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    Wednesday, November 25, 2020

    Call of Duty Zombies Instead of being Annoyed at Wasted Time, Wear it like a Badge of Honour

    Call of Duty Zombies Instead of being Annoyed at Wasted Time, Wear it like a Badge of Honour

    Instead of being Annoyed at Wasted Time, Wear it like a Badge of Honour

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 07:06 AM PST

    These are actually the same people... Someone get me a calculator, cause this just ain’t adding up!.. lol

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 05:43 AM PST

    I have zero tolerance for plague hounds in this game

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 11:56 PM PST

    It was far too good to be true. At least there was general tuning.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 09:21 AM PST

    Yeh idk how they mess up everything

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 12:06 PM PST

    So I recently learned that stuns are a great way to avoid corner deaths.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 04:34 AM PST

    Please Treyarch, Let Us Use Our Camos on Wall and Box Weapons

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 08:33 PM PST

    Grinding for camos is a blast but it really sucks when you spend hours grinding out a weapon just to not have the camo on it when you get it out of the box or on the wall.

    Please Treyarch let me use my camos on box and wall weapons...

    submitted by /u/nebulito
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    Wait for it. (Just a lil something to celebrate getting diamond knife.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 06:56 AM PST

    Here we go again with XP

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:16 AM PST

    It took them less than 24 hours to “fix” the zombies xp “exploit”. Lets see how long it actually takes for them to fix the xp now.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:04 AM PST

    They are so stupid, they literally botched the xp and I can guarantee that it's not a priority for them to fix because it's slower not faster.

    God forbid we can actually level weapons up at a decent rate during double xp.

    submitted by /u/thesuperpuma
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    PSA: You can aether shroud from the penthouse to the spawn area

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 03:52 AM PST

    I’ve been playing zombies for 9 years and tonight I got my first diamond in any COD game!!!

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 09:37 PM PST

    Treyarch Zombies & it's history of Cut Content

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 12:42 AM PST

    So I was daydreaming about how Cold War Zombies had a lot of cut content and figured I would do a post about the history of cut content for Black Ops Zombies.

    Call of Duty: World at War

    • A perk called Amm-O-Matic was cut from the DLC 3 and this perk would've gave you more ammo. Kinda like the ammo crates in CW but a perk machine instead.

    • Kino Der Toten, Moon and Call of The Dead were supposed to come in a DLC 4 for WAW but were cut and moved to Black Ops. DLC 4 was cut due to Treyarcn needing to work more on Black Ops campaign and because the DLC would've released too close to MW2.

    • Hellhounds were originally supposed to appear in Verrukt.

    Call of Duty: Black Ops

    • There was a chainsaw cut. The Flamethrower was cut from Five and Kino. The AK47 was cut from Zombies. The M60 and Enfield were cut from Zombies but have Pack a Punch variants in the files. The UZI was also cut from Zombies.

    • Five originally had the Wunderwaffe DG2.

    • Hellhounders were cut from Five.

    • There was originally going to be a Paris map but it was turned into Moon.

    • Perks cut from Black Ops include Candolier, DTPBoom, Pronaide and Tufbrew. Candolier was similar to Amm-O-Matic in that it gave ammo to the player. Pronaide and Tufbrew were like PHD Flopper. These 2 perks were made for Ascension and then combined into PHD Flopper.

    • Ascension was originally supposed to be the launch map for Black Ops. Originally, Ascension was way bigger than the size of the actual map and alot more ambitious. Due to it taking awhile to make, Treyarch pushed it back for DLC and scaled it back a bit. The 4th lunar lander can be seen in the outside areas of the map. An early version of Ascension also had double tap.

    • An engineer boss was going to be in Kino but was used for Dead Ops.

    • Shangri La had a second cut wonder weapon. In the files, there's a string for a 'blowpipe' wonder weapon.

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

    • The SPAS-12, Dragunov and Sabertooth were cut from Zombies.

    • Zombie Head was a cut power up.

    • Cut game modes include Meat, Race, No Mans Land, Containment, Dead Pool, Pitted, Richtofen and Maxis. Treyarch had a lot more game modes planned for TranZit but they were cut due to Treyarch not having enough time to make them.

    • Tombstone and Who's Who were cut from Origins. They still exist in the files.

    • TranZit originally had more areas like a lava lake and power factory. TranZit also originally had a seperate version made that was set before Moon and before Earth was blown up. Power Station was going to be another sub area for Green Run but was cut.

    • The Jetgun was originally upgradeable but was cut. It would've lasted longer, done more damage and could've been used more.

    • Traveling the bus in TranZit was originally much more dangerous. Upon entering special 'ambush' zones, there was a 25% chance of an Ambush Round starting. During this Ambush Round, the Bus would break down and Hellhounds would start spawning. Upon killing all the hellhounds, the players would receive a Max Ammo, and the bus would start moving again.

    • Richtofen originally had more lines that interacted with the players and commented on their actions. They were cut later in development.

    • TranZit originally had a day/night cycle, a second Bus Route and you also could've skipped destinations with the bus. You could actually make the bus go faster and had a HUD display showing the timer. The bus also had power ups.

    • Hellhounds were supposed to be in TranZit. They would've been in the Ambush rounds.

    • Diner was originally going to be a survival map.

    • Die Rise was originally going to take place in Russia.

    • Mob of The Dead had a cut Richtofen head wonder weapon.

    • Treyarch had a DLC 5 planned for Black Ops 2 that would've released during COD Ghosts life cycle. This DLC 5 would've included remakes of Natch, Verruckt, Shino, and Der Riese. These maps would've had new additions. Treyarch went to Activision to see if they could release it but Activision didn't let them because they didn't want it to affect Ghosts cycle.

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 3

    • A few gobblegums were cut including Fire and Forget, Power Trip and two others that became Board Games and Projectile Vomiting.

    • Shadows of Evil originally had a Second Apothicon Servant and a cocoon quest related to it along with the ability to PaP the Apothicon Servant.

    • Revelations had a blue power up that would've gave you a bad gun and cut Shadowman and Dr Monty quotes.

    • Der Eisendrache had galvaknuckles in the files.

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

    • Factions. Black Ops 4 originally had a big new feature called Factions that let you pick sides for Zombies.

    • 2 more Chaos maps were cancelled. The 3rd one can be found in the files.

    • Zombies Chronicles 2. Insiders and files leaked that BO4 was going to have a DLC 5 that included the remakes of the Victis maps. These maps have been finished for a while. TGR revealed that these maps were going to have new additions and changes. TranZit's remake will have new cutscenes and boss fights. Bus Route B will apparently be in the TranZit remake. The TranZit remake will play out like a regular map more than the original. It's less linear and has more gaps filled. Apparently Die Rise will have fast travel and a new transportation system. TranZit will also have fast travel. In Buried's remake, there is apparently no Leroy. He's been replaced with a hacker from Moon. The maps will also apparently have brand new names and won't be the same names. TranZit's remake will have elements from COD Mobile. These remakes were saved for Cold War instead.

    • Black Ops 4 originally had 2 seasons. One would've been 4 Chaos maps and the second season would've been a second Black Ops Pass with 4 Aether maps. But the second season was cancelled due to Treyarch having to work on Black Ops Cold War.

    Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

    • Originally, finishing Die Maschine's Easter Egg would've put you into a survival map version of Nacht Der Untoten.

    • The Ray Rifle was a second wonder weapon for Die Maschine but was cut. Only mentions of it exist in the files.

    • There was going to be a new Panzer but he was cut and might be saved for a future map.

    • Die Maschine originally had a tutorial mode similar to WWII's. It was cut from the game.

    • Die Maschine almost had a Jetpack. This Jetpack would've had 5 parts but it was cut early in development.

    • Nikaloi's glove was supposed to be on Die Maschine. Must've been cut.

    • Originally there were 5 tiers to the upgrades but Treyarch scaled them down to 3 due to 5 being too OP.

    That's all of the cut content that I've learned about for Treyarch Zombies. It's all very interesting.

    Sources for the info:

    submitted by /u/ArkhamIsComing2020
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    When it's 2XP and you got the Type 63 from lvl1 to 50 in one match

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 12:22 AM PST

    To everyone thinking XP gain is slower today, I can assure you something is definitely bugged. The first picture was the very start of round 20, and the second picture is after finishing round 25. 5 FULL waves of zombies killed with nothing but the Diamatti.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:33 AM PST

    First time posting a video, i hope it works

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 02:16 PM PST

    After playing with the glitched XP and going to what it is now, has anyone’s motivation to play dipped drastically?

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:55 AM PST

    So I've put an absurd amount of time into this game in zombies only. When I was leveling up shotguns and the knife/M79 I had no real issues with progression. Like it could be slow sometimes but I was keeping in pace with camo challenges so it was like a whatever thing I didn't care.

    However now that I'm doing weapons with level 55 caps it's a different ball game. My favorite anecdote is it took me a full round 46 extract to get my XM from level 42 to 43 and I tried to do some multiplayer to finish it up from there but it was honestly such a pain to do as a zombies player.

    Fast forward to the glitched XP. I was able to get my XM gold vipered out in a round 30 game with starting to work on my krieg which I maxed out in 3 round 50 games. Which honestly I think Is fair. Now that it's been nerfed again i feel like it's gonna be bad enough to where I don't even care to grind it out anymore since this glitch a was like the only thing that snagged me back in full force.

    I spoke to someone saying a round 36 extract game only yielded them 2 levels and if that's what we're going back to I think that's gonna be that. Do you think more balancing is to come with this or is this genuinely their intended pace?

    I know they supposably buffed the base XP gain and honestly I'll agree by saying the rate it was at was pretty ridiculous but it shouldn't be THAT slow where it's like you have to do multiplayer or play 12 hours of game time to max out one AR that you can't even see the camos on unless you spawn in with them.

    Edit: I wrote this with little testing myself after the patch. Results were after a 46 round extract my AK went from level 1 to 11 and yeah I stand by everything I said here that feels really slow for such low levels and I'm a bit scared for when I hit 30+

    submitted by /u/kanyebesttt08
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    Never aim down sights kids

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 06:30 AM PST

    Has anyone else noticed the TranZit similarities in Die Maschine?

    Posted: 24 Nov 2020 05:49 PM PST

    30 Round for 2 levels in double xp, Thanks Treyarch, nice nerf

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:51 AM PST

    Petition for treyarch to have rare armor automatically picked up!

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 03:19 AM PST

    Title says it all.
    Armor should be treated like equipment, if you don't have it, you need to interact to get it, but if you already have it, just going over it should be enough.
    Just some quality of life tweaks that I would like. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/Sauvadurbuz
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    Now it doesn't feel like X2 Weapon XP.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:15 AM PST

    Yesterday I was leveling up weapons at a really good rate, but now I can only get like 3 or 4 levels out of a 20-30 round game.

    submitted by /u/Resler10
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    1100 kills with 2XP and only 5 levels up? What a ridiculous nerf...

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 11:04 AM PST

    He sacrificed himself to save us, what a legend

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 12:12 AM PST

    Treyarch when they nerf zombies XP again:

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:59 AM PST

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