• Breaking News

    Sunday, March 1, 2020

    Call of Duty Zombies Five (Round 229 by Yeezy) - New World Record in 2020

    Call of Duty Zombies Five (Round 229 by Yeezy) - New World Record in 2020

    Five (Round 229 by Yeezy) - New World Record in 2020

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 04:58 AM PST

    Rave in the redwoods is real yall

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:18 AM PST

    The Great War.

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 09:15 PM PST

    Wait what?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:39 AM PST

    I got a Perkaholic from my flavor hexed for the first time

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 08:22 PM PST

    Black ops 5 comes out in 30 weeks, what are some suggestions or even things you liked in terms of mechanical or map designs you'd like to see return or implemented?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:32 AM PST

    My list (I'll add and take away based on community feedback)

    (1) Weapon mods. They just add another layer to your weapons to make it feel more alive and make it more fun to level up. Please bring it back with it on a higher percentage of guns.

    (2) Carpenters repair shields

    (3) Wonder Weapons via side Easter egg AND box. If upgrading can be done only via side Easter egg, make it EASY like Voyage of despair. The game is meant to be fun, not tedious.

    (4) Max Ammo refills guns and stock ammo.

    (5) Different shield per map imo is a cool idea

    (6) An "elixer" system in which you don't need to hit the gobblegum machine to have only one active. My complaint is to let us have 5 instead of 4 to use during a game. Bo4 did it perfect aside from that.

    (7) An elixer system with daily, weekly, and monthly challenges to make getting rewards fun. Use custom mutations to create custom public challenges with cool custom rewards aside from just elixers as well.


    (9) Host migration on launch

    (10) Controversial, but I like the bo4 perk system. However, I do realize that people having maps that have perk jingles. A way to make it good for everyone is to pick which perk machines you want in a map, and put the rest of them in the wonderfizz. So I'd say please just do what happened with bo4 if you got a perkaholic, you'd be assigned an extra 6 random perks aside from your base perks.

    (11) Perk modifier. Not much to explain, but if it's brought back, instead of making it the fourth perk out of the list, give us the option that when we buy a perk, give us the option to choose between the regular or the modifier. If we want to switch the modifier between 2 perks you already have, just go up to the other machine and pay the difference between the regular perk and the modifier.

    (12) Easter egg rewards. I'm not entirely against ending a game after completing an Easter egg, but give a reward for it aside from xp. Maybe a custom camo after the first completion with "nebulium plasma" and then just NP after every completion afterwards.

    (13) Less maps on launch day. It overwhelmed the zombies community. Do 2 maps on launch, then maybe a few weeks out release another one. If there's a season pass map on launch, that's fine. They never have a full EE anyways. I get the logistical problems behind that, namely that it's cheaper to put it on the disk. And you could still do that, treyarch. But lock it until said date.

    Feel free to add anything or make criticisms of my list.

    submitted by /u/I_Am_ThatDuck
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    Probably been done a million times over but, heres a little quick revive cover.

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 02:58 PM PST

    Porting Zombie Chronicles Maps into Custom Zombies

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:57 AM PST

    So I really want to get into creating a custom zombies map. I have learned how to use Radiant Black, and I have gotten a test map working. For my first map I would like to make a Kino remake similar to how Classified is to Five. I would want to open up the barricade, left when standing where Quick Revive is, from the starter room into the outside area and let the character go out to the alley way through that way, and I would like to open up the room between the large room with Speed Cola and the Theater, because that room is kinda close corders, and then I would like to make the door right next to Speed Cola be open and be able to go into the back rooms where the box with the guy screaming in it (the Easter egg where you shoot the box in the barricade and then be able to hear a guy screaming inside). Some other changes would be the Pack-a-Punch would be changed where instead of taking the Teleporter, you would go up that ladder that everyone theorized about back when Kino was released and have a limited time to be able to Pack-A-Punch up there. Those are some of the main changes but I would like to make more.

    Now on to the main question of the post... I want this Kino remake to look good, and I mean Treyarch good. I would like to see if I could use the Kino der Toten Zombie Chronicles map. My main issue is, 1. I do not know how to use other maps inside of Radiant Black, and 2. I do not own Zombie Chronicles on PC....

    The main things I need is a file of Kino, and an understanding of how to place it into my maps for editing inside of Radiant Black.

    I do know that other versions of Kino do exist, however, I want this to look top notch. If there is no way for me to be able to use the Zombie Chronicles map or even the Black Ops 1 version, then I would go in and make a budget version of map using bland textures most likely. Thank you for any input, and I hope that I can make it soon for other people to play.

    submitted by /u/SpLaShAtv
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    Suggestion - Character preference selection for next BO

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 02:46 AM PST

    I know this isn't a huge concern but it would be cool having a character preference preset for queuing up a lobby. If multiple people have same preference set obviously randomize it. Would also be useful for Easter eggs. (Think moon as richtofen)

    submitted by /u/RulerOfTheApes
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    What is the best kraken in terms of damage?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 06:03 AM PST

    What is the best kraken in terms of damage? I want to do the easter egg on realistic with no perks so i cant kill much with the hellion, and the ice kraken takes forever to kill just one zombie

    submitted by /u/zombieman115935
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    Tips for high rounds?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:08 AM PST

    I generally get between round 50-70ish for most maps that I like to grind out. (I do branch out into other maps and games don't worry lol). But the only reason I die is because I make stupid mistakes or fail to clutch tight training spots consistently. Or when I've just downed and I make a run for perks I tend to misplace monkies/arnies and make surviving harder for myself. What can I do to avoid these stupid mistakes and get to a higher round. I definitely have the patience to get to 255 since I have played well into 1k hours just in the past year and tend to play in long sessions anyway.

    submitted by /u/plague_child
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    Does anyone else think the original gersh device sound is better?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 08:25 PM PST

    Question regarding the "lucid" camo for Black ops 3.

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 11:58 AM PST

    How the hell do you get it? I either been told that you need all of the dlc or just dlc 4. Since its a zombies camo, do I just need to buy the standalone zombies maps or do I need to buy all the full map packs?

    submitted by /u/pastyp0rr1dge
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    A question to all of the Zombies Subreddit

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 05:27 PM PST

    I just got Black Ops 4 and was always told not to get it because the Zombies wasn't good, but after playing Voyage, IX and Blood I have to say it's pretty fun at the very least, now maybe my opinion isn't worth shit because my favorite Zombies map is TranZit so I pose this question: Is Black Ops 4 Zombies really that bad? If so, why? If not, why? And also what Map is your favorite, im curious to see what is the map that seems to catch everyone's attention. If it's a DLC Map would you recommend buying it? So on and so forth

    submitted by /u/NovaBomb1234
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    Why are the moderators removing people asking for people to play with?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:59 AM PST

    My friend and I have both been trying to get 2 more people to join our zombies group and the moderators are removing them. It said that all participants must be civil when I was only asking for experienced players on Xbox. I wasn't singling anyone out specifically and it's stupid. I don't think the moderators should be allowed to do this, for obvious reasons. The message also said "No low quality content which hinders the higher quality content," it was a simple question that people could see from the title, and if they didn't want to discuss joining a group they can keep scrolling down. Each thread takes up literally an inch on a phone screen, if a person wanted to discuss "higher quality content" they can simply not click it unless they wanted to join. Please, for the love of God stop removing every little thing that is "poor quality" I understand people trolling with bad content if it is an actual thing people are asking and not as a joke, don't remove it. It's completely stupid that people can't ask simple "low quality" questions. Sorry I had to go on this rant.

    submitted by /u/Trenty2O25
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    Mob of dead step

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 06:53 AM PST

    Any tips for entering all the prisoners numbers in the machine near end of ee. I always run out of afterlife

    submitted by /u/frenchwaffle115
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    A Second Mode of The Giant (BO3)

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 06:17 PM PST

    So, I have been playing zombies and thought to myself. Why not have a crew selection for The Giant which you could be able to play as either Ultimis or Primis. Sure Black Ops 3 is almost 5 years old but many people still play it and hold it close to their hearts. I don't know how difficult it would be to port over the Ultimis and quotes. When playing The Giant, the cutscene would play. When playing the Ultimis version it would be the loading screen. Along with Beatuy of Annihilation OG and Remix. There would probably be a lot of good feed back from an update like that. Also maybe put the DLC weapons in the weapon kits, many people have all weapons fully unlocked and maxed leveled so seeing the ak74u, razorback, RPK, M14, M16, Marshal16, Tommy Gun (M1927), HG40, MP40, FFAR, Rift E9, PPSH-41, and L4Siege in the weapon kits could at more replayability. But let me know your thoughts, Not just Treyarch, but the Whole Community. Also it would be nice to have all the perk jingles in the Main Menu Music Selection.

    submitted by /u/Doofis16
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    Should I buy BO4 on PC?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:47 AM PST

    I've been thinking of getting getting COD BO4 on PC when it's on sale, but I'm not sure if the three default zombies maps are good, any opinions?

    submitted by /u/T0asterStrud3l
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    Am i considered a bad player?

    Posted: 29 Feb 2020 11:38 PM PST

    My highest round solo is 32 in the giant but in zombies in spaceland i can only get to round 17 solo, and 20 with some people, so am i bad?

    submitted by /u/razpazy
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    Is zombies confirmed for bo5?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 09:21 AM PST

    Cause I'm not getting the game otherwise. If they are, I really hope they go back to bo3 ways with perks and gobble gums.

    submitted by /u/josephh318
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    Im buying Cod Black Ops for the DS (for nostalgia) mainly for the really hard zombies mode but I’m wondering if they had power ups in it like the drinks and stuff?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:11 AM PST

    A long time ago I rented Cod Black Ops on the DS and now I'm deciding to actually buy it now so I can mainly play the very hard zombies mode. But I'm wondering if I'm the Zombies mode they have power ups like the drinks that have you speed and stuff.

    submitted by /u/HArgHorp
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    For the Slayer of Casablanca (Penny Killer challenges) can I use the skeleton keys?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 12:58 AM PST

    For instance, for the challenge that requires to spend less than 10k per player, if I use a skeleton key on a 1500 jolts door, will it count as 1500 regardless or as 750 towards the challenges? Thanks

    submitted by /u/OverTheReminds
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