• Breaking News

    Wednesday, September 25, 2019

    Call of Duty Zombies September 25th Update: PC 1.22 Update / “Tag der Toten” Stability Improvements / Jungle Flooded Now on All Platforms

    Call of Duty Zombies September 25th Update: PC 1.22 Update / “Tag der Toten” Stability Improvements / Jungle Flooded Now on All Platforms

    September 25th Update: PC 1.22 Update / “Tag der Toten” Stability Improvements / Jungle Flooded Now on All Platforms

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 12:06 PM PDT

    This community in the last 48 hours

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 07:04 AM PDT

    So I found that Super Duper Mega Easter Egg everyone is talking about. Don't see what the big deal is...

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 10:21 PM PDT

    Possibility of Location?

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 06:48 AM PDT

    i know they aren't same nikolai, but i have to post this, he killed and he died for saving universe and giving the children a better tomorrow

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 04:25 AM PDT

    JC is spittin straight facts....

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 11:35 AM PDT

    Tag Der Toten Radio Sums Up Treyarch's Frustration With Leaks. Definitely a self-Aware, Deliberate quote. I love this

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 07:28 AM PDT

    First actual footage of the swim to the secret trophy area.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 06:02 AM PDT

    They need to release a book to really close off the Aether story once and for all

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 07:10 AM PDT

    I'm not talking about a novel which tells the whole story.

    I'm talking a large full colour compendium that has everything you've ever wanted to know about zombies and more (if you've seen the Hyrule Historia then you know what I mean).

    There would be a full breakdown of every single map, detailing the map's story from an in game stand point as well as interviews with Craig/Jason/Jimmy/the developers regarding it's conceptualization through to the finished map (including concept art/ideas which didn't make it for each). It would also feature every minor and major Easter Egg, with some additional info such as hidden meanings that we may not have been aware of. Every cipher finally revealed, though they don't have to necessarily tell us how to solve them. They would also be able to fill us in on certain plot holes which are still ("officially") unexplained such as the MotD plane being on The Giant and how post Buried Richtofen managed to get into his own dead body.

    Bios for all of the major (and some minor) characters and organisations (such as Group 935) detailing what we know of their backstory, and maybe some new snippets of information.

    Interviews with the main voice cast detailing their experiences working on the project (somewhat like we got the other day).

    Lyrics to all of the EE songs and an interview with Kevin Sherwood about the writing of them and some deeper meanings we may have missed.

    Interviews with Craig/Jason/Jimmy which aren't map specific, and more geared around the mode itself and the general story, things they wished they had done differently or didn't get the chance to do, the thought process behind crafting an easter egg and generally behind the scenes details on how/why everything came together.

    Definitive written timelines for each crew's journey in chronological order as well as Richtofen's.

    A pull out poster of the Kronorium/timeline, double sided with the BO3 cycle on one side and the updated BO4 broken cycle on the other.

    Obviously I'm under no illusion that this will actually happen, I know I'm asking for a lot and it's extremely unlikely. But this would be a true, definitive love letter to the fans and a great way to cap off the past 10 years of zombie killing carnage and insanity which has brought us all together.

    submitted by /u/PyneKone
    [link] [comments]

    Last step of the EE and my mate shoots me out of map with the Thundergun

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 05:24 AM PDT

    The power of the Zeus Cannon was too great for the weak vessel that is Black Ops 4

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 09:29 PM PDT

    So me and my friends were not a fan of the tag ending so one of us made a video. (Spoiler)

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 08:11 AM PDT

    Every Tag der Toten Radio Transcribed

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 10:43 AM PDT

    This was a lot of work so there might be some formatting and spelling mistakes but all the info's here. Enjoy! Please tell me if i'm missing anything!

    1. Jebediah Brown: "The day is the 14th of April, the year of our lord, eighteen-hundred and eighty-five. A day I will hold dear until my last. *sigh* I have done and spent thirty years of my life in Purgatory Point. My ma brought me out here when I was but ten years young. She hoped to give us a chance at a new life. There are good folk here in Purgatory Point, well sure sometimes they get a little rowdy, and sometimes maybe we stray a little too far from Heavens gaze, but, ugh… What do you expect from a frontier mining town? Something happened to one of the miners. Clyde Barnsworth, a good man, came by the shop a few times. Anyway, he went down into that mine, stayed down there for ten days. When he came back up… He was… *ugh* changed. They say he was like a feral animal, rapid and carnivorous. His mind was gone, his flesh all soured and bloody. His eyes were blazing a-uh, red light! First home he stumbled upon was me and ma's. I was in shock at the time. Ma went out to meet him and… Clyde… She… Doc said it happened quick. Clyde jumped on her, ripped her throat. Old Bill ran over, put two through Clyde's skull, shot him dead, like a dog. And Ma… She's been laid to rest now. She'll rise up to Heaven, and bless her soul, she'll be greeted with open arms… That mine… They've been digging for that blue rock. Some folks say you stare too long, you'll find the Devil in it. I need answers. I need to understand what happened. I'll head down to that mine tomorrow."

    2. Jebediah Brown: "Today's the ninteenth of April, the year of our lord, eighteen-hundred and eighty-five… Somehow… I don't know how it's possible. Last I recall I was headed into the mine. I swear, I was only down there a few hours, but when I come back up the towns folk say i've been missing for five days. Then there was last night. When I slept, I had a vision. Two angels came down to me from Heaven. They told me I needed to be ready, to prepare for what was comin'. Now what was comin', they would not tell me, but how to prepare… "Build a machine" they said. A machine that will grant you great power. This machine was complex, and would require mechanical and craftsmanship skill I didn not have. I told them such, but they said not to worry, they'll guide my hands. When they described it, it sounded like an oven, a kiln. You stick your rifle inside and when it come back out *chuckles* well let's just say that rifle will pack a serious punch."

    3. Jebediah Brown: "The day is the thirteeith of June, the year of our lord, eighteen-hundren and eighty-five. My invention is the talk of the town. People have been coming from far and wide, eager at a chance to upgrade their firearm. Revolver, rifle, the machine don't care, it'll "pack 'em" all. I pray every night, thanking the Heavens for sending them two angels. I couldn't have done this without their guidin' hand. They returned to me last night. They told me there was another machine they wished me to build. They called it the "Agarthan Device", said it had the power to grant that which one truly desires. I told them I was their servant. Show me the path and i'll walk. They said I needed three things. The blood of an "elder god", an "Elemental Shard", and a metallic vessel to harness and carry both. To find the blood, they instructed me to travel to the bottom of the ocean. I told them this I could not do, for I would perish. To craft an "Elemental Shard", they instructed to forge four souls with a blue rock from our mine. I told them this I could not do, for I do not have the means to siphon a human soul to an element. But a metal vessel, well, heh, I AM a blacksmith. That, that I think I could manage."

    4. Edward Richtofen (Ultimis): "Log entry 937. Date, May 15, ninteen-hundred and fourty-two. Dear diary, our men have safely returned from Africa, where they recovered a number of artifacts buried underground in some sort of subterranean cowboy village. Apparently it was "American". That's right, an American cowboy western town buried underground in Africa… Stupid American spine with their apple pie and their "baseballs", and thinking they can waltz into another country and CLAIM IT AS THEIRS?!? THERE IS NO ART TO THEIR WORK! *sigh* But… I digress. The boys have returned with a number of fascinating articles and documents. They have pieces from a destroyed machine called the "Pack-a-Punch". With a name as clever as that it must be American. I have given those schematics to Dr. Porter. Perhaps he will have better luck replicating Jebediah Brown's work. Speaking of that blacksmith, we also recovered plans for the "Agarthan Device". It seems that the blacksmith already built on of the pieces, the fabled "Vril vessel". The Agarthan device, a device capable of granting that which one desires. Almost like a teeny genie in a bottle. I think I should keep this genie in mein back pocket. Perhaps this device will get me to Agartha."

    5. Edward Richtofen (Ultimis): "Log entry 1438. Date, July eighteenth, ninteen-hundred and fourty-five. Dear diary, I have been at Group 935's Siberian facility for only a couple days and my cup runneth over with EXCITING news! First, yesterday I learned I would recieve not one, not two, but THREE test subjects! Ah, hopefully with proper 115 injections, we will be able to use these specimens as a means to access the human mind. The Chancellor's undead army is on standby until we CRACK this crucial step. Und secondly!"

    Group 935 Guard : "Here he is, Richtofen"

    Reporter: "Get your damn hands off me!"

    Edward Richtofen (Ultimis): "Now what do we have here? A spy?"

    Reporter: "If you know what's good for ya, you'll let me go."

    Edward Richtofen (Ultimis): "Oh yes, yes, ya ya, i'm sure you work with someone incredibly important."

    Reporter: "I'm a reporter. I was hired by a man, Mr. Rapt, I never met him. He asked me to find some goods for him. Things he wanted badly."

    Edward Richtofen (Ultims): "Sounds thrilling! And what were these goods he wanted so badly?"

    Reporter: *sigh* "Look, I don't know the specifics, but he just told me to travel to Russia. He gave me these coordinates which led me here. How I was I supposed to know it was a freakin' German base? He gave some vague description of a strange metal object."

    Edward Richtofen (Ultimis): *pulls out Agarthan Device* "This I assume?"

    Reporter: "Yeah, that'll be it. Called it the "Seal of Duality". Whatever the hell that means."

    Edward Richtofen (Ultimis): "Well, the Vril vessel is not for sale, and is certainly not for steeaaling. But it is curious, I have only just arrived at this facility, bringing the Vril vessel with me, yet you somehow knew it would be here. How is this possible?"

    Reporter: "How the hell am I supposed to know? I just go where "The Shadow Man" says to go. I don't know how he does it. Listen, if Mr. Rapt wants to find you, he's got his ways. Look, you wanna go ahead and get this over with? If you're gonna kill me, kill me. Not like it'll matter." *Chuckles* "It's kind of funny yunno? Something Mr. Rapt said, about how if I failed him and died it'd be ok. He said he'd reach out to me all over the multiverse, whatever that means. I didn't pay it no mind then but maybe some other me is out there having a lot better luck than I have."

    Group 935 Guard: "Sir, what should we do?"

    Edward Richtofen (Ultimis): "Take the strange, sad, wittle man away. Find a hole."

    6. Edward Ricthtofen (Ultimis): "Log entry 1469. Date, August twenty-eighth, ninteen-hundred and fourty-five. Dear diary, progress continues on unlocking the human mind. If Germany hopes to continue their war they need an undead army that is willing to obey orders. There's also been further interest in the super-soldat program. The German Chancellor considers this of high interest. We have begun the cloning process. We will have to see what results we yield. Test subject N3WB has been vommiting for two days straight, our poor janitor, he has nightmares! Needless to say we will no longer be serving fish. The Russian subject continues to be unresponsive. Dr. Yena suggested a serum made of vodka, but considering mein concerns about his loyalty, I wonder if we were a little too eager with his 115 injections. I did not think he would go crazy THIS quickly." *sigh* "If i'm being honest, i'm beginning to find this work a little drab and boring. Undead armies, super-soldier programs. Group 935's deal with Germany has truly limited the organization's potential. The appearance of the spy last month has led me to review the blacksmith's schematics, the Agarthan device and its three components. The Vril vessel, the Apothicon Blood, und the Elemental Shard. The instructions for creating the Elemental Shard have my interest peaked. Four human souls, merged with Element 115. Not that i'm trying to brag but this may be something in my wheelhouse.

    7. Anton Gersh: "We have verified the authenticity of this transmission, yes?"

    Harvey Yena: "Yes, herr doctor. A recon unit traveled to the old facility. Apparently, uh, a survivor has been living there since the end of the war."

    Anton Gersh: "Since the end of the war?!? Thirteen years? How can this be true? And how did we not know about this?"

    Harvey Yena: "Unfortunately, your guess is as good as mine."

    Anton Gersh: "And his proposol, this "Agarthan Device", what do you make of this?"

    Harvey Yena: "Personally, it sounds too good to be true, but this isn't the first i've heard of it. Doctor Richtofen had mentioned it as well."

    Anton Gersh: "Just think of it. A device capable of granting that which any man desires. I simply think it and bang! It is reality. We could beat the Americans to Group 935's Lunar Facility. We could become leaders of free world overnight!"

    Harvey Yena: "The potential, I uh, is certainly infinite."

    Anton Gersh: "So, he says he will construct device but first he needs us to find something."

    Harvey Yena: "Yes, the blood of an ancient creature, he gave us the coordinates. It's at the bottom of the ocean. Recovery will not be cheap."

    Anton Gersh: "Well, we do not need the creature, only its blood! Harvey do not worry! The reward will pay cost ten fold! This is how the Ascension group leads charge in new world."

    Harvey Yena: "I understand. There was one more thing. He warned us to bring him the blood straight away. When exposed to the elements for extended amounts of time it becomes volitale and unstable. He warned us the blood is alive."

    Anton Gersh: "Let us worry about collecting it first. We will decise the next move after this, Director Yena."

    Harvey Yena: "Of course, Doctor Gersh."

    8. Anton Gersh: "I trust your trip was success."

    Harvey Yena: "Like you wouldn't believe, Anton! What we found out there… The creature was… Magnificent, gargantuan in size! It was otherworldly. A remnant of a different age. Oh, I wish you could've seen it."

    Anton Gersh: "It was at the coordinates provided?"

    Harvey Yena: "Yes! 43 North, 180 East. The blood has a… Fluidity to it that I find fascinating. We would've investigated further but we intercepted a transmission that the Americans were in the area. Somehow they had been informed about the creatures location."

    Anton Gersh: "Agh! These damn leaks! They will be our undoing!"

    Harvey Yena: "It seems every step we take the Americans follow suit."

    Anton Gersh: "Mark my words, there is a mole in Ascension, Harvey. We must strike it out before it destroys us. Get a team together, people we trust. If we are to study this blood we must make sure the Americans do not find out."

    Harvey Yena: "To study it? Anton, I think we should follow the plan and deliver the blood to the Siberian facility."

    Anton Gersh: "Niet, Harvye. We cannot. This struggle with the Americans, we cannot let them get the advantage. This blood is our only leverage. After the war and Group 935 disbanded, you came to us, you came to me. You saw a better vision for the future here, than what your America was offering. We created Ascension on the principle of being better men. Of making this world a better place! If this blood is key to unlocking the future, we would be fools to not take this opportunity!"

    Harvey Yena: "Perhaps you are right. At the very least we can study it. What's the harm in that?"

    9. Anton Gersh: "How are the experiments coming, Dr. Yena?"

    Harvey Yena: "Fascinating, Anton, truly fascinating! The blood, it's not so much fluid as it is very much alive. It moves, it changes shape at will, it reacts to our touch!"

    Anton Gersh: "Life? How is this possible?"

    Harvey Yena: "I'm not sure, but one theory is perhaps the creature itself was more of a vessel and that its blood is made up of a million different organisms that control it. Like a crew piloting a ship. The creature died but the organisms inside survived, trapped at the bottom of the ocean."

    Anton Gersh: "Is it sentient? How is it able to move?"

    Harvey Yena: "The blood uses negative space which exists between the molecules. This negative space provides an influx of energy which we believe fuels the blood, giving it the ability to move."

    Anton Gersh: "Do you still believe this blood is still suitable for our primates? For rocket testing?"

    Harvey Yena: "Absolutely, the blood gives them rejuvenation abilities making them more powerful, stronger. If a monkey is on the brink of death and given an injection it makes a full recovery in a matter of minutes! The only tradeoff is they become more angry, hostile, even violent in some cases."

    Anton Gersh: "Is this a problem?"

    Harvey Yena: "It's manageable, but i'm confident monkeys given an injection of this blood will survive space flight."

    Anton Gersh: "Wonderful news. I think we can move onto the next phase of the program. We should prepare a serum for mass production. Can you tell me more about this negative space?"

    Harvey Yena: "I really don't know much about it, except that it does not exist in this dimension. Maybe a gateway from another? One of our men has even theorized it might be a black hole of sorts."

    Anton Gersh: "Send what research you've done to myself and our weapons team. Be sure Yuri Zavoyski is included in the briefing."

    Harvey Yena: "Of course, but I will remind you we need to be careful, we've noticed the blood has been changing composition. As if reacting to all of our probing and prodding."

    Anton Gersh: "Reacting? How so?"

    Harvey Yena: "I'm not sure how to explain it. But it feels like the blood's getting… Angry…"

    10. Harvey Yena: "This is Dr. Harvey Yena. It's the first of January, 1964. Happy new year. We are fifteen minutes out from the abandoned Group 935 Siberian Facility, where I will deliver the blood, as promised, for the creation of the Agarthan Device. After I secure it, I have arranged for rendezvous with my handler, who will take me back to American soil. It's been nearly twenty years. I can hardly remember my former life. After Group 935 disbanded I had a choice. Come home, or turn to the Soviets and bury myself in the heart of their organization. I chose the latter. When again would America get such an opportunity? But there was a moment back in '45 right after McCain was discovered where… That I thought Dr. Richtofen had discovered the truth, that I was a spy." *chuckles* "He was right of course! But it turned out Dr. Richtofen had his own problems with Group 935. It's finally time to go back home… Darn it if i'm not excited to eat a hot apple pie and catch a game of baseball!"

    *The ships alarms go off*

    Harvey Yena: "What the-?"

    Ascension Scientist: "Sir! It's broken containment!"

    Harvey Yena: "What on Earth is going on?"

    Ascension Scientist: "The blood, it broke containment. It started attacking the guards!"

    *The ship rattles*

    Harvey Yena: "Follow me, we need to move NOW!"

    *Zombies begin appearing*

    Ascension Scientist: "Shit! NO!"

    11. Pablo Marinus: "Day 521, I still don't know how it is possible, but… Last year I awoke from a watery grave. When I swam to the surface I found the German military base abandoned. Only the undead remained on their shores. I attempted to flee, but the fog… It seemed no sooner that the shore faded behind me, it reappeared in front of me. Every attempt I made to escape, it led me right back here. As if… I was meant to be here. I have begun broadcasting a radio signal. I'm hoping that someone will answer and come to my rescue. If no one comes I am not sure how much longer I will survive this place."

    12. Pablo Marinus: "Day 3682… I think. Last night I had a dream. A dream I have no had in many years. Like the ones I used to have at Der Eisendrache. I dreamed I was in medieval times during a Great War, a war to end all wars. In this dream I am attacked by one of the great beasts, it holds me within its grasp and it is about to end my life, but I am saved. Spared by a man in cloth, not a priest, someone more powerful. He wields a staff of fire. I see four heroes stand on top of a mound before raising their staffs in unison, and suddenly the knights know the war is not lost. I rejoin the fight. I fight alongside my kin. For years I had dreamed of this war. I wonder, perhaps the German's experiments warped my brain. My sense of space and time. He thought I died, but it was only that my mind has transformed. I have been here ten years. No one has responded to my radio message. Is there no one out there? Am I even on Earth, or am I caught somewhere in between? Everytime I try to escape my raft always brings me back. This place is- is my prison… But is it a prison? Perhaps it is more like a waiting room, a purgatory of sorts. Perhaps my dreams are much more. Perhaps they are visions of what is to come. And perhaps it is here I must wait for what is to come. They will come for me."

    13. Pablo Marinus: "In my dreams of this "Great War" I meet a German doctor. Oddly he reminds me of the man that once tormented me, but his face is different. When I meet him he is angry and frustrated, he mentions a man named Dr. Monty saying he is to blame. This German doctor, he says he believed following Monty's plan would lead them to secure a "a better tomorrow". This was a lie he says. This Dr. Monty he said, to forward the Great War. It was at this moment the German doctor said he realized the truth. Coming to the Great War did not break the cycle. It was merely the end of their loop. "We will die here" he says. "Then we will be reborn again. And when it is time we will meet once more in Northern France, continuing this never-ending loop". "I wonder" he says "How many times have I been to the Great War? How many times have I perpetuated this endless cycle? I'm tired." He says, "I have been trying so very hard of doing the right thing." Well, for all of his efforts he had only fulfilled the prophecy of the cycle. He and Dr. Monty had forged the endless loop."

    14. Pablo Marinus: "This doctor, he tells me one more thing. He tells me he realizes Dr. Monty is not inherently evil. "Dr. Monty" he says "is trying to save the multiverse the safest way he knows how. By forcing us into this cycle. Our story will never end, while also, his universe and his existence will be guaranteed. I can't blame him," he says "Dr. Monty is much like you and me. He just wants to survive. He does not want to risk his own annihilation." I tell him "Well if we are doomed to meet here again and again until the end of existence perhaps there is something we can do to change that." He looks at me with a smile and says "I think you are right, old friend."

    15. Pablo Marinus: "Day 4721, I think I understand. I know why I am here, why am trapped here on this rock, why I have these visions, why I must get to this Great War, and my purpose. I am to serve in this cataclysmic event of the ages. I am not being sent just to witness what happened, but it is I who helps the Doctor break his cycle. Near the end of the Great war when all hope is nearly lost, I protect him while he activates a device, a teleportation mechanism. I hold back the undead while he powers it up, I give him the moment he needs to escape his fate. I ask him "Where will you go?" He says "There is a prison I must travel to. Hopefully I can intercept our friends before it is too late." Before he goes I give him the Elemental Gem from the Staff of Fire. I had seen it used to vanquish great evil. He once used it to save my life. Perhaps it will serve him well on his new path. This, this is why I am here. It is no coincidence that I have also been left with the plans for the Agarthan Device. That is how I get to the Great War. I need some help, but in my visions I see that I will have some help soon. For now, i must bide my time, for my time is coming."

    submitted by /u/Krrrrbin
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    There’s been a player abusing a glitch spot in every Tag der Toten match I play

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 03:55 PM PDT

    Some asshole just sits in a glitched spot on top of the lighthouse in every game I play. The player barely helps out he just stays up there singing and occasionally asks me to empty his pee jars. And don't even get me started about the soup. Apparently he's been there for 20 years and Treyarch hasn't ever done anything about it smh it's like they don't even care.

    submitted by /u/imShockwaveYA
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    It always had to be nikolai in the end

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 04:54 AM PDT

    in rev he hear the quote from Richtofen "When I died, I felt nothing, when Dempsey died, I felt something, when Takeo died, I knew i had to save them" basically implying he will always get the blood viles and always try to save ever one in all multiverses. So thats why i think it had to be nikolai as he was the only one brave enough to do what had to be done.

    submitted by /u/Kennyj123
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    If you go outside the map in theatre you see this skybox is this the same one as blood of the dead? (Tag der toten btw)

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 08:01 AM PDT

    The last peak of zombies

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 03:31 PM PDT

    Goodbye, my friends.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 02:41 AM PDT

    With Aether beeing over, I have to say I am more impacted than I thought I would be. The past ten years of finding secrets, fighting the hordes, speculating and awe are some of the best memoires I have. I rememebr my first time playing the mode with my brother years ago, geeting the raygun as my first box weapon and having no idea what it was. I remember searching for secrets with my friends some of which I have not talked to in years. I remember completing Pop goes the weasel for the first time. I rememeber the countless hours on the Catwalk, the Kino stage, Town's square and der Eisendrache's yard. I remember eagerly waiting to watch the cutscenes of all the maps and crying over the death Richtofen in the dark mechanism. I remember hearing 115 for the first time, my now favourite song ever.

    No matter how it all ended. It ended. It's time to move on.

    To all the devs/artists/programmers/voice actors/sound designers/level designers/musicians/QA testers/writers/animators/etc. Thank you for the past years, which have brought joy and laughter into my life. Thank you Jimmy, for introducing me into this crazy adevnture. Thank you Jason, for keeping it going and making it an emotional journey. Thanky you Craig, for delivering one of my favourite big stories in the world.

    Thank you Steve, for making me feel like a badass marine in the apocalypse

    Thank you Tom, for giving me the chance to honor my Ancestors

    Thank you Fred, for making me laugh every game and guiding us into the end.

    Thank you Nolan, for making me not feel as the biggest maniac in the room for enjoying slaughtering the hordes and for beeing our anchor in this madness.

    submitted by /u/kyle-ron
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    "As we leave this life behind, it is my hope that you know one thing beyond any doubt... You were more than just my allies; my brothers in arms. You were my friends."

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 03:15 AM PDT

    Despite all the negativity and the rightful dissatisfaction that the cutscene endured by the community, this quote right here really fucking got me. Yesterday when I heard it, for some reason I just couldn't remove it from my head and I just fell into absolute tears. It held so much depth to me and it truly spoke volumes to me. It was a clever double entendre; not only was Nikolai speaking to Primis and Ultimis, he was speaking to us - the fans - as well. We were his and all of their friends also.

    Thank you to Treyarch and everyone who worked on Zombies from the past 12+ years. To Jimmy for establishing the crazy lore, and to Jason and Craig for adapting it into an epic, twisted and complex narrative that held so much depth, and to the countless unnamed employees that worked tirelessly behind the scenes to create this. Thank you so much.

    And thank you to the community, the fans! It was absolutely amazing sharing our own thoughts, opinions and especially the theories on what the future would hold. I am grateful to have found a small handful of friends from here that I grinded Black Ops 3 with and we are starting to play again after 2 years which is absolutely awesome. It's been a wild journey, if I must say so myself!

    submitted by /u/Blundell115
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    Why Monty never showed up in Tag....

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 11:35 AM PDT

    Pretty sure we have all the puzzle pieces to know why we don't see him at all in this map in spite of Maxis' warning that he knows what we are doing. So we find out in Classified that Monty can't see those with a soul, so likely whatever Nikolai sees in the Kronorium and whatever plan he comes up with would be out of Monty's grasp.

    Then what did Monty know about?

    Monty, being able to see the others in the group, only knew the plan that Nikolai had told them about, storm Agartha and have Samantha destroy it and Monty. So likely we don't see Monty in the last map because he is simply waiting for us to come to Agartha and the House. Nikolai not only fooled us the player, but also the other members of the other crews as well as Monty. Likely Monty already had a solution in place for us storming the gates, and since we used the same device we would have used to go to Agartha to destroy all 115 and ourselves, he had no way to know we were doing something else until the end. Monty is established as not being all seeing and all knowing, he even admits Richtofen is the only one he doesn't understand, then Nikolai pulled the ole free will card.

    submitted by /u/Quinthedoc204
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    'Tag Der Toten' Ending (Analysis)

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 10:10 PM PDT

    'Tag Der Toten' Ending (Analysis)

    The 'Tag Der Toten' ending is perhaps one of the most controversial, and gut wrenching finales to video game story arcs in recent history. We've said this before with the other DLC 4 endings (Moon, Origins, and Revelations). While each ending many can say is the final ending to each story for the game. This is infact, the final chapter.. This is the final piece for zombies. The Aether.. The infinite... everything destroyed... The only two remaining characters alive are Samantha and Eddie (Child Richtofen) it doesn't make sense how their alive, but they are! So furthermore, let me dive into the explanation, and how this all wrapped up...

    Take this analysis with an open mindset, and not consider it fact. This is yet again one of them theories, and interpretations that many have put it before.. But I find it's right seeing as how we are still recovering from the aftermath of it all!

    We were never going to The Great War. THIS WAS NIKOLAI'S GRAND SCHEME!!!

    \"Tonight...Tonight we celebrate\"

    Let's start with the open discussion of the following... Were Primis and Ultimis going to go to the Great War, and kill Monty, and end everything once, and for all?" The simple answer is 'no'. They were never going to go to the Great War, end it, and kill Doctor Monty, and destroy all links to Element 115. That's literally Revelations 2.0, except we are not just taking the Shadow Man with us, we are killing Monty... That still keeps us in the continuous loop, and it doesn't surprise me with how strong Monty can be, he'd find a way to come back ,and somehow wreak the havoc of element 115, and all that mess with it...

    Only two people knew about their actual fates, and it happens to be the two who lead Primis (Richtofen and Nikolai). Richtofen (Primis) is the only logical one of the Richtofen's that knew the real truth, and how to go about the protocols of the Aether. The Kronorium changes as time goes right... Well let's just say that it also determines the fates of those who read it... In this case, the only way this madness would end as a whole was by them killing themselves. They were THE REASONS THIS ALL HAPPENED!!! Richtofen didn't want to accept that, and that's why we were put on this goose chase for souls in Black Ops 3 (which by now is completely pointless for that story arc), but in the long term, you see what has transpired... We killed all of our Ultimis selves, their souls in the Summoning Key, and sent to the house as children... Richtofen would only continue to do as needed by listening to Monty, and getting rid of the Shadow Man, and if it isn't obvious, it's pretty obvious that the Primis crew we played as from Origins to Revelations, were one of many crews that kept going throughout the cycle that kept repeating.... Nikolai realized this in the book, and had to accept the facts.. When we hear him in the opening 2D intro to Alpha Omega, we notice how Nikolai is not just talking biblical, but devastated.... He knows what must happen, and why he pity's Richtofen... It isn't anyone's fault, it's meant to happen.

    No one from Primis, or even Ultimis knew this was meant to happen. Everyone was kind of left in the dark. This is why Nikolai says to everyone "What is it, that you really want?" (We will return to this discussion soon), but everyone from Ultimis/Primis' Dempseys', Takeo didn't know, and Ultimis Nikolai didn't know and didn't care due to the vodka... Primis Richtofen knew and so did Primis Nikolai.. Did Ultimis Richtofen know? I strongly believe he didn't know up until he had gotten to the Frozen Forrest! Nikolai never intended on being put in an MPD, or be the sole sacrifice (like Iron Man) to save the world... Nope... He wasn't... This was something he couldn't explain to them.. How can you sit there, and accept that? You'd want to kill him before he killed you! Let's also not forget that in Alpha Omega we hear some quotes from Primis Takeo, and Dempsey about Nikolai, and kinda skeptical of what he's planning...

    The MPD can corrupt you.....

    Now let's use a logical zombie way of thinking! With what we know about the MPD, and the power it holds... It turned Richtofen schizophrenic and he began to hear voices, it corrupted Samantha with the power of zombies, Maxis corrupted by the dark aether, and of course the energy, Pernell began to hear voices due to the exposure of 115, Anything with Element 115, and Aether energy can easily corrupt one....

    Why would Primis Nikolai sacrifice his soul into the MPD when he's read the Kronorium, and obviously he knows what's happened, and what becomes of many whom touch, and make contact with it... This wouldn't make sense because than he would become corrupt, and than the cycle would just repeat in a broken cycle, and we'd be as confused as ever, and just give it the hell up by then!

    Primis Nikolai pulled Ultimis Richtofen aside, he was informed of The Grand Scheme....

    This may be an obvious one. But let's face it! How else could Richtofen, had awakened "the test subjects", and had told them to collect this artifact. It was misleading at first, because we believed somehow Richtofen was able to have Victis turn against Primis, and Ultimis in the scheme of things... We all assumed a huge boss battle between Monty and Richtofen, against Primis and Ultimis, and even Victis... Who knows, but really Nikolai obviously told Ultimis Richtofen that this is what needs to be done! Some interesting questions I've caught, and comments made about Ultimis Richtofen during the duration of the Aether returning saga...

    Did Richtofen have another scheme?

    No... Richtofen didn't have another scheme. Richtofen was left a zombie at the end of the Buried endgame, and instantly survived it before Maxis of the original timeline destroyed earth! In the comics, Richtofen is told by his Primis self in the labs, that Earth is destroyed, the fractures, and it puts Richtofen in a sense to realize that his scheme didn't work, he lost, and as a result.. so did everyone on earth! This was the start of Richtofen's Redemption, he helped Victis throughout the comics, and than found himself back in another Ultimis dimension, stationed at Groom Lake, returning back to his original form. When Dempsey asks Richtofen in Classified about how he got his body back? Richtofen smirks, and laughs saying "Does it matter...Dempsey?" It doesn't.. Richtofen has seen it all now... He knows what needs to be done, but also too it did setup a potential plot twist!

    Primis Nikolai is an example of someone who just wants it all to end, and not be left in the dark. It's why Post Rev- Richtofen gives him the Kronorium, and it's why his leader ship and philosophy, is on par with the similar belief of Richtofen (just in a good guy sense). Both believe in the good of mankind (Richtofen a butcher, someone killing and experimenting to create the soldiers for the good of mankind, Nikolai believes the same in his own verse, (mostly with the destruction of element 115). It would make perfect sense for Richtofen to be asked by Primis Nikolai to awaken Victis, and have them send the Seal of Duality (the name of the device), too them in the frozen forest!

    This can easily explain why Richtofen contacts Victis, and why Richtofen acts well mannered compared to the other six, as they all celebrate the destruction of 115. Below is a screen shot of what I mean!

    Notice Richtofen's body language, and approach....

    Why Didn't Primis and Ultimis go and grab the Agarthan Device?

    Two possibilities.. 1) They were celebrating as a whole for their own sake... The fact that they've seen hell, been through it, shot millions of zombies, and survived things many couldn't survive... They had that celebration to commence the last, and final time they'd be seen in the storyline as whole... This was their break, but Primis Nikolai also needed to make sure that the end was done no matter what, and no stopping.... 2) The Kronorium insisted that Primis, and Ultimis died all together, the death may be not known, but all that is known is that they'll make the sacrifice for a better tomorrow... Why Poison? Well... Good question, maybe it wouldn't of been good timing had Nikolai pulled out a Welling, or a Strife and just started shooting everyone... So to make this even more tragic, they suffered so much, and they died suffering.... The ultimate double cross in a sense....

    VICTIS "The Defeated"

    Let's talk about them.. This is the first time we've seen them, since the comics, and the first time we played as them since Buried (Black Ops II). This is a long gap of seven years, and nothing has changed. Sadly, they live the title of their name the defeated. Their probably the most tragic group in zombies, and the ending to them is saying much....

    Our crew is put on a goose chase to activate the pylons (The majority of Black Ops II's zombie story), and are put on another goose chase to get an Agarthan Device... This is your typical Walking Dead survival crew (meaning- one that enters the storyline, and is not fully a major prophet from the main story's intentions) their tragic characters. They all lived normal lives like our eight heroes, and sadly they died not knowing why.... They were literally wiped out for the sake of mankind, not because of their affiliation with Element 115, government, or exposure to Maxis or Richtofen)... They were in the middle... They did their deed, and they died... It was either they live or try to survive in a broken world, and cycle, or get eaten by zombies....

    Victis were left in cryopods, and only aloud out for the next time Richtofen needed them. So now let's think of it like this... Victis were exposed to Element 115, they may not be the sole cause for it, but they played a part in it. Victis were the only crew capable of going to Siberia, and collecting the device.. Ultimis and Primis needed to be in the forest as one, as a whole...

    So I don't really like them, and I'll briefly explain why, I just never got into them, Misty was okay, but plagued by the waifu lovers of the community, Marlton was decent, and reminded me of Robin (Yes I know the voice actor for Robin does Marlton, but at the time I was too naive to not put two and two together) Russman was just annoying to me, and Samuel was a pain in the behind! I feel had Black Ops II had a more immersive zombies campaign, and helped build our characters, and give us more development, I feel I would accept them, but even now I don't... I personally feel we should of had Ultimis or Primis as the last characters to play as, but hey how can I dream when dreamland is so far away from me right?

    Victis were also probably put in because people "missed" them, and because we grew to them as Black Ops II aged, and the comics... We needed them back.. But also I guess to conclude their story... They remain the defeated, and were wiped out from existence, and sent to the Dark Aether, where they are dead...

    \"I am so sorry\" -Ultimis Richtofen

    There is nothing to say sadly....They were pawns, were fighters, fighting in the wrong time, and wrong place, and ended up paying for it....NOTHING......

    So now let's take a moment to see the entire storyline end in this very second....

    With the Seal of Duality, this destroys everything. I know some are still thinking there's some universes out there, but there isn't. Pablo literally sums it up for us... It's a very delicate device, and it can do damage... Why do you think the elemental shard was so hard to obtain? Not for the Avogadro, but because of how dangerous it was! So now let's take this all with a huge, HUGE thought... What are we really doing with this device? We are not destroying all of Element 115, but they are also destroying everything about themselves, universes, and even other earths. This is all going into a black hole one where it's meant to be burnt and purged forever...

    \"Reduced to atoms....\" -Thanos Avengers: Endgame (2019)

    Thank you purple man. So with this being said, that's basically what happens here.. We kill everything that we stood for in the universes, and we kill ourselves in the process! Why? Well because there was no other way... cameo by Dr. Stephen Strange.....

    The Final nail in the coffin for Ultimis Richtofen (No second Grand Scheme... defeat, and acceptance)

    \"I don't want to go....\" -Tom Holland (Peter Parker/Spider Man) Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

    Ultimis Richtofen is my favorite, and I was sad to see him go... This guy is the only one whom seemed to cheat death, and overcome many of the impending bull that happened in the original universe, and beyond... Only to be killed by a single gunshot to the head... This is the second time he's witnessed this, the first present in the Giant intro, but Richtofen at this point knew what had to happen. If you saw (and I hope you did) what I posted prior, it doesn't surprise me if like the children, Nikolai pulled Ultimis aside, not only to communicate with the Victis crew to help get the device, but also to know that this is the end, any schemes, any backstabbing, it won't work... Richtofen had the very chance, to pull out his gun, shoot everyone, and run away with the plot to continue the zombies, but than he would of been left without a crew, a purpose, and more importantly the common sense value.... He may of had the powers for the Aether, but what would it do? It wouldn't stop the madness, it wouldn't end anything... he'd just continue....

    It would make sense if Ultimis during his journeys in his zombie form, or even meeting Primis Richtofen in the lab (COMICS), that he probably soon realized that in all reality, he didn't want this.. He took it.. he lost it... He witnessed the power of what the MPD can do... There was no way he couldn't of gone any further besides take over the world, and kill Doctor Monty, Shadow Man, Maxis, Sam, Ultimis, and even Primis.... Deep down, I believe, and I think many are open to this, that Ultimis Richtofen in the last few hours of his life redeemed himself, and realized that it was time to go... Did he want to die? Hell to the no! He wanted that power, but it was for his own good..... I strongly believe that when they arrived in the forest, he knew what had to be done... The sad part about it, is we never once saw an innocent side of Ultimis Richtofen (I don't count the Moon radios because he was still nutty even before he touched the friggin MPD), but in the moments he says sorry to Samuel... He was deeply feeling remorse, he knew what had to be done, and that's why he didn't do jack about it....


    Just look at the flowers Edward...

    One could say that in the brief seconds before death... Had he reacted in time, he could of killed Primis Nikolai, and somehow found a way to live... Unfortunately, when a story has ran it's course.. so have the characters... We all went into this Easter Egg thinking that Richtofen would betray us because of the opening.... Well that appears to be a backfire, and it shows that he was helping us, but maybe just maybe.... For a brief second did he want to retaliate? This is mentioned because of the reaction, a typical zombie attack reaction, even for a grunt or a moan, he was too late, and thus, we have a dead Ultimis Richtofen... He could of succeeded, but like I previous wrote, he knew it was time.... Shame... he is my favorite....

    The following few sections are a small break down of the things he mentions, and says. I'm not going to mention the entirety of the arcs, because it's self explanatory by now, but I will summarize it...

    The cycle repeating of fighting the Great War

    Make no mistake, the Great War happens, but we just keep fighting it... This is because we continue the cycle of stopping the Shadow Man, Primis returns to The Great War, Ultimis would go on to repeat the cycle in their own timeline... Basically everything was going to happen again, and again, until we broke the cycle... This is why we broke it in Blood when Richtofen was killed, and Post Rev replaced him. He was replaced because Post Rev accepted the truth, and even though this is the same one who screwed up dozens, and dozens of times this is the final one.

    Why did we continue to repeat the cycle? Was it because we tried to find ways to overcome the inevitable? Perhaps stop the paradox for all dimensions, but live? What was the real reason we kept fighting it? We kept failing everytime, and each time it became apparent we were all repeating the same steps, and it was too dull to notice. The cycle was always bound to happen, no matter how many times they tried to stay as relevant and irrelevant in terms of how they went about the arc. All their origins happened the same exact way because that's how it was written, as long as Ultimis and Primis were alive, the cycle was too.


    The subtitle above is a honest, and clear representation of how things played out. They wanted to succeed, they wanted to live a life without the zombies, and element 115. They instead got more, than what they deserved. They were doomed, and when doomed, were tasked with the breach of death! The acceptance of it, being the toughest pill to swallow... This was the truth that Richtofen failed to see... He was bound to die.. He was bound to fail, he was never meant to succeed the way he tried to in the situations that be in the duration of Black Ops III to Blood in BO4.

    Our crews were meant to die, and this is the honest truth. No one will be open, and honestly accept it because like all of us, we still are shocked that they died in such a brutal, and sad way. We were told so much Primis will fail... Ultimis will prevail... But what a crock of crap was that.... This was the narrative that was needed, the Great War happened no matter what... They went on, and proceeded to continue the cycle no matter what!

    So was Monty really a bad guy?


    This one is going to be a little confusing, and I'm sorry if I haven't made any sense to some of you... Monty clearly threw us the hints there, and there that we shouldn't be here... This is why we are sent back to the times of The Great War, because that's the only dimension that Primis exists in, and continues the cycle that lurks for the remaining years of the story...

    Doctor Monty by all means is far from a good person.. He basically just kept the cycle going, and he had all the power to end it.. Let's be really honest, and not throw in the magical crap for a few seconds... We are meant to believe that Monty this powerful being that basically is responsible for 90% of the crap in this story, is a good person, when he had all the power in the world to perfectly end it, but THAT would of also help wipe him out as well. This guy is far from a good guy, if anything, he helped escalate the situation, and let's even be more honest here.... He wouldn't of killed Maxis, had he accepted his fate, and said screw it just kill me.... No... Monty simply fiddled with our Primis crew, and kept the cycle going for his own greed, he would of died along with the Shadow Man, but than there wouldn't of been a story to complete! Personally, he never existed before the Blundell/Houston era, so this was a waste of a character in my eyes...

    He did however tell it how it is... Their journey is the reason this all exists... He had given the hints of what can be done, but never explained how it can be done... This was of course the loop hole where Primis can kill the Shadow Man, but the madness in the world exists because they simply EXIST.... In order to clear the paradox, the creators must be killed, this means Monty...

    BUT..... Monty believes in 'free will' the ability to not engage in the conflicts that be... So this whole puzzle was meant for the crews to die, and even though it would of taken himself out, he would of figured with all the crews who've tried to break the cycle, he'd be alive for quite a long time.... As Pablo Marinus states in a radio in 'Tag' "The cycle is the only thing keeping Monty alive..."


    I will admit, I do get confused... I wondered after seeing this cutscene.. Does that mean everyone whose contacted element 115, everyone whose been apart of the journey, everything involving it as whole is wiped out? It makes you wonder, there's no in depth explanation, we can assume that yes logically, everything and everyone whose laid contact, and locations all over the world with zombies, and element 115 in all dimensions, and universes is dead because Ultimis and Primis are dead, and the cycle is officially broken, and the world is mended back to normal.... One can strongly say yes, but than how do we explain Samantha and Child Richtofen (Both have had some sort of contact with Element 115, with the former having the higher exposure). Yes technically, and I'll talk about them soon should be dead... I don't think Treyarch had the balls to kill a bunch of kids though, and speaking of kids why were Dempsey and Takeo not seen as kids, and what became of them? I don't think this was ever explained, and if it has (correct me in comments), but the kids souls were never submitted into Agartha where in Gorod Krovi they were sent into the House. So because we went from Zetsubou to Blood, we never got the chance to have the souls ascend into the House. So they died within the Summoning Key I presume... Which makes the most of sense.




    Many have argued that they were shot... No.... Let's be honest... They were poisoned.... As I made clear in the beginning. I don't think one would accept the fact that one of their own pulled out a gun, and shot one, and one truly accepted it, when drunk, and a mixture of element 115 exposure would take keen with those who witness it. But in the logical way, look at them in the cinematic even though it's sad as hell to see. They're rotting away, they've dropped the wine (from what it looks like), and all the blood being seen is a mixture of vomiting and foaming of the mouth, and just collapsing, and it appears this happened right before Richtofen made contact with Victis...

    In the time that happened to the time when Nikolai finishes his speech... We than see them rotting away, which is heartbreaking. They lay there bloodied and motionless. You can see in some shots they've foamed out the mouth, and it's apparent their poisoned. I only mention this once more because again, these guys were all there, and had no clue what was going to happen. They probably died happy, intoxicated, and foaming out the mouth without no reason why. Shame, I never expected to see our crew rot to become the thing they shot and killed....

    Could they have died from Radiation poisoning from Nuketown?

    This is a comment I want to make mention from a fellow Reddit contributor on this form who had made that a possible outcome. They could of easily died from radiation poisoning, but than I'd ask myself why didn't Nikolai die? Don't tell me because he had his soul, let's be reasonable... He was in Alpha Omega, he was exposed to radiation, he himself would of been foaming, and dying as well... Did Nikolai take an anti radiation booster before hand? I strongly doubt that, but maybe!

    Notice the foam from Dempsey and Takeo's mouth.

    Killing Nikolai by the hands of a child....

    And now for the most crucial, and perhaps most emotional moment of this cutscene. One can say that seeing Primis and Ultimis lay dead was emotional which it was, but to be in the middle of the forest, in the middle of this conflict, and to be literally one of the main reasons for a zombie outbreak, and behind the other sole reason, and you are given the gun to simply shoot the one who helped put an end to all this in the back of the head... This is deep....

    It's almost like it comes full circle in a way. Samantha was never intended to be an antagonist, just a child drawn mad because her father was killed. (Original version, and Dimension 63 versions), Sam's strongest part in this final map, was to simply be the one to put an end to all the madness. We go back to the quote of what Nikolai once said to her before we began the ending of this story. kill the "one who perpetrated all of this",. He meant himself, he meant Nikolai Beliniski, Russia's pride soldier, the man who lost a lot of wives, and drank vodka. I'm sure metaphorically he meant all of them Primis and Ultimis, but in all reality, he meant himself. He was the last piece of the puzzle. He had to die. Not just for the world's sake, but for the fact being that he too himself, he had to give up his soul, not just what the Kronorium said, but because he was Primis. Primis had to die!

    The emotions are high.

    Nikolai insists that Samantha take the pistol, and shoot Nikolai in the back of the head. The most saddest part about this scene is not the fact we are killing Nikolai, but we also thought she was going to kill Eddie. It wasn't until, we see further in the next scene that isn't the case. This is the emotional draw that's driven to deliver this very result. Samantha has evolved as a character. She went from being corrupted in the MPD, to being reinstated in a new dimension, and a new form, to eventually returning to her old form in another dimension, only to come full circle, and become one of the same in the end... She was the last person I'd see kill any of the crews following that Alpha Omega ending.

    This is what makes this so emotionally driven. We see in the next scene Samantha tearfully holds the Welling, as Nikolai looks into the forest before closing his eyes. Accepting his fate, Samantha tells Eddie to not look, and she kills Nikolai. We don't see it, but we know it happened. What I loved about this part of the cutscene is that Sam is emotionally hurt to do it. Whether it's because that this is the end of the everything that costed her father, Fluffy, and everything all of the above, or the fact that in the final moments of this story, what we didn't see, but can interrupt was Samantha felt for once, comfortable, and around the crews alongside Eddie, seeing that the same people she tried so hard to kill, were all after the same thing she was... To put an end to the madness. Samantha was corrupted by the Aether, but she redeemed herself, and to be along side the very same people who to sought redemption, It all came full circle. I'm sure we can say, Nikolai being the closest to bond with throughout that journey, and to be around the psychotic Richtofen must of been scary, but I remember when he greeted her in Alpha Omega, and it was calm, almost refreshing, maybe it all ended somehow off screen with an embrace, a closure.


    We will never know, and strongly because of the budget, and time constraints, but one can assume that had they actually made the DLC this season a full Aether DLC season, we could of gotten more of that. One could say, that yes behind the cinematic of 2D, that Sam did in fact feel accepted, and feel the strong bond between everyone, before they would eventually die. This is probably why it's so hard for her to kill Nikolai, and emotionally break down in the process. She was sad, and shattered by the journey, and for it to end, by killing the ones who made it right, was probably the most toughest decision she's ever made.

    A Light In The Darkness

    I must say Edward has had quite growth spurt within the last few seconds...

    The title of the first half of the intro to this map makes so much sense now. A Light in the Darkness. The light leads to where... The Dark Aether? The perfect world? The awakening from a dream?

    This is the final piece of my analysis of the ending, and what transpired!

    The final few minutes show us slowly (tortoise speed) that we are approaching a light. Now this light can possibly be a few things, some of whom can probably guess that it's in fact the perfect world...

    The Perfect World

    All other dimensions were destroyed. The multiverse is gone, the Aether is destroyed. Element 115 is gone and purged from existence. The kids are entering the perfect world. This light leads them to the world where there are no zombies, the element 115 doesn't exist, Primis doesn't exist, Ultimis doesn't exist, nobody, or nothing exists in this arc, everyone is classified as dead. What becomes of Samantha and Eddie? They most likely live normal lives, but of course, their kids how will they survive? We don't know. For all we know they could very well be entering an earth where there's no human existence, and they are Adam and Eve! (Don't get too ahead of the game lads, don't think it) Now of course, this is just one of many theories, but where do they go from here? We don't know, and that's the only question we have at this point that seems to be on everyone's minds....

    I don't think they would go to the Dark Aether, why go back to where it all started, and bring us back the bull of the Zombies arc again?

    I personally think they're headed somewhere, we don't know, we may never know, but what we do know is it's somewhere where we won't see any of our heroes.....

    Are our heroes alive in the perfect world?

    I'm going to answer this with a maybe. But I'll give it a yes and a no..

    Yes - The ending leaves a bit of ambiguous quality left around it! Remember when I asked earlier in this about what Nikolai said "What is it, that you all truly want?", The characters begin to say certain things, where they want to be in life, what they will be doing? What should they do? It's sad knowing we saw them die, but we very well could see them in the perfect world doing what they want. Nikolai being with his wife before she died, Takeo being with his family, Dempsey training some rookies (Typical), Richtofen working with medicine, Ultimis Nikolai wanting to be a drunk for the rest of his life, Takeo to want honor, and bravery from the Emperor, Richtofen wanting to open a morgue up (Typical) , and Dempsey just wanting to kick some ass somewhere (Call of Duty: World at War Campaign) The last part was just a joke people.

    But really, are our characters in the perfect world somewhere? Living their life, the way they want. Apparently, it's been mentioned (correct me if i'm wrong) the Agarthan device or the elemental shards grant wishes like a genie, could they of had their wishes granted when they died, and could they very well be in the world doing what they wanted to do. We don't know, that's left up to our minds at this point!

    No - The Kronorium clearly makes it obvious, and so did Monty, and everyone else who was against them. If they are alive, the cycle will repeat. This means they had to die, they couldn't be alive even in the perfect world. They had to be purged completely. It just makes more logical sense that way sadly.

    So maybe. Just maybe they are alive, and are living their best life in the perfect world. or they're dead, and not coming back.

    We don't know where our two child characters are going, but one thing for sure is, they are the only two characters to survive the series....


    In all honesty, this storyline is confusing. There's so many things added, arched, and put in that make no sense, and some how we all try to make the most of sense with it. But that's what makes this story interesting. It's like a zombie version of Clue with all the answers in front of us (or what we think are). 'Tag Der Toten' is a good ending to the storyline, but it doesn't make it a satisfying ending. Had I looked at the story I would of went about it in a different direction. This is a mediocre send off at best to our characters, and while I respect so many who've contributed to this story, I think I would like to sit in a room with Jimmy Z, Jason Blundell, and Craig Houston and just ask them how they went about this story? Would Jimmy (the original creator zombies) would of added, or would he had gone in the direction Jason and Craig took it?

    It's a shame that Black Ops 4 suffered a terrible production. Bad enough, what killed zombies wasn't Chaos or Aether, hell it was the constant game crashing, bugs, and lack of innovation that made the game feel like it was disappointing. Many accepted it, many don't. It goes both ways. The zombies team was cut in half following the leak of Black Ops 2020 being a Treyarch title. They lost a majority of the team. They obviously had planned to do Alpha Omega (going back to the leaker information back last year), and as a result, it wasn't like it was last minute. I'm sure had they not done Chaos, they would of made Alpha Omega DLC 1, DLC 2 would of been 'Tag', DLC 3 and 4 could of been something totally different. I'm sure, Jason and Craig wanted to make a new story seem to work, and they wanted to make it happen in the most epic way possible, but sadly it failed. Not many cared for Chaos (Let's be real, how many truly gave a damn, when we were left with a dead Richtofen in Blood, and a Great War line up for Classified?) No one cared for Chaos. It was a poor time to add a story, when this could of been the reboot for next year, and they could of finished Black Ops Aether saga with them on Aether, and a full final season with the original perk system and all.

    Again all of this is from my own interpretation, and that anything I just said could be wrong, and all just me not getting it, or still blown by all that has transpired in the last twenty four hours.....

    submitted by /u/Cyruslad1
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    There's "more to find" on Tag der Toten

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 12:14 PM PDT

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