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    Sunday, February 23, 2020

    Call of Duty Zombies kinda cool origins clutch

    Call of Duty Zombies kinda cool origins clutch

    kinda cool origins clutch

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 05:03 AM PST

    The bows, what a map, what a game.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 08:28 PM PST

    Finally unlocked Dark Matter!

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 10:27 AM PST

    Always funny to play with.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 11:01 AM PST

    IX Bo4 crashes or erroring

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 08:54 AM PST

    My games of IX keep crashing/ erroring when i use the acid trap, has there been any reported errors or crashes when using this trap and is there any way to avoid this. I have noticed when people run the trap stat they don't kill hoards that feature catalyst zombies,so i think they might be causing the error to happen.

    submitted by /u/jimmytheknife111
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    What do you really need to do to get the shield upgrade on IX (second piece)?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 10:09 AM PST

    I have tried several times to get eight kills on regular zombies and the 9th with a catalyst (after collecting the 1st piece of course), today I have done at least eight times correctly (sure as death I did it correctly all of them), but when I go to the statue, I don't get the second piece. What's the real requirement? Someone say to do it 4 times, some other say to kill 3 catalysts in short time...


    submitted by /u/OverTheReminds
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    WW2 Zombies is amazing.

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 03:17 AM PST

    I always loved WW2 Zombies, and I recently got back to it after not having played it for like a year. And there's so much to like here. Let me list the things I personally love about the mode (and also things I personally wish were different, aka the bad stuff):

    -The weapons. Treyarch honestly has a lot to learn from this. You can say that, since it's WW2-styled weapons, many of them feel similar, and I agree to a a certain degree. But SO many weapons have unique PaP abilities, something I've always missed in Treyarch games (especially BO3. Good lord, not a single unique PaP ability as far as I know). In this game, we have weapons that turn full auto, weapons that drop out electric bombs upon reload, weapons that set enemies on fire, weapons that create a geistkraft shield bubble upon reload, a blunderbuss that fucking shoots sticky grenades that deal insane damage - the list goes on and on. This is how you should do weapons imo. It gives you a reason to PaP so many of the guns.

    -PaP is easy to open on every map, and you can buy ammo for every gun except Wunder Weapons from the PaP machine. I've heard people say this is OP. But honestly, this is 10x better than BO1 where you have to rely on getting that 1 Wunder Weapon from the box otherwise you're fucked, or in BO3 where every gun becomes the same gun due to broken AAT. Here I can use any gun I want, my favorite weapon, as long as I want.

    -Atmosphere is amazing. The Final Reich still stands as my favorite atmosphere-wise in the game, and even though it went a bit away from the horror aspect, each map still has an incredible atmosphere, and it has always hinted at something bigger laying underneath, something that is revealed in The Frozen Dawn with the God King and the ancient race and city of Thule. Story is straight forward and not a alternate-universe-cluster, where instead of being able to focus on the character development and story progression, you have to focus to understand what the fuck is even going on, and which "version" of the main characters we're even looking at. I love the Treyarch story, but man they went too far in BO3 imo.

    -Customization is great. Being able to equip Mods, aka passive abilities, as well as an ability is so mcuh fun. It's basically a less broken version of BO4's Specialist system. You don't have access to a free-win card like Near Death Experience. You instead have to choose your playstyle from the mods and the ability. It's great.

    -So many unlockable characters. I've never been a fan of characters in an FPS, since you basically don't see the character. But it's still nice to have so much replayability for those hardcore fans.

    -Many small quality of life features, like Heavy melee kills, sharing points with your teammates with a single button press, etc.

    -Frozen Dawn's Wunder Weapons are insanely fun.

    -Zombies collision and design is fucking amazing


    Now, for the things I'm not a big fan of:

    -Main Quest EEs are sometimes not solo friendly at all (looking at you, Darkest Shore...). I also wish they kept the Notebook feature from the Final Reich.

    -The Darkest Shore is super barebones. It has the Ripsaw and its (not-solo-friendly) upgrade quest. And that's really it. No side quests whatsoever. The atmosphere is great, don't get me wrong. But in terms of features, this map has barely anything at all. I wish the Pummel of Barbarossa was a side-quest you could do instead of being an item you get at the very end of this super-not-solo-friendly main quest.

    -Some side quests/wunder weapon quests are horribly designed. The yellow Tesla Gun in the Final Reich is annoying, as you have to kill multiple bombers at the same time near a small battery, and you have to do this MULTIPLE times. It would be fine if you could do 1 bomber at a time. But the worst is the Hammer in the Frozen Dawn. Christ almighty. The puzzle step just to get the base hammer should, imo, never be in a simple Wunder Weapon quest. It also features the step where you must kill a zombie quickly with an electric charge from a symbol, but in Solo, this is damn near impossible. What where they thinking with these Hammer steps?

    -The Tortured Path main quest is... not good. It would be fine if each map's completion worked as a "checkpoint", but you have to do them all in 1 go, and 1 small mistake sends you back to the start. I just want to use my Sword of Barbarossa in Beneath the Ice...

    -I don't know exactly why, but despite having so many cool weapons, great graphics, and good maps, I find myself bored more quickly in this game than other games. Again, I can't put my finger on why.

    -Story lands on a cliffhanger. Now I'm actually a huge fan of open endings, as it makes you think, it makes you wonder, and it makes you fascinated. But so far, every non-treyarch Zombies game (Exctinction included) lands on a cliffhanger and never gets a sequel, and it buggs me. It's like they set it up in case they're able to make a sequel, but it never happens. It has happened with AW, IW, and now WW2. I just wish they could continue the story in some way when they always leave them like this.

    You can't fucking PaP on the Shadowed Throne if you don't equip Semtex or C4 grenades, unless you get the Fliegerfaust (rocket launcher) from the box...


    So that's my take on WW2. The game has so many good features, so if you haven't tried it yet because of people online saying it's trash, I advice you to just put judgement aside and play it and see if you enjoy it.

    submitted by /u/WwwWario
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    Rushmore glitch?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 09:58 AM PST

    So I'm playing alpha omega (BO4 zombies map) and I got pap unlocked, I got the ray gun mk2 frame but for some reason I cant do the toy soldier codes because the computer terminal won't stay online. Is this a glitch or did I do something wrong?

    I have the riot shield built, the telepad built, and the ray gun mk2 assembler built.

    submitted by /u/UndefinedPlayer69
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    Hidden Weapons?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 03:25 AM PST

    So its been a while since i last played zombies.

    Last map i can remember playing is Dead Of The Night and i cant really remember the armory system. I picked up the M16 in the box and grinded it so i could get some attachments.

    AAR shows that unlocked the reflex sight.

    Problem is that i cant find the M16 in the armory but every other weapon like galil shows up?

    Am i missing something?

    submitted by /u/nod_a_b0t
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    Wall Gun Game Challenge (Classic Kino Der Toten)(Hard challenge)

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 04:33 AM PST

    Hello everyone, I bring you today a really complex yet fun challenge for Black Ops 1 zombies, as you read from the title.

    -The objective is to purchase and pack-a-punch all the wall guns of the map in a particular order, keeping the starting pistol (Colt M1911). But not just buy them whenever you want, you have to waste all the ammo of the current weapon (00/00) before PaPing it, then before purchasing the next weapon you also have to waste the ammo of the PaPed gun, also you must purchase Mule Kick before passing to the second gun. Once you reach the final weapon, you PaP the colt into Mustang and Sally, then after you waste all it's ammo, and you may be able to use the Mystery box. All of this must be done before Round 26. Then as an add-on to the challenge you have to do the same with the box, only one use, as you waste all the weapon's ammo, then you Pap it then waste it again, rinse and repeat until you get all Wonder Weapons.

    So here are the rules, obviously no cheating:

    -No wasting bullets by air shooting, all the bullets must be intentionally fired to make points at least 10 points each shot.

    -If done solo, No quick Revive, you go down it's game over.

    -If you get stuck and run out of ammo and you don't have enough to Pap the weapon, it's game over, try again. (I tested it all myself and it's all possible)

    -No grenades or Claymores or traps

    -No stabbing after round 4.

    -No taking Max Ammos after round 7, aka after first Hellhound round, if you happen to be in a situation where you have max ammo, you have to waste the ammo of the starting pistol then the rest of the weapons in the order you obtained them.

    -You must purchase Mule Kick for the challenge to work, I tested the challenge and if you really play your cards right you might be able to purchase it when having the M-14.

    -No Mystery box until you wasted the ammo for Mustang and Sally, as said before.

    -You CAN buy Juggernog, Speed Cola and, Double Tap.

    -If you happen to get the same weapon from the Mystery box you already used, you may skip it and use the box once more.

    Here's the order you purchase the Wall Guns:

    Waste all Ammo for the Colt before purchasing the first weapon










    Any further questions I'll obviously answer asap, good luck.

    submitted by /u/Assassonator
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    Does anyone know where i can buy and original Nuketown sign model for less than $30

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 10:45 AM PST

    I've been searching but have had no luck. i'm remodeling my room and adding a collection shelf and i really wanted to add a Nuketown sign on it but i can find one on the web. Any suggestions or webs sites where you can buy one that will fit on a shelf

    submitted by /u/GoldPrism391
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    What zombies maps do i get with the bo3 season pass

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 09:28 AM PST

    I already have zombie chronicles but i want the giant and all the other maps, does the season pass give me just the giant or all the individual maps aswell since it is pretty pricey for zombies alone.

    submitted by /u/AS-AB
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    Black ops 3 dlc for cheap(For Steam)

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 09:09 AM PST

    Hey guys ,so i am interested in purchasing all the dlcs on BO3 for steam and can you guys help me with finding the cheapest way to buy them :

    submitted by /u/PoWd3r312
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    Dying wish is basically a rework of who’s who

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 01:17 PM PST

    Both give you an extra chance at life without taking away quick revive except now you keep weapons but you'd still have to stay alive until it runs out .

    submitted by /u/iOnlyUseShotties
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    when you time the powerup just right

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 01:02 PM PST

    Why Zombies Chronicles 2 would better fit BO3

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 11:18 AM PST

    I feel like this is a topic people talk about often but I kind of just wanted to make a list of points as to why ZC2 would just be better for BO3. This is my opinion, so I'd love to see if you guys would prefer it in a different Black Ops like 4 or maybe even 5.

    So even if it's 100% confirmed ZC2 is coming to BO4, I feel like it would make more sense with BO3, this is more opinion than speculation cause I don't have any evidence of this but we can dream. Since Black Ops 3 has had more sales and people still play to this day, I feel like by releasing ZC2 with true remasters and not remakes of the maps we've seen in BO4, they could even justify charging 30 dollars for another DLC. If they released it with Mob, Five, Nuketown, Call of the Dead, Buried, Die Rise, and maybe as a bonus a "Re-imagining of Tranzit" (cause I feel like releasing Tranzit would lowkey lower sales cause some may complain about it). Than 30 dollars would seem pretty reasonable. They would make more money because from what it seems, more people own Black Ops 3. I feel like people would enjoy a much more straight forward remaster because in my opinion Black Ops 4 just feels like Zombies Chronicles 2. This was more of a rant than actually bringing up points but I kind of just wanted to talk about my hopes and dreams that will probably die with Black Ops 4.

    submitted by /u/ComoSgt
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    Alpha Omega Gauntlet - Step 28 - Use Telepads in 10 Diff Positions

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 07:09 AM PST

    I've managed to find and use 8 different teleport positions. I just looked up how many teleporters there are and it appears there are 8. How am I supposed to do this?

    • Power House
    • Green House Backyard
    • Yellow House Upstairs
    • Prisoner Holding
    • Solitary
    • Central Street
    • APD Control
    • Diner
    • * Generators

    * not on the list below...

    According to https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/wiki/alpha-omega#wiki_telepads

    submitted by /u/fox94610
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    An area I started working on last night while playing around with some stuff.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 03:05 PM PST

    Has this happened to anyone else

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 05:09 AM PST

    Me and my friends have tried classified about 4 times and 3 of those we have to end since the game wont unpause and its really starting to bug me. Does anyone know how to fix it or if treyarch are going to fix it?

    submitted by /u/DxSkillzz
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    Origins poster

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 07:36 PM PST

    Anybody have any ideas where i can buy an origins poster 24-36 inches I'm looking for a poster to fit my frame cant find any under 25 dollars and it has reviews saying the print quality is bad

    Any ideas on where to find one for a fair price?

    submitted by /u/Russell_Du
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    Bo3 mods to change zombie spawning speed and max number on base maps and chronicles?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 10:08 PM PST

    Anyone know if there are any mods for BO3 pc that cause the zombies to have faster spawns on some of the base maps, or all of the maps. For example like giving Nach der Untoten spawns like the ones on Octagonal Ascension or mods that change the zombie cap limit or remove the time between waves?

    submitted by /u/rowena151
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    Ascension 101.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 06:09 PM PST

    Tips (BO1)? I mean, it's fairly spacious but I plan on playing this and Kino a bit before moving a step up.

    submitted by /u/AzraelVoorhees
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    I know I havent played in a while, but did they move Odin in Dead of the Night...?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 01:12 PM PST

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