• Breaking News

    Wednesday, October 14, 2020

    Call of Duty Zombies Guess what was in my Google news lol

    Call of Duty Zombies Guess what was in my Google news lol

    Guess what was in my Google news lol

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 05:07 AM PDT

    After a small break, my lego Scavenger is finished

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 10:25 AM PDT

    Zombies story line in a nut shell part 1

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 04:19 AM PDT

    Gobblegums for dayzzzzz �� Whats your favourite Gobblegum? Mine would be Power Vaccum it’s OP as hell ��‍♀️��

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 03:22 AM PDT

    So JohnyJ25 ACTUALLY got the Remaster Die Rise ad up. Absolute MADLAD

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 12:58 PM PDT

    They're just like buses. You wait ages for 1, then 2 come along at once.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 12:52 AM PDT

    I really hope we get to play as her at some point.

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 09:13 AM PDT

    I've Been Remaking MOTD In Minecraft. (WIP)

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    I made an epic Ray Gun MK1 3D model

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 08:17 AM PDT

    Ain’t that swell? I have finished the M1927 and the power arrow! Tomorrow this time I’ll have the PPSH and MOTD Dogs painted and posted!

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:53 PM PDT

    SOMEONE REVIVE ME!!! Finally got quick revive completed , now let the really work begin ���� time for designing the textures

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 01:22 PM PDT

    Hey everyone! I wanted to share my recent project, I finally did the Perk-a-Cola Sodas after obsessing with zombies since BO1. I think it looks pretty good :)

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    Listen to how the spirits sing... They are free of this realm...

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 10:38 PM PDT

    Ray Gun sounds cool when you hold it down

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 11:56 AM PDT

    New fastest round for upgraded staff for me ice staff round 8

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 12:26 PM PDT

    How are people playing zombies already?

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    Going for round 50 on as many maps before Cold War, got Nacht out the way

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    Bought the collectors edition of BO4 and never did the puzzle until now (will update when done)

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 10:52 PM PDT

    YT Autoplay just turned this shit up out of the blue and i just froze in time not quite processing what this song was but i just know that it reminded me of really good times

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 07:59 AM PDT

    All three of us

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 08:57 PM PDT

    Petrifier strategy is overpowered... [Round50AllMaps]

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 12:00 AM PDT

    Question for the zombies community

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    I want to know your guy's opinion on the main zombie youtubers. I never really see anyone talk about them on here and when I do it's mostly hating them.

    submitted by /u/RichtofenIV
    [link] [comments]

    First attempt at solo Der eisendrache easter egg all classic gums. I did pretty good I think even though I flopped hard

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    Why Dead of the Night is an Underrated Masterpiece

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    "By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes."

    To me at least, Dead of the Night has always felt like a sort of spiritual successor to my favorite map of all time, Shadows of Evil. It's a map that shares most of its elements of gameplay, easter eggs, weapons, strategies, and side-content with other maps widely considered to be the pinnacles of the zombies gamemode, like Shadows of Evil, Origins, Mob of the Dead, and Der Eisendrache, yet it receives nowhere near the same amount of praise and veneration from the community as a whole.

    Recently however, I've slowly been seeing more and more people giving this map the fair amount of credit it deserves, noticeably receiving a very similar treatment to Zetsubou no Shima, a map considered needlessly complicated at launch deemed a step down in quality from the previous, accessible map, which now has a dedicated underground fanbase that seems to be steadily growing as more and more people give the map a second chance. To fully realize this masterful zombies map, allow me to highlight each and every aspect of Dead of the Night, explaining why it is so beloved by a niche and evergrowing section of the zombies community.

    First of all, the map is aesthetically beautiful. The main hall with the enormous Atlas statue centerpiece serves as the perfect indicator of the map's tone and grandiose mansion setting. The cemetery region reminds of me something straight out of Michael Jackson's Thriller, with the low fog permeating throughout it, and the mausoleum serving as a sort-of "beacon of light" within this dark landscape. The greenhouse/garden is beautiful in a sad, melancholy way that I can't really describe, but the dark sky and overgrown huge building emits a mood that I always when when ever ring that area for the first time every game. The forest is genuinely quite scary sometimes. It serves as a dark, confusing maze, but paradoxically it is also quite practical and simple to navigate, while still coming across as a dark forest, where the player is being watched a every move. Similar to the mausoleum in the cemetery. The Pack-a-Punch machine also guides the players way and acts as a metaphorical, and sometimes literal safe-haven. Not to mention this map has some of the best music in any Treyarch zombies map. The spine-chilling round change music which reminds me of a crazy person trying to play a violin for the first time, and the sad, almost sorrowful or mournful game over theme, and high beautifully complements the gameplay you just experience after it has finished.

    However, atmosphere is certainly not the only factor in determining a map's quality. I would say that for the most part, people want good gameplay to FIT a maps aesthetic, and for the mood to accompany or even compliment the player's actions. And I must say, Dead of the Night has some of the best gameplay I've ever experienced in a map. Let me start off by saying that I am aware of the endless complaints and widespread issues that the zombies community as a whole have with Black Ops 4. I actually agree with the majority of them, however I would genuinely like to argue that Dead of the Night, and also Ancient Evil for that matter, are such masterfully designed core maps that they truly make up for the previously established downsides that are a given for maps only available under the Black Ops 4 perk system, engine, etc. on to the gameplay itself, this map, in my opinion, holds the closest map experience a player can have to a perfect map like Shadows of Evil or Origins throughout all of Black Ops 4. First of all, this map has a textbook perfect layout. It's actually nearly IDENTICAL to that of Gorod Krovi, with the Main Hall service as the map's centerpoint, with four vastly different areas, Forest, Cemetery, Greenhouse, and Wine Cellar, branching out from either side of it, forming a sort-of complicated cross-shape. On top of this, each location apart has a teleported located at the rear portion of it which when taken, brings you right back to the very center of the map, with the Atlas statue serving as a crux centerpoint so the player constantly knows their location, and orientation in comparison to the rest of the map. But on to the juicy stuff, the wonder weapons, the bosses, the easter egg, the boss fights. If I had to pinpoint the most common complaint that Dead of the Night receives on a regular basis, it would most likely be the Nosferatu boss zombies being "annoying" and "difficult to deal with". Yes, while they can be a nuisance, you must remember what game you're playing on. Black Ops 4 is quite possible the overall easiest zombies experience BY FAR. Nearly every single map in the game is so easy that I would argue that anyone with even a decent amount of zombies experience can get to round 50 easily without downing a single time. If, instead of Nosferatus locking your health-regen for a short amount of time, the map had say, hellhounds, or the tigers from IX, it would make the map not only mind numbingly easy, but also incredibly boring. Also, I find that people exaggerate how much of a threat the Nosferatus actually are. Sure, when they hit the player, it locks their health-regen for about five seconds, which can be a nuisance, but overall is pretty easy to deal with in my opinion. If you run Victorious Tortoise as one of your four perks, and you are smart with the shield and know when to use it in order to avoid damage, you should theoretically never be hit by the Nosferatus ever. Not to mention, the Stake Knife melee weapon, which is incredibly easy to get and always instantly-kills vampires literally forever, up until the distant hundreds , as well as the Savage Impaler crossbow, which takes slightly more effort to get than the Stake Knife, but also permanently instakills vampires with its full-auto rapid fire, as well as the second boss on this map, what most would probably consider the "main boss" of Dead of the Night, the Werewolves. I always appreciate boss enemies that reward decent strategy upon killing them. The werewolves on Dead of the Night are not your typical "shoot me a billion times with the wonder weapon until I eventually die" boss such as the Gegenees on Ancient Evil or even the Panzersoldat. This boss rewards players who take the time and the initiative to set up properly before summoning him for the first time. Sure, you could theoretically summon him and open the forest, and waste all of your ammo trying to kill him with a Saug-12 or whatever you're using as a starting weapon as soon as you acquire all three tuning forks, but the much smarter thing to do would be to craft the silver bullets so you can kill him much faster first of all, but second, because killing a werewolf with silver bullets rewards the player with a part for the wonder weapon upgrade process.

    Speaking of which, let's get into the map's main wonder weapon, the Alistair's Folly pistol. This is my favorite zombies wonder weapon of all time for a vast number of reason, the most simple of which being that it is, in my opinion, the best-designed wonder weapon of all time. Upon fully upgrading it, the ornate, golden patters carved into it alongside the glowing neon purple lightbulb and ammunition makes you feel incredibly powerful when you first acquire it, similar to the feeling you get when you first pick up the Apothicon Servant on Shadows of Evil (which is my all-time favorite map, by the way). I'm also a sucker for pistol-wonder weapons like the Ray Guns, the Wave Gun, and the Winter's Howl, so that also probably has something to do with it. Regardless of appearance however, I genuinely believe that this is one of the greatest wonder weapons of all time in terms of sheer power. Treyarch was extremely clever when making this weapon. They could have just made it a generic ray-gun reskin, or they could have made four elemental Follys, one possessing each different elemental charge attack. However, Treyarch was self-aware and realized that the "four elemental wonder weapon" system was getting stale, and went for a different approach (however, they were unable to help themselves and just decided "fuck it" and made four wonder weapons in the very next map anyway). Rather than have four elemental Alistair's Annihilators, they combined all four elements, Fire, Wind, Shrinking, and Hypnosis, into one, singular weapon, made each charge-shot random, and allowed nearly every player in the game to get one! This decision by Treyarch avoided limiting a player's creativity and gameplay experience on both solo, AND co-op (at least until Ancient Evil, that is). Not to mention, it has a pretty badass name.

    On to my final main topic of discussion, the map's easter egg. But before we get into the MAIN easter egg of Dead of the Night, I would like to quickly mention the numerous side-quests and bonuses that the map gives the player in the early-game. There are three, small easter eggs around the main portion of the mansion which the player can unlock all on the first few rounds. One of them entails clicking on four books in a bookshelf in the correct order, which will open up the bookcase and reward the player with either 500 points, or a free weapon. The best weapon I've seen the bookshelf be able to give is the VAPR assault rifle. The second secret room, located in the wine cellar, gives you similar rewards, but also has the chance to give the player free silver bullets. The final secret room by the Billiards table can give the player a free elixir upon completion. These small secret room easter eggs grant the perfect amount of simplicity and sufficient rewards to, in my opinion, justify doing them every single game. But on to what we actually want to discuss, the map's main easter egg. I love this egg no less than I love the map, and it is probably in my top five favorite easter eggs in all of zombies, solely due to its simplicity. And no, when I refer to its simplicity, I'm not talking about the vast number of parts that must be picked up in order to progress, which is also another common complaint surrounding the map. I can understand the frustration that players have when first loading up Dead of the Night and having to constantly check YouTube guides and lists of all the parts as well as their locations. Believe it or not, the first time I played Dead of the Night, I didn't like it much either, in fact I would go as far to say I HATED it at first, but I gave the map even more chances, something many people didn't, which I can understand. I do however urge these people who have given up on Dead of the Night to fully take the time to learn the map like the back of your hand. Do you know why Origins almost never gets criticized for the amount of parts and easter egg steps required to get fully set up? Because Origins has been out for a long time, and the people who usually claim that Origins is "overrated" are NEW PLAYERS. Please give the map time, learn it like the back of your hand, then reassess your opinion. But back to the easter egg, I appreciate its simplicity in the fact that at its core, it really only has three or four main objectives that must be completed before entering the boss fight. The entire egg largely consists of unlocking pack-a-punch, and then doing three, medium-difficulty lockdowns in each branching location of the map, then defeating the boss. Each lockdown however requires a decent number of steps to initiate. In a way, it reminds of me other simplistic easter eggs like Zetsubou no Shima, where the entire egg is just collecting three items to enter the boss fight. Just like Zetsubou, I would also probably consider DotN's Easter egg to be the easiest in its respective game. The actual steps themselves are quite fun, and remind me of something from Scooby-Doo or the Haunted Mansion, which is obviously the aesthetic that this map is going for. One step involves locating scratch marks which correlate with the astrological zodiac signs, one step involves literally going to hell, becoming a ghost, and leading a lost, tortures soul to freedom, and one requires summoning the ghosts of three knights and leading their spirits to the pack-a-punch machine by filling them with zombie souls. It's just a fun easter egg, not too long, not particularly tedious if you've played the map enough to memorize its part locations, just fun, which I greatly appreciate. The boss fight, while nowhere near as good as the boss fights on maps like Gorod Krovi or Der Eisendrache, is still quite fun in my opinion. It's not overly difficult, while there usually are a good few times during the fight where you feel you are inches from death which get your heart racing. Again, it's just fun, which is why, now that I think about it, it might actually be the easter egg I've done the most.

    In conclusion, Dead of the Night is a masterfully crafted map trapped within a game which will not allow it to receive the overwhelming credit and respect that it deserves. Most of the complaints regarding the map are the result of a lack of interest or motivation from the general community to take the time to learn it, probably because of the overall lack of interest in Black Ops 4 zombies (as well as the fact that this map wasn't marketed nearly at all leading up to its release). Hopefully one day more people will grow to appreciate this map, but until that day, I'll be that one fan in a thousand, rooting for the under-appreciated, overly ignored little brother of Mob of the Dead and Shadows of Evil.

    I will admit this map has absolute SHIT characters though....

    submitted by /u/JMDoesSomeThings
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