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    Thursday, July 30, 2020

    Call of Duty Zombies What Origins looks like with a rapid fire mod.

    Call of Duty Zombies What Origins looks like with a rapid fire mod.

    What Origins looks like with a rapid fire mod.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 07:04 AM PDT

    The Shadows Of Evil cast is so cool and fun! I hope I get to see more of them in the futu-

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 05:41 PM PDT

    That's the ticket

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 09:41 AM PDT

    How is my luck this bad?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 01:41 PM PDT

    That's ummmm ....one way to die

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    Come on man im trying to get high rounds on origins then YEEEEEEET

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    First Ever Game of Call of The Dead.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 03:44 AM PDT

    Thanks death machine <3

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 11:50 AM PDT

    My first Ever EE completion! After about 5+ dying in the bossfight for Der Eisendrache, I finally managed to complete the EE!

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    Tonight’s progress... got lighting and reflections sorted out and added bloom fx. Also fixed some missing models and rearranged some of my brushwork. Thoughts?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 12:26 AM PDT

    In Regards to the Chaos Crew

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    Just an opinion, would love to hear other's thoughts:

    I comprehend why people dislike the Chaos team, but I don't agree with it. I think most of the negative reaction to them, initially, was due to Black Ops 4 having a less than ideal release. I guess, for me, the reason I like them all (Scarlet, Diego, Bruno, and Shaw) is due to the fact that they have a developed story around the four of them. What I mean is, almost every other group of four that we receive as characters in a map, are always haphazardly thrown together due to a zombies outbreak. I like that Alistair connects the four of their stories and they have more relation to one another than simply having to fight off zombies. I guess that's all just opinion, but in the same way I do like the banter between Bruno and Shaw and the way Scarlet has an undying constitution to find her father regardless of the scenario. Diego, in this way, also helps frame the atmosphere of the story to that of a turn of the 19th century adventure story. I do understand some people had a few reservations about the subject material turning to historical mythology rather than Cthulhu mythos for inspiration, but I guess that could also be backlash due to the poor release. What's your opinion on the crew? I genuinely hope we see more of them!

    submitted by /u/PvtDuperJones
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    Always loved playing CoD Zombies but never experienced Black Ops 3's... also bought the season pass, wish me luck boys.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    Can someone give me tips for Kino? Right now I’m finding it harder than Five. I made it to round 25 flawlessly on a Five but I can’t get past round 15 on Kino.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 08:11 PM PDT

    I made the MOTD Characters in Madness Combat Sprites!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 07:58 PM PDT

    Sometimes when its late at night I get sad thinking about a reality where Treyarch added MOTD in Zombies Chronicles for BO3...

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 11:07 AM PDT

    If they added Mob of the Dead alongside Origins in BO3 it would hands down be the best cod game for zombies.

    submitted by /u/SouthernGunslinger
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    More trolling

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 10:58 AM PDT

    Low key one of the things I want to see in treyarch zombies is just more potential to troll your friends in private matches. I have vivid memories with my friends I EMPing the box and pack a punch and I want something like that again. Or him placing a trample steam right next to me in die rise unnoticed so you go flying off the edge. Like things that could be useful but at the same time items to just be a complete dick for the lolz

    submitted by /u/SlightFlan5
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    Zombies high round help

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    I want to have the highest round shown on my combat record to be Shadows of Evil round 69 do I need to die on round 69 or survive it and die on round 70?

    submitted by /u/Ur_Nans_STD
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    Der Riese: the most replayable map ever (a retrospective on the most innovative map in the series)

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    Sorry, this one took me a while, I was busy making shitposts for r/comedyepilepsy and I got carried away with the editing.

    Either way, on with the retrospective!

    So it's late July and a trailer for the new map drops, Der Reise, set to release August 6th of that year. After playing Nacht, Verrückt, and Shi No Numa, you're pretty hyped for this new map as it offers 3 new innovations. The Monkey Bombs, offering players with a method to distract zombies while they revive teammates, Teleporters, offering new and sciency transportation, and last but not least, Pack a Punch, a way to upgrade your weapons to make getting to high rounds easier.

    All is good as August 6th comes, you cough up another 15 bucks, you spend an hour downloading the map pack on your Xbox-360/PS3, and you gather your friends who have done the same. How does your first game go? Let's find out.

    The first thing players will notice when booting up the game is the door to the PAP machine closing, establishing that the player must at least turn the power on before gaining access to the machine. The characters even state this when the player walks up to the door that confines the machine. So, right off the bat, the goal of the map is established, get that door open. How do we get to the power switch? That's up to the player(s) to decide.

    They survive the first 3 rounds as usual before making their first advancement by opening up 1 of 2 doors. Opening up the Door on the left grants players access to the Double-Barreled Shotgun while opening up the door on the right grants players access to the M1A1-Carbine. Round 4 passes and the player(s) advances past the next door. Continuing down the right path grants the player(s) access to the Thompson and grenades while continuing down the left path grants the player(s) access to the Trench Gun. Round 5 passes and, if the Hell Hound round isn't round 5, the player(s) will have saved up enough points to advance further. Finishing the right path grants players access to Double-Tap Rootbeer while players finishing the left path are granted Juggernog and a Bouncing Betties wall buy. Both paths at this point lead you to power by jumping down to the ground floor as well as the opportunity to get a decent weapon out of the RWB. Now that that's out of the way, it's up to the players to figure out how to get PAP open.

    Upon turning on the power, a voice states that the player(s) must relink the teleporters to the mainframe. If the player(s) paid attention to the map layout while their game was booting up, they can come to the conclusion that the mainframe is located over at spawn. Now that they have established this fact, the player(s) must get to work on relinking those teleporters. Assuming they have decent enough weapons to survive the Hell Hounds (which prowl around, searching for players rather than just gunning it the moment they spawn in like in OG Shi No Numa), they can build up enough points to open up the rest of the map. The player(s) activates the first teleporter and if they're fast enough, they successfully link the first teleporter and the PAP door opens slightly, indicating that they are doing the right thing to get the door open. Now that the goal is 100% clear, the player(s) is on their way to link the rest of the teleporters. If they are successful, they must then save up 5000 points to upgrade one of their guns.

    Do they successfully upgrade their weapons? Is their more to the map than just getting to PAP? Who knows how your first game went, the important part is that this map is awesome and here's why.

    The first thing we should talk about is the map's flow.

    If Verrückt is shaped like a square and Shi No Numa is shaped like an X, then Der Riese plays like a tree with branches that converge at 2 points once the power is turned on. And if I were to describe the way it flows, I'd say the most accurate description is like hammering a nail down into a wooden board with such skill that it not only goes down in one hit but it doesn't even bend from the force of the hammer hitting it at an awkward angle. The maps flow couldn't be any better, in my opinion. Verrückt suffers from favoring its left half when spawning in over the other, granting players who spawn on the left side with better guns, the best perk on the map, and quicker access to power. Shi No Numa suffers from putting players at the center point of the map and not giving them the incentive to explore each side once they've gone there once per game, you NEVER leave the flogger area once you have Jugg, Speed-Cola, and the VVunderVVaffe DG-2. Nacht is simply to small for you to work with, meaning you're going to keep 1 of the 3 doors closed off every game depending on whether you're camping or training. Der Riese has a perfect flow to its design, however, and it never feels like you are obligated to play it a certain way every game. Sure, taking the right path, and camping on the Catwalk with your Gibs-O-Matic is likely how you're going to play in most games, but the option to play differently is what's important. It's what makes games like Halo 1-3, ODST, and Reach so replayable. Either path you take to get to power doesn't feel one-sided like Verrückt, There is an incentive to go to the other parts of the map more than once, unlike in Shi No Numa, and you can play with the entire map opened up to you if you wanted to, unlike Nacht.

    Another thing to bring up when talking about the flow of the map is the teleporters. There are 3 of them, located at each end of the map, meaning you have to open up most of the map if you're going to access PAP. This is good, you don't want to give players a reason to completely section off a map and that's a mistake even some maps after this one make. The step up from the Gondola from Shi No Numa to the teleporters in Der Riese is as big as the IRL technological leap would imply. But the main problem with the Gondola is that it is only accessible in 1 of the 4 areas of the map, and it's not the Flogger area, meaning you never visit it beyond that one time you might use it just for fun and even that takes way longer than just running through the marsh to get to the center of the map again. Not only do the teleporters directly contribute to the grand goal of the map (getting PAP), but they serve as fast shortcuts (keyword FAST) to spawn if you get cornered and have 1500 points to spare. They are so simple in functionality, yet they are so damn effective and they have become a standard in transportation methods when devs design a new map.

    On the subject of getting cornered, why don't we talk about that little hairy guy that's in almost every map after this, the Cymbal Monkey! Or the Monkey Bomb.

    Such a cool little guy, I couldn't tell you how many times he's saved my ass, let alone everyone else's. There's just one problem though, WAW's engine. Yeah, you're gonna hear me talking about WAW's buggy engine a lot in this retrospective 'cause it's really bad on this map. The Monkey Bomb... works, and that's good, but some zombies take longer to realize that there's a loud ass monkey playing a circus melody and banging cymbals and it can get you killed, especially when you're on low health after taking a few hits. The Monkey Bomb will save your life way more often on maps like Kino, Shang, Buried, and Origins than it will on OG Der Riese. But, again, that's more a problem with the engine than it is with the map or the Monkey Bomb itself.

    Speaking of glitches that hinder things from shining on this map, let's talk about the VVunderVVaffe DG-2.

    This is a tragedy, even more of a tragedy than people give it credit for because the VVunderVVaffe is way more fitting of a wonder weapon on Der Riese than it was in Shi No Numa. "What's wrong with the weapon on this map?" You may ask. Well, if you've been living under a rock for the past 10-11 years, the VVunderVVaffe on Der Riese halves your health when you shoot it at point-blank range. That's right, it doesn't take away Jugg, it does something even worse, it halves your health bar. This means that, unless you are playing with a teammate that can revive you when you go down, thus undoing the glitch until you trigger it again, you can go down in one hit if you don't have Jugg. This also means that you have to fork up 2500 points just to have your base health value back, you are better off just not picking it up out of the box when it offers it to you.

    So now that your infinite damage wonder weapon that helps you out through the rounds is pretty much a death sentence, what could you possibly have at your disposal to get you to a decently high round? Teleporters and Monkies will only get you so far before you inevitably croak and die, so what do you have to work with to survive as long as you can? Richtofen will answer that question for you. "Pack...a...Punch...hm, curious."

    Pack a Punch is a revolutionary innovation that Zombies needed at the time. By adding this feature into the map, they added over 2 dozen more ways to make your experience with this map different from the last, and that's not even including the different ways of playing the map that doesn't involve catwalk camping. What does this machine do? It says it right under the title! "Increase your firepower!" And it does more than just increase the damage, it increases the Mag size and/or ammo count depending on the weapon, it makes the gun shoot lasers instead of bullets, and it can even change how the gun fires (whether it be by turning the M1A1 carbine into the full-auto Widershins RC-1 or the M1911 to the grenade-shooting C-3000 b1atc-ch35). Such upgrades not only add replayability through testing what guns to upgrade, but it can even change how you set yourself up when getting to PAP. You may take the left path so that you can get the Trench Gun sooner and upgrade it, you may keep the Thompson or the Double-Barreled Shotgun the entire game just to see how good they are at shredding through the hordes when they walk up those stairs to the catwalk, you may keep your M1911 just to blow some zombies up from a distance when you upgrade it (if you're up for the challenge). There are so many more ways to play Der Riese than people give it credit for and it's this machine that really contributes to an already very replayable map.

    Gameplay aside, how about the things that surround it? Things like the atmosphere/ambiance, the lore, the easer eggs. Let's jump into how the map feels from an atmospheric/ambient POV.

    I must say, Der Riese and Shi No Numa don't have a lot to offer in terms of scaring you shitless like Nacht or Verrückt, but, to be fair, that's not what they were going for with Shi No Numa and Der Riese. Nacht and Verrückt were scary, not only because of their atmosphere but because of how little there was to work with. With Shi No Numa, you have the VVunderVVaffe, and with Der Riese, you have the Pack a Punch machine, the Monkey Bombs, and the teleporters. Your potential power on those last 2 maps is far greater than anything you can achieve on those first 2, and it feels like it. But the problem with Shi No Numa and Der Riese is that, when you look at it only from the view of atmosphere and ambiance, they're both very... boring. You don't feel much of anything when you listen to a video of 1 hour of Shi Nu Numa/Der Riese ambiance, in comparison to you looking up a video of the same thing with Nacht Der Untoten/Verrückt. Again though, it's not meant to be Shi No Numa/Der Riese's strongest points. Rather, lore/easter eggs are what Der Riese is packed with.

    Located around the map are radios that essentially give you an idea of what happened at this factory, ranging from teleportation experiments gone wrong to failed attempts at training zombies. The most fascinating radio lore, however, is about a little girl named Samantha being locked in a teleporter with her father and her dog that was corrupted by 115, it ends with Richtofen teleporting them to God knows where. We learn that, through the events that transpire, that, somehow, this girl is the witch controlling the zombies, and your goal is to find a way to defeat her. That's not the goal of this map, however, your goal here is to just survive.

    As for easter eggs, this map has one, but it doesn't really give you anything. By shooting a panel with an upgraded gun outside the barrier at the first room when taking the left path, a bunch of power-ups will rise out of the sky and fly toward the other end of the map. Now that you've done this, you have to play a hide and seek game, or an easter egg hunt. Your goal is to find 3 items located around the map by blowing them up with a grenade or just shooting them. Once you've done this, the easter egg is complete and you are rewarded with... nothing.

    One easter egg that is worth doing every time you play is activating the song. Instead of finding a random object around the map and interacting 3 times with it, you have to go on an actual easter egg hunt. There are 3 jars with brains and spinal cords in them located around the map, 2 of them are located by the staircase that leads to Jugg and the third one is located in the room next to the type 100 wall buy. The jars make a constant and distracting noise when you get closer to them, so it's hard to miss them. Upon activating these jars, the song Beauty of Annihilation will play. BOA is my 2nd favorite EE song in all of Zombies and it has yet to have its place taken. It has a bit of screamo metal in it (which I'm not the biggest fan of) but it's actually used very well here and it doesn't overpower the beautiful melody that blasts through your ears.

    Overall, Der Riese is the most important map ever when it comes to making Zombies so much more than just a horde mode, and I stand by the fact that it is the most replayable map ever. The only thing holding it back is the WAW engine, and that's something it has no real power over.

    My final rating for Der Riese is an 8.7/10.

    See you all with Kino, hopefully much sooner than it took to make this.

    submitted by /u/rEdDiTmOmEnT57
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    A cheat on Old fashion WAW zombies

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    I faintly remember a button mash cheat on WAW to put you into third person, I remember doing that to challenge myself a couple times. Does anybody remember?

    submitted by /u/ORNGvoid3
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    Favorite non-classic mode?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 09:44 AM PDT

    Not sure if this has been done before, I'm genuinely curious. Mine is grief all the way.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Wethaney
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    When you the robot downs you but doesn’t wanna step on you.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 10:46 AM PDT

    ‪Here is my July2020 progress of Kino (a small part of a much larger map) #DarkSideOfTheMoon #DSOTM #Kino #BO3 #ModTools #Gaming #BlackOps #CustomZombies #Zombies #CodZombies STAY tuned for more progress updates! #CZC #CustomZombiesChronicles‬

    Posted: 29 Jul 2020 04:33 PM PDT

    Black ops cold war thought

    Posted: 30 Jul 2020 07:45 AM PDT

    Modern warfares only buyable dlc was battle pass and skins, what if for next black ops they follow the same formula and we just get a free zombie map every season

    submitted by /u/kaitheguy010
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