• Breaking News

    Monday, February 3, 2020

    Call of Duty Zombies When quick revive is on the other side of spawn in verruckt.

    Call of Duty Zombies When quick revive is on the other side of spawn in verruckt.

    When quick revive is on the other side of spawn in verruckt.

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 04:50 AM PST

    Bo3 appreciation

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 05:03 AM PST

    I just wanna take a moment to tell how much bo3 zombies was for me. Coming back from school with dropping grades and meeting so many cool people. Staying up countless nights seeing how high I can get to with friends or by myself. Looking up how to build something /pack a punch/or pretty much anything. Thanks treyarch for the memories.

    submitted by /u/jakeshnubs
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    Shrek No Numa

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 06:30 PM PST

    Got to ask Tank(Steven Blum) how he got into Treyarch

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 07:33 PM PST

    Can someone PLEASE tell me what the hell happened??

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 08:07 AM PST

    Thank you so much Steve Blum!!!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 01:55 PM PST

    I packed every gun on revalations

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 11:40 AM PST

    On BO3 zombies it took 3 hours but in a single run I packed all 35 guns on the map. Round 42 the challenge was completed and I plan on doing every other map too

    submitted by /u/EdgyOutcastGamer
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    So not sure if this is new? BOTD

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 03:10 AM PST

    By the first dog there was a police zombie hat on the table by the first dog at new industries. Held square and picked it up.

    Could have been a coincidence that it just disappeared as I pressed square tho 😂

    Or could be something. Couldn't find anything on it. Worth looking into?

    submitted by /u/iGotDoubleSlapt
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    Why Black Ops 1 had the best perk variety and system. @Treyarch

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 11:46 AM PST

    Perks we had in BO1 worked differently than in later installments.

    1. Stamin-Up in BO1 was the fastest version of Stamin Up to date and was often chosen because of how good it was. If you wanted to play medic, Stamin Up and Quick Revive were your best friends.
    2. Double Tap was no where near as powerful as it is now. In BO1 Double Tap wasn't a perk everyone got like how it was on later installments. Originally all it did was double your rate of fire and just made you burn ammo twice as fast. Smart players knew to only use Double Tap if you were using a semi-auto weapon or something powerful you needed to spam.
    3. PHD Flopper was a very powerful perk for those who knew how to use it. For those who don't know, PHD gave you no fall damage, no explosive damage (raygun damage as well), and the ability to dolphin dive off something high up and land with an explosion around you, killing all nearby zombies.
    4. Another thing I'd like to add is BO1 had no weapon customization. You could only add fast mag to weapons by pack-a-punching and the list of weapons that had that ability were low, probably only about 10. My point is that slapping fast mag on your weapon negates having Speed Cola in the first place and almost defeats the entire purpose of the perk.

    What does this mean? Jason Blundell said himself that the main reason why the new system was implemented was because players were choosing the same 4 every game (Jug, Quick Revive, Speed Cola, and Double Tap 2) and it lacked variety. The reason why it lacked variety was because perks that were once powerful were nerfed to hell and Double Tap was buffed to the point of it being suicide NOT to get it.

    The reason why I listed those 4 stats was because the perks were powerful in BO1 and the system was diverse. Players didn't choose the same four every game, everyone had different playstyles and it worked great.

    1. Some players liked to keep their starting pistol just to upgrade it for PHD, or to spam rocket launchers because you can't harm yourself with them. Not only did this give players the incentive to buy PHD, but it also gave use to explosive weapons. When you got a rocket launcher out of the box and pap'd it, that trashy weapon no one wanted would now dominate with PHD.
    2. Not every player used Double Tap because it wasn't that good of a perk compared to now, all you did was shoot faster and burn ammo just as fast.
    3. Some players loved Stamin-Up because you could make it to any player *almost* all the time to revive them or run out of an area swarming with zombies that you would have died in had it not been for Stamin-Up.
    4. Not everyone used Speed Cola because of built in fast mags in PAP'd weapons and big spaces which allowed for more reload time. (On Shangri-La however it was almost suicide to not run Speed Cola, you had to really know what you were doing.)

    My point is that in BO1 the perks were much more diverse and powerful and with better perks, players won't get the same ones every game. In BO1 you have more freedom than in BO2 and BO3 and BO1 let players have freedom in changing their perks through downing and playstyle. True, in BO4 there are way more perks and players have much more options than in BO1, but let me ask you this: What's the point in quanity if there isn't much quality? To all you BO4 players, be honest, how often do you change every perk in your loadout every game? You don't right? and if you do its not every game you do.

    Finally, I believe that if BO5 has a zombies mode, BO1 is what 3arch should stick to for source material and work around that. BO4 zombies wasn't well received mainly because of the perk system change. With 3arch bringing back the old system with diverse perks and adding some new features it would be well received. What do you guys think? I realize a lot of people haven't played BO1 so I tried to make it as in depth as possible.

    submitted by /u/Kikowani
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    Best thing you can do on this game?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 11:29 AM PST

    So I just helped some randoms beat the DE easter egg for the first time and it was probably the best feeling ive ever gotten from playing this game aside from maybe beating the super EE on BO3 so I was curious. What is the best thing yall have done on this game?

    submitted by /u/Jakobie-Guger
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    How do I get better at zombies?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 01:39 AM PST

    I like zombies, it seems fun and I love the lore, the only problem I have is that I suck at it. I hate having to rely on my friends inorder to get to high rounds with barely getting to round 15 on my own, are there any tips on how I get get better?

    submitted by /u/comic52
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    Server crash

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 09:41 AM PST

    I've been playing a lot of bo3 zombies in xbox but every match that I try to go to a high round or do the ee the server keeps kicking me out , am I the only one ? And is there a way to fix this ? I cant do much in the matches

    submitted by /u/ingrodrigo
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    Is there a way to add attachments to "dlc" weapons

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 09:29 AM PST

    So i just played tag for the first time in like 5 months and noticed that there is AN-94 in mystery box. I was wondering that is it possible to add attachments to those weapons

    submitted by /u/Dickatchu
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    Who? Um? What? Why?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 09:24 PM PST

    Tips on million kills dark ops?

    Posted: 03 Feb 2020 01:09 AM PST

    Currently on 700k and it's the last dark ops i need. I know high round games should help so what's the easiest maps/strats to help get the last 300k. thanks

    submitted by /u/tkwarfare319
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    Aether Updated Timeline With Added Dates From Radios/Ciphers/Blueprints/History/Everything!

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 06:12 PM PST

    Not even close.

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 05:44 PM PST

    Anyone have trouble with game freezing with an RTX?

    Posted: 02 Feb 2020 06:52 PM PST

    I just upgraded by video card from a GTX 970 to an RTX 2080. I haven't really had any issues with other games that I've played, but Black Ops 3 seems to have a lot of issues now. For the record, I have an ultrawide monitor with G-Sync as well. Idk if that plays any factor into the issue I'm getting, but I figured the more information the better.

    I haven't played the game in probably over a year and a half, so I don't know that it would have worked recently with my 970, but it used to run fine back when I used to play it. Now when I try to play it it will either freeze completely when loading up some maps or shortly after they have loaded, or just quit itself to my desktop mid game. I was able to completely play through the Der Eisendrachen EE, but Shadows and Gorov crash or freeze almost immediately. After closing the game either by itself or by me having to go to Task Manager and force close it, it seems my computer is a little more laggy in general and I have to restart.

    I found that turning off certain lighting effects like ambient occlusion and stuff has helped, it stop from freezing, but it will still quit sometimes. I have tried all the typical things such as verifying game cache, reinstalling the game, adding the Blops3 folder to my Windows Security exceptions, changing WorkerTheads to 2, etc. I'm at a point where I don't think I can even play the game anymore. Every time I get a party of people together for a zombies easter egg I just end up wasting their time.

    submitted by /u/Crislips
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