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    Wednesday, October 2, 2019

    Call of Duty Zombies Thought you guys might like these custom Zippos I painted up.

    Call of Duty Zombies Thought you guys might like these custom Zippos I painted up.

    Thought you guys might like these custom Zippos I painted up.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 05:23 AM PDT

    I hate' Reimagined' maps as Primary DLC.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 04:30 AM PDT

    When I load into a new map for the first time Im not interested in radios or easter eggs. the only thing on my mind is 'whats new?'

    Ive done every BO1, BO2, and BO3 Easter Egg (excluding Buried rip Sharpshooter step), so its not that Easter Eggs dont interest me; but what makes a map unique and exciting to me when i first play it is whats new.

    Whether it be game mechanics progressing (Shadows of Evil), a brand new aesthetic (Zestsubou), or crazy new zombie types (shangra la) , I want a map to feel different than every other map when I play it. The Giant, Blood of the Dead, and Tag Der Toten just dont even peak my interest.

    I played Blood of the dead about 2 times. It felt like I was playing a mod of Mob of the dead. Tag Der toten felt like Call of the Dead but without unique wonder weapons, and the Giant gets a pass because it wasnt a whole DLC package.

    I dont know where Im going with this other than to see if im in the minority when I say that reimaginings should be in a 'Zombie Chronicles-like' pack, not as a whole DLC by themselves individually.

    Im not saying work wasnt put into these remakes or that they arent well done, but when i hear a re-imagining is coming all I can do is groan.

    submitted by /u/pleasesendcheese
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    What happened with this boss in The Final Reich? Was this scrapped?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 03:37 AM PDT

    After all these years, the Aether story is still hiding Richtofen ending of Buried.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 03:29 AM PDT

    Just look how Treyarch are filling the gaps and plot holes in Classified, Alpha Omega and Tag der Toten, finally explaining Avagadro, Peter McCain, Pablo Marinus, the ship from Call of the Dead, etc. Back in the day, Timeline poster explained tons of things, even those characters we play as in Nacht der Untoten being just random marines.

    What I'm trying to say is above all answered storyline questions, Treyarch NEVER mentioned Richtofen ending of Buried. They definitely didn't just throw it away, they are just not mentioning it for a veeery long time. I'm happy to see some posts where people now actually taking Richtofen ending into account. When Timeline poster was released everyone was like "Nah, Maxis ending is now canon, forget Richtofen ending, etc".

    To remind you, Maxis ending of Buried sets all further events. Victis, forced by Primis Richtofen, walk a path of finding Kronorium in comic books (comic book cipher: "the cycle begins" ), the blood vials, them being put in stasis pods, after that they help Pablo Marinus to get to the Great War. Then Pablo, being saved by Primis who arrived from future (Revelations), he writes his journal in Dimension 63. Group 935 finds it and uses it to start excavation in Northen France, where they find Element 115 and use it to create "localized energy fields which appear to function as portals". Samantha reaches out to Dimension 63 (again because Maxis took control of Aether in Buried), then Origins, Primis walk their path, end up, again, in Great War saving Pablo, winning Great War and closing the loop.

    Dark Aether corrupted Maxis in Buried, and he took control of Aether. Doctor Monty, (who has already "stepped in" after Ultimis teleported for the first time in Kino der Toten ("You changed the rules")), after failure of saving his friend (ShadowMan) from corruption, tried to save himself. He created the house in Agartha that protects him from Dark Aether, erased corrupted Maxis from Buried and helped Maxis Drone from Origins to get to the house. He influenced Primis Richtofen to fulfill his plan, which lead to perpetuating the cycle. (Probably he didn't initially planned to create the cycle, but after they consumed blood vials, he had to). (Back in the day I wrote big theory that Monty's plan is a lie, which I'm glad ended up being more or less true). The cycle then got broken, and Dr Monty became corrupted as well (as I understood in TDT ending the entire multiverse then became corrupted), and after, thanks to sacrifice of Primis and Ultimis, all it got banished into the Dark Aether along with the ShadowMan and Apothicons.

    Now think about this: Primis Richtofen and Primis Nikolai both read the Kronorium. Well, "Its knowledge is a curse" . It shows them both the same truth, that they have to die to restore order (another comic book cipher "Only their sacrifice will restore order"). Richtofen tried to prevent that, Nikolai just accepted it. Kronorium showed them same exact fate because the Kronorium itself was discovered as result of Maxis ending. Kronorium illustrates the events depending on who is reading it, but the fact of both Nikolai and Richtofen actually acquired and read it is, again, the result of Maxis ending, which as we already know, leads them to death anyway.

    From here I speculate.

    Maybe this is indeed true meaning of "Even though they have discovered the way, Primis will fail" and "Ultimis will prevail". In Tag der Toten I haven't seen Ultimis prevailing. As I understand, after Alha Omega Ultimis literally did nothing, except Ultimis Richtofen telling Stulingher what to do, but he was guided by Primis Nikolai.

    Now go back the Giant intro where Primis want Ultimis Richtofen to awaken the test subjects, which was also never explained. (yes their presence there is post Origins event, but don't forget there has been 2 years after Origins without Primis Richtofen (who got message from Maxis in the House and went away to fulfill Monty's plan) and there is MotD plane on the roof). Tag der Toten just shows the test subjects location, and as I understand, extracting their souls into Agarthan device. They didn't awake them anyway. In the Giant intro Nikolai says there is a chain of events that must be set in motion, and they actually failed to do this. Dempsey's radio message confirms this "Hey other me, if you're hearing this, then it means something's gone fubar". In order for Ultimis to Prevail, to stop Monty from creating and perpetuating the cycle in the first place, I believe they need to be awaken. Monty knows that and forces Maxis to tell Richtofen that "Test subjects can never be allowed to awaken".

    To conclude, first when I saw Tag der Toten ending, i thought that it is like "bad" ending, where they all die. I look back at the all journey Primis took within the cycle, to break it, and how it ended. I realize that the entire journey of Primis might just be a Bad ending, which is Maxis ending of Buried. Also, the origins of Dark Aether was never explained, it was only mentioned in Agartha section of Timeline poster, when some keepers started to experiment with Dark Aether (just like humans started to experiment wit Element 115 btw.)

    My little prediction for the future, as a huge fan of Aether story, what I really want to see is Dark Aether story, which might perfectly start with Richtofen ending of Buried.

    submitted by /u/MountWilson
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    Y’all want Victis but parts cost mons so here’s a Misty I threw together.

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 07:33 AM PDT

    Anyone else disappointed in the lack of Mini-Bosses for the last 2 Aether maps?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 09:08 AM PDT

    I'm fighting demographics here, since the majority of you guys hate Mini-Bosses. I always hear people complain about the reason why they hate Chaos maps, cause of the large variety of different enemies.

    But one thing I praised Black Ops 3 for is the introduction of Mini-Bosses in every Primis Map (other than The Giant of course.)

    Shadows of Evil introduced the Margwa.

    Der Eisendrache had a new variation of the Panzer Soldat.

    Zetsubou No Shima introduced the Thrasher.

    Gorod Krovi introduced the Russian Mangler.

    And Revelations had a new variation of the Margwas, those being the Void and Fire Margwas, alongside the return of the normal Margwas and the return of the Panzer Soldats again.

    Jump to Black Ops 4, at least Blood had Brutus, and it makes sense for Blood of the Dead to have Brutus be the Mini-Boss for that map, he was the original mini-boss for Mob of the Dead.

    But what about Alpha Omega and Tag Der Toten? Why did these maps get absolutely no Mini-Bosses? What the actual fuck Treyarch?

    Alpha Omega should have returned the Panzer Soldat. A new variation like we've never seen before. Something to do with Electricity. The Panzer Soldat was the first Mini-Boss Primis encountered and it should've been the last on Alpha Omega.

    Tag Der Toten should've had the Cosmic Silverback be the Mini-Boss for this map since there are mentions of the Ascension group using Apothicon Blood to make space monkeys or some shit on this map. How terrifying would it be to have an undead Gorilla chasing you around Tag Der Toten? Maybe he could've spawned in the map as soon as you turned on the third power switch. I mean you guys already had him fully textured in fucking Blackout!

    Holy shit, don't even get me started on Vermin. Almost every Black Ops 3 map introduced new Vermin but in Black Ops 4 all we got were more fucking hellhounds.

    I love Black Ops 4. But honestly I love the Chaos Maps way more. One thing I love about them more than Aether is that at least you guys added the Werewolf and the Gegenees for Mini-Bosses. Treyarch, I love it when you guys create new enemies. Only you guys could make those badass monsterous mini-bosses that not even IW or WWII could try making. But you guys really disappointed mini-boss fans in the last 2 Aether maps.

    submitted by /u/wonders_art
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    Did someone ask for L O N G video games?

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 07:37 PM PDT

    marlton uses reddit lmao

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 04:02 PM PDT

    Was all the BO4 changes worth it?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 07:13 AM PDT

    No original perks, always the same health, ugly ass HUD. I know treyarch had good intentions with these changes and we all kinda over reacted at first. But in the end, i never grew to like or appreciate the changes. I feel like i will always remember the older ways zombies worked. What do yall think about all of it?

    submitted by /u/Peytronizer
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    Well this isn't exactly going as planned, is it Treyarch?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 07:27 AM PDT

    Black Ops 4 Community feedback

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 06:13 AM PDT

    Answer this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf5_yYrWdzxva7Vjs7202R12BxJ1geY9sbV_R3TQtI-q68e1w/viewform

    I will post here the overall ratings for the game after enough votes are collected

    Upvote the post so more people can see it, and therefore have more answers for the form

    submitted by /u/Hardcore_Survival
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    Two Ray guns

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 03:20 AM PDT

    This is probably already known, but I didn't know about it so thought I'd share.

    I was playing BOTD and was casually hitting the box, trying to level up my last few weapons. Got the Mark II and held onto it while I spammed some more. Pulled up the regular Ray Gun. Traded my secondary for it. You can legitimately play with 2 Ray Guns lol.

    Has this been possible in previous games? I suppose it could have because I've never tried.

    Edit: unrelated but thought I'd throw it in there that I went through about 4 Ray Guns and 9 Blundergats before I pulled up the Rampart. Seems backwards.

    submitted by /u/lolipop3k
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    Richtofen's ending in Buried is the only "Good" ending for our crews

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 04:47 PM PDT

    Of course, if you don't count the current ending as a good ending since they all die, Richtofen's ending in Buried is really the only good ending. Maxis never destroys the earth to reach Agartha which means the universe never fractures, Samantha never goes to Dimension 63, and everything bo3 and onwards never happens. Richtofen also begins to use Agartha's energy to repair the earth, so this could be the only ending that Victis and Ultimis survives (Assuming Ultimis is still alive by Buried)

    submitted by /u/TranzitIsGood
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    So on tdt poster (btw this is possibly my favorite treyarch zombie poster) but like why is there like zombie faces when zoom in? Is this a specific face?

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 10:17 AM PDT

    Still have my old poster from when Rezurrection came out!

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 05:29 PM PDT

    Primis Richtofen in Alpha Omega

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 05:29 AM PDT

    What happened to all the speculation about primis Richtofen being a little off in Alpha Omega? That he was denying the ending of Blood of the Dead.

    submitted by /u/khai115_2
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    COD Mobile Zombies

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 08:05 AM PDT

    So I've been playing the new COD Moblie App and its pretty fun. Anyone know if zombies is gonna get out on this and we'll get an app for zombies that is updated and customizable unlike the past apps?

    submitted by /u/Dan-Duh
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    Invisible zombie on Tag.

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 11:28 PM PDT

    me and the boys back in 2013 hitting round 8

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 11:27 AM PDT

    New Weapons in Zombies and the Armory

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 11:19 AM PDT

    Why is it that they added new weapons like the AN-94 and The Dual Bore and you are able to unlock camos and attachments for these weapons but the guns are not in the armory and you cant change any attachments on them?!? Are they coming in the future? There are other weapons In the box that I have unlocked attachments and camos for as well that haven't been in the armory and yet guns like the mp40 are In there to change camos but have no attachments to unlock.

    submitted by /u/JacobOlson121
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    Tag Der Toten Theatre Mode Screenshots

    Posted: 01 Oct 2019 06:46 PM PDT

    Tag Der Toten Theatre Mode Screenshots

    So I beat the Easter Egg on my first attempt! Yay! But, another thing is I have the entire game recorded in Theatre mdoe! I went into it and it even recorded the in game cutscene! Also, I figured out a trick to get the camera out of bounds as well, the Laboratory Flinger. With the camera out of bounds during the EE, I was able to grab some... interesting screenshots. Well, three right now. I'll update this with more when I can. But the first one is a picture of the man, the savior of the universe, Pablo Marinus. The second? The Skybox. Why did I take a picture of the Skybox? Well I went so high I could see stuff at the bottom of it? You'll see what i'm talking about. And finally, the third picture is of when I got the camera out of bounds during the In Game Cutscene, which shows like... I guess the Mars Skybox? But the back of it? I'm not sure. Let me know what you think.

    Pablo Marinus. Sorry he's so bright, the game did that.

    The Skybox when everything is Lavafied. ...Kinda looks like the Blood/Mob of the Dead background?

    Outside the In Game Cutscene

    Like I said, i'll add more as I keep exploring in Theatre Mode for you guys to see. I'll probably upload a few cool screenshots too. I can probably get a picture of the secret place? If you guys wanna see that i'll upload a pic of that too. But uh, yeah! Let me know what you guys think of this stuff!

    UPDATE: Ok, went around in Theatre Mode more, took more screenshots of stuff! Including a sweetspot I found where I was able to get a picture of the map with the Mars Skybox, of what the map looks like after the ending, and what the map looks like without fog, among other screenshots. Enjoy!

    Tag Der Toten, without fogginess.

    Lavafied Tag Der Toten, again without fogginess.

    Lavafied Tag, with the Mars Skybox.

    Normal Tag, with the Mars Skybox

    The Secret Place loaded in and visible! The tunnel you have to go through to make it there makes it seem farther away then it is.

    Lavafied Tag, with the normal Tag Skybox. This happened when the game ended.

    Lavafied Tag, with another angle of the Sunrise Skybox.

    A picture of Samantha and Eddie from the front.

    ANOTHER UPDATE: Went around the Map in bounds now mostly, took screenshots of writing on the walls, drawings and whatnot, and more! ...Also the framerate began to chug at certain parts when I let it play? So far i'd been going around with the gameplay paused, so i'm gonna go ahead and keep doing it that way. I uh, hope there isn't a limit. But if there is more you guys want me to checkout i'd be happy to, as i'm not sure where else to look. I've also began utilizing the Lighting option to get better pictures of stuff and areas. Enjoy!

    Pablo Marinus, right before he floats out of the lighthouse. Found an accidental way in by trying to get a better look at the seagulls flying around the Lighthouse, and ended up finding out the wall right above Pablo doesn't have an exterior barrier, btu does have an interior one, so once I go the camera in there, it was stuck until I changed it off of Free Mode. But this is probably a really good look at Pablo and his outfit.

    Also in that area, is this. A jar you have to break with the Strife for an Achievement called Mile High Jug. Sadly, it is not a bottle of Juggernog. Just a Jar, to my disappointment.

    I also found a way to the other half of the inside of the boat! Upon looking around though, there was nothing really special except for like, one area but mostly it's just dead ends and no secrets. But I did manage to go around enough to get under the floor of the Moon Terminal!

    Here is the Moon Terminal, the one from Samantha Says. I got the camera right under the floor of it. Sadly, I could not find a way to get into the room itself.

    The Blueprint for the Scoped Wunderwaffe. Would've gotten closer but sadly the game wouldn't let me.

    The Tundragun Blueprint. Again, I would've tried to get closer if the game let me.

    Let's do some drawings next. This one is a bit interesting and helps explain why Samantha is so angry. They said that she'd be happy at The House. It seems they lied.

    Samantha's Drawing of Richtofen and his Friends.

    A drawing of Samantha with her Mother? I'm not sure what to make of this.

    Ok... so it turns out there is a limit, to 20 Pictures. Anyone know a way of bypassing that limit? Otherwise, I could simply make another post I guess? Let me know.

    Ok, good news! You can now see most of the rest of my screenshots I took here!


    If you guys want me to upload the last few images I got then I will, their most just pictures of places that Zombies spawn from and stuff. Enjoy!

    submitted by /u/TheDeathAngel2112
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    Unlimited Solo Downs in Tag Der Toten

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 04:59 AM PDT

    If you go down via the Apothicon Blood without doing the EE, it will obviously down you. However in Solo, you will be revived without wasting a revive.

    This could be used as a way to make it to high rounds without consequences.

    submitted by /u/TheSledgeHamSandwich
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    Black Ops 3 Season Pass

    Posted: 02 Oct 2019 06:17 AM PDT

    I want to play the DLC Zombie Maps of Black Ops 3. Which DLCs will I get when I buy the season pass now? Do I have to buy the zombie chronicle DLC as well with the season pass? Thanks guys :)

    submitted by /u/MaTOrIXx98
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