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    Wednesday, July 1, 2020

    Call of Duty Zombies For the past two months while I've been really closing in on the grind I've been thinking of multiple whitty titles to put here. I honestly can't think of what to put but damn am I happy.

    Call of Duty Zombies For the past two months while I've been really closing in on the grind I've been thinking of multiple whitty titles to put here. I honestly can't think of what to put but damn am I happy.

    For the past two months while I've been really closing in on the grind I've been thinking of multiple whitty titles to put here. I honestly can't think of what to put but damn am I happy.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 03:42 AM PDT

    Saddest shit I've ever seen

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    "Play pubs", they said... "It will be fun", they said...

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    What a satisfying way to hit round 50!

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 12:31 AM PDT

    I drew the Raygun. Tell me how I did.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    That raygun animation amazing!

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 05:17 AM PDT

    Oh dear god why?!?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 11:15 AM PDT

    I done did the easter egg!

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 11:53 AM PDT

    I hate mule kick SOOO much

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 11:40 AM PDT

    I was doing Zet easter egg and I had the kt4 as my third weapon. When I got to the boss fight, I downed and I lost my kt4. I had to end the game because I couldn't finish it.

    submitted by /u/josephholland318
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    Day 8 - "Down on your luck? Discover the magic of Moonshine and forget all about it!" Magic Moonshine - $7000

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 03:13 AM PDT

    German speakers of r/CDZ, why is the name spelt Gröesten, shouldn’t it be either Größtes or Groestes? I thought that that grammar and that spelling with öe was incorrect.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    I honestly think that Black Ops 4's Perk system is better than the old Perk system.

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 04:05 AM PDT

    Before I really get into this, I probably need to give some context. First of all I'm sorry if this is something that has already been discussed a lot, but I left Zombies at the start of BO3 and came back about a month ago, so I've been out of the loop; I personally haven't seen any real discussion of the new perk system except people joking about how bad they thought it was. As well as that, I also want to say that I am not just supporting BO4 because I don't understand how different it feels from the other Zombies games, because I have been a Zombies fan since Nacht der Untoten - I'm not some new player who doesn't get why zombies is special to so many people, I have been there since the beginning. With that said though, I also need to deflate my ego there for a second there and give my last bit of context; despite the fact that I have been around for so long, I do kinda suck at this game, since the Zombies side of CoD games are basically the only FPS games I've played except Evolve and Overwatch for a bit when it was new. With all that said, yeah, I think Black Ops 4 has a better perk system.

    Now I'm not gonna sit here and tell you it's not without fault, it has done 3 things I do dislike, which I'll get out of the way now. The 3 things this new system did that I dislike was 1. Changing the colours, icons, and names of old perks - 2. removing the old perk machines and perk jingles and replacing them with 4 new machines and 1 jingle that every perk has - and 3. Most of the new perks are good, but there are a couple that are really questionable. I love the new Quick Revive, I love Bandolier Bandit, I love Victorious Tortoise, I love Death Perception, I like Timeslip, I like Blood Wolf Bite, I like Stone Cold Stronghold, I like Ethereal Razor, and even though it is just nerfed Widow's Wine I do like Winter's Wail too... but Zombshell and Blaze Phase are probably the only perks in Zombies History I have never even considered using even once for anything but testing them out. Zombshell doesn't even really seem all that powetful when it works, and requires you to rely on random chance; and Blaze Phase is awkward and unfun to use, and essentially just gives you a second PhD Slider perk, except you don't get any extra benefits like immunity to explosive or fall damage. Speaking of which, while Winter's Wail and Quick Revive 3.0 were great reworks of old perks, PhD Slider and Staminup were not. PhD Slider does not feel fun or satisfying to use compared to PhD Flopper (but is at least better than Blaze Phase), and Staminup really feels bad in this game. If you weren't aware Staminup got indirectly nerfed due to the fact that in BO4 you never run out of sprint, which does feel satisfying at first, but it makes Staminup feel so much weaker when now all it does is give a 7% speed boost when before it would also double your sprint duration. With all that said though, those are all of my problems with BO4's perk system, and from here on out I honestly have nearly nothing but praise for it.

    Now as we all know, the introduction of BO4's Perk system happened because the devs wanted to eliminate 'crutch perks' like Juggernog, Speed Cola, Widow's Wine, and Double Tap 2.0, and people seem to think that the developers failed to do this because of the existence of Dying Wish - the crutch perk of BO4. I feel this is a really unfair assessment to make though, because honestly, they did succeed for the most part. In BO3 there were 4 crutch perks, and in BO4 there is one. In BO3 you must get the same 4 perks every game to play optimally, and in BO4 there is only one Perk you need to get, leaving 3 slots for you to pick and choose and swap out perks from game to game and map to map. Obviously ideally all 4 slots should be free to have a different perk each game without throwing, but for their first attempt at overhauling the old perk system to deal with this issue they got pretty damn close to completely eliminating crutch perks. I've seen people argue that Dying Wish's existence proves that there will always be crutch perks no matter what the devs do, but if Dying Wish was removed from BO4, what would the crutch perk be? I don't think there would be one. Every time I see BO3 Gameplay I see the same 4 Perks in the bottom-left corner, and every time I watch BO4 gameplay I see people with different perk loadouts, the only thing they all have is Dying Wish. Some people un Victorious Tortoise, some run Quick Revive, some still stick by Staminup despite the nerfs, some run Timeslip in the 4th slot to get fast recharges on their specialist, some run Electric Cherry, some run Bandolier Bandit, some run Mule Kick, some run PhD Slider, some run Winter's Wail, occasionally you'll see someone run Ethereal Razor in the 4th slot to get a knife that always kills Zombies in 1 hit, and sometimes people even run Blood Wolf Bite; and I'm not just talking about for fun, I'm talking about actually trying to get far, and all of those perks get used. That is far more variety than BO3 offered in terms of viable perk picks, and that's not even mentioning which Perk people choose to put in their 4th slot for the bonus ability.

    The last kind of arguement I see from time to time is the attitude that crutch perks aren't even a problem in the first place, but I don't think it'd be controversial to say they've been causing problems ever since BO2, causing every new perk introduced to be underused. People complain that BO3 only added one new perk, but if they added another new perk in any of the maps either no-one would use it, or everyone would probably drop double tap for it if it was busted and theh no-one would use Double Tap anymore. Maybe then they'd have to make Double Tap 3.0 and make it even more busted. Vulture Aid and Electric Cherry are great perks, but they rarely get used, and if they did return in every map after their introduction then they still would probably rarely be picked over the other options out there. Even Who's who, I think is at least a decent perk; the only reasons it sucks is because it's only on Die Rise, probably one of the worst maps it could possibly be on considering it spawns you in a random spot on the map, and because you can't justify taking it over the other perks.

    Now I have to say something that I know most of you are not gonna like, but I would be lying to you if I told you otherwise - Juggernog's existence in Zombies makes it an inherently more stale and repetitive game. Now I know no-one here wanted to hear that, but I think it's the inconvenient truth that it seems many people in this community try to dodge by saying that Jug is iconic. I understand how iconic Jug is, again, I was there when it was first added in Verrückt; I know that you all have an attachment to its look and its jingle, I do too but I am yet to hear an arguement for how Jug improves the gameplay of Zombies except that it gives a feeling of progression, which every perk does. Zombies is borderline unplayable without 4 or more hit downs because sometimes you can just die to a zombie before you even knew it was there and had a chance to run or shoot, and yes you can make sure to be aware of your surroundings to help prevent that from happening, but on many maps it's simply just not possible to know where every zombie is at all times; especially for maps like Origins (which I do love, but this is probably my biggest problem with it) where zombies can spawn from literally anywhere and within 2 seconds of looking away from just about any spot on the map a sprinter could have spawned there and ran right up to you. Once you get Jug, the game becomes fair and you get a brief window to react to attacks and dodge and weave your way out of it; but it really begs the question of why the hell we're forced to get to some inconvenient part of the map, pay 2,500 points, and waste a Perk slot just to make the game fair and fun to play. I guess maybe some people think not having Jug makes the early game more exciting, but it just makes it an absolute chore for me, and I think I would enjoy Zombies a lot more if to have a nice and enjoyable game that goes to at least round 15 or 20 I didn't first have to get through getting windmilled by a zombie that spawned in behind me as soon as I looked away on round 3 like 5 or 6 times. I'm not the best Zombies player, but I know what I'm doing. I've been to round 40 solo on some BO3 maps, and I've even made it to round 100 on Tag Der Toten on solo using no Elixirs too. I'm fine once I have Jug and any half-decent gun, but the process of getting there is the most miserable and tedious part of Zombies to me and I don't understand how people consider that giving the game a healthy sense of progression. Ever since WaW I've always thought to myself "why can't I just start with Jug? That would make this game so much more enjoyable", and the fact that Black Ops 4 finally removed Jug and just made you start with that much health made me enjoy the game so much more that I actually enjoy BO4 Zonbies just as much as BO3 Zonbies. Yes, it seriously improved the game that much more for me that despite BO4's other glaring issues it became as or maybe even more enjoyable than BO3 Zombies to me.

    As well as Jug, they also of course 'removed' Speed Cola, and instead made it a bonus you would get for free after obtaining all 4 perks; and I don't see why anyone has a problem with this either. You all get Speed Cola just about every game right? So aren't you happy now you get it every game without it taking up a perk slot? I can only assume the reason people are unhappy about this too is again, simply the fact that the perk machine and jingle isn't present, and again I understand and respect that it is iconic but also I really think that the gameplay is more important. The only removal I was kinda sad about was Double Tap. While Double Tap was a crutch perk, it was definitely the least OP out of the 4; because despite the fact it was like Pack-a-Punching all of your guns but for 2,000 points, it was usually kinda overkill in that it would only help you when you were shooting when usually you would die to not having enough health to react in time or needing to reload, all problems the other 3 crutch perks solved. Double Tap was certainly overpowered, but at least you could actually make a decent arguement to take Staminup, Electric Cherry or Mule Kick over it in some situations, so I really think all it needed was a little bit of a nerf and not a complete removal from the game. That's definitely the one thing that kinda feels lacking in BO4's perk selection - the fact that there is no perk that can increase your damage output except arguably Deadshot. Even just having Double Tap 1.0 instead would be nice, sure it would be weak, but I'm sure there would at least be some niche strategies that could use it.

    What I think the perfect Perk System would be

    First of all, starting from the BO3 perk system as a base, the first change I would make is having it be like BO4 where Jug is something you just start with, but there are 2 ways I might do it. 1 would be to just take the BO4 approach and just not have the Jug perk machine, but since you all love it so much I have a second idea you might prefer. Now I know this is a little reminiscent of Tranzit, but hear me out: What if you could get parts for a 'Blank' perk machine, and the parts would always all spawn in the spawn room or at least one door away, and then you get to choose to craft those parts into a crutch perk's machine (Like Jug) that doesn't take up a perk slot that allows you to get that perk for free once you build it in each map? I think that would be really cool! You could have a limit to the amount of these Blank Perk Machines you could build (probably 3, the other 2's parts will be strewn around deeper parts of the maps). Just to be clear, the 'crutch perks' would be Jug, Speed Cola, Widow's Wine, Double Tap, and Dying Wish, so each game you could pick 3 of those 5 to have. I also think that BO4's idea of having one Perk get a bonus effect is cool, so maybe you could craft some kind of amplifier and place it on one of the perk machines to get the bonus for that perk. This could also be cool, because if you wanted to switch bonuses mid-game you could by picking up the amplifier and placing it at another machine.

    Another thing you could do is massively increase the perk limit to something like 12, but then introduce the idea of Perks that take multiple slots. This would make cheaper perks with smaller benefits like Deadshot or Quick Revive far more viable by making them take one out of 12 slots while something like Jug could take 3 or 4 slots. I'm not sure if that might start to get a little convoluted, but I think it would be interesting. Still, that method on its own probably wouldn't solve all of the issues crutch perks introduce.

    Honestly though, I think the best solution that is simple and realistic is just to remove the perk limit and just have the cost of each perk increase exponentially as you buy more and more perks. This way crutch perks don't even become a problem in the first place, because the only reason they're an issue is because their existence means other perks never get used. Maybe it'd be a little OP, but the Perkaholic Gobblegum already exists, and you can always adjust the point differences to help balance it. Maybe you'd buy Deadshot Daiquiri once in a while even if it cost 8,000 points if it meant it didn't take up a perk slot, especially if you get into the late game where you start to rack up absurd amounts of points, I think this would help you feel like you still have a little something to work towards even when you've done everything on round 50 you could still maybe save up for that 11th perk which is now 50,000 points or so because you already have so many perks. Would that make the game easier to high round? Probably, but eventually the zombies are still going to overpower you, so overall it's not like the game wouldn't still have difficulty. It's not like specialist weapons in BO4 where it makes it very possible and honestly too easy to go infinite with enough patience, these perks don't bail you out of a death (except Dying Wish, which even then can only do it once until it needs to take multiple rounds to recharge so it can't be spammed), they simply make it a little easier to avoid it. The only problem I have with this solution is it would mean you would have to start without Jug, but idk, maybe make it so your first perk is free? That could be interesting. If you want to play it safe you get Jug nice and early, but if you're feeling greedy you could get an expensive perk like Widow's wine, Dying Wish or Mule Kick to start and have to pay to get Jug later to save more points in the long run.

    That's it for my thoughts on the perk system, I just wanted to add on an extra bit about BO4 in general.

    Honestly, BO4 would probably be my favourite Zombies game (my actual favourite is BO2 if you were curious) if it weren't for Specialist Weapons, Elixirs (I didn't like Gobblegums either), and the general direction both stories took being not too great. I think specialist weapons are honestly the only thing that really holds BO4 back. Even for a bad player like me, I feel like it kinda sucks that BO4 becomes a game of how long you can spam the panic button to get out of every situation you should have died in, and it's especially questionable that you don't earn it and just spawn in with it. With Shields, Anywhere but here, In Plain Sight (if you have it), Specialist Weapons, and Wraith Fires there is almost no excuse for dying except just not pressing the button in time if you're tryharding. Past that though, starting a game in BO4 is way less of a chore, and most of the other problems with the game like needing to use PaP 5 times for maximum damage are easily forgiveable; I even personally think BO4 does have a good map selection. The only maps in BO4 I consider truly abysmal are Alpha Omega and maybe Voyage; its map design is an unintuitive clusterfuck, and it didn't seize the full opportunities it could have being set on the Titanic, but even then I have to admit I enjoyed high rounding this map and felt the more I played it the more I could appreciate the chaotic flow of the map. That's not to say it was good, but if I enjoyed playing on it after I got used to it, I don't know if I can call it a bad map - at the very least it certainly isn't as bad as Alpha Omega, I didn't have any fun on that map at any point. Then Classified and Blood were both alright maps imo, even if Blood was a disaster of a remake, Mob is just such a good map that even when they mess up remaking it the remake is still kinda fun to play. From there I think the other 4 maps are all amazing. IX is the complete opposite of Voyage with a memorable and intuitive layout, as well as a satisfyingly simple flow; Ancient Evil really is like a mini-Origins that imo is only held back by the fact there are 20 different locations for the Hand, and some of the hints you get for where to find the Hand are absolutely useless, as well as the fact that although the tribute mechanic is cool, it also feels kinda intrusive, and it can be frustrating how some challenges are far easier or harder than others; I know this will be another unpopular opinion, but I think Dead of the Night is a masterpiece of a map, and aside from the Stake Knife and the Savage Impaler both being excessively difficult to get, and Pack-a-Punch being just a little too cryptic to get to without tutorials, I think it's a perfect map, and I especially think it has a very good layout - even better than IX's, because I do think IX's is a little bit too simple; and Tag der Toten, despite being pathetic as a final map in the story, as a map taken on its own merits isolated from the story it is one of the most simply fun to play maps in the entire series and the map I always play when I want to play Zombies without having to stress about a million things that need to be done or getting run down by sprinters while the round counter's still in the single digits.

    While I'm still excited for the next CoD: Zombies, I do feel sad knowing that due to the reputation of BO4, they will almost certainly remove the changes they made the perk system in BO4; I can only hope they aren't gonna go right back to the BO3 perk system, and are instead going to try something completely new again.

    submitted by /u/Doublechindoge7
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    Masamune cage door not opening

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 10:38 AM PDT

    I just struck the control panel for the cage to get the masamune part and the door just didn't open. I am in solo if that helps

    submitted by /u/Fxrc3full
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    What Tranzit did to a 11 year old me.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 02:53 PM PDT

    My own Custom RayGun. Actually my first fan made drawing. How did I do?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 07:51 AM PDT

    Loading Art inspired by BO3 custom map "Threat-Level Midnight", figured I'd share.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 04:11 PM PDT

    Permanent x2np and deals, or nah?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 07:00 AM PDT

    The titanium treble, tungsten tripler, and X2 nebulium plasma has been active for quite a while now. Do you think Treyarch will leave it on permanently now that CoD 2020 is around the corner? They did a similar thing with BO3 and free GGs once the next CoD was released, or next BO.

    submitted by /u/Wethaney
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    Can someone from Treyarch explain the thought process behind the random machine sound effect?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    after i drew the monkey bomb uhhnicecock said i should draw the DG-2 next so here you go

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 09:21 AM PDT

    Who is McCain,Pernell and Pablo Marinus?

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    Im playing bo4 a lot and i know aether story pretty good. But i hear these names (McCain,Pernell and Pablo Marinus) a lot and i know these characters. But whats their story and why are they important?

    submitted by /u/sushiistrash
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    This is why I love black ops 4 (serious)

    Posted: 30 Jun 2020 05:16 PM PDT

    COD WW2 PS4 Trophy Boosting Thread

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 10:50 AM PDT

    Hey y'all I'm looking for some partners to boost a few Easter egg trophies... Those are the only trophies holding me back for the platinum... My PSN ID is Sauvik_09... Any help will be greatly appreciated

    submitted by /u/RelevantNetwork6
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    I don’t have a lot of money and i want to use it wisely

    Posted: 01 Jul 2020 08:32 AM PDT

    here some of you guys bullied this guy into deleting his post because the question was "stupid" but here it says that i will only get der eisendrache so which is it? Pls help fast everything is on a discount.

    submitted by /u/EyadKun
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