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    Sunday, August 2, 2020

    Call of Duty Zombies Per several requests. Here is some live gameplay of me and the cutest zombie slayer on IX. Made it to round 33 before bedtime. She loves Quacknorak elixir. Makes her giggle every time. Apologize for the poor camera angle.

    Call of Duty Zombies Per several requests. Here is some live gameplay of me and the cutest zombie slayer on IX. Made it to round 33 before bedtime. She loves Quacknorak elixir. Makes her giggle every time. Apologize for the poor camera angle.

    Per several requests. Here is some live gameplay of me and the cutest zombie slayer on IX. Made it to round 33 before bedtime. She loves Quacknorak elixir. Makes her giggle every time. Apologize for the poor camera angle.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    I spent a few hours editing this and probably no one will see it so... enjoy

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 05:14 PM PDT

    Deadshot Daiquiri. Piano Edition.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 03:11 AM PDT

    New side EE discovered on Voyage Of Despair!

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    I believe I have discovered and solved a new mini EE on Voyage Of Despair.

    As far as I can tell this was previously undiscovered as I've searched and can't find any mention of it anywhere online.

    Above the crows nest, at the very top of the mast on the Forecastle, sits a bird. It's quite hard to see as it's a long way up but I noticed it a little while ago, and thought it was an odd thing to be all the way up there for decorative purposes when it's so hard to see, so I grabbed a sniper and had a closer look. It even has a little wing flap animation. (It's easier to see with cartoon mode on, and the best place to stand is on the right of the bridge looking towards the front of the ship as a cloud behind it makes it more visible)

    I shot it and nothing happened, except a sort of cloud of feathers/smoke/blood coming from it, but the bird just sat there. I couldn't help thinking it was a strange decision to put him all the way up there. Nevertheless, I carried on with my game, but I couldn't stop thinking about it. So I set about trying all sorts of things, trying to land a homunculus in the crows nest, bashing the mast with the shield, using level 3 specialist on it, shooting it with numerous weapons with different AATs... You name it, I tried it, but the bird continued to sit there, mocking me. Until I went and got the Kraken that is...

    I tried shooting it with the PAP'd Kraken and 3 of its elemental variants and... Nothing happened.

    I was ready to give up and accept defeat as I shot it with the Decay Kraken variant, and then... a Red hitmarker popped up! To start with I thought I'd coincidentally hit a zombie at the same time, but as the green mist from the shot faded from the top of the mast, I saw that the bird was gone!

    The next couple of days involved repeating this (to make sure I hadn't imagined it) and then searching the map looking for anything out of the ordinary/anything to pick up. Initially I figured that there must be another bird somewhere, so I spent a lot of time using the lighting feature in theatre mode to try and find it, with no luck. Eventually I came across a book next to the Zeus perk, with a cipher written in it that I don't remember seeing before (I've spent quite a lot of time searching the maps for secrets, so I'm quite familiar with them) so I skipped the time stamp back to before I shot the bird and the text disappeared! Again I had to do this a couple of times to convince myself that I wasn't imagining it or that it was a strange visual glitch, but sure enough, shooting the bird triggered the text to appear in the book.

    The cipher text reads:

    Oesysh.nnrtooatdceeu ltr.e.r.d.uf.a.aidloy..reo yrogNer..?uao..ys..nw a.ot.wg..Wua.

    I identified it as a transposition cipher, and after rearranging it into various blocks of letters, I solved it. Upon grouping the text into rows of 8 letters, you can read down the columns left to right to find the following encrypted message:


    I believe it's a Scytale Cipher with a band of 10. If any cipher buffs can confirm this that'd be great!

    And that's where I think this mini EE ends. There may well be more like this, and it just goes to show how easy it is for things to go unnoticed. Despite only being a small thing, this was very rewarding to hunt/solve.

    I'll attach some pictures of the bird and the book in a comment below. If anyone has any questions, let me know.

    Thanks for reading, and happy hunting!

    EDIT: Thank you all for the congratulatory messages, and to the very kind people who gave me awards! It's great to find something to share with the community!

    submitted by /u/JackalBoy88
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    Kino Der Toten: The most successful and important launch map. (a retrospective on most people's first map)

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:52 AM PDT

    November 9th, 2010. Call of Duty Black Ops has hit the shelves and is selling like crack cocaine, no other COD at the time had sold as well as BO1 and it was one of the most successful games at the time. With this came WAW fans that were eager to dive into the new Zombies map Kino Der Toten. But this isn't going to be from their perspective, for this game had so many more first-time Zombies players than even Nacht Der Untoten. This is going to be from the perspective of somebody that has never played WAW or even played zombies for that matter and decided to jump into Kino Der Toten before even finishing the campaign. All because Zombies was advertised as something right below the multiplayer section in big, bold, white writing.

    So, let's get into it!

    *Static. "Entry seven-four-one-zero-TWO-ONE! Perhaps zis station VVill hold the key to ze real goals of group nine-three-five, I still do not trust my unconventional allies, but they are of great use to me. BUT, I digress. Who would've thought the MDT vvas capable of time travel? How many stations does zis group have? VVhere did that little girl disappear too? Only time will tell VVhat new questions avvait us in zis... THEATER OF THE DAMNED!" *Static.

    Right off the bat, the map throws so much mystery at the first-time player, some german dude talking about some division of scientists, his diverse cast of companions, his view of them, some device capable of time travel, a little girl, and a theater full of mystery... and the undead. They're given the option to skip the dialogue around 3/4ths of the way through, but they're just too intrigued by this Nazi's rambling to just jump into it.

    Electricity obscures the player's vision before dissipating and revealing the starting room, they are granted access to the iconic M14 and Olympia as well as the Quick-Revive machine, each for the price of 500 points. WAW players will immediately notice that the QR machine being available to them at 1/3rd of its OG price is kind of an oddity, but the first-time player knows no better.

    The first-time player goes through the same process of discovery as the WAW player going through Nacht for the first time. The M1911 is a pea-shooter as early as the first round, one of the wall weapons craps out as early as round 4, and they are not going to survive unless they advance through the map. If they have enough points, however, they may get Quick-Revive for 500 points just for the hell of it.

    Taking either path to get to power doesn't really grant you a massive leap in weapon progression, as opening up either door will just get you a weak, point-making SMG that runs out of ammo too quickly, those guns being the MPL and the PM63. It does grant you access to your first traps, however, but you can't really use them until you turn on the power. It's taking the next door that gets you an SMG that can carry you decently through the rounds, the AK-74u, and the MP40. Theirs the Stakeout too in the room where the MP40 is, but if the player buys it, they'll trade it out after round 7, it's not that good. Opening up these doors also grants players their first 2nd perk option that they can't quite access yet because of the lack of power, Double-Tap Rootbeer, and Speed-Cola. Taking the next door will grant the player with... nothing but a trap they can't use yet if they took the alleyway, but if they took the other path then they not only have a trap they can't access yet but they can get an MP5K off the wall. After opening up the final door from each side, players will be granted an M16 wall buy and they will be able to turn on the power.

    Turning on the power on this map is simultaneously the biggest sigh of relief and the biggest "Uh-Oh" moment a first-time player can have. They have access to perks, traps, and the PAP machine if they link the teleporter to the spawn area, but they also have to deal with Nova crawlers now. The rest of the map's potential is opened up to the player and it's up to them to survive as long as possible. Do they PAP their guns? Did they even make it this far in their first game? Did they die on round 3 and just give up Zombies after that? Who knows? Because that's not important right now. What is important is this map's impact on Zombies going forward.

    let's talk about the flow of the map first.

    Kino's rough shape is like a rectangle/square with a line connecting the 2 longer ends of the rectangle/square together. As for how it flows, it, unfortunately, makes the same mistake Verrückt made with favoring one path to the power switch over the other. it's not too bad until you get to the 3rd room from spawn on either side. The alleyway only gives you an AK-74u whereas the foyer room gives you an MP40 and the Stakeout, the Stakeout isn't a great shotgun, but it's a decent option in terms of getting you to the power switch. This continues until you actually reach the power room, where the dressing room gives you an MP5K and the backroom gives you nothing. And to top things off, if you plan on training in the theater area, then going down the right path to reach power isn't an option as opening up the door that leads to the theater from the backroom makes training way too dangerous. Besides that, there isn't much to offer in terms of flow.

    Actually, there is one thing to talk about in terms of good flow, and that's the theater room. One of the most iconic training spots of all time.

    How many people spent hours watching TheSynicateProject reach round 115 by training in the theater room? How many people thought he was the best zombies player ever just because he reached that number despite the fact that people were reaching the thousands on maps like Nacht, Verrückt, and Shi No Numa? My main point here is that this is where the method of training blew up like TNT, and all anyone had to do was just pick up an RPK, run around in an 8 shaped loop and mow down the hordes. Of course, no casual dared to take Syndicate's record by learning to get good, so he was revered as the god of Zombies by all the casual fans.

    Let's talk about the map's progression now, because this is where it gets interesting.

    Kino's progression after getting power is like Der Riese but on a much less complex level, And Der Riese isn't even that complex by today's standards. Once you get the power on, all you have to do is link the main teleporter on the stage to the tela-pad in the spawn room, just like Der Riese, but there's no timer to urge the player to get it done fast. Once that's over, just use the teleporter to get to the projector room and upgrade your guns if you have the points, you ARE on a 20-30 second time limit here, so make it quick. That's it. Yes, you'll end up getting perks as usual, but that doesn't really add much complexity beyond opening up most of the map (again, you DON'T want to open up the door in the backroom that leads to the theater). Kino's progression is simple and casual friendly, which is good in its own way, but it leaves much to be desired from the more hard-core players that want to do a little more than just link a teleporter, get some perks and upgrade your guns. And that leads us to our next point, innovation is not Kino's strength.

    Kino's only real innovation is the fire trap in the lower hall where the MPL wall buy is. But, if we're considering traps that aren't electrical gates as an innovation, then the Flogger from Shi No Numa was that first step toward unique traps. You have to be Fred from Scooby-Doo in order to consider traps as a unique innovation, because, in the end, they all function the same. "Well, what about the Nova crawlers? Don't they count as an innovation Kino made?" No, because they were FIVE's innovation, Nova Crawlers were simply put into Kino to spice things up and present an actual challenge to players. With all that out of the way, that only leaves the Thunder Gun.

    Ah yes, the Thunder Gun. My personal favorite wonder weapon, nothing feels more cathartic than blowing an entire horde of zombies away with this beefy cannon. It's like an uber-powerful force-push or the unrelenting-force shout from Skyrim but on steroids. My need to tell you how good this gun is is about as pointless as telling you that it was also supposed to be FIVE's wonder weapon. That's right, for those who don't know, there are audio files of the FIVE cast that refer to them wielding the Thunder Gun. Here's a link to a video showcasing those audio files.

    So Kino isn't a very innovative map, but that's not meant to be its strength. Its strength is how easy it is for casuals to enjoy. So let's move on to something else, like the atmosphere/ambiance.

    Kino's atmosphere feels exactly like how it looks, an old theater destroyed by age. It's meant to feel drab, disgusting, and abandoned, it's not meant to feel comfortable or pretty or colorful and I don't get why maps with this kind of atmosphere get so much hate. Yeah, it gets boring to look at when you're playing a 30-70 round game, but that's why the alleyway exists, that area is supposed to be a breath of fresh air and it's something I can relate to as someone who has worked on turning an abandoned bowling alley into a church.

    As for ambiance, Kino is actually pretty creepy when you listen for the crying babies, but other than that, the only other creepy ambiance is when you turn the power on, and you here the nova crawlers breaking through the ceiling. I guess you can also hear the main Zombies piano melody if you listen closely, but that's also in FIVE for some reason, so it's not an exclusive feeling.

    There is one other noise you regularly here, and that's the weird radio noises coming from the meteor fragments around the map. These are the exact sounds that the Jars with the brains and spinal cords make in Der Riese, and by activating them... you guessed it, it plays the maps easter egg song, 115. This is probably the most iconic song in Zombies and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't at least in my top 10
    Zombies EE songs of all time. It has probably the most badass opening riff to any song in the series and it's been engraved in the head of everyone who played public matches with that one guy who knew how to activate it.

    On the topic of easter eggs, there's only one other easter egg, and that's the movie reels. When successfully PAPing, the teleporter will take you to a random room. These rooms are a Pentagon conference room, a doctor's operating room, Samantha's bedroom, and a version of her room that is destroyed and filled with teddy bears of varying sizes. In any of these rooms can be 1 of 2 movie reels, you can only collect one at a time and when you go to the projector room next, you can place the reel in the projector. This will give you lore as to what group 935 was doing here, but nothing else. It's a minor easter egg that you don't even really need to worry about when playing this map.

    before I end this retrospective with a final rating, I wanna talk about BO1's guns.

    These are the most badass and powerful sounding guns in zombies, period. I know that sound design is pretty subjective, but BO1's guns sound like actual guns... well, most of them either way (I'm looking at you, SMGs). WAW's guns sounded extreme to the point where blowing a zombies head off felt as brutal as it should be, guns like the Double-Barreled shotgun and the 357. Magnum felt like they could open up somebody's chest cavity. BO1's guns, while not being as brutal overall, feel like a bull charging at your target, they manage to feel like they can cause brutal damage like WAW guns but the gore in BO1 is a bit limited in comparison to WAW since the story of the campaign was way more personal and psychological than WAWs brutal carnage. This is why I think BO1 guns are more impressive overall, feeling powerful despite not showing that much power and relying on subtlety and implication to get the point across.

    That's not to say most of the guns still aren't that powerful though. BO1s guns can be pretty weak, relying on their unique PAP attachments and support effects to make them more useful than they actually are. That's not to say adding a grenade launcher on the M16, putting a master key shotgun attachment on the AUG, instantly reviving people with the Ballistic knives, and shooting arrows that attract zombies like Monkey Bombs with the Crossbow isn't awesome, it just means that the guns themselves when un-PAPed can't be that good. There are acceptions, like the Galil and Commando being solid ARs and the AK-74u and the MP-40 being decent SMGs (with the MP40 being the only gun that feels as powerful as it is), but guns like the RPK and the HK-21 feel like a noticeable downgrade from the Browning M1919 and the mother fucking MG-42.

    It's also a shame that we didn't get any multiplayer exclusive guns put on any of the other maps. Guns like the Enfield, AK47, Stoner 63, Kiparis, Scorpion, PSG1, and the WA2000. None of these guns made it into Zombies (with the exception of the AK47) and it's a dame tragedy, and don't even get me started on some of the campaign guns we could've gotten.

    Overall, Kino Der Toten is probably the most casual-friendly map of all time net to Buried, and, while Innovation isn't its strong suit, it does its job well by giving casual players an easy-to-enjoy map. It's weird knowing that Kino was supposed to be WAW's 4th DLC map, the only reason we didn't get it in WAW was that Activision didn't want a 4th DLC for a year old game to interfere with the promotional material for MW2, so they saved Kino for BO1. It's probably the best-case scenario considering FIVE, being the launch alternative, would've been the only map anyone could play besides DOA, and DOA is a secret that can only be accessed from the computer in the interrogation room in the main menu screen.

    My final rating for Kino Der Toten is a 7.9/10.

    See you all with FIVE.

    submitted by /u/rEdDiTmOmEnT57
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    [IDEA] New Gamemode for Zombies

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    I was thinking about a new mode that could be possible on the next gen consoles for CoD Zombies. Its a mixture of CoD Zombiesobviously, Grief from Bo2, Gambit from Destiny and some features from Trials Fusion.

    Its a 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 on a map where you can pre set the mode you want to play. Reach round 20 the fastest, complete an EE first, kill x amount of zombies in x amount of time first etc.

    You only see a ghostly white figure of your enemies, there is not collision with them and you dont share the same zombies, steps, progression. Your actions doesnt affect your enemies (yet), you play normaly towards your objective. When you open doors it only open for your team, they have to buy it for themselves too. The same goes for power and collectibles.

    Here is the fun part, you can spend points to manipulate their match, for example:

    spawn a Panzer soldat, Mangler, Napalm Zombies for x amount points

    Give flesh (like in Grief) to an enemy and every zombie in their game attacks the fleshed person

    disable a perk for x amount of time for x amount of points

    Close a door for points

    Disable PaP, teleporter, mystery box

    What do you think? Does it sound fun? Which aspect would you change or add something new? Let me know!

    submitted by /u/Alpii69
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    Anyone else have BO4 grow on them recently?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 08:12 AM PDT

    I have no idea why, but ever since covid I've been playing a ton of Ancient Evil and Dead Of The Night. Those maps are like super fun now, even though I hated bo4 zombies with a passion for the first few months of its release.

    submitted by /u/yungsnareboi
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    Higest round you made it into?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 11:04 AM PDT

    My personal best was a 55 in Classified

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    submitted by /u/Virsi2709
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    Widows Wine coming in clutch as always

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 08:03 PM PDT

    Best CoD game which includes zombies?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:50 AM PDT

    Soon I'll buy ps4 and probably my first game will be CoD. I played bo1 kino five, bo2 tranzit, ww2 final reich. At my friend's house.

    I want to buy a CoD game with zombie dlcs so I wanted to know which game gives better zombie experience.

    submitted by /u/EmirAkkayaFP
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    Everybody be asking "Who's Who" but never "How's Who"

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    How many of you have put this bad boy together? (Black ops 1000 piece puzzle part of the black ops 4 mystery box edition)

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 07:47 PM PDT

    Is Bo4 zombies worth it?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 04:43 AM PDT

    I've heard bad things, I don't really like the look at the chaos maps and the no perk machines thing kinda sucks. However if it is cheap, would u recommend picking up the game for someone who wouldn't at least mind checking out some of the aether maps?

    submitted by /u/Jimmyban
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    Few years ago.......

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 12:59 AM PDT

    Made these designs for the original 4 perks today (Marker/pastel on canvas)

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 07:29 PM PDT

    MoTD possibly scrapped from chronicles

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 03:07 AM PDT

    I know this might sound weird but hear me out, in Revelations they remastered some of the maps and put certain parts of said map into Revelations, they also added MoTD (with the soundtrack and the round ending music etc.) which leads me to believe MoTD was scrapped and remade for BO4. What are your guys' thoughts on my theory?

    submitted by /u/memeozis
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    Does plutonium fix backwards speed and EE reward

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 09:14 AM PDT

    So I'm wondering if plutonium fixed the bo2 backwards movement speed as normally on pc it is slower than on console and also I briefly remember that there is a ee reward that will always spawn you in with a different gun or a permanent EE reward however I'm not sure if this is true

    Edit : I'm also wondering if anyone knows if you can get custom camos on plutonium

    submitted by /u/basedyes
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    Work in progress..

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 12:24 PM PDT

    Zetsobou... Good or bad??

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    I've been playing a crap ton of bo3 lately and I've redone all of the Easter eggs like 2 or three times now. Zetsobou believe it or not stood out to me as one of my favorite maps now. Compared to some of the other bo3 maps, namely Gorod, it seems way less tedious. I feel like it is drastically underrated. The Easter egg is fun and not too difficult, I love the setting, the thrashers are annoying sure but they're not THAT BAD. They spawn behind you but they're incredibly easy to kill come on. Apart from the thrashers the map is incredibly fun and it keeps you engaged the whole time. You always have something to do. It added a whole bunch of different enemy types to keep you on your toes, the Easter egg camping spot is amazing, the kt4 is a fun and different wonder weapon. Playing zetsobou is a breath of fresh air I have to be real. What are your thoughts? I feel like people hate on zetsobou alot but I really can't think of why. It's no where near as bad as some people say it is and it's really an original map.

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    submitted by /u/mwd223
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    Ancient Evil EE Glitch “Hit your Marks”

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    I've been playing ancient evil recently trying to do the Easter egg. I've beaten it once before but want to improve my time. I got to the hit your marks (amphitheater) step and kept failing it. I tried multiple gauntlets, skipped through rounds etc, but nothing was working. I was doing the single shot for the stands and charged shot for the ground (same way I did when I beat it). Is this a glitch, or has the method changed since I last played it?

    submitted by /u/Mr_Alfie_Doolittle
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    Der riese!!

    Posted: 02 Aug 2020 11:03 AM PDT

    Hey guys so I just downloaded black ops one for my Xbox one S just for the nostalgic feeling of playing Nazi zombies again! :) Im playing der riese and I remember we used to have strategies for getting the most amount of points with what we're working with a.k.a. the pistol. Our basic strategy was like in round one shoot three times in the leg and then knife kill, so that's 30 points +130 points for the stab kill and then you build four window board for 40points because after that you get cut off. Then next round it's like five to the leg and one stab you know you can see where I'm going with this does anybody have their own way they used to try to milk as much points as possible because I'm playing solo right now and would like to build a strategy I always will follow for like the first 5-10 rounds. Any links videos and opinions are appreciated! HOORAH!

    submitted by /u/Jayave93
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    Is it just me, but is there no dlcs for COD zombies on ps3?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2020 10:42 PM PDT

    Hello, so I've started getting back into COD zombies using my ps3. But when looking at the PlayStation store to see if there were any dlc's available there were hardly any. All there was was "rezurrection" for BO1 and a map pack bundle for WAW which had all the zombies maps. But there was nothing else. Was ps3 never given any other dlc? Are they no longer available? Is it just me? Somebody please explain.

    submitted by /u/Johnkamel
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