Call of Duty Zombies Here I come Richthofen lol |
- Here I come Richthofen lol
- My buddy sent me this meme and I had to share. Thoughts?
- Happy Earth Day Folks! 2025 is not that far away...
- My second attempt at the mk2 and I couldn’t be happier with the result.
- Zetsubo no Shima VHS sleeve
- Had no idea zombies could go through the wundersphere
- let it be boys
- Impulsively bought this at Target the other day. They also had Speed Cola, Quick Revive, and Double Tap ones.
- What do you want to see from black ops 5 zombies?
- just vibin tho
- Whats the best but still active COD Zombies game?
- I think BO4 is actually really fun
- First round 50 on soe wit no mega gob
- Was playing online and these tickets popped up. What are they?
- I believe sometimes this game DOES want you to succeed.
- Tag Der Toten's ending would have been a great bittersweet ending if they added just one thing to it
- I shouldn’t be alive
- What yall think of Buried?
- Thoughts for a chaotic mode
- Who else likes BO4?
- Ultimate Guides: Mephistopheles
- What is training?
- transit/die rise/buried EE
- Can someone please explain?? I was just playing right now and died of laughter cause my friend got instantly clapped ��
- personal opinion - but thoughts?
Posted: 22 Apr 2020 05:46 AM PDT
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My buddy sent me this meme and I had to share. Thoughts? Posted: 22 Apr 2020 10:55 AM PDT
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Happy Earth Day Folks! 2025 is not that far away... Posted: 22 Apr 2020 09:12 AM PDT
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My second attempt at the mk2 and I couldn’t be happier with the result. Posted: 22 Apr 2020 11:43 AM PDT
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Posted: 22 Apr 2020 10:43 AM PDT
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Had no idea zombies could go through the wundersphere Posted: 22 Apr 2020 10:42 AM PDT
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Posted: 22 Apr 2020 11:57 AM PDT
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Posted: 21 Apr 2020 11:10 PM PDT
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What do you want to see from black ops 5 zombies? Posted: 22 Apr 2020 06:12 AM PDT
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Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:54 PM PDT
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Whats the best but still active COD Zombies game? Posted: 22 Apr 2020 09:25 AM PDT I want to play some cod zombies but with modern warfare not having it i want to know which Cod Zombies is still fun and active? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
I think BO4 is actually really fun Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:42 PM PDT At least to me, IX, Classified, Ancient Evil and Alpha Omega are on par with most of BO3. And I haven't really delved into most of the other maps, so who knows what I have waiting for me in DoTN and TDT (I don't like blood of the dead) I didn't like it at first though. But once I was able to look past the baffling gameplay changes and overall jank of BO4s engine, I started to see a lot of the fun that existed within BO4s systems and especially maps. It's a very different game, but very rewarding to get into. I'd say if you were iffy on it around launch you should give it another go. There may be something there for you that you didn't realize! [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
First round 50 on soe wit no mega gob Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:20 PM PDT
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Was playing online and these tickets popped up. What are they? Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:29 PM PDT
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I believe sometimes this game DOES want you to succeed. Posted: 22 Apr 2020 11:05 AM PDT
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Tag Der Toten's ending would have been a great bittersweet ending if they added just one thing to it Posted: 22 Apr 2020 12:02 PM PDT To be honest, the ending just felt rushed, especially with Alpha Omega leaving us with Samantha's outburst and vowing to essentially destroy all of reality out of revenge. While the ending we got was... lacking somewhat, I think if just one thing was added, it would have still been a good ending: Nikolai individually saying goodbye to the others Think of it this way. Nikolai just shot Ultimas Richtofen and he is now all that left. The only loose end to tie is for his own life to end. Before doing so, he digs a grave for each of his comrades and individually thanks them for standing with him. Dempsey, Takeo and Richtofen are buried and Nikolai leaves a makeshift gravestone to honor them. By now, he has already forged a friendship with them, and despite knowing that this is what must be done, it just how much he valued them. Such a simple addition would have made it so much more emotional, especially to the people who have been here since WAW. We wouldn't have wanted to say goodbye, but at least they all would have gotten a proper send-off. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 22 Apr 2020 10:49 AM PDT
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Posted: 22 Apr 2020 07:00 AM PDT I feel like that map doesn't get near the recognition it deserves... I def feel like how you could use Lenny to your advantage rather than it being a george romero type of deal was amazing and added an extra element of strategy to the gameplay. Also, the bank idea was phenomenal. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 22 Apr 2020 10:57 AM PDT I've seen glitches where there are 16 or so people in a zombies lobby. Do you think that it would be fun to have an extra game mode that allows more people to be in a game. It wouldn't count towards ee or stats. It could just be a mode to see how crazy a zombies game can get. What do you think about this kind of idea. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 22 Apr 2020 01:14 PM PDT Personally, I think all the maps on BO4 were a pleasure to play and I enjoyed many of the changes made. I'm a fan of the new perk system, controversially. BO4 made a lot of small but significant quality of life changes, like carpenter fixing shields. The ability to repair your shield. Max ammos not requiring reloading to refill your whole stock. I love Blood of the Dead too. [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ultimate Guides: Mephistopheles Posted: 22 Apr 2020 08:36 AM PDT What is 'Mephistopheles' & what do I get from it?What is it? Mephistopheles is the final boss fight in IW Zombies in which our 4 main characters fight a Demon from whom Willard Wyler sold his soul to in order to ensure their souls are not taken so that they will be able to escape the world that they are trapped inside of (or so they thought). Mephistopheles translates as 'to own one's soul'. Why should I do it? By defeating the Mephistopheles boss fight you will obtain 3 things; 1) The 'Demon Slayer' calling card found in the 'Secret' section of the Soul challenges (Barracks > Calling Cards > Soul Challenges > Secret > 'Demon Slayer'). 2) The 'Directors Cut' camouflage that you can put on all of your guns. 3) 'Willard Wyler' as a playable character in the map 'Zombies in Spaceland'. Willard's activation code is 'Left Left Down Up Up Right'. If you do not have Directors Cut mode when you unlock Willard, you will be unable to play as him until you do get Directors Cut. If you already have Directors Cut, you will be able to play as Willard immediately after defeating Mephistopheles, regardless of if you have any of the 5 talismans or not. The talismans are not needed to unlock Willard, all you need is Directors Cut mode and the Mephistopheles fight complete. Setup: Fate & Fortune cards'Second Wind' OR '5 Second Muscle' ('Second Wind' will save you from a maximum of 3 redscreens, killing all small enemies such as cryptids & skeletons. You should activate this card at the start of the fight. If you alternatively use '5 Second Muscle' also activate this at the start of the fight as it will allow you to do more damage to enemies overtime) 'Head Reloaded' OR 'Best For Last' ('Head Reloaded' will save you from having to reload constantly if you keep getting headshots. Activate this at the 1st or 2nd talisman. 'Best For Last' will make the last 4 bullets in your clip deadly, this does not seem to be much in theory but in practice it can save you in some sticky situations) Reanimated, Rising Phoenix OR Stimulus ('Reanimated' is almost essential for solo and can save your life. For co-op, use the card at the 3rd of 4th talisman. 'Rising Phoenix' will revive all downed players, only use this on co-op, it does nothing on solo. Only use the card when all but 1 person are down, but only if absolutely necessary. Try to save the card for the very end of the fight or else it will be a waste. 'Stimulus' is a lifesaver and if you kill multiple enemies near a downed player it can revive them as well as heal yourself (do not take the risk in trying to revive someone this way though as it may cause problems). Use this card for the 5th talisman or the end stage if you have neither 'Explosive Touch' or 'Twist of Fate') Explosive Touch, Twist of Fate OR Stimulus ('Explosive Touch' will make it very difficult for you to be killed by enemies and you should activate this at the end stage after 1 or 2 talismans have been raised. However, be sure to kill Phantoms as soon as they spawn as they are still able to kill you with this card activated. 'Twist of Fate' is a weaker form of 'Explosive Touch' and you should follow the same procedure with this card, being aware that more enemies will be able to attack you than just the Phantoms, so, if necessary, kill these enemies if they get too close or damage you too much. 'Stimulus' should be used by at least 2 players in a 3/4 player co-op; 1 for the 99 second countdown in the Beast boss fight & 1 for the end stage of Mephistopheles. This card is a lifesaver and produces a lot of clutch moments. If you're in a 2 player game, have 1 person carry this card. For solo, try to use the other cards if possible. Be sure to use the card at the start of the final stage) What should I do if I do not have Directors Cut?Have someone in your game carry the 'Skull Hacker' card with them and activate it after completing the X step. Then do the Ghosts & Skulls located at the arcade so that you can have all of the perks permanently. If this isn't possible, you should probably get Director's Cut first or take a risk and have a player invite you at the end of the Meph fight (though this should be a last resort). If you choose the 2nd option you must follow certain steps just before they invite you, preferably when they get to the 5th talisman. Only join their game when they invite you during the final stage, just before you activate all of the talismans. Do as follows: 1) Dashboard/Restart your game 2) Go to a custom match, selecting the map as the 'Beast from Beyond' 3) Wait until it says only 'Waiting...' in the bottom right corner of the screen, rather than 'Waiting...Loading Level...' 4) Accept invite as soon as you receive it (just run around when you join as you'll only have the OSA) Setup: LoadoutPrimary Weapon: 'Mauler', 'Auger', 'Atlas', 'FHR' or 'VPR' LMG: If you have the Mauler - Sentinel variant then use the Mauler. If you do not have this but you have the Auger - Fury variant then use the Auger. If you have neither of these variants, use the Atlas (Annihilator variant can be useful however you lose ammo faster). All of these weapons are very powerful against all enemies and have a lot of ammo which can be stored across the Mephistopheles fight as a way of conserving ammo. For all of these weapons, use Extended Mags, FMJ & Hollow Point SMG: If your wheel luck is letting you down, try to get the FHR (Windfall variant is very good and acts similar to stimulus as it can heal you). If you are unable to get the FHR then grab the VPR from the theatre as an alternative. The VPR has less ammo than the FHR but it is slightly stronger and can deal with Phantoms very well. For all of these weapons, use Extended Mags, FMJ & Hollow Point Secondary Weapon: 'Kendall 44' or 'Venom X' Kendall: This weapon should be used to clear out cryptids or skeletons. It allows you to run faster and easily clear paths. Do not worry about crawlers, this can only happen during the stages when the light is blocked out and it doesn't cause much of an issue. Make sure that you use Auto Sear attachment so that you can shoot faster as this will help out in the later stages Venom X: You can either retrieve this from the magic wheel or unlock it. This will be primarily used by the people standing on the talismans but can also be useful in defending the people standing on the talismans. Also, at the end stages of the fight, this can clear out many enemies so that it is easier to shoot Meph. Here is a guide for how to unlock the Venom X, but only use this if your wheel luck is super trash in that game Should I use the 4 weapons glitch? This glitch can be very useful in securing both the primary weapons as well as both the secondary weapons so that you can not lose them. I would recommend using this if you feel as if 2 secondary explosives would be useful. However, if you feel uncomfortable using this method I wouldn't use it as it can be difficult to process how to correctly switch through the gun cycles. As a more experienced player, I always use this as an extra gun is always handy. If you do not want to use the glitch but would like a 3rd weapon, make sure you keep mule kick on so that you can grab an extra gun. In short, this is useful, but not necessarily needed. Here is a tutorial if you want to use this glitch... How can we get points fast?Donating: Have all players, other than the Host, deposit 25k points into the bank at the theatre and then dashboard their games. Do this twice. This way, there can be a maximum of 150k in the bank. Only use this money when absolutely necessary. 'On The Money' Glitch 'DCM-8 Masochist' Glitch Mephistopheles Fight: The TalismansProcedure: 1) Activate any talisman by holding X and then stand on it for a total of 30 seconds (multiplied by player count) until blue souls appear from the talisman. (E.g. If you have 3 players in your game, you'll have to spend 90 seconds on the talisman). While filling up the talisman, you will need to kill skeletons as well as avoiding Mephistopheles attacks as he tries to kill you and your teammates. Their will be new attacks per talisman that you will need to avoid. Here's an example of what you could be faced with...
2) Once the blue souls appear, you will need to entangle them with your entangler and shoot them at Mephistopheles until he is 'stunned' and you see a symbol highlighted on his chest or shoulder and he will spawn in the centre of the arena. You will need to shoot a total of 4 of these souls at Mephistopheles (multiplied by player count). (E.g. If you have 2 players in your game you will have to shoot 8 souls at Mephistopheles) 3) Once Mephistopheles spawns in the centre, all players will have to shoot his glowing symbol until it disappears and then Mephistopheles will teleport back to the end of the arena 4) Mephistopheles will then block out the light and you will enter a 'darkness stage'. This stage will appear from talismans 1 to 4. There will be no 'darkness stage' once completing the 5th talisman. 5) Repeat steps 1 - 3 for all of the talismans. Complete step 4 for all but the last talisman Mephistopheles Fight: The 'Darkness Stage'This stage appears after completing the first 4 talismans. In this stage all you have to do is survive and kill some special enemies. For each talisman, new enemies will appear. Here is a quick table to show you.
Use your primary weapon for the start of the stages. When multiple enemies spawn at once, you should switch to your explosive weapon to clear them out. After completing this stage and killing all of the enemies all players will need to hide behind one of the 2 rock pillars as multiple meteors will spawn. Once these meteors have stopped, the light will become unblocked and the next talisman will begin. You can then come out from hiding behind the pillar Mephistopheles Fight: The AttacksFor each new talisman, Mephistopheles will unlock a new attack. Here is a table of all possible combinations of attacks.
Fireballs: This is the most common attack. When you see Meph move from left to right he may throw fireballs. This can also be indicated by him putting out his right hand towards you. This attack can come at you from either across the arena, directly behind you or while Meph is strafing. The easiest way to avoid them is to slide or run left or right from where he shoots them. His hand movements will determine where he fires the fireballs. Black Hole: Meph will spawn a black hole in the centre of the arena that will suck you in. To avoid this, simply jump backwards. If you go prone just before he spawns this attack, you will not get sucked in. Try to get an extra player to stand on the talisman during this step. Fire Breath: Meph will erupt in anger and glide across the map breathing fire along the way till he gets to the other side. This attack is quite rare. To avoid this, stay away from Meph or else he will down you. Running over the fire after he has got to the other side of the arena will not cause damage. Ground Slam: Meph will grow brightly and then spawn in the centre of the arena. He will rise up, lighting up fire (which can damage you) and then he will do a loud slam on the ground. Once he has slammed, you are safe. For this attack, simply just hide behind a rock pillar, go to the back of the arena or just stand around the edges of the arena (very edge) Fire Wall: Meph will raise his hands, similar to when he does to spawn skeletons but instead he will clap. This will cause a firewall to spawn across the map, cutting it into 2. If you are directly hit by the wall or you run into it you will get damaged, go down or even possibly get knocked off the map. If you get knocked off the map, you are unable to go back to the arena but you can be revived by Rising Phoenix (I don't advise this) Meteorite: Meph will raise both his hands and form a meteorite before throwing it at a specific player. Do not hide behind a pillar as you can easily be redscreened, if not downed. To avoid this, either run towards Meph or run to the opposite side of the arena to where you were when he threw the meteorite. Fire Tornado: Meph will twists his hands around in a circular motion, spawning a ball of fire in the centre. This fire will spiral outwards, forming gaps, some small and some large. Try to weave through the larger gaps. If Meph fires a fireballs just after this attack, run to the opposite side and try to quickly find a larger gap to squeeze through. The tornadoes will instantly kill you if you're not careful. Also, if you shoot the Venom X in the centre while this attack is happening, it will open up more gaps that you can squeeze through to avoid the fire. Mephistopheles Fight: The Final StageAfter shooting Meph's last glowing symbol on the 5th talisman, he will rage, spurting out fire and then teleport to the back of the arena, activating the final stage of the fight. What happens? In this stage, Meph will use every attack he can to try and kill you while multiple enemies spawn. At the start of this stage, Zombies, Cryptids, Phantoms and Clowns will spawn. As the stage progresses Ninjas will spawn followed by a Slasher and if the stage is long enough, Rhinos will spawn. If the Slasher spawns or a Rhino spawns, try to kill them immediately. For the other enemies, wipe them out using your explosive weapons. What do we do? Once the stage starts, all of Meph's symbols will light up. All players will need to continually shoot at Meph's symbols until all of the talismans have raised up. During the stage, try to shoot Meph as much as possible as well as clearing out any enemies when necessary using 'Twist of Fate' and/or 'Explosive Touch' as well your secondary explosives (especially Venom X). If possible, have 1 person activate 1 of these 2 cards while the other activates 'Stimulus' so that the chances of people going down is decreased. If you are using 'Reanimated' make sure you have activated it. Have 1 player ready with a 'Rising Phoenix' to use if all other players go down. Once all of the talismans have been raised, interact with each 1 by pressing X. Once all talismans are activated they will shoot a laser beam at Meph, clearing the map of all enemies and forcing Meph to spawn in the centre. Once he spawns in the centre, all players must shoot him until he explodes and the cutscene begins (indicated by screen turning pure white). General Tips & Tricks- If a player needs to go AFK, have them go into one of the zombie pile ups near the fridge trap, just as you leave the spawn - If it helps, remove blue bolts &/or trail blazers to avoid killing the last zombie accidently - In the beast boss fight, shoot the blue rhinos anywhere other than near the ammo crates as this will make it harder for you to get ammo - For Meph, have 2 people either side of the arena if you have 4 players - When skeletons are raised, shoot a Venom ammo at your feet (and then press LT) to kill them instantly
- When Meph does an attack, call it out to your teammates so they can be prepared to avoid it - In Meph, collect the max ammo from the centre only if absolutely necessary, try to use as much ammo as possible before grabbing it - Any noise from Meph could indicate an attack, always listen out - If you need ammo at a 'Darkness stage' keep a zombie or a cryptid and wait till another max ammo spawns - Try to go into Meph at a round as low as possible. It is believed that the higher the round, the stronger the skeletons but I reject this theory. However, if you keep going up rounds, it will be harder to set up your guns - Slasher will spawn into the map on about Scene 20 or so, try to avoid going this high up the rounds as he is very unpredictable - For the 'Darkness stage' stay at the back of the arena and camp until you need to run out - For the meteor shower after the 'Darkness stage' have 2 people on either pillar - Throwing grenades during the 'Darkness stage' can help - Shoot the Venom into the centre during the 'Darkness stage' and allow it to explode on its own - If someone is AFK, avoid going into PAP, also, tell others when you enter PAP or are doing the 4 weapon glitch as either 3 cryptids or 1 phantom will spawn once you leave PAP - Before doing the 4 weapon glitch, make sure you have at least 1 of the guns from your loadout setup - Have a team medic that revives downed players, if the medic goes down, take your time, they will not bleed out - If someone gets knocked out of the map during a fire wall, have someone activate 'Rising Pheonix' - this way, if everyone dies at the end stage, you can have 1 downed player dashboard and then join back to revive the others before continuing to shoot Meph - the person outside of the map should not move, as long as they stay in the same place, they cannot be downed - The 'Stallion 44 - Marauder' can be very useful for escaping fire tornadoes as well as well as a good way to revive downed players (only use this as a 4th weapon in the mule kick slot. If a player goes down, empty the clip and then quickly revive the player. This will cause enemies to ignore you while you revive the downed teammate) Still need some help? Contact me!Ever since defeating Meph with a team of 4 just 5 days after the 'Beast from Beyond' released on Xbox 1 I have done over 1000 EE's on IW, I have defeated Meph over 250 times & have helped over 500 people unlock Willard Wyler through both co-op teams and Meph giveaways. I made this tutorial as a way for people to learn my ultimate tips and tricks and know how to master Meph! I have also completed multiple Meph challenges, similar to my good friend DefyxClutch. Meph Challenges I've Done:
There are 5 ways that you can contact me: through Xbox 1, my email, my Mixer, my Twitter account or simply just leave a comment below with your question. Xbox 1 Gamertag: DaRkShAdOwYlaf Email Address: []( Mixer: AinsleyHariott ( Twitter: IW Chef ( Also on my Mixer profile is a list of people who can help you with soul keys as well as the Meph fight if I'm not available to help. I hope this guide has helped! What is the hardest part about the Mephistopheles fight for you? Is it the fireballs? Your teammates being dumb? Meph being extra drugged up? Make sure you say in the comments :) [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 22 Apr 2020 06:22 AM PDT Started playing zombies a couple days back, and I hear everybody throw around the word "training". Can someone please explain to me what it is and how to do it? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 22 Apr 2020 06:21 AM PDT i have completed both transit and die rise ee and my die rise is lit up blue but my transit is not. why? [link] [comments] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posted: 21 Apr 2020 10:41 PM PDT
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personal opinion - but thoughts? Posted: 22 Apr 2020 01:16 PM PDT
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