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    Thursday, November 26, 2020

    Call of Duty Zombies How do they tell him

    Call of Duty Zombies How do they tell him

    How do they tell him

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 05:51 AM PST

    The key to a game's longevity right? @Treyarch

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:38 AM PST

    After playing for 2 hours in zombies

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:12 AM PST

    Proof that post-patch 2X for zombies is SLOWER than before 2x

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 05:08 PM PST

    https://gyazo.com/fe3fae7604dc85cc589a307a2c19f38d My bullfrog in zombies. Only used BEFORE the 2x event started. 2,000 kills took it from 1-16. 0 kills on MP https://gyazo.com/a92652ec52ab2c01ab7a9e7bf054dc9f. My milano, all exp earned post 2x EXP nerf, exclusively zombies: https://gyazo.com/934b6f263106dc9ca2599cb5f4a732da Turns out, with double exp, somehow exp is even slower than half it was before 2x. Fix your game Treyarch, it's not placebo. Those 12 levels took me an hour and a half btw. I can do 1-27 in a single match of dirty bomb.

    submitted by /u/TheFistaCuffs
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    I Have 1387 kills with Magnum and i didn't receive one weapon level�� what is going on..

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 08:34 AM PST

    When the XP bug gets fixed, IF it gets fixed, double XP in zombies should be extended by the amount of time we've lost

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:36 AM PST

    It seems to me it must be a glitch, otherwise when 2XP ends we are in for a rough grind god damn.

    And if it is a glitch, they should own their mistake and extend 2XP for the zombies community.

    submitted by /u/ThisTimeBetter
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    I’m a 3rd Prestige 100 and top 4k player, and I hope Treyarch sees this.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:36 AM PST

    As the title states, I'm currently max level and a top 4000 player in the world at the moment in Cold War Zombies. This is not to brag or boast, but to add context to my post, and for potentially treyarch to understand the broad scale of players they affect with such ridiculous updates. This is a long one but please bare with me.

    Weapon XP pre nerf was bad, but this is absolutely pathetic and I'm beginning to wonder if anyone in their studio has ever played zombies before, or they've brought a new team in who are absolutely clueless. First of all before even considering this pathetic attempt of an update, I can't think of a game / game studio which PUNISHES you for doing BETTER, why on earth is the best method at the minute to gain weapon xp getting to round 8 and quitting out? Do you understand how stupid that is? Why does xp DECREASE as the skill gap increases? NoahJ read a stat out on stream the other day stating "close to 50% of players who have ever loaded up zombies have never made it round past 10", so if over half the player base can't make it past round 10, why are the other 50% of players punished with minimal xp when they do?

    Apparently their stance on this is something along the lines of "preventing glitchers and exploiters to gain unfair advantages". I have two comments on this: Number 1, how about fixing your fucking gamebreaking glitches before coming out with half assed, bandaid on a broken bone, joke of a "nerf". Why are the real players being punished for a very small percentage of cheaters? Secondly, which is more controversial, are these said glitchers and exploiters REALLY harming anyone else by getting a few levels to the point they have to implement idiotic remedies that punish higher skilled players?

    Secondly, nobody needs to be told again how much of a joke the new weapon xp system is. And the community manager who said in the discord "it's working as intended" needs to go and play themselves for a few hours and see if it's "working as intended". Round 31 exfil games using literally the weapon you're trying to level and nothing else nets you 1 single level up if you're lucky. If that's how it's intended then it's obvious that somebody higher up is attempting to extradite us zombies players (as always) into multiplayer and warzone because that's where the money is for them. How on earth somebody decided that double weapon xp will genuinely be slower than pre nerf normal xp is beyond me. And I'm dreading to see what it's like if they don't fix this after double xp finished.

    I put my level of skill etc in the title to add context to this, because I can no longer gain any xp to my actual level, I decided to go for plague diamond on some of my guns, it was an absolute blast and a much welcomed change to my play style instead of max efficiency high rounding. After this ridiculous patch, I'm not even playing the game at the minute, and to me that should be VERY worrying for treyarch that for someone who's pretty high up on the leaderboards isn't playing because of an update.

    This is because there's nothing left for me to do. Can't level up my actual level, can't level up my weapons to go for camos because I'm not sitting there getting to round 8, quitting, and repeating this cycle all day just so I can get the level requirements, nevermind the challenges for the camos.

    In conclusion, for the first time in years zombies has been revitalised, it's absolutely fantastic this year and in my opinion, has the potential to overtake bo3 as the best zombies of all time, but if treyarch don't take a moment to think about the updates they are bringing out at the moment, they will kill their player-base faster than any amount of "slightly increased rates" of weapon xp ever will.

    I would love for people to have a discussion about this issue in the comments and I hope this post can gain some traction to the point at least somebody can see how this update has affected us zombies players, I feel like I speak for all of us in saying we're sick and tired of being treated as the 3rd game mode.

    submitted by /u/LouboutinzRS
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    This is the amount of weapon XP I got from a 15 minute game of SnD. You can’t even get that same amount from an hour long game of zombies. What a joke.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 08:44 PM PST

    XP Nerf is a Joke.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 06:36 AM PST

    Before anyone says anything, I understand the buff in XP along with the 2XP event was extremely OP. However, we have gone to levelling a gun 30 times in one game of round 30 to me levelling my gun twice in a round 40 game. Surely there needs to be some balance? Over an hour of gameplay on multiplayer would be much more rewarding than this, so something definitely needs to be done.

    Treyarch sort your shit out.

    submitted by /u/LH3A7
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    Me and the boys exfilling at round 100

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 03:30 AM PST

    Treyarch Zombies Cut Content: Part 2

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 03:09 AM PST

    So I did a bit more research after my first Cut Content post and I learned about other stuff that was cut from Treyarch Zombies. I will also expand on some of the things from my original post.

    Call of Duty: World at War

    • Juggernog had a completely different jingle originally. You can actually find it in the files. It was also sang by Craig Houston. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Py9IU7pU9io

    • Shi No Numa was going to have a Anygun chalk.

    • Some cut guns include the Sten, the Bren, the Lienfield and the Potato.

    • There was a cut 'weapon' called brains and it was first person Zombie attack. This suggests players may have been able to play as a Zombie at one point. It was shown in a trailer as well.

    • Mortar Rounds were cut from Zombies and costed $2000.

    • Amm-O-Matic was supposed to appear in Shi No Numa and Der Riese. It gave the player a max ammo for 10,000 points.

    • There was a cut gamemode called Payload. This gamemode would have had the player escort a payload for a set amount of time. It's in several text strings.

    Call of Duty: Black Ops

    • Fire Sale originally had a different song that was cut and had demonic Samantha as the announcer.

    • Black Ops 1 had a cut Zombie type called The Butcher. He was cut and repurposed into George Romero in COTD. He was later used in COD Mobile Zombies in TranZit.

    • Shangri La was originally going to be a Vietnam map. Raven has a Black Ops Zombies poster with Woods on it in their office which might've been for the original Shangri La. Shangri La was also originally going to have teleporters.

    • Concept art for Vietnam Zombies in BO1 was found. Along with concept art for another pack a punch, map layout and wonder weapon for Shangri La.

    • The cut perk Tufbrew was going to enhance the players resistance to explosions. DTPBoom would do the nuke explosion when prone and Pronaide would make you go prone faster. These were merged into PHD Flopper.

    • The Thundergun was originally going to be on Five and the Wunderwaffe was planned for Kino Der Toten. Quotes for these weapons exist in the files.

    • Ascension was originally going to have Double Tap, a Chainsaw, Tufbrew, Candolier, Pronaide, the AK47, a 5th lunar lander location and a secret 1500 point door. Also according to Treyarch devs, it started out way bigger and more ambitious than when it shipped.

    • Call of The Dead was originally going to have a different easter egg than we got.

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 2

    • Electric Cherry originally had a 1980's disco themed jingle and was finished but was cut because the jingle didn't fit the tone of Mob.

    • At one point, Power Station from TranZit could've been played in Survival and Grief but was cut from the game.

    • Mob of The Dead was originally going to be the entirety of Alcatraz but Treyarch couldn't do it due to tech limitations.

    • Race mode was a mode that was supposed to be played in the tunnel of TranZit, the power station and Farm. Upon spawning in, you would be introduced to the rules by Richtofen and the race began. Everytime the player reached a new lap, you'd get feedback from Richtofen. You could score points by throwing Richtofen's head into hoops.

    • Meat was going to be played in Town where 2 teams of 4 were split into 2 opposing sides of the map. A piece of meat would spawn on either side and the Zombies would spawn but go after the team with the meat. The objective was to stay alive for as long as possible and to keep the meat with your team.

    • The Richtofen head weapon in Mob would have appeared in Grief and would've worked as the maps version of Zombies flesh. When thrown at an enemy player, it would attract the Zombies to them.

    • TranZit originally had the song from the club level in the campaign as the easter egg song.

    • Originally Mob of The Dead was going to have individual easter eggs for each character but the idea was scrapped.

    • TranZit originally had a second bus along with a second Bus Route.

    • The commando was cut from the game.

    • TranZit was originally going to have a lava lake, a giant power factory and a motel.

    • Originally in TranZit if you were on the bus and got a power up, the power up would stick to the bus.

    • The second version of TranZit was going to be a day time version of TranZit without fog, lava, denizens, etc and would've been set before Moon.

    • Black Ops 2's DLC 5 was going to have remakes of Verruckt, Shi No Numa, Der Riese and Nacht Der Untoten. Verruckt would've had a pack a punch machine under the power room where the Zombie spawn is. Icons for Shi No Numa and Der Riese were found in BO2's files. The Dice 2015 summit showed 'The Giant" loading screen that was going to be the supposed BO2 Der Riese remake. Once DLC 5 was cancelled for BO2, Treyarch actually began production on the WaW maps but only segments of them and that's how 'The Giant' came in-production as the bonus map for BO3 Zombies.

    • All 4 mobsters in Mob Of The Dead had cut announcer quotes.

    • There was apparently a cut lantern buildable to scare off Denizens.

    • Mob of The Dead's code had PHD and Mule Kick in the files but were later cut.

    • Cut quotes for Tedd were found and insisted that some cut ideas for the bus were having to fill up the bus with gas and having to pay Tedd to use the bus.

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 3

    • Shadows of Evil was originally harder with harder Zombies AI that sprinted at Round 2. Doors also costed more.

    • Gobblegum machines also worked differently with only 1 on the map and would move after a hit.

    • A alternate ammo type called Honey Business was cut from the game. Sound files suggested it was like the MP Bees specialist weapon.

    • A cut weapon was the m27 from Nuketown in BO2 and the MP7.

    • Revelations had a cut Chicken coop easter egg quest.

    • Dr Monty and The Shadowman had some cut announcer quotes for Revelations.

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

    • Treyarch had official playlists for Custom Mutations planned. These would've been called Treyarch Custom Mutations. They would've been weekly and an actual playlist by Treyarch that you could complete.

    • Factions was going to let you side with 4 different factions. Bloodfaith, Tempersnovy, Dust Spawn and The First Legion. The Factions would've expanded and flushed out the Zombies universe. Each event would've culminated in a faction based narrative.

    • Originally there was supposed to be a path from Docks to outside Richtofen's Lab in Blood of The Dead but it was cut in the alpha.

    • The 3rd Chaos map was apparently cancelled due to being too ambitious for Treyarch to complete.

    Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

    • The cut new Panzer for Die Maschine can be seen in a calling card.

    • Some Zombies types that were either cut or repurposed were a new Mimic Zombie, a Summoner Zombie and a Russian Mech.

    • Cold War allegedly had a survival and a quest type mode. They must've been cut.

    • Die Maschine apparently had alternate endings.

    • The shield was supposed to come back at some point but was cut.

    Sources for info:

    submitted by /u/ArkhamIsComing2020
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    TIL: There is a buyable obstruction in Nacht by the Gas Canister. I have over 48 hours in zombies, and i'm just now learning about this.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:06 PM PST

    Proof of later rounds providing lower exp! (Explanation in comments!)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 04:29 AM PST

    Anyone else stop playing zombies almost entirely since they nerfed progression to shit?

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 11:39 AM PST

    I played zombies for hours a day since launch grinding for dark aether. Progression was decent and I was happy with my pace. Like many people, I really enjoyed the bugged xp that we had on Tuesday but knew it wouldn't last. They completely killed progression tho. I shouldn't have to play in pubs to level up guns at a reasonable pace. Because of this, I might play one round of zombies a day, if that, but my play time has almost ceased entirely. Hopefully they fix the xp for solos soon

    submitted by /u/Grankem21
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    Wait for it. You wont be disappointed.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 02:39 AM PST

    The XP is only glitched in solos. Treyarch needs to have a look into that, Public games are awarding XP just fine.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 10:24 AM PST

    Edit: After some more looking into it, it seems like the new scaling system is based off how many players are in the game. Going into a game with progressively more people will show noticeably more XP gain. Seems like Treyarch thinks everybody plays with full teams or at least that's how they want people to play.

    Seen another thread about it so checked it out myself and sure enough I seem to levelling quite efficiently.

    Problem is public games are ass. They're plagued with performance, connectivity issues and more. So please Treyarch, please fix solo XP now instead of the day before double XP leaves.

    submitted by /u/Lyrcmck
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    If you have dual-wield pistols and the upgrade that makes pistols do 10% more damage when up close, the left pistol doesn't receive the bonus damage.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:36 AM PST

    Two wonder chicks with two wonder weapons (first ever post and hopefully a good one)

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 09:22 AM PST

    The xp problem in zombies

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 10:58 AM PST

    I don't know if I'm the only one that feels this way about cod, I'm betting there are others, but I personally don't like Multiplayer that much. I play it ever so often but it feels like it full of try hards so I can never really have fun in it that's why I like zombies so much. I feel like I am actually doing something in zombies and I can do some fun things. But the xp rates in zombies are absolute trash. I feel like I don't make any progress for weapons in the game mode, and I don't want to have to go Multiplayer and suffer just to level up a gun I want to use in zombies or go for camos. So I don't understand why it seems that treyarch are so against us leveling up in zombies. Where you can go multiplayer and get levels left and right, meanwhile zombies I go from round 1 to 30 and only get a gun from level 4 to 9. We should have similar xp rates to multiplayer if anything a bit toned down at least. But that's just my opinion.

    submitted by /u/Unknown_Monkey3
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    Idk about everyone else, as they've been focused on the XP issues, but I've had Trapper sit at 255 for about 4 days at least.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2020 10:11 PM PST

    Updated list of all challenge rewards

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 03:57 AM PST

    Still best Map selection Zombies had! No effort for zombies anymore.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2020 07:03 AM PST

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