• Breaking News

    Thursday, November 7, 2019

    Call of Duty Zombies Nov. 7th Update: Weekly 2XP Featured Playlist in MP / Blackout Quads Restored / Zombies Improvements / PC 1.25 Update

    Call of Duty Zombies Nov. 7th Update: Weekly 2XP Featured Playlist in MP / Blackout Quads Restored / Zombies Improvements / PC 1.25 Update

    Nov. 7th Update: Weekly 2XP Featured Playlist in MP / Blackout Quads Restored / Zombies Improvements / PC 1.25 Update

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 10:12 AM PST

    lego richtofen i (visibly) put - 1 effort to make out of boredom

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 03:25 AM PST

    Can we take a moment to remember one of the most creative items of Zombies history

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 06:35 PM PST

    Sam's Music Box can now be obtained from the Mystery Box!

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 09:43 AM PST

    Before, only 1 player could have it and it was from the Vault.

    Today I played Tag solo, got the music box but switched it out for Monkeys. After that I saw the Music Box 3 times in the mystery box! So I guess it's available there after the vault quest is done.

    submitted by /u/WwwWario
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    Tranzit Pre-Alpha Footage (During Development) (Coming soon..)

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 02:36 AM PST

    Tranzit Pre-Alpha Footage (During Development) (Coming soon..)

    Can't believe we are finally gonna get a look into the pre-alpha build of tranzit in a couple of days, and how it looked over the course of it's development. And likely some stuff from a scrapped bo2 mode called "Race"

    Shit's gonna be crazy, and I'm very excited for this.

    Gonna be really cool and interesting to see how tranzit originally was before it's launch at the release of black ops 2.

    Absolute mad props to Prototype Preservation for being able to bring this to light.



    submitted by /u/Nanikos
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    Oh god oh fuck, don't shoot that, doctor

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 11:03 AM PST

    Wonderwaffe Frozen Camo?

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 01:23 AM PST

    When bo3 came out 4 years ago and you start to think about the memories you made ��❤️

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 07:31 PM PST

    New Russman Skin? LOL

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 01:19 AM PST

    I made a Logan style trailer for Zombies, hope you guys enjoy!

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 06:47 PM PST

    I think they could have done a better Dark Ops Master calling card

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 05:38 PM PST

    Logic at its finest�� but seriously anyone else see this problem? Did they just lower the numer of guns you need gold or something? I still haven’t finished the vapr, escargot, maddox, swordfish, auger dmr, gks and kn-57.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 11:17 PM PST

    Small Avogadro I drew

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 02:35 PM PST

    Okay hear me out.

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 10:18 PM PST

    I know most of you will probably disagree with me and call me crazy for what im about to say but in my opinion infinite warfares zombie mode was way better then black ops 4's zombie iteration.

    As a whole i enjoyed infinite warfares take on zombies a lot more than i did black ops 4. It was refreshing to play a game of zombies that didnt take itself too seriously. I will admit that when it comes to storyline and the characters being memorable treyarch is better( at least when it comes to ultimus and primus.) But i didn't mind the IW characters being caricatures as thats what treyarchs characters started out as. The story for IW zombies isnt very strong but for me it was interesting enough to continue playing through the maps.

    The biggest advantages IW zombies have over bo4 is the gameplay and fun factor. The on disk map zombies in spaceland is the perfect introduction to their take on zombies in my opinion. It's a relatively big map, the basics are in your face such as perks, pap, power, and mystery wheel, then there's another level of depth for the players who want to take it a step further. I.E. wonder weapon upgrades, EE, buildables. The gameplay feels similar to bo3(particularly der eisendrache.) For the casual player who just wants to turn on power, pack a punch, and be done with it the option is there. Then for the more hardcore player there's the other buildables, boss fight setup, etc. Every map in IW follows this formula. You just want to turn on power and pap? Go right ahead. You wanna go the extra mile and build the crossbows? Alright do XYZ and ya got it.

    I'll also mention that while the story for IW was weak completing the EE for each map felt more rewarding to me then completing the EE's in bo4 did. Anyone who's completed the EE for the beast from beyond knows damn well the trauma that boss puts you through. Compare that to IX or voyages EE and there wasn't really a sense of satisfaction i was just glad it was finally over. I'm not sure if ( and certainly hope that) there isn't a super EE where you do all the EE's again in bo4 but compare bo3's super EE to IW's super EE and IW's is clearly the better reward. For all your hard work completing every EE twice you get directors cut. Starting off with 25 grand, all perks, mystery box weapons are pap'd and double pap does not require doing the EE. What was the reward for doing the super EE in bo3? A golden rk5? Granted directors cut makes the game mode way too easy but at least they go all out rewarding you for putting yourself through all of that twice.

    IW was just generally more enjoyable for me. Not saying bo4 was bad but it just didn't feel the same to me. The perk system changes didnt bother me nor did the other changes. I just didn't care to learn everything this time around. IX and classified i learned the setups for and learned the steps for the EE for IX. But when it came to voyage i just didnt even care to learn the map or the setup. It's a very interesting map but i just had no motivation to learn it like i did with shadows or der eisendrache. As the story progressed in the treyarch experience it went from this fun game mode that fans theorized about to this overly complicated mode with annoying fetch quest, different zombie types spawning in on the same round, mini boss zombies, long loading times, a multiverse theory, build up to a great battle or war that never actually happens, unsatisfying ending, and an over all feeling that the game just took itself too seriously.

    Sorry for the long winded post but if you haven't given IW zombies a chance I'd really recommend it. You'll definitely get your moneys worth( it's only like 20 bucks now.)

    submitted by /u/LazyManGames1992
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    HUD in Zombies

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 12:00 AM PST

    i honestly recon the hud makes the game a game and the bo3 hud was so nice to play with and looked high quality, and then bo4 one is terrible but i guess they didnt have much time making bo4 so whether its bo5 or just Black ops or whatever please make the hud nice

    submitted by /u/scarbringans1
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    SpaceLand Zombies Trophies

    Posted: 07 Nov 2019 09:13 AM PST

    So I've had iw for a long time but I was pretty much not bothered to get the zombies trophies and Ive got a question about spaceland zombies on lan.

    Can I still recieve the playstation network badges?

    If not do I have to buy ps plus and use the multiplayer zombies mode?

    submitted by /u/CptAshGU
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    Chapter 1: Purgatory. May write more if you all are interested. (Based on the BOTD outro, decided to do some creative writing linked to it.)

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 08:15 PM PST

    Why can't I play pub matches with dead of the night?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 03:05 PM PST

    Seriously, Treyarch. What the fuck?

    Since the new update, you can't play pub matches with dead of the night. Aside from DOTN being my favorite map on BO4, why would they make the experience less than what it was before the update?

    We should absolutely be able to play any map, any game mode, always.

    submitted by /u/lololthom
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    What are the features that BO4 did well in your opinion?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 08:13 PM PST

    What are the features that BO4 did well in your opinion?

    Some QoL things like

    keeping weapons after bleed out unless on hardcore etc...

    submitted by /u/HonestlyaBot
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    Zombie Chronicles 2?

    Posted: 06 Nov 2019 04:32 PM PST

    Hey I've been out of the loop for a while, is there info on more remastered maps for Black Ops 4 or any additional maps for zombies (I know there was talk about a season 2 that would have chaos maps but I don't believe anything treyarch says at this point)

    submitted by /u/Icymarcato
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