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    Friday, February 21, 2020

    Call of Duty Zombies Something my friend just said to me that really got me thinking... 😳🧐

    Call of Duty Zombies Something my friend just said to me that really got me thinking... ����

    Something my friend just said to me that really got me thinking... ����

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 08:00 AM PST

    Anyone ever get this error in weapon kits? Game always crashes shortly after

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 03:42 AM PST

    I made a juggernog emblem today

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 11:40 PM PST

    Maybe someone will make some zombies maps in Dreams

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 07:32 AM PST

    The Giant EE

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 08:42 AM PST

    I've been working on the Dead of the Night and Origins EEs solo, and for a break I opened The Giant (I've never played it or the older versions). Got to round 8 knowing nothing, then got on Reddit and did the EE on my second time playing the map. I know this is no major accomplishment and that's barely even an EE, but damn was it nice to have some instant gratification for a change! Solo EEs usually take me months.

    So I guess I'll go back to spending an hour building staffs...

    submitted by /u/BashoDonut
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    Had to create my own version

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 08:36 AM PST

    Can you have more than 2 bows at once on Solo DE?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 07:53 AM PST

    So I made both the Lightning and Wolf bow. I have mule kick and when I go to get the other bow it swaps it for the other bow instead of the gun in my hand... I thought you could have more than 2 bows at once, is this not the case?

    submitted by /u/Alext227
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    New Bo3 Players

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 11:25 AM PST

    Why are so manny people just now buying bo3, almost every match of soe I get in has at least 2 lvl 1 to 35

    submitted by /u/ComplexSnail
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    What’s the current world record on Ascension for Black Ops mobile?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 10:36 AM PST

    I think it's 212 but that might be Xbox. I'm going for the record right now or at least a high round and I want to know what round I have to beat.

    submitted by /u/UCKY0U
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    Can someone run me through what exo zombies was like?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 08:23 AM PST

    I never got to try it but I never really heard much about it either, if anyone has the time can you just run me through the differences? Did the zombies also have exo suits?

    submitted by /u/vandruffboy2
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    I finally have the balls to show how much I dislike COTD

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 11:59 AM PST

    Dying wish isn't that op (bo4 perk)

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 11:52 AM PST

    True is we talk about the effect of the perks instead of a down you go in berserk mode for 9s and a huge knife damage BUT! This perk will not help you to much in a gauntlet (round that recommended a wepen like a koshka or essex) and it cost 4000$ The effects of being In berserk mode is helpful but you have 9s to go out and after your with 1hp , the perks took 10min to charge and take longer if you use it more, even if it save you , for me the reason you die it because you are not equipped good enough (or bad) If I give in example I did the 150 round of classified WTHOUT dying wish , when I was with it it save me once but the perks didn't charge and die in round 80~ /so I decided to replace it with winters well and this perk save me a lot more than dying wish This perk is op for saving you but it can be the reason of your death if you replace it with somethings else you will be more powerful and you will avoid downing less (The perks will be very helpful if your doing in ee for me)

    submitted by /u/bouaoumar887
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    Finished my takeo masaki Lego custom character

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 03:47 PM PST

    Attack of the radio active thing EE help for chemicals more in comments

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 03:58 PM PST

    What new crutch perks Treyarch created in bo4 other than dying wish?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:48 PM PST

    Treyarch wanted to eliminate crutch perks with the bo4 perk system but ended creating new crutch perks. Dying wish is the most obvious one followed by stamin up, quick revive and winter's wail imo. What are some new crutch perks according to you?

    submitted by /u/manok2299
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    Something I've been wondering lately

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 09:14 PM PST

    Is it possible to backport things from BO4 Zombies(Maps mainly) and have it stayed exactly the same as BO4 without any major edit in BO3

    submitted by /u/JustAGenericPerson
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    Played BLOPS1 zombies split screen for the first time in years..

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 02:33 PM PST

    Me and my friend who I've never played with before took on classic Kino! We aimed for round 20 and failed at 19. My friend had 14 downs. I had 1 (the game ending down). Weirdest thing is this was just after a "party" at mine so it was just me and him in the room and some girl I barely know who watched the whole game, start to finish.

    I guess zombies is very hypnotic.

    (if you're wondering I tried getting thunder gun qnd ended up with packed cross bow, monkey bombs and ray gun, only used jug quick revive and speed cola and I trained in spawn whilst my friend "trained" on stage with the M16).

    submitted by /u/c-oo-ke
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    [Blood of the Dead] Box on the docks doesn't work?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 07:34 PM PST

    Me and some friends were going for the Easter Egg and rolled the first box out. It moved to Docks. None of the 3 of us were allowed to roll this box. It said Hold to roll for 950 and holding it did nothing. Ending the round didn't fix it, and grabbing a fire sale didn't fix it. This made 2 of us unable to grab Blundergat, none of us could get monkeys, and none of us could grab spectral shield. Has this happened to anyone before?

    submitted by /u/SmittyWarben229
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    Aether and cod zombies as a whole:

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 05:30 PM PST

    I wanted to start a discussion because I don't have friends who are interested in cod zombies. I consider myself a hardcore zombies fan and have been playing since BO1. I'm heavily invested Aether and bothered to try and make sense of the story. Here's my opinion to start the discussion:

    I feel that BO1 was great because we had such an interesting yet simple storyline i.e a crazy German wanting to make an undead army and at that point 115 was just a meteorite.

    I think Moon ended on such a high that we - or at least I - was super hyped to see where the story would go. And perhaps I'm being too nostalgic, but I miss the Zielinski days even though they weren't perfect.

    When BO2 dropped and we had Tranzit which was so disappointing. If felt like they just gave us Victis to get rid of our beloved OG 4. With BO2 felt like a finale before they released Origins.

    So I decided to try BO3 because I had fallen in love with the characters all over again. My favourite character is Richtofen but I loved how the Ultimis and Primis characters complimented each other. Like, Richtofen went from the funny insane scientist to the serious, emotional and (babe-ilicious 😅) Doctor that we could emotionally connect with and empathise with. Nikolai went from being a drunk to a serious, sober man who was very intelligent and the characters all moved from caricatures to realistic people. Full credit to Treyarc.

    But then the first BO3 map was yet again another crew and Morg City and I just felt the same disappointment I'd felt with BO2. The apothicons and shadowman/ Lovecraftian crap was ridiculous. I mean, as if Tranzit wasn't ridiculous enough with the denizens etc 😭. The original storu was simple - caricatured - but still enticing. And in all honesty, it was in such early stages that Treyarc could've more carefully developed the story. There was absolutely no need for Blundell's crap.

    Der Eisendrache was fantastic but then it got ridiculous with the dragons and magical crap and Revelations felt like a Frankenstein map and nothing really new. Yet again they tried to kill the boys off but then pulled the got eem and they were back in BO4.

    We know how much of a poop-show BO4 with recycled maps. I'm not going to comment on Chaos much because the point I'm trying to get at in this post was that Aether was never given a proper chance to flourish and it was like a slap in the face to YET AGAIN force another crew on everyone and kill off our beloved characters. I genuinely can't remember a community crying over characters like with the BoTD ending and Tag der Untoden 😭

    TREYARCH, pls, for the love of all things holy... Do the aether reboot and make a universe that isn't so convoluted by keeping things simple. And keep Richtofen in the story because it's just too sad to kill him off for good 😭 I don't see why they can't take elements of Chaos but use the boys as the crew in a new universe reimagined. The chaos crew were such a rip off and Shaw was such a poor attempt to replace Richtofen.

    Also, Treyarch hmu cos I've got some heckin good ideas for the storyline 😉


    The whole time it felt like they didn't want to properly develop the Aether story and every game was like "here's some Aether because people want it but we'll kill them off so we can do something else." And tbh we've been trapped in the same cycle instead of having people in the studio who actually cared about Aether enough to give us a good in depth storyline. I think many others must've felt my frustration and was part of the reason Chaos was so poorly received.

    This is especially the case given the Tag der Toten ending; a poorly churned out slideshow and crappy excuse to kill everyone off again.

    Call me sad but I'm heavily invested in the Ultimis and Primis crews and it has been so sad to see them constantly killed off, brought back and the story being massacred over and over.

    I'm sure there's other things I've missed but I think this is more than enough to start with... sorry it's so long 🤫.

    submitted by /u/_SanityPrevails
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    Do BO3 Mod tools assets contain DLC content?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 05:04 PM PST

    I'm looking to start creating maps for BO3 on PC, but as someone who owns almost all zombies dlc on PS4 already I don't really want to spend a fortune downloading all the dlcs again.

    I know that once you own BO3 on steam you can download the additional 50GB+ of modding assets, but I'd really like to know what those assets contain. Do they contain assets from all DLCs, or is it mainly just assets from the base maps? If I do get DLC assets then is there a point in rebuying Zombies Chronicles if the assets are all I care about?

    All I really care about is having access to as many assets as possible to make realistic and interesting map designs. The cheapest way possible ideally.

    submitted by /u/Wheelie-Bin-Laden
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    BO3 Zombies Mod/Map with a Ranking System?

    Posted: 20 Feb 2020 06:31 PM PST

    I'm just wondering because back in World At War, Reaper's map pack had a ranking system and all sorts of cool stuff so I was wondering if something like that existed for BO3.

    submitted by /u/ComoSgt
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