkuta, and the fate of Dimitri. Through the rest of the campaign as we work on catching up with the present, we see Reznov several times throughout the story, always assisting Mason. Though, once we finally catch up with the present, and Mason breaks free of the chair and stumbles through the halls of the place he was locked up in, he, and us, learn the truth. "We are brothers, Mason. We, are the same."

    Victor Reznov wasn't there. But was he dead? It's hinted that he may not be, through a secret you can find in the game that says: "Reznov is dead, or is he dead, there was no body, is he who he says he is." Mason finally figures out where the broadcast station is; The Rusalka, the very ship you see near the beginning of the game. He and Hudson, along with many other soldiers, work together to bring the broadcast station down, and Mason finally finishes the mission Reznov had burned into his brain: "Dragovich, Cravchenko, Steiner... these, 'men', must die." But.. it doesn't end on a truly happy ending.

    "0. 11. 24. 11. 1. 7. 19. 20. 10. 14. 2. 3. 19. 0. 8. 11. 22. 21. 5. 17."
    "17. 0. 10. 2. 23. 1. ("1.") 8. 11. 25. 22. ("22.") 9. 4. ("6.5 Milimeter.") 12. 9. 23. 1. 12. 0. 12. 16. ("11:22.") 6. 12. 8. 4. 1. 6. 2. 10. 2. 1. ("Texas.")"

    Mason, still effected by the brainwashing, assassinated JFK.

    Now with all that out of the way... let's talk about the Zombies.

    Kino Der Toten, Ascension, Five, Call Of The Dead, Shangri-La, and Moon are the main Zombie Maps. Additionally, there is Dead Ops Arcade, and remasters of Nacht Der Untoten, Verrukt, Shi No Numa, and Der Riese. In total, that is... 11 Zombie Maps. Phew.

    And with Kino Der Toten, Ascenscion, Call Of The Dead, Shangri-La, and Moon, came the true beginning of our Zombies Storyline with the Ultimis Crew. The story is, that Richtofen, our German Doctor/Scientist, basically fucked up. He forced Samantha and Dr. Maxis, Samanta being the daughter of Dr. Maxis, into a teleporter, along with Samantha's Dog, Fluffy, which he had experimented on and turned undead. Though, once he did this, shit hit the fan.

    Samantha Maxis fell into the device they had uncovered on the Moon, and became in control of all the undead, and was now determined to get revenge on Group 935, something that Richtofen was a part of. He ended up awakening other test subjects he had to help himself survive and work on a plan. These test subjects were of course Dempsey, Nikolai, and Takeo. With their help, traversing from one place to another, and through time, they secured what he needed for his plan. Which was to gain control of the device for himself. This ended with RIchtofen, switching souls with Samantha's Body, and taking control of the Zombie Horde for himself. Then, Dr. Maxis, Samantha's Father, who had killed himself to fuel Samantha's rage, was now a spirit who had access to technology... somehow. I dont' remember if that was explained anywhere or something. Anyway, Maxis convinces Samantha, Dempsey, Takeo, and Nikolai to launch some rockets that were on the moon. Which Maxis used to blow up the earth, thinking it would help sever Richtofen's connection with the undead horde and Agartha, which is a can of worms I will get into, later.
    But it didn't fully work.
    Oops. So the world got fucked for no reason.

    Thus ends the story of the Black Ops 1 Ultimis Crew... and now we move on to the next game.

    COD: Black Ops 2. Released November 12th, 2012. ...Man i've typed a lot haven't I? Anyway...

    The story of Black Ops 2 centered around the future, 2025. And, features a branching storyline with multiple choices which effect the outcome of it. Pretty neat! It's main characters are, well, mainly Alex Mason and David Mason, David being Alex Mason's Son, Raul Menendez, and Frank Woods. Menendez is in fact, the Antagonist of the story, but there are parts where we play as him. When we play as Alex or Frank, it is taking place between 1986 to 1989. When we play as David, it is taking place in 2025. And when we play as Menendez, once is back somewhere between 1986 to 1989, and another time is in 2025.

    Reznov does make an appearence, but whether it was actually Reznov or just a hallucination, is hard to say. Now, since the story can have multiple paths and endings... it's hard to fully discuss. It could either end horribly, or end perfectly depending on your choices.

    But basically, Menendez wants to take revenge on others due to the death of his sister, Josefina, cause well, someone threw a grenade... which bounced into her room, and blew up, killing her. Menendez then set out to basically fuck up Woods and Alex Mason's lives and get revenge on the world as well. Which leads to Woods possibly (Depending on what you do) ...be tricked into killing Alex Mason. And get his kneecaps shotgunned.

    The future side of the campaign focuses on David Mason trying to capture Raul Menendez and stop his cyber attack. Again, the outcome of the story is changeable, so you can't really tell what ending is Canon and what isn't.

    But now that we talked about that, let's talk about the Zombies mode, again.

    We only get one map at the start really, which can be played in separate pieces independently, but let's not count those pieces as actual maps as their just chunks of a bigger map. In Black Ops 2 Zombies, we get Tranzit, Nuketown Zombies, Die Rise, Mob Of The Dead, Buried, and Origins. 6 Maps.

    Tranzit, Die Rise, and Buried are focused on what is now called the Victis Crew, but back then was called the Tranzit Crew, who was tasked with either supporting Richtofen or Maxis on gaining control of towers spread throughout the broken world, a cross map easter-egg, and again, the branching story thing is here. Depending on who we assist throughout the three maps, we get one of two endings in Buried, though if you really wanted to, you could do both Richtofen and Maxis. Now according to the Zombies Timeline, the Maxis ending is Canon, and Maxis well, ends up destroying the earth to attempt to reach Agartha and see Samantha again.

    Nuketown Zombies takes place during the events of Moon, and you can end up watching the Zombies Eyes change from Yellow (Samantha) to Blue (Richtofen) after a certain amount of rounds.

    Mob Of The Dead takes place somewhere outside of the main story, where we see the characters Micheal "Finn" O'leary, Albert "Weasel" Arlington, Salvatore "Sal" Deluca, and Billy Handsome, attempting to break out of a hellish version of Alcatraz. The story is, all four characters on the island, are dead and in purgatory, and at the end of the Easter Egg, whoever is playing Weasel must then face against whatever other players are in the game, Weasel being assisted by up to two Brutus'. Depending on who wins the fight, the cycle either continues, or is broken. Once again, a theme of choice is shown.

    Now, we move onto the last map of the Zombies mode; Origins.
    This map is mostly focused on the Easter Egg, which is called Little Lost Girl. As it focuses on Samantha Maxis, who pleads for help... from Primis.
    Edward Richtofen, Tank Dempsey, Nikolai Belinski, and Takeo Masaki.
    But not the versions we knew before.

    These are a crew made up of an alternate version of the Primis crew. We are tasked to put together 4 staffs, each staff using an element of some sort, one being Fire, another being Ice, then Lightning, and finally Air. These staffs are one of the best wonder weapons ever conceived. Yeah, even the Air one. We then use these staffs to open up a gateway of some sort, and, oh, I forgot to mention, at the beginning of the map Richtofen cut out Maxis' brain so that he would not come back as a Zombie, and you end up attaching that brain to a Drone, but it's in a jar.
    So yeah, when you open that gateway, the Maxis-drone ascends, through it, and Primis follows it through, ending the game and Zombies mode of Black Ops 2, as we are left with a cutscene of Samantha, and a child version of Richtofen, playing with Zombie toys, in a house. The last thing we hear from Samantha is: "Don't worry, my dad has a plan."
    Ok, next game...

    COD: Black Ops 3. Released November 6th, 2015.

    So... the story is... uh. A mindfuck.

    You wouldn't even know the true story unless you looked it up or tried figuring it out yourself maybe. The writers of the Zombie Storyline seemed to want to add their own mindfuckery to the campaign of this, and... yeah.
    Ok so the first mission is technically the only mission that your character is actually a part of. Every mission onward, is not your character's missions. They are the memories of John Taylor, who interfaces with you while your in a coma cause of a bunch of robots tearing off your limbs and shit. Course, these memories are screwed up cause uh, oh yeah... your dying.
    This is all in your head, being simulated by the DNI or whatever.
    Rather then see who Taylor faced, your facing Taylor and his team, rather then the team Taylor actually faced. The very last mission is basically, your death. Your character doesn't actually stop a virus or help start a rebellion or anything. Your character dies in a coma. Also, this campaign shows no connections at all really to the previous Black Ops Campaigns.

    Also, I beat the Campaign on Realistic with the help of some friends, and all I got to show for it is an achievement telling me no one would believe me.

    Now, there is a few other things, like the return of Dead Ops Arcade, which is neat, and another mode simply called Nightmares.
    Basically, Zombies in Campaign, but don't expect much. They basically reuse the entire Campaign, assets and all, and voice over it. That's it, sadly. I mean, it wasn't bad, but it could've been better. Was fun to hear some Zombies songs while killing undead though, and I do like the idea of Deadkillers.

    Now... they also tried to make a story for Multiplayer kind of? Someone has been keeping an eye on all the Specialists and records a lot of info about them all, but I can't recall if it was revealed who collected all this info on them. Even though I got all of the Specialists Gold...

    Now, all that's left... is Zombies. Hoo boy. Heeeere we go.

    Now, all the maps we got in this game were... Shadows Of Evil, The Giant, Der Eisendrache, Zetsubou No Shima, Gorod Krovi, and Revelations. THEN, with Zombies Chronicles we also got: Nacht Der Untoten, Verrukt, Shi No Numa, Kino Der Toten, Ascension, Shangri-La, Moon, and Origins. So in total, that is... 14 Zombie Maps. 15 if you count the sequel to Dead Ops Arcade.

    Shadows Of Evil, you play as one of four new characters, Nero Blackstone, Jessica Rose, Jack Vincent, or Floyd Campbell, and the map takes place in Morg City, set in the 1940s. The four characters are tricked by someone called the Shadow Man, into summoning the Apothicons to their world. Then, with the help of the Keepers, defeat him and stick him inside a little object called the Summoning Key, that is actually very, very powerful, and important, and valuable. Now, the Apothicons are basically the bad guys, and the Keepers are the good guys... for now. That's all you need to know right now. Anyway, our crew is about to give the Key to the Keepers to hopefully get them out of this mess... only for someone to quickly come in, and take the key.
    Edward Richtofen. The Richtofen from Origins. Primis Richtofen. He just comes into the dimension through a portal, takes the key, and leaves, dooming the Morg City crew and their dimension. Dick move, but he had to.

    Next is The Giant, which is basically Der Riese, but instead of Ultimis, we are playing as Primis, and the map takes place after Richtofen gets the Summoning Key, and right when Richtofen, er, Ultimis Richtofen, forces Samantha, Maxis, and Fluffy into the teleporter.
    At which point, Primis Dempsey, Nikolai, and Takeo enter the scene, and try to convince him to awaken the test subjects. And then, Ultimis Richtofen opens the teleporter, revealing Primis Richtofen, who then shoots his Ultimis version in the head.
    A big WTF moment at the time.
    There isn't much of an easter egg in this map, it's simply something where Maxis, the version of Maxis who was in the drone (I'll explain later), locates where they are and then helps send them to where they need to go next.

    Now, we go to Der Eisendrache. Here, we work on stopping the rocket containing Ultimis Dempsey from going to the moon, which we manage to do, but, the pod Ultimis Dempsey is in, is protected with an electric forcefield, which was turned on from the Moon. So what do they end up having to do?
    They blow up the Moon. Yeah.
    Then, Richtofen gets to work on killing Ultimis Dempsey, only for Primis Dempsey to stop him, and ask to let him do it himself, so yeah, Primis Dempsey gets a moment with his Ultimis version, before cutting off his life support, and his soul is absorbed into the summoning key. Ok, next map!

    Zetsubou No Shima. ...Not the best map out of them. So the Primis Crew is captured by Division 9, and are being taken to the island, though they manage to escape their captors and destroy the boat they were on, ending up having to take a dingy (That's what their called right?) to the island.
    When they get there, and after defeating a giant fucking spider among other stuff that... i don't fully know about because I never tried the Easter Egg, they find Ultimis Takeo. Ultimis Takeo and Primis Takeo have a chat, and Ultimis Takeo reveales to Primis Takeo... that their Emperor has betrayed them.
    That the one who put him here, on this island, was the Emperor himself.
    This shatters Primis Takeo, as he was greatly devoted to his Emperor. Ultimis Takeo then asks Primis Takeo to be his Kaishakunin, helping him commit Seppuku, once he is asked to give up his soul to help secure a better tomorrow.
    Thus, Ultimis Takeo's soul is absorbed into the Key, but rather then go straight to Gorod Krovi, they stop by Mob Of The Dead... to secure blood vials.
    Now, the reason these are important, is they are their "Insurance Policy", as Primis Richtofen puts it, which I will explain later. And when I say later, I mean Revelations.

    Gorod Krovi. The Primis crew descends into a battlefield taking place at Stalingrad, and well, this time, securing the soul will not be so easy, as the last soul for them to take is that of Ultimis Nikolai. And he has a mech. And there are dragons. And they have to work with an A.I named Sophia.
    The Easter Egg ends with Primis and Ultimis Nikolai talking to eachother, Ultimis Nikolai angrily shooting a pistol at Primis Nikolai, and Primis Nikolai shooting Ultimis Nikolai with a shotgun in retaliation, and his soul is absorbed into the Summoning Key. Then, the souls are sent out of the key... and to the House.
    But the map doesn't end.
    Rather, we spawn back into the map, and Primis Takeo, Nikolai, and Dempsey will hear a voice. The voice of Doctor Monty, who is responsible for... a lot of things.

    Dr. Monty is someone who kinda helped create the Perks, the Gobblegums, and is who set the Primis crew on this path in the first place. He is the one who promised them a better tomorrow, really. Dr. Monty is a Keeper, and has powers over Agartha, AKA the Aether. A realm between realms. It is where Samantha and the Child version of Richtofen we saw are. And that is where we are sending the souls, to become children in the house. Monty also gave Maxis a new body, and cleansed Samantha of her corruption as well.
    As in, yeah. That's the Samantha we've known since the very beginning.

    Finally, FINALLY, we are here. This is it. Revelations.
    It begins with one thing going wrong.

    Leading to everything getting fucked.

    Remember the Shadow Man? He's still in the Summoning Key. And the key was brought to Agartha. The Shadow Man lures Maxis to come to the key, to open it... switching souls with him, trapping Maxis in the key, and the Shadow Man takes over his body. The Shadow Man then begins to tear Agartha apart and open portals and whatnot for the Apothicons to enter Agartha.
    The Children are no longer safe.
    The Better Tomorrow is no longer secure.
    And so, our crew works together to defeat the Shadow Man. ...But not before drinking those blood vials. Their insurance policy, which I will reveal the purpose of in a moment.
    They then use the Summoning Key, with help from Sophia, and the Kronorium (Something I will explain soon) to defeat him. Once this is done, Maxis, inhabiting the Summoning Key, with Sophia's help... do the only thing they can think of doing to save the children.

    They erase it all. Or well, shove it all to another timeline or something. Basically sacrificing themselves, to secure the better tomorrow.
    Though, this would've included the Primis crew.
    But it didn't. Cause they drank the blood vials. Their Insurance Policy. it prevented them from being erased. But, this upset Monty greatly, as it caused a paradox. So, he was about to erase them from existence... before getting a bright idea.
    The Primis crew is then sent back in time, back to... a long, long time ago. Back to why they were given the name Primis in the first place.

    Thus... the Cycle continues. As it turns out, they may have been through this many, many times over. It was a Cycle the whole time. And so, the cutscene ends, even with The End showing up.
    Now, I don't have to recap all the maps in Zombies Chronicles, as I already talked about them all. Though, there is something new in all of them; A new radio, which plays a clip of Dr. Monty saying something. But that's it really, though... I guess Zombies Chronicles was the beginning of the next Cycle.

    ...Then Black Ops 4 happened.

    COD: Black Ops 4. Released October 12, 2018.
    Campaign? Oh yeah.
    There is none.

    ...Ok there is a very small odd thing that can be i guess considered a campaign? It's literally just tutorials showing how to play as the specialists, with Woods commentating and instructing you how to play as them.
    ...But then it gets mindfuckey here and there and oh yeah THEY PUT YOU AGAINST STUFF FROM ZOMBIES AND GIVE YOU A RAYGUN.
    This only happens in one tutorial, involving Recon. BUT STILL. IT HAPPENS. AND MAKES ME GO WTF. And besides that mindfuck, Frank Woods is back to his young self, and... I don't know. I ltierally... I don't know. I have to look this up on a wiki or something.

    OK. Looked it up... i'm still fucking confused. So... there's something called a Project Blackout (Which links to the Battle Royale Mode?) and it experiments with reviving the dead... and they used it on 4 people: Alex Mason, Frank Woods, Raul Menendez, and... Victor Reznov. And then... Woods might be in a relationship with Savannah, and is tasked with brainwashing Mason with numbers? Why? And... I don't... uh...
    What the fuck... where was the story going??? I'm still so confused even after reading it all???

    ...Now... for the last time for now. Zombies Mode.
    ...With TWO STORYLINES. AT THE SAME TIME. WHY? I dunno! It was stupid to do two at once in my opinion. But let's cover Chaos first then.

    So, for Chaos we have... IX (Nine), Voyage Of Despair, Dead Of The Night, and Ancient Evil.
    Our Chaos Crew, is made up of Scarlett Rhodes, Diego Necalli, Bruno Delacroix, and Stanton Shaw.
    In chronological order, it begins with Dead Of The Night. Which doesn't even involve our Chaos Crew, actually.

    Our Dead Of The Night Crew is composed of... some gunslinger, an old soldier, a butler, and a fortune teller. Why do I not bother to name them? Cause their not really central to the story of Chaos actually. You could literally name them anything cause all four of em die in this map.
    None of them are important. Maybe the Butler? But all he's good for is showing that people who are resurrected with the Staff of Ra are corrupted with something, except he didn't even show that in the map, he shows it in a music video.
    The map could literally not exist and the main plot of Chaos would probably be fine? Though at the very end it shows Scarlett's father being kidnapped and his mansion burning down. Oh, and i didn't even divulge the plot really yet. You see, Scarlett got a letter from her father, who gets captured and she goes to get him back, and also get answers about the letter, the details of she doesn't divulge much of, but it has her spooked.

    ...To be honest, I am intrigued by the Chaos story. But one, i've been writing this for hours now without rest, and two, they tried doing two stories at once rather then finish one and wait til the next game to do the new one. Which fucked over the Aether story a bit. So I am a bit salty. Anyway, moving on,

    Voyage Of Despair. A map that takes place, on the Titanic. Sounded cool. Probably isn't even that bad of a map really, but for more casual play I always just boot up IX. I'm getting sidetracked.
    So, after Scarlett's father is kidnapped, she gets to work on figuring out how to get him back. She then recruits 3 people her father had trusted, Diego, Bruno, and Shaw. They get to work on stealing something from the Titanic... only for something to go wrong and the Titanic is infested with Zombies as what they were stealing, was actually an artifact that uses Chaos energy, or... whatever the name of the substance is, which can turn a shit ton of people into Zombies, and the only way to turn people back and whatnot... is to pass some kind of trial that the Artifact triggers.
    So, they end up passing this trial, and turning a lot of people back to normal, and see a weird hallucination of some sort showing a mysterious door, but now all of them have to try to leave a sinking ship.
    After this, they then head to the next map, IX.

    But how they get there is that they figure out where the mysterious door is, but a mysterious oracle requests them to inhale an odd vapor which allows them to relive something in the past I think. This is how they arrive at IX. They then must go through a trial, which is activated by a priest, and are forced to complete it while being watched by a crowd. Once they manage to achieve completion of it, the doorway appears again, and the priest tries to use it, but his hand is seemingly corrupted upon trying to do so, and the doorway goes away.

    The map ends with the Chaos Crew... getting their heads chopped off.

    Thankfully though, they awake back in the present, but now have the knowledge they need to open the door in front of them. This, is how they go from IX to Ancient Evil. And in my opinion, IX and Ancient Evil are the best Chaos Maps. In Ancient Evil, they find the Oracle, trapped in a chair too strong to break and she is too weak to get free of it on her own. She uses her power to hold the Zombies back for a while until they make it to her, but can not hold them back for long, and is forced to let the horde awaken, and so our characters work toward setting the Oracle free, though in the process, also meet Perseus.

    This version of Perseus is a douche.
    He is an undead warlord, and wants to achieve godhood. We end up having to stop him from killing the gods who, are currently sleeping apparently and would be unable to defend themselves against him. Once we do this, we get what we need to free the Oracle, and do so. ...Then... well. Turns out the Oracle isn't who she seems. Diego, Bruno, and Shaw make their way to wear the Oracle says Scarlett's father is... only to find him turned to stone.

    The Oracle then uh... kisses Scarlett as a way to gain the knowledge she has.

    The Oracle is actually Medusa. ...And Ancient Evil, ends on a cliff hanger. And so far, that is the story of Chaos. So far. Whether or not it will be continued is up for debate. It has potential... but it also has to live up to it's predecessor, The Aether Story.

    The Aether Story consists of: Blood Of The Dead, Classified, Alpha Omega, and Tag Der Toten. In total, Black Ops 4 only has 8 Zombies Maps, 4 for each storyline.
    Which... is why they should've only done Aether first, and save Chaos for the next game. Would've given Aether Story a more paced ending, and Chaos a more paced beginning.

    Blood Of The Dead begins with something... being wrong. We find the Primis crew in Alcatraz, here to retrieve the Blood Vials, though... it takes them a bit longer to get them then before. Even the other version of Primis Richtofen says their late, the opposite of what was shown in the Comics.

    ...Oh yeah. The Comics. I should explain that huh?

    So, the Zombies Comics showed the story of Victis, the Tranzit Crew, being tasked by Richtofen, Primis Richtofen, using his connection to Samuel, to get two things that are needed; Blood samples of Victis, and the Kronorium. The Kronorium is like a magic 8 ball, except rather then answer you vaguely, it can answer you with exactly the thing you want to know. Though Richtofen often comments that the knowledge gifted to him from the book felt like a curse.
    After getting what he needed from them, he then takes them to an underground laboratory, and escorts the Victus crew into Cryo-Pods, putting them on ice for now.

    This is where we meet the other version of Primis Richtofen, in the underground lab, under Alcatraz, though in the comics it wasn't that long of a stay, here, things end up taking a turn for the worst. The other Primis RIchtofen tells the Primis RIchtofen with the rest of the crew to check the Kronorium. This reveals that it's pages have changed.
    They then attempt to leave Alcatraz once the zombie horde begins to awaken... only for Brutus to literally destroy their exit portal, trapping them here. Primis is then forced to figure out a way to escape Alcatraz, encountering difficulties and hurdles along the way. But eventually, it all ends with a Boss fight against Brutus.
    But in the arena is a mechanism, which seems to be powered by blood.
    And it turns out, it is meant for Richtofen's blood.

    Due to all the interdimensional timeline travelling Richtofen has done, his blood is very potent with Element 115, far more then the other 3 in the crew as he had actually traveled by himself for a while before meeting back up with them at The Giant.
    And so, in desperation, Richtofen steps into the machine, and allows it to begin to take his blood.
    ALL. of his blood.

    ...And then, a Cyropod opens. One that was hidden, right until before the Boss Battle. A 5th Crypod, hidden behind a wall. And out of it steps Primis Richtofen.
    Primis Richtofen, from the previous loop.
    From the Great War.
    You'd be able to tell it's the one we knew from the loop we had just been through, due to a scar on his face. A scar which the Primis Richtofen we had been playing as, lacked. Great War Richtofen steps out into the Boss Battle arena, and uses the stone from the original Fire Staff, to take away Brutus' ability to keep coming back from the dead, and frees all the souls who were unable to be at peace due to being trapped here in this purgatory.
    He then gives Nikolai the Kronorium, telling him to read it.
    ...And then in... well, a very sad scene... leaves the other version of himself to die what was probably a very slow and painful death.

    Classified has no Easter Egg.

    ...Ok it kinda has one but only for a weapon. The only actual way to get the cutscene... is to survive to round 150.
    Yes. You heard me correctly. Round One Hundred and FIfty.
    There is no other way to achieve this.
    There is nothing else of any real importance in classified other then showing how they got to Area 51 I guess? But the biggest, most important thing is locked behind something that is basically... for me, impossible.
    What this cutscene shows is Primis finding Ultimis locked up in a cell in Area 51, but before the earth got blown up. But this is actually... post-Moon Ultimis. Including Richtofen. Not Samantha. The only way to explain that is well, a thing about the Maxis ending from Buried Maxis ends up trapping Richtofen in a Zombie body, that Richtofen was then recruited by Primis Richtofen to help move Victis along to go get the Kronorium and for them to give up samples of their blood. Then, that Zombie Richtofen somehow finds a way to his now empty body at area 51, and transfers his soul into it.

    Ok, anyway, Primis recruits Ultimis... to help fight in the Great War. And i'm just going to tell you now so you don't have your hopes up, if you don't know how Aether ended.

    You do not fight in the Great War.
    At all.
    Nikolai lies.

    Now, the third map is Alpha Omega. And this is where the cutscenes are downgraded, to moving images with voice acting over them.

    Yeah... wonder where all that cutscene stuff went.

    Anyway, Alpha Omega is a remake of Nuketown Zombies. In fact, every Aether Zombie map in Black Ops 4 is a remake. Just letting you know.
    In Alpha Omega, we work toward getting the Elemental Shard, and what's unique about this map is it has 8 playable characters, though only 4 can be played at a time. The reason it is 8 is because you can play as either Primis or Ultimis versions of Richtofen, Dempsey, Nikolai, and Takeo. Though you can't have two of the same character sadly.
    Anyway, once you get the elemental shard... things go wrong at the House. Cause Monty finds out what's going on now. Monty finds out things are no longer going the way they should. Maxis puts Samantha and the child version of Edward in the teleporter... and as Maxis activates the teleporter to send the children away from the house, Monty transforms, and kills Maxis.

    Samantha and Eddie (The child version of Edward) arrive at Alpha Omega.
    And Samantha is angry.
    And she has every right to be, letting out her anger in a blast of energy.

    Samantha is back to her old self, and proclaims she and Eddie will fight in the great war.
    That they will burn the house down. That she will get her revenge.

    ...And again. I want to remind you.
    This is a lie.
    There is no Great War.
    Yet it is built up as if it isn't.
    There aren't even hints to it being a lie.

    And so now. The end of Aether begins.

    Tag Der Toten.
    Day Of The Dead.
    ...And it begins with a scene of Victis and Ultimis sharing a campfire together, sharing a drink.
    Nikolai instructs Samantha that she must be the one to defeat the one behind it all.
    Ultimis Richtofen, after everyone else is asleep, then begins to communicate to Sammuel, instructing him they need Victis' help one more time. And the scene reveals that Ultimis Richtofen, is once again a Zombie. Victis must then go to the location of Call Of The Dead, and help a stranger in a lighthouse, who is named Pablo.

    ...And now I have to explain who the heck Pablo is.
    Pablo is apparently someone integral to the Great War. Someone who helps make breaking the cycle possible. And yet he's been trapped here, at this lighthouse, in this place. But always dreams of being in the Great War.

    Anyway, Victis helps Pablo, and also gets to work on making a special device... a device that will break the Cycle. The Agarthan Device.
    You see... apparently, Ultimis Richtofen did an experiment, involving souls and element 115. This experiment bonded his soul, the souls of Takeo, Nikolai, and Dempsey, to the Aether itself.
    Basically, one cannot exist without the other.
    Once this device is made, Pablo uses it first, to make sure the cycle is broken. He uses it to send himself to the Great War. And his last words are "I am going to save the universe!"

    Once he leaves through a portal in the sky, the Agarthan device lands on the boat nearby. Once you pick it up and send it to the Primis and Ultimis crew...

    ....The ending begins.

    Victis are now fighting against an unending Zombie Horde, fighting for their lives, Sammuel asking when their getting a way out. Nikolai begins to set up the device. And the way it works, is it can grant any wish. Any wish at all. No matter what.

    ...And so, Nikolai uses it to begin the destruction of the Multiverse, of the Aether itself, and he does it, by using it to destroy the Summoning Key. The very thing that was well, powerful enough to mess with the universe itself and everything.
    Once this happens... Tag Der Toten, Alpha Omega, Classified... Victis... they are all faded into darkness. Into the Dark Aether.

    ...Then... well. Once Ultimis RIchtofen says sorry to Sammuel, after Nikolai says sorry to Ultimis Richtofen,
    He shoots him in the head.

    It then reveals that the drink he had everyone else drink, was poisoned.
    ...And... it shows the rest of Primis and Ultimis dying horrifically. ...And then Samantha returns. And Nikolai instructs her to do what he cannot.
    And hands her a pistol.
    Making her shoot him in the head.

    ...And then one last scene plays out. But you are in control of it. Samantha and Eddie are in a void. And the only thing they can see is a light at the end of it. The only song you can hear... is Samantha's Lullaby. The only thing you can do, is move forward.
    You are controlling Eddie and Samantha.
    You are making them move forward, toward the light.
    Toward the better tomorrow they had worked so hard to achieve.
    Finally. It was theirs. Finally. They were safe.

    ...And as you move toward the light, you begin to hear Ultimis' and Primis' last wishes.
    And it really is heartwrenching.
    And then, you walk into the light...

    Game Over.
    You Survived X Number of Rounds.

    ...And that is it.
    That, is Black Ops 4.
    That is our history with this franchise.
    With it's Campaign, it's Zombies, and some of it's Multiplayer.

    You told us to know our history. So here it is, to the best of my knowledge and as much as I can write of it. And now i'm hoping, you know yours.

    submitted by /u/TheDeathAngel2112
    [link] [comments]

    The leaked tag line for Cold War describes it as a direct sequel to Black Ops 1. What do you think this means for zombies?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    Falling... with style.

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    No non sense guides are coming back

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 11:51 AM PDT

    Decided to put some stickers on my car lol

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 03:59 PM PDT

    Cold War wishlist - BO4 gamemodes to return but to be implemented properly

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    Do we think the Zombies storyline is going to follow up after the events of BO1 Moon? Or will only the Campaign be a sequel to BO1?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 08:27 AM PDT

    Best M1911 Variant?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 10:55 AM PDT

    I gotta say the BO1 M1911 is fucking awesome, the chrome look, the slide sound... all of it is amazing

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Zekt0r
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    Couch meme x Die Rise

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 11:54 AM PDT

    Fight or flight response

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 12:48 AM PDT

    What Happened to all of the wiki easter egg/map guides that used to be here?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 07:09 AM PDT

    Anyone know what happened? I was doing some random stuff yesterday and was looking for a guide that they usually have here. Not anymore.....bring them back please!

    submitted by /u/supernovabase
    [link] [comments]

    Best underrated map

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 08:31 AM PDT

    Which Zombies game had the best music for Zombies?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 09:25 AM PDT

    I love the music

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/WolfByShadow
    [link] [comments]

    Zombies collectors lot no longer wanted

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 02:15 AM PDT

    Just drew Nikolai on a white board! What do you think?

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    A drawing I made of shadows when it was released :)

    Posted: 25 Aug 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    Cold War wishlist - Maps to have properly unique and exclusive features once again

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 02:48 PM PDT

    Made this not too long ago

    Posted: 24 Aug 2020 04:34 PM PDT

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