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    Friday, September 11, 2020

    Call of Duty Zombies Awww they’re hugging!

    Call of Duty Zombies Awww they’re hugging!

    Awww they’re hugging!

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    Congratulations, it's a boy! ��

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 03:15 PM PDT

    Music is from Halo 3 ODST

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 05:44 AM PDT

    I made an "HD" version of the cold war zombie

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 06:30 AM PDT

    Spoiler: All the zombies are men

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    No more remakes and stop dragging the story on. New maps and new story only.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 05:04 AM PDT

    Everyone saying "I wouldn't mind a transit remake or nacht remake". Your settling for mediocrity.

    Cold war needs to have new original and creative maps with a brand new story that is simple to follow while still maintaining the things that we all love. It's as simple as that.

    submitted by /u/Anonymous5465
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    I hope "easter eggs" take a step back

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    It's far too late to ask for anything this major to be changed, but this is still a topic I'd like to discuss.

    Every zombies iteration, the studios attempt to give us a new story with new characters. While there are plenty who like them, it's no secret that Exo Zombies, IW Zombies, WW2 zombies, and the Chaos story line are all less popular than Aether. It's not just nostalgia.

    The reason people love Aether and hate all the new attempts, generally, is because all the new attempts try too hard to be as deep as Aether from the jump. It becomes clunky and unwieldy for people to be introduced to that much shit at once. The studios want their new characters to be as interesting and engaging as the Ultimis crew. Instead of letting us decide that for ourselves, they try to force-feed it to us. There's no mystery, no draw. This is why Victis is probably the most popular of the "new" hero groups, because you learned about them as you played (even if they're still a part of Aether).

    Aether worked because it was a slow buildup over YEARS. In WaW, our heroes were just caricatures, essentially. Interesting characters with great personalities and a lot of funny one liners. There weren't cutscenes. They weren't even introduced until the second DLC map, Shi No Numa. It was purely about the gameplay, the story was there but very behind the scenes. The first two maps barely had any story to speak of and the characters were nameless soldiers.

    It wasn't until two years later, when BO1 started adding complex easter eggs. Even then, they still took a back seat. The characters were a little more fleshed out, some of the dots were beginning to be connected. But the easter eggs were all optional. There was no official indicator of their existence (pretty much had to use someone else as a guide) and they weren't mandatory for peak performance on the map. They were usually done for fun or just for the achievement. They were memorable because they were a really cool thing you do once and then you don't have to worry about them in future runs.

    BO2 is when things shifted (and Blundell's influence began). When easter eggs started to become more apparent and more core to the experience. In other words, when they stopped being easter eggs and existed as objectives and missions. These maps were mostly still solid, but it was clear that not doing the easter egg put you at a disadvantage for playing the map.

    In BO3, Blundell took over as Zombies director and... train go boom. It's in this game where core mechanics are now locked behind long, multi-step, annoying questlines. Find this, go there, do that, just to upgrade your guns. Shadows of Evil was a fun map, but having to do all those steps EVERY time became cumbersome. Not every map had frustrating PaP unlock processes, but a lot did. And a lot of other mechanics were hidden behind this, too. I think the whole buildable mechanic takes away from the experience, especially when things like the shield becomes mandatory for long runs. Sure, finding the parts isn't hard. It's just a nuisance. Pointless fetch quests that aren't really optional.

    This was the first time that i started to lose interest in the DLC maps. 80% of my zombies hours in BO3 was on The Giant.. a remastered map I already played a million times in WaW and BO1, when the weapons were more enjoyable.

    BO4 i barely touched. I knew the philosophy would be the same. I wasn't interested in the Chaos story, even if it seemed interesting, because it was being forced down my throat. I wasn't given the chance to discover it myself. Plus, with so much more unfamiliarity, I didn't have as much of a draw. I even liked the perk change on paper, i just didn't feel the pull to play it.

    The common response to these complaints is, "Well, you don't have to do the easter eggs, they're optional, you can just kill zombies if that's what you want." That's a lazy answer. Yes, technically it's true, but you're not thinking about how that feels on the map. When a map is designed from the ground up to tell a story through missions and objectives, and the difficulty lies in doing that, choosing not to do them becomes hollow and, frankly, not fun. Especially when a lot of core and/or mandatory survival mechanics are locked behind them, it becomes frustrating. You feel forced to do them. If you don't want to do them, the solution is to not play at all.

    If you like doing easter eggs, that's great! So do I! They still existed before, the difference is the carrot at the end of the stick is now mandatory, when back then it was something small or optional. A longer timered death machine. A Wunderwaffe that when it runs out of ammo goes away. All of the perks on the map (which is good but not an OP must have). The only mandatory perk is Juggernog. Getting all 6-8 on the map is a bonus, but once you've chosen your most important 4, any more than that is just a slight upgrade.

    I think the common denominator is Blundell. Don't get me wrong, I think he did a lot of good. And a lot of the maps he directed are fun, good maps. They just feel cumbersome to play repeatedly because of his philosophy on what the core tenets of a zombies map are, which is something i disagree with.

    TL;DR: We need to go back to the way of old, in that gameplay needs to be king. Easter eggs absolutely should exist. A story absolutely should exist. But let it unfold more organically. Hide it throughout the map, maybe in letters you can pick up and read or sounds you can hear. Hide it in character dialogue that randomly comes up the more you play. Reintroduce the mystery. Have long easter eggs, but let them be more secretive, let us discover them, and don't make them mandatory to do.

    submitted by /u/jacob2815
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    Rei-envisioned The Nun (Movie) Poster for Richtofen and his Zombie self!

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    I’m worried we’re gonna get screwed by ‘free DLC’ meaning free-level-quality zombies such as many remade maps

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    There's no pass this year so the format of zombies could be anything.

    There's now 3 additional modes beside campaign. Multiplayer, warzone and zombies. No game has managed that many modes before. Do they have the resources to do so? If one mode needs to be reduced, it will certainly be zombies as it brings the least MTX money.

    I'm already worried that the launch map is a Tranzit remake. The major complaint about every aether map since Gorod... they're not brand new experiences. Part of why BO4 setter sucked was remakes.

    Having free DLC makes me feel like dropping remakes is more acceptable in the eyes of Treyarch. So we might get a few remakes and only a couple of original maps. It's worrying tbh

    submitted by /u/LordOryx
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    [RUMOR] Alcatraz might return...

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    Treyarch... please put this in Cold War zombies

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:44 AM PDT

    Bring back the Genuine, good crawlers. Like the WAW crawlers that don't die after 12 seconds. Even if you have to go find the crawler, it makes doing basic things so much easier. All I'm asking is pls do it

    submitted by /u/Zekt0r
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    When you play bo3 and see this.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    Has anyone got the golden shovel and helmet by anything earlier than round 10 before?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 03:21 AM PDT

    Managed to do pull some crazy ish and beat my own previous Solo BoTD EE Low Round by Rnd 6 (Previously Round 7)

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 12:18 AM PDT

    About to reach for a new highest round.. wish me luck

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 12:00 PM PDT

    No probably cares but I made zombie perk bottles

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 09:19 PM PDT

    Please Ditch Battle.Net

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 06:05 AM PDT

    I really want to pre-order this new CoD but one of my main loves about the series gets shit on the most and that is zombies. Everyone else gets a decent trailer yet we are always stuck with the 10 second teaser clips. My biggest complaint is them choosing to not go with steam for the pc community and continue to use battle.net. I REALLY want mod support for this CoD. It only feels right since the last game that supports this is black ops 3. Even though the custom black ops 3 community is still thriving and well I am sure everyone would love to be able to play custom maps on the newest graphics. If they choose not to go back to steam at least give us support in the way WaW did.

    submitted by /u/NOVOJ
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    never knew this was a quote

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 03:00 PM PDT

    A really lucky pull

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    Killing Time makes for some pretty sweet shots

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:45 AM PDT

    Does anyone actually know the lore of monkey bombs?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    I was watching cold war zombies teaser when I it hit me that I dont actually know why the monkey bombs are in the game lore wise, the only thing i could find is that Richtofen created them but how/why he did still remains a mystery to me, any thoughts?

    submitted by /u/Christian0602
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    Zombies TranZit confirmed???

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 08:14 AM PDT

    As we saw in the Multiplayer Reveal on Wednesday we saw 10 seconds of Zombies gamplay, there may have been more to it!!!

    So at first we see some stairs with some graffiti on it most people said it was Nacht der Unoten but on the stairs it said "A world not my own" which is weird because it is in English. Why is it weird you may ask? Let me tell you.

    Nacht der Untoten takes place in an abandoned airfield in Peleliu, Palau. But as we know there is another Nacht der Untoten in the U.S....... in particularly Hanford Washington. In TranZit there is an easter egg where you can see like the first half or so of Nacht so since this is 1982 and the rockets haven't hit yet maybe we can fully play through it.

    As we play through the Zombies teaser we see Steiner, some other girl, and GIRGORI WEAVER!!!!! This supports my theory of Frank and Alex in the zombies storyline which means he WASN'T the person killed by the Zombie in the interragiton room.

    We also see this room with a bunch of cables..... I personally think this is the Power Room just in creation and the stairs go too low.

    Oh and we see a monkey bomb in use.

    And we see that it is dark and there are lights equipped on guns I guess..... the zombies are wearing Russian and German hats NOT T.E.D.D.'s! And tbe Zombies look similar to WWII and have orange glowing eyes.

    Separate to TranZit. Buried has been an easter egg as well. The multiplayer map "Satellite" takes place in Angola. This is also where Buried takes place and there is a bunch of bull skulls placed throughout the map.

    There is way more leaks ahead for /R/blackopscoldwar but I have not had nearly as much time due to the fact that I'm in school. So I apologize for the lack of content.

    submitted by /u/tycole06
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    Do you believe that this is the year that brings the hype back into zombies?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    From what we've seen from that glorious 12 second trailer, do you think that zombies will make a comeback this year? What mechanics do you want to see implemented?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Oddmario33
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    Get ready for that sexy-looking 1911 starting pistol (Vid by TheXclusiveAce)

    Posted: 10 Sep 2020 01:43 PM PDT

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