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    Tuesday, March 10, 2020

    Call of Duty Zombies Tranzit Town. Artwork by me, made in Source Filmmaker

    Call of Duty Zombies Tranzit Town. Artwork by me, made in Source Filmmaker

    Tranzit Town. Artwork by me, made in Source Filmmaker

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    So that's what Primis Dempsey was talking to Ultimis Takeo about...

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    I don't remember this from the comics...

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 05:25 PM PDT

    10/10 would do again, I had an amazing time doing this EE. really wish I did this back in bo1 when bo1 was at its prime.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 03:58 AM PDT

    Been stuck on DE for literal years and only just finished it 2 weeks ago, but I've finally beaten all 6 easter eggs in order.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 12:48 AM PDT

    Why WW2 Zombies is my favorite (Yes, even more than BO3 and BO4)

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    I fell in the trap early on, thinking WW2 wouldn't be good enough because it simply "wasn't Treyarch". I've recently grown as a person (cheesy, I know) and I've started to judge/compare things a lot less generally and instead look at things the way they are. I've always liked WW2 Zombies but after I recently came back to it a few months ago, I've been playing it exclusively. Here's a comprehensive list of why WW2 Zombies is my favorite of the Zombies modes:


    The weapons in WW2 are by far the most interesting we've ever had in Zombies. I'd say about 60% of the weapons get unique PaP abilities when PaP'd. This is a massive issue for me in BO3, where basically no weapons really change when PaP'd except damage and ammo. The alternate ammo types made all guns the same gun - therefore, I never cared what gun I had in BO3, because it didn't matter - they all behaved the same in the higher rounds. In WW2 Zombies, you have a sniper that places a blue tesla gun mine when getting a headshot, an LMG that creates a stun bubble around you when reloading, a sniper that becomes a sniper-shotgun hybrid, an AR that creates a temporary flaming attraction zone, and so much more. I'm always excited when hitting the mystery box. Not only thins, but the game encourages you to use the gun you want, because you can refill ammo from the PaP machine.


    Main Quests in WW2 may be simple/slightly short at times, but I HIGHLY prefer this to quests where you have to go out of your way to use fuckin puzzle solvers online in order to proceed. The Final Reich quest is one of my most played quests ever. Not because it took long to solve on day 1 or because it is difficult, but because it's fun, thus replayable. I never understood the judgment of Eggs based on how long they take to solve. What does it matter if it takes 10 or 20 hours? What matters to me is how fun they are to replay. I've gotten Darkest Shore down to where it now is a fun quest I can go for whenever I want, the Shadowed Throne is a very straight forward no bullshit quest, and so on. There is no bullshit steps where you have to look online to solve a language (looking at you, Origins). You are also rewarded with several stuff after doing all main quests.


    This is something I at first didn't like. WW2 can be linear. Instead of having side quests, it instead often follows the main quest, where it can branch off from there to its own rewards. I've grown to like this. For instance, in the Shadowed Throne, you have 3 melee wonder weapons, as well as the Wonder Buss, and a few side EEs too. Then you also have the Blade of Barbarossa weapon, which you get at the end of the main quest before the boss fight. This can thus be looked at as a reward for the hardcore players who go all the way, or as a reward for those players who go for the main EE quest. The Pommel of Barbarossa is a reward in the Darkest Shore at the end of the main quest, but you don't need to do everything to get it (you don't need to escort the bomber, nor shoot down the battleships). This way, you can look at this as its own quest to get the Pommel for the hardcore players.


    WW2 has my favorite set of Wonder Weapons in any zombies game. Most WWs in this game take up the melee weapon slot, replacing the shovel. This means they don't take up a normal weapon slot. These melee wonder weapons are super fun. For instance, the Nazi Axe which lets you sprint fast, hit a heavy melee attack to scavenge loot, while shocking enemies around you. Or the Sword of Barbarossa which lets you stun zombies and send them flying, as well as creating a revive zone. Or the Broken Flail which lets you both turn zombies to your side, as well as fuckin teleport. These melee wonder weapos are so varied and versitile.


    The story is straightforward and exciting and deep for those who look closely. But I also love that Geistkraft is a coninuous theme. It's found in most wonder weapons in some way, giving them all a feeling of continuity and connection.


    Not only do you have 4 abilities (that are not broken like in BO4) that are all useful in their own way, but you also have Mods - basically permament perks you put on before you start. I've found almost all of these very useful. This means it basically is a mix of BO4's perk system and the classic perk system.

    There are also a TON of characters to unlock, many of these being insanely difficult, which is great for the hardcore players.


    The enemy variety is both varied, not annoying, and balanced. Bombers can be used to your advantage and you can even drop their bombs by shooting the holder, Wustlings can be shot to trigger them and get passt them, pests are weak yet fast, Brenners' tanks can be broken and you need to keep a distance, etc. They all work together very well.


    WW2 Zombies is my favorite Zombies, at least at the moment!

    submitted by /u/WwwWario
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    I’m hoping a BO3 custom map will eventually be made out of this. The WAW map was really fun, and I hope it will be recreated one day.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 06:31 PM PDT

    What’s your highest round on zombies?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 11:54 PM PDT

    Today I was playing a casual game of Zombie Chronicles: Ascension not thinking of getting to a high round, but I got to round 55 which beat my old record of 40.

    submitted by /u/GrammarPolice1234
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    George can we talk about this

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 05:11 PM PDT

    Black Ops 3 Zombie Chronicles - German edition?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    I'm looking to buy the Zombie chronicles edition of BO3 for the PS4 and I can find the german edition for cheaper than the english edition.

    Is there any changes compared to the english release, like censorship, etc?

    Does it even have english language and voiceovers?

    submitted by /u/LagMadeMeDie
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    Why is zombies chronicles 2 unlikely?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:23 PM PDT

    I've seen a lot of posts on this sub and YouTube videos and things like that saying that chronicles 2 is probably never gonna happen, at least not in BO4. I really don't understand why there are so many assets from the victus crew maps. There's the bus and diner and other small things from tranzit in that museum multiplayer map and almost the entirety of buried in the blackout. Wouldn't it make sense to remaster them like they did with literally every other map in COD zombies history?

    submitted by /u/Tatortotboi
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    How difficult/annoying is it to unlock directors cut for IW zombies?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:15 PM PDT

    I remember not really liking it, but directors cut looks fun. I have only done Rave and I always hear how horrible the others are. Any easy tips or anything that could help?

    submitted by /u/Pfrotheman
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    Is there an easy way to get the fire bow?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 03:09 AM PDT

    I've upgraded all the bows except the fire one. I can't seem to hir any of the 3 circles no matter how much I try. I've watched the video from MrRoflWaffles and glitching queen but even their tricks aren't helping out. Is there something else I should try out?

    submitted by /u/manok2299
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    whats going on? i dont play online, im playing offline. is this the glitch where when you use your ultimate it just has a stroke in the pap location?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 02:04 PM PDT

    i made a piano cover of elena siegman's and kevin sherwood's pareidolia, the shangri-la easter egg song! i hope that you enjoy this and i am more than happy for any feedback too! <3

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    GK: Upgraded monkeys ee not working?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2020 01:08 AM PDT

    I'm not exactly sure how many zombies I've killed, but I think it's honestly in the triple-digits and I haven't gotten the blue flask yet. Is there something I'm missing? I've gotten the flowers and candle, but no flask. Can someone help? I'm at round 49 and I haven't seen anything, and I've already tried throwing the monkey at the grave.

    submitted by /u/coolziy
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    Victis/ Transit crew

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 04:14 PM PDT

    Is there a podcast or YouTube videos that i could listen to explaining more on the crew we meet in black ops 2?

    submitted by /u/djentlepizza666
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    Aether storyline question.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 05:09 PM PDT

    I know the zombies storyline is full of plotholes but this one is kind of bugging me.

    The end of the aether storyline focuses heavily on nikolai putting an end to the cycle that himself as well as the other primus and ultimus versions create. He believes this to be the right thing to do after reading the kronorium. As we know the kronium changes based on the reader and it is never stated that dempsey or takeo ever read the kronorium so why did they all HAVE to die? In my opinion it feels like a cop out because they had no idea how to tie off the story. The great war is never seen. We actually dont defeat doctor monty. I never expected them to live happily ever after but it ends up feeling like you go through all of this for it to ultimately mean nothing anyway. Which in a sense is the very essence of playing the mode i guess. Eventually you die or you just quit the game.

    Also with blood of the dead why does that specific richtofen need to die? Wouldn't either of the other two be able to give their blood and it work just as well? I'd imagine they've both jumped through time and dimensions more then enough to have the same 115 particles in their blood. Also also it seems like the other two richtofens have read the exact same texts from the changed pages of the kronorium. Shouldn't this be impossible being as though post rev richtofen should be outside of the cycle and the "younger" richtofen has just become aware of the cycle due to zets richtofen jumping through dimensions. So although they are indeed the same person shouldn't what they see in the kronorium but polar opposites????

    I don't know. I didn't pay too much attention to the storyline after blood so maybe all of this has been explained.

    submitted by /u/LazyManGames1992
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    Saw a post of someone using the Staff's on Der Eisendrache. Can someone link me to it?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 03:19 PM PDT

    Just Downloaded BO3 on PC, and I am currently downloading some custom zombie maps. Thought of that post and was wondering if someone can link it to me. Thanks

    submitted by /u/jkole18
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    Question about the Five crew

    Posted: 09 Mar 2020 10:21 PM PDT

    Technically couldn't someone go into their dimension and take them? I don't know a lot about the zombie lore but couldn't an alternate group of the Aether group (Before the ending of Tag) save them? I know that they do die but I think there is an ending where they can live, and I'm pretty sure there is no reason for them to be alive or saved but I really want to see them in bo5 so technically this is a way for them to return, right?

    submitted by /u/LocalPlasmid
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