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    Wednesday, October 28, 2020

    Call of Duty Zombies Mob of the Dead Moment

    Call of Duty Zombies Mob of the Dead Moment

    Mob of the Dead Moment

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 07:40 AM PDT

    Cold War: Zombies - Biggest Leak Yet. (Characters, Runes, Ammo Mods, Ammo Crates, Field Upgrade, Wonder Weapon, Salvage, Armor)

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:06 PM PDT

    Disclaimer: Much love to the two other people involved who helped me compile all the information together. Enjoy the leaks!

    NOTE: Some of the stuff in here may make you feel really concerned about CW Zombies. Remember we haven't actually played the game yet so we don't really have "actual opinions" on it yet. I can tell the armor system is going to throw a lot of people off. But other than that, I honestly think this year is going to be great for zombies.

    Character Names:

    Dmitriyev Kalashnik, Orlov Medved, Vogel Kurtz, Valen Peck, Dr. William Peck

    (I only know the names. Know nothing about any of the characters. And even if I did probably wouldn't say. Wouldn't want to ruin their backstorys)

    Ammo Mods:

    Ammo Mods are the re-branded name for Alternate Ammo Types (AATs)This time around there is...

    • Cyrofreeze (Frost damage and slows enemies)
    • Dead Wire (Electric damage and stuns enemies)
    • Napalm Blast (Fire damage and burns zombies)
    • Brain Rot (Turns a zombie to ally)

    When Pack-A-Punching you actually have the ability to choose exactly what AAT you want. No more RNG required to get what you want!

    Field Upgrades:

    Field Upgrades are the re-branded name for Specialists. They work on a time based recharge system. Unlike bo4. They are not all offensive. Some are also support based. There is 6 currently confirmed field upgrades.

    • Aether Shroud (Essentially acts like an in-plain sight. Lasts 5 seconds.)
    • Ring of Fire (Ring shows up that boosts damage inside for everyone, Can burn some enemies entering)
    • Healing Aura (Heal yourself an teammates to full health within area)
    • Frost Blast (Wind blast of frost damage, Slows zombies too)
    • Energy Mine (Proximity mine)

    The Energy Mine and Aether Shroud field upgrades are both showcased in the initial zombies reveal trailer. You can also see the Frost Blast Field Upgrade in the "First Look" video.

    There are 3 other Field Upgrades mentioned in the code. These are Lightning Links, Toxic Growth and Frenzy Guard. I'm unsure of whether these will be released at launch. Or are being saved for a future DLC.

    Energy Mine as seen in the reveal trailer


    Already went over this in a past post, but thought I'd reiterate on the perks featured in Cold War

    QR, Jugg, Speed, Stam, Deadshot, Elemental Pop, Der Wunderfizz.

    Note: Jug might be a little op in this game... more on that lower down. QR also gives you a self revive. (Believed to be a stim shot)

    Elemental Pop: Basically exactly how everyone expected it to work. Activates random Ammo Mods (AAT's) so basically just treyarch's version of Change Chews.

    Ammo Crates: Are just boxes around the map, they refill your ammo. The cost to replenish ammo depends on how many times you have pack-a-punched your weapon (Up to a max of 3)

    Ammo Crate as seen in the Zombies Reveal Trailer


    Runes are the biggest innovation to come to the latest zombie mode. Runes act as a fully new upgrade system. You can use the new rune system to upgrade. AATs, Perks, Field Upgrades and Weapon Classes. (ARs, TRs, Sniper Rifles, LMGs, SMGs, Shotguns, Pistols and Melee Weapons)

    Each Individual Perk, AAT, Field Upgrade and Weapon Class has 3 upgrades. (This used to be 5)

    Which totals up to a whopping 72 upgrades that can be unlocked in Zombies.

    Upgrades you unlock are permanent, you will not ever lose them.

    Here is an example of the upgrade line for Stamin-up and the Aether Shroud Field Upgrade


    lvl I. Movement Impairing effects reduced by 50%

    lvl II. No Fall Damage.

    lvl III. Can run while in ADS..

    Aether Shroud - Player enters the Aether and is ignored by enemies. Lasts 5 seconds.

    lvl I. Activation instantly reloads weapon.

    lvl II. Increase duration to 8 seconds.

    lvl III. Warp up to 500 units in front of you.

    (Link to full list of upgrades for everything here: https://pastebin.com/iTWBbc3T )

    You unlock these upgrades using the new currency Aetherium. (It costs 1 Aetherium for the first tier, 2 for the second and the 3rd tier for 3 Aetherium totaling up to 432 Aetherium total to max out all upgrades. This should provide a real grind this year to the zombies experience.

    Aetherium is earned just by playing the game and there is two types of Aetherium according to the code. Raw and Flawless.

    I'm not sure how exactly they relate to each other. My guess is you earn "x" amount of Raw Aetherium from playing the game. (Similar to divinium from bo3) and then after you hit that amount, you can turn the Raw Aetherium into Flawless Aetherium. Which you then use to upgrade the level of your AAT/Perk/Field Upgrade/Weapon Class

    Wonder Weapon:

    D.I.E is one of the wonder weapons on the map. It has four upgrade types. Basically think of the Kraken from bo4 and how you could change the ammo type.

    The four ammo types for the D.I.E are Nitro Stream, Particle Beam, Plasma Ball and Gas Cloud.

    Another WW exists called the Ray Rifle. But I know nothing about it.

    The D.I.E as seen in the Zombies Reveal Trailer.


    There is no sort of gobblegum/elixir system for cold war. MTX seems to be non-existant with the exception of the battle pass which will be coming to zombies. Aetherium "may" have some sort of MTX assigned with them. But as of right now there doesn't seem to be any.

    The Dark Aether:

    You access the Dark Aether through the orb in the main room. (The giant glowing purple orb in the trailer) you can only stay in there for a limited time. Inside the dark aether are the pieces for the pack-a-punch which you bring back to build it. The Dark Aether Orb will also move around the map.

    There are also small "Dark Aether Crystals" which contain drops that you can get.


    Salvage is a new currency obtained in game in zombies. In the spawn (Outside of nacht, area with the tank) there is a prebuilt crafting table that sits in a corner next to the building. It can be seen it in one of the original leaked pictures that came out.

    You use this salvage at the crafting table to craft multiple different items. From Lethals (Frag, Semtex, C4, Molotov) and Tacticals. You can also now earn Monkey Bombs through crafting. Support equipment can also be crafted here but I don't have a detailed list.

    Salvage also has another tier level which allows you to upgrade the rarity of your weapons. (iirc) this also ties in to the next thing I wanna talk about...

    Salvage as seen in the \"Cold War Zombies First Look\" trailer


    Armor is another new mechanic that has been added into zombies. It works similar to warzone.

    - You can have 3 armor plates at once

    - Armor can be upgraded 3 times at armor stations around the map

    - Jug has a "theoretical" 10 hits from a zombie with fully upgraded jug and armor

    There is also an Armor Station. which I also know like nothing about.

    From what I've heard I believe the station also a feature that is somewhat tied into the other tier of salvage I mentioned before. But that's just speculation on my part.

    Armor as seen in the \"First Look\" Trailer.


    - Zombies drop random loot whilst playing, these range from armor plates, greandes to killstreaks such as the chopper gunner.

    - I checked some stuff last night... and the fucking jetpack is actually a real thing LMAO. I got no clue how this is gonna work.- There is a buildable bench at the bottom area where the machine is. I'm not sure what it's for.

    - There is a minimap. (Not sure if you can toggle)

    - There is a compass. (Like Warzone/MW) (Also not sure if you can toggle)

    - Zombies have health bars and also have damage numbers when you shoot them. (I can not personally confirm if it's still a thing)


    submitted by /u/Nanikos
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    BO3 With Zombies Chronicles will be free to all PS+ subscribers as a part of the PS+ Collection!

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 08:38 AM PDT

    People complaining about leaks without understanding the mechanics we already have

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    The amount of people I've seen saying some dumb variation of "10 hit down with jug and armor is broken" is absurd.

    It's like they have no idea how the game they've already been playing works and are just complaining about change. They're not genuinely worried about broken mechanics, they just see something new and resist it.

    Let's use BO3 as an example, since that's this sub's GOAT zombies game and universally loved.

    Juggernog in BO3 brings your health high enough to take 5 hits to die. Awesome.

    Oh wait, what about the shield? How many hits does that take until it breaks? 15.

    15 free hits to your back with the zombie shield.

    10 doesn't look as broken now, does it?

    With Juggernog and full Shield, you can take 20 hits until you die.

    So, a possible 10 hit down is broken when a 20 hit down wasn't?

    Complaining that a 10 hit down is broken is blatant evidence that people aren't considering mechanics with a legitimate mechanical and critical eye: they're just afraid of change and new things.

    Edit: it's been brought to my attention that Widows wine does not reduce damage, and the "4" hits I mentioned don't exist. I'll edit those parts out but the rest of the post is still very much a valid point.

    submitted by /u/jacob2815
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    Pictures of Sam from Cold War and Confirmation she is Samantha Maxis

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    Can we stop moaning about the leaks

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 04:10 AM PDT

    I know ill probably get downvoted to shit for this but they are leaks and as always we havent actually played the game yet so we down know how the stuff has actaully been implemented. Yes the armor sounds really OP but who knows it might actually be necessarily in this game, zombies could hit more often, armor plates might just reduce the amount of damage zombies do so you still end up loosing health or the armor might only be affective againt normal zombies so dogs and the mini bosses ignore armor we just dont know yet. i undersatand people can be concerned but stop just writing off the game because of these leaks.

    submitted by /u/R4TTL35N4KE_23
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    There is not much of a difference

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    I completely forgot to post the finished hellhound drawing here, hope you like it :)

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 05:42 AM PDT

    Lidl Germany is selling these

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    Still Have ALOT to Learn About World At War

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    Maybe the zombies were too strong ? ��‍♂️����

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 09:34 AM PDT

    With Halloween coming up, and inspired by Treyarch putting up some cosplay references, here's My Panzer Soldat. He's not ready but he will soon. :)

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    That's handy.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 06:10 AM PDT

    I guess this panzer soldat just went AFK

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 09:52 AM PDT

    day 12 slippery (its die rise)

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 05:10 AM PDT

    Give Me Classic Mode and I’ll Be Happy

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 01:02 AM PDT

    I'm sure a lot of people will agree. I don't even care if it's some sidelined playlist or something, but I and many, many others would love if Treyarch gave us a killstreak-free, armor-plate-free, M1911 starting pistol version of zombies that we can go play and be happy.

    If you see this Treyarch... Please.

    submitted by /u/AstronautOrbus
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    Me and the boys first time beating the Der Eisendrache EE. It’s my favorite so far!

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 07:48 AM PDT

    Julie Nathanson confirms her return as the voice of Samantha in Black Ops Cold War

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 07:38 PM PDT

    Der Riese: Declassified. If anyone wants to link up or yall need one, let me know. Otherwise, check this out. Its a custom zombies map coming out today. I’m hyped.

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 10:27 AM PDT

    Leaked menu perk and ammo mods images. Credit to 3rbcod on Instagram

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 11:59 AM PDT

    Thoughts on the armor system: why it may not be as bad as you think

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 10:20 AM PDT

    For my argument, I will be focusing on BO3 and BO4, since BO3 is one of the most popular games and BO4 is the most recent and controversial. First, we know that Juggernog will be upgradable, but we do not know definitively what each upgrade will do. For now, I will base it off of the leak. From what I can tell, the concern is that the combination of armor packs and juggernog will be too overpowered and lowers the difficulty by making a potential 10 hit down.

    First, armor is temporary. You cannot easily regenerate armor in a tight situation as you have to manually apply it. This means you cannot just repeatedly reapply armor to become invincible. With this 10 hit number in mind (maybe more if there is a zombie shield) let's look at the most overpowered strategies in BO3 and BO4.

    In BO3, gobblegums were out of hand by the times of chronicles. Near Death Experience allowed for solo players to have UNLIMITED self revives for 3 full rounds, and that ability was locked behind MTX. This is horrible for the state of the community. As of right now, there is no known gobblegum or elixir system, so BO4's most OP is no where near BO3's.

    For BO4, camping shield buildable with victorious tortoise. Can't be hurt as long as you hold out your unlimited damage shield, which you can buy again and again to never have a risk of dying.

    Remember everyone, don't look at individual mechanics in a vacuum. Look at how all of the new features fit together. We have the extraction option where we fight a few insanely difficult rounds to try and get additional rewards. Saving up limited armor for that could make for a fun last stand. Scorestreaks, while they did not make any sense in the games past, we are now playing multiplayer operatives during the 1980's. They have more resources available to them than Ultimus, Victus, or Primus ever had. AND they are way less OP than Takeo's katana in BO4, so I view scorestreaks as a step in the right direction.

    In summary, give it a chance. Of course I could be wrong. They could add gobblegums tomorrow and ruin my whole argument. Unless that happens, we could end up seeing a fresh start to a new linear story that acts as a sequel to the old Aether storyline.

    submitted by /u/out2lunch4ever
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    I think we as a community should stop hating on each others opinions

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    I think everyone has their unique taste and we should all respect that, there is no reason to downvote someone if they say „i liked bo4 zombies more than bo3 because..." its their taste they like a map that you hate? No reason to downvote, i see alot of people getting downvoted simply because they have a different opinion on a map or game, heck i like die rise and i enjoy it for example but you might not enjoy it and that is fine... just had to put this out here have a nice day guys

    submitted by /u/ZombieD3stroyer
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    Special contracts and all Limited modes (including Hordepoint/AOTU) are here

    Posted: 28 Oct 2020 12:29 PM PDT

    Victis Funko Pop Drawings

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    Can we give a round of applause to Treyarc for *NOT* giving Samantha a dump truck ass?

    Posted: 27 Oct 2020 10:59 PM PDT

    Like, for real. At some point it gets annoying seeing every female character looking like they belong in Dead or Alive (the old ass sand volleyball game)

    Sam be looking normal, and I love it!

    submitted by /u/Adamadtr
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