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    Friday, January 31, 2020

    Call of Duty Zombies I love this Easter egg in Five.

    Call of Duty Zombies I love this Easter egg in Five.

    I love this Easter egg in Five.

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:02 AM PST

    Officially pulled it off. Unbeatable Solo DE EE by round 5

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 05:20 PM PST

    Thought I'd Show That I'm Doing My Own Take on a Kino Der Toten Remake For WaW (Only Main Starting Area is Like Roughly 80% Done)

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 08:40 PM PST

    Things BO4 did better than BO3 (my opinion)

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:26 AM PST

    • closing the application doesn't save your elixirs / gobblegums.

    BO3 public matches are basically unplayable due to people using ultra gobblegums early, for example perkaholic on round 1, then quitting as soon as they go down in order to not waste it. This happens 9/10 of the matches I play, and it always seems to be the host who does this, therefore ending the match.

    • shield mechanics

    BO4 has, by far, the best shields. Not really much to say, but it's mainly because of the increased durability and ease of repair. You also have victorious tortoise which actually turns the shield into a life-saver when completely surrounded. Also, carpenter is so much more useful in bo4 due to it repairing shields.

    • DLC weapons

    All DLC weapons that came out during bo4's lifecycle were added for free to all existing and future zombies maps. Some of them were pretty damn good like the Reaver, stingray and AN-94.

    • perk variety

    Not only did we see the addition of 6 brand new perks at launch, but we saw an additional 4 being added later on. Compare this to BO3 where we had one new perk at launch and that was it. As well as new perks, some improvements were made to returning perks such as widow's wine/winter's wail (but only after the buff, of course), pHD slider being much easier to activate the explosion and quick revive increasing your regen speed. Although the new perk system is controversial, it brought perk modifiers with it. These modifiers allow for welcomed quality of life improvements, such as infinite sprint and not losing weapons with mule kick.

    Oh, and during BO4 they added my favourite perk of all time, victorious tortoise.

    • Speed cola is there by default

    No need to waste a perk slot on speed cola.

    • health increased

    No need to waste a perk slot on juggernog. Although your health isn't quite as high as it would be with juggernog, I think a 4-hit down is fair.

    • double-packing actually increases damage

    No need to waste a perk slot on double tap. I do wish fully packing a weapon increased it's fire rate, though.

    • health cap at round 35

    It means regular weapons are useful in high rounds without relying on the alt ammo type.

    • contracts

    They give us a reason to come back to zombies every day, plus make it easier to earn elixirs as opposed to random chance in bo3.

    • private match pausing

    So useful when on high rounds with your friends.

    • migrating host

    It actually works in this game. Hooray.

    • delay after power-ups spawn

    Allow you to avoid power-ups you might not want, like a nuke.

    • everyone can get a wonder weapon on (almost) every map

    Every map except classified, but even on that map two can have a wonder weapon.

    • specialist weapon leveling up

    Although I prefer having to build a unique specialist weapon on each map, I really like how you unlock new abilities the more you use them.

    • difficulty selection and custom games (mutations)

    So good for new players, or if I want to play with friends or family members who aren't very good at zombies.

    Those were the things I hope to see brought back in the next zombies game. I'll also be doing a list of things BO4 zombies did worse than bo3 to balance it out.

    submitted by /u/LastgenKeemstar
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    Art Sculpture:Hellhound(Cerberus) from Blood of the dead

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 12:32 PM PST

    Got pack amplifier on classified without relying on winter's wail

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 02:32 AM PST

    for the longest time I have relied on winters wail. to get Pack-a-Punch solo. As I felt I would not be able to get the defcon switches done without freezing or stunning a zombie in some capacity. So I decided to try without ww. or electric burst

    And I did it for the first time without help from a sighted player, and without helps from crutch perks in my condition

    it was simple really, simply manipulated zombiez around the map to keep him going through teleporters while I got the parts done. I made sure to get the war room part before getting the part in the lab. With the top floor part being picked up first

    I know this does not sound very impressive to most of you, but for me this is bigger than hitting 63 by myself. Now I don't have to rely on certain perks to get Pack-a-Punch at least on classified. Meaning I can perhaps go higher in rounds and have a more complete loadout.

    submitted by /u/tj_the_blind_gamer
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    Where are the leaks?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 08:29 AM PST

    Back when Bo4 was ending we got a shitload of leaks about Bo5 and then nothing. Sure those leaks were probably fake, but its strange that we havent heard anything else about Bo5 since then. Shouldnt we be gettkng close to the Bo5 reveal?

    submitted by /u/FishyG23
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    Question about Classified Easter Egg

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 07:25 AM PST

    Do we still need round 150 or whatever it was to activate the cutscene? Or did they fix it? Or was it never broken in the first place? Really haven't seen anything about Classified since the launch of blops4

    submitted by /u/Siddoxy
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    The Max Ammo’s come when you don’t need them

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 05:01 PM PST

    Hardest Zombies Challenge?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 03:56 AM PST

    Hey everyone. I have a question for you. What do you think the hardest COD Zombies challenge is, any game and any platform counts. Just wondering. Personally I believe it is either the Starting Room Challenge or the Reverse Rainbow Perk Challenge. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/ABoredInternetGoer
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    Revelations still crashing?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 09:36 AM PST

    Can anyone confirm wether there is a good chance of Revelations crashing on rounds 75+. This used to happen all time for me particularly using the ragnaroks. I recently redownloaded the game and I'm wondering if this is still a well known issue.

    submitted by /u/callumsned18
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    Cheapest way to get bo3 and bo2 season passes?

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 12:24 PM PST

    I used to gameshare with a friend but he is gamesharing with someone else which we mutually agreed on to be fair however I lost both my bo3 and bo2 map packs. From my understanding, the season pass is always half price after the dlc season is over, right? Or am I just imagining this because on the Xbox live store it costs £35 for the season pass which is too much. Anyway I can get this cheaper?

    submitted by /u/AJ-Drilla
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    I have a small pet peeve for the ZC Shi No Numa

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 10:04 AM PST

    I miss the run cycles from the original and BO1. I know it's somewhat ridiculous to complain about and I'm sure someone else has mentioned it before but it gave the Imperial zombies their own little flair and it was funny to see that ninja run. A missed opportunity in Zetsubou and the remaster of SNM in my opinion.

    submitted by /u/Seiba_Face
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    simple question

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 12:48 AM PST

    Is there video guides on reddit for solo easter eggs on bo4, bo3 / any zombies related . Im tired of the same bs youtubers i shall not name, if you get my point .

    Thanks 😎

    submitted by /u/BigDeddyD87
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    (Help) So the Gorod Easter Egg...

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 06:56 PM PST

    ...is hard as fuck (imo and my teammates opinion). More specifically, Nikolai. We have gotten there 3 times and keep dying and it is the most frustrating thing in the world. Any suggestions on Gobblegums, weapon setups, double pack abilities, etc. for the fight? For context there are 2 of us playing. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Signed, Nikolai's Nemsis.

    submitted by /u/CoCoBeanzz
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    What are the must have maps?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 05:34 PM PST

    Me and some buddy's are trying to get back into zombies. We played back when we were younger in World at War. However, I looked up how to play and there are so many dlcs maps across multiple games, so It'd be crazy expensive to get everyone one (which btw I wish they had an only zombies game, because I dont really care about CoD itself). Anyway, what are the must get map packs if we are trying to have most possible fun for relatively cheap?

    submitted by /u/jcwolf126
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    Mini/side Easter eggs on bo4?

    Posted: 30 Jan 2020 05:21 PM PST

    Other than shield upgrades and wonder weapons what is there? Are there many Easter eggs like on Black Ops 3?

    submitted by /u/BeADamnStar
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    BO3 Disconnecting on PC

    Posted: 31 Jan 2020 01:47 AM PST

    I bought BO3 for steam about a month ago and since then I've been dealing with frequent disconnecting. I used to play BO3 on PS4 and it never crashed. But since I got it for PC I've had at least 100 disconnects. Just before posting this I had set a new record, but I was cut short because I got disconnected. It definitely isn't a problem with my internet because the internet doesn't drop when I get disconnected, I have NAT set to open and I even tried completely reinstalling the game. I've tried every remedy I could find on the internet but nothing works. I'm kind of a competitive zombies player and it really sucks because when the game disconnects none of my high rounds get saved to my combat record. When I reinstalled the game it got a bit better and didn't crash as much but I still get a steady amount of disconnects and I don't know whats happening.

    submitted by /u/hogewarts
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