• Breaking News

    Tuesday, October 29, 2019

    Call of Duty Zombies October 29th Update: Infected: Final Stand + Pandemic / 2XP Nebulium Plasma + Zombies Bonuses Continue / November 5th Game Update Preview

    Call of Duty Zombies October 29th Update: Infected: Final Stand + Pandemic / 2XP Nebulium Plasma + Zombies Bonuses Continue / November 5th Game Update Preview

    October 29th Update: Infected: Final Stand + Pandemic / 2XP Nebulium Plasma + Zombies Bonuses Continue / November 5th Game Update Preview

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 11:37 AM PDT

    Got 3rd person glitch on BO1 Kino, it seems pretty rare

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 07:06 AM PDT

    Started playing zombies in 2013, 6 years later, finished my collection, probably one of the greatest games I have ever played in my life. Thanks Treyarch for all those good moments!

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 08:10 PM PDT

    November 6-7: Let's all go back to Black Ops 3 and play Shadows of Evil and The Giant.

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 07:03 AM PDT

    To celebrate Black Ops 3's 4th year anniversary, let us all go back to Black Ops 3 and play Shadows of Evil and The Giant.

    I say we do this to the other maps too on their release dates. Like playing Tranzit on Black Ops 2 (60% off on Steam until Nov. 2!) on November 12-13.

    submitted by /u/Timerstone
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    Tried my hand at a Perkaholic tee with an all-over print... how do yall think I did?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 10:07 PM PDT

    Anyone else die a little inside when this happens?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 11:24 AM PDT

    PSA: Black Ops 4 Tag der Toten removed [PC]

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 10:18 AM PDT

    The Tag der Toten map on PC is not available in the menus in Classic or Rush only in Public Matches...

    Since todays playlist update.

    I really wanted to play TDT Rush rn I hope they fix this soon

    Edit: It seems like the problem is on every Platform

    submitted by /u/J0N1W4LK3R
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    I feel like continuing my panzer drawing, but i like this one for now

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 09:04 PM PDT

    Buried is the map with the most number of parts. Total of 36 items.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 12:30 PM PDT

    Keeper animations found in files for blood of the dead. (Credit: JRrizzo on twitter)

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 04:19 PM PDT

    Zombies Crossplay

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 04:37 AM PDT

    Since mw is crossplay friendly ,do you think we will be able to play zombies with our fellow pc and xbox friends?

    I play on ps4 obviously and my friend is on pc and it sucks that we can't play together.

    submitted by /u/folayfila
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    You've been playing BO4 too long when...

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 07:30 PM PDT

    ...you go back and play BO1 Kino, and when you get pinned on the stage, you pull both bumpers to activate your Special Weapon. Actually laughed out loud at myself. I had also finally broken my compulsive need to reload before grabbing a max ammo... which was also unfortunate...

    submitted by /u/BashoDonut
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    Did anyone ever figure out what the secret rooms are?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 08:42 AM PDT

    I know that there was some found awhile back on BOTD and Classified. I was just wondering if anyone ever figured it out?

    submitted by /u/mewtube2017
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    Analyzing the story of Jeb Brown and how it relates to the Aether Story and a possible DLC5 Buried Remake

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 11:36 AM PDT

    This is looking deeper into the radios about Jeb Brown in Tag der Toten who we know created the Pack-a-Punch and was associated with Buried.

    "They said I needed 3 things. The blood of an elder god, an Elemental Shard, and a metallic vessel to harness and carry both."

    The blood we know as the beast in Tag in the ocean, the shard is found (maybe not, I am a little late to BO4 so I could be wrong) by Broken Arrow in Alpha Omega and broken into fragments for experimentation which later results in Avagadro. The metallic vessel I have no idea, the vessel that came to mind at first was actually the ship or container on the ship in Tag der Toten.

    "I've built the metal carriage just as they asked. Only one thing left to do now, upgrade it with my machine."

    Obviously it is small enough to fit in the Pap machine, so it could also be the Paralyzer, which has a shard in it (elemental shard?)

    "I put the metal vessel in the Pack-a-Punch machine, just as instructed. Next thing I know, all the energy, all the power of the world get sucked out of the air as if pulled inside the machine! Next thing, the world went white. I came too and I see that I, my shop, all the people, the whole damn town has been transported as if willed by the Lord into this cavern, buried below the surface of the Earth! I fear we are at the threshold of Hell, the world just waitin' to open below our feet! We've been overrun by the Devil's army! The dead have risen and now do us in battle! My name is Jebediah Brown and I bow humbly before the tow angels and ask for forgiveness. Show us the path to salvation! We are listening!"

    Here we see that him trying to upgrade the vessel has horrible consequnces and moves their town underground as it is found in Buried Two hundred years later. It was initially thought that the rockets shifted plates around but this resolves it better I feel.

    The question that remains is if these radios were added to resolve our questions about Buried (which always had a lot unanswered in terms of the ghosts, Pap, and why it was underneath Africa) or if these were added to set up DLC5 a little more.

    As we also know, the Classified Stulinger quote is still not resolved in Tag der Toten. I could not find the exact text, but its basically that he has not heard Richtofens voice in a while and he is stuck in a dark place with roaches... This could be Tranzit bus depot (dark and had roaches) but after the events of Tag where victis is somehow banished back to the events of green run, but now that ultimis and primis are dead he doesnt hear voices anymore. The quote could also be the Dark Aether which could have something to do with Bo5 or even setting DLC5 in the dark Aether. Either way, I do not think this Stu quote will not be used to set up a future Victis map.

    submitted by /u/Zebrahimofish
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    What's the fastest way to get to level 1000 in black ops 4 zombies with the least effort as possible?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 10:24 AM PDT

    Hey guys, pretty much what the title says: what's the fastest way to get to level 1000 in black ops 4 zombies with the least effort as possible? Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/reginof99
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    Voyage of Despair EE Tips?

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 09:55 AM PDT

    My best friend and I are planning to do Voyage soon. Looking for the best tips possible with perks, elixirs, point strats, anything. Thanks!!!!

    submitted by /u/Lacis_Gaming
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    Infinite warfare David hasselhoff

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 08:44 AM PDT

    Is it possible to get David hasselhoff offline I know you can get the Easter egg offline but I'm not sure about unlocking David hasselhoff can someone confirm this?

    submitted by /u/sniperq4010
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    Should I buy the Black Ops Pass

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 08:25 AM PDT

    So I bought BO4 when it came out and only played it for a small while. I stopped playing when the game was overwhelmed with glitches and bugs. Anyway, I kept playing BO3 and I've got some, for lack of a better word, nostalgia for BO4. I wanna go back and play IX and Blood, and the other DLC maps look intresting as well, but I've only seen game play of the other maps and haven't played them myself. Do you guys think the DLC's are worth the money?

    submitted by /u/Btech_Jesus
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    IX Easter Egg Glitch 2019

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 08:05 AM PDT

    Okay. I have done every single different thing that I possibly can to activate that stupid fucking grate in The Pit. I've sat there for a full minute not holding the activate button. I've sat there for a full minute holding the activate button. I've opened my specialist while standing on it and held activate for the entire duration of the specialist. I've opened my specialist and swing it at nothing for the entire duration of the specialist. I've killed zombies with the specialist. All while on this grate. I hear the cogs turning. I see the water flowing into it. The three symbols are all glowing correctly. This step has killed my game three time. Twice on split screen private match and once on solo. I'm on xbox one. Can anyone help me figure out why this won't work??????

    submitted by /u/Abstract_Saturn
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    What do you think is the hardest/most annoying easter egg step in all of zombies?

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 09:25 PM PDT

    I've only ever done the BO3 easter eggs, so I don't have a lot of experience with this. IMO, the hardest and most annoying steps are both in Gorod Krovi. The final boss fight is impossible for a casual player to finish without mega gobblegums, it easily takes the hardest step for me.

    The most annoying was the gersh step. I had heard a lot of things about the Gorod Krovi, like how the drone step was stupidly difficult, but I wasn't prepared for how annoying the gersh step was. I was never able to find Gersh, and then when I could find him a million sprinting zombies limited me to a few shots on him, allowing him to get away. The ray gun helped a lot, but still. Fuck that step.

    What was the hardest step for you all? I'm interested to see what people struggle on

    submitted by /u/Snipers_end
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    Something Tag's ending reminded me of...

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 11:03 PM PDT

    As a fan of both the Aether story and the Eastrail 177 Trilogy (Unbreakable / Split / Glass), I noticed they both ended similiarly...

    ..The Great War was built up so much, but didnt happen. Nikolai had realized the only way to win was to sacrifice their lives for the better of the children's future...

    ..Glass had built up to an epic showdown on the Osaka Tower, but that ceased to be when all of the superhuman main characters all died (similar to how all of Primis and Ultimis died). Mr. Glass had realized that the only way for other superhumans to find a better future was to show to the world they exist (from leaked footage.)

    ...Its nothing groundbreaking but i just thought it was something neat.

    QUICK EDIT: I also just realized they both did not have a big budget and were recieved poorly :p

    submitted by /u/RyanPNoel
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    Connecting to online services (PC)

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 06:59 AM PDT

    Just bought the game and played 2 quick matches after that i got disconnected and im stack on connecting to online services screen. Anyone knows how to fix this? Thanks

    submitted by /u/SKraaaaaaaaaa
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    Some storyline questions regarding Blood of the Dead

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 06:32 AM PDT

    Just got into BO4 zombies, watched a couple of videos and was confused about some things in BotD. Why did Primis Richtofen get into the Dark Mechanism? What was the gem that Great War Richtofen use to free the souls? And why didn't Nikolai, Takeo or Dempsey say anything to Richtofen when he was slowly dying?

    submitted by /u/DestinyLore101
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    Zetsubou No Shima Pro and Cons (Opinion)

    Posted: 28 Oct 2019 06:31 PM PDT

    I heard that a lot of ppl hate this map due to some reasons,yes the map is very hard and tbh is the hardest nap I have play since TranZit but I have some opinions to say about this map ,The "Pros and Cons" (I love this map tho due to the difficulty but can be easy to master)


    The Thrasher gives you no points,especially when there's more than one...waste of ammo

    A Gobble Gum Slot being wasted one for a step of the EE,the map is already hard to set up.....Just why

    No Points are earned what so ever when trying to turn on Power in the bunker and slashing zombies on the Purple Water area...Again waste of ammo

    The Bunker is the most expensive part to open on the point,it literally starves you of points,yes it understandable that there are parts behind those walls of Bunker Doors but Jesus Christ,there's so many doors

    The amount of Thrasher that can spawn in one a round is annoying and again waste of Ammo ,especially when your at the high rounds

    DLC 2 Gobble Gums are tbh Trash when they came out

    Ammo is really quick to be ran out,I don't think it's safe to hit the box until later rounds :/

    Challenges can be really difficult on a 4 man squad or with anyone

    You can die on the Zip line EE part


    The set is indeed long but I personally like it as it makes me to do something each and every round,I always feel like I have to do something,similar to Origins

    The plant mechanics are good on some levels but I love the way on getting a extra life,Fruit Plant and ect to continue giving you reasons to plant Seeds on any type of rounds

    The EE is somewhat easy, expect for the whole Zip line thing and ect

    KT-4 and Upgrade process is fun to do one some point of the rounds

    The Skull of No Subway is a challenging Special Weapon to get on your hands but fun and powerful to play with _^

    Solo is somewhat easy , with Challenges and things being less expensive (doors)

    Plants are hard to keep up when watering them,forgetting to water one can ruin up your strat

    This is really my opinion tho

    submitted by /u/SeeShadows
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