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    Tuesday, July 6, 2021

    Call of Duty Zombies Mauer Der Toten Wonder Weapon

    Call of Duty Zombies Mauer Der Toten Wonder Weapon

    Mauer Der Toten Wonder Weapon

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 09:30 AM PDT

    New Wonder Weapon(s) teased by Treyarch!

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 09:31 AM PDT

    Me waiting for mauer der toten be like..

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 05:36 PM PDT

    New Tactical inbound

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 09:46 AM PDT

    At work wishing I was playing zombies.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 07:50 AM PDT

    This is so satisfying to kill with. Too bad it becomes a potato gun on high rounds.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    Here’s yet another custom zombies dialogue for operators. Because 3arch can’t/won’t do it probably. This one is Bulldozer.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 05:37 AM PDT

    Wyatt "Bulldozer" Jones


    Quick Revive - "Hurling Jesus H. Christ, this thing tastes like a hotdog stand hotdog on a bad Wednesday afternoon!" Juggernog - "Feeling like Hercules all of a sudden." Speed Cola - "Slapping his hand Shit, was there coke in there?!" Stamin-Up - "Feels like I can make a homerun!" Deadshot Daiquiri - "Woo! Got some kick to it!" Tombstone Soda - "Groaning Anyone else getting the sense of impending doom? No? Just me? Well I'm fucked." Elemental Pop - "Smacking lips This drink… it keeps popping in my mouth." Mule Kick - "Feel like I can carry a whole armory!"


    Max Ammo - "Geared up, and ready to fuck shit up." Nuke - "Damn…. I gotta get me one of those for later stuff." Instant Kill - "Line up, shingle shits!" Double-Points - "Time to make the dough for that new Sedan!" Carpenter - "Wonder if I could store these for Aunt Rudy" Fire Sale - "Shit, where's the nearest box?!" Bonus Points - "Free raise just for killing zombies? Clearly chosen the wrong profession." Weapon Type Single Pistol - "Which one of you jokers is pranking me?" Dual-Wield Pistols - "Double threat, motherfuckers." SMG - "At least it's not a pistol." Assault Rifle - "Gotta have something standard." Tactical Rifle - "Fast and accurate, just like how I like it." Shotgun - "Armed. And. Dangerous." Launcher - "You guys may want to clear back." LMG - "Just like me: large and ready to fuck shit up." Sniper - "Because of course this will be useful." Special -

    Ballistic Knife - "Gonna rip you assholes apart!" Crossbow - "Time to hunt some bigger game." Grenade Launcher - "Gonna make some craters with these." Nail Gun - "What. The. Fuck?"

    Melee Weapon -

    Bowie Knife - "Won't mind keeping this." Sledgehammer - "Ah HA! Time to crack some skulls with this!" Wakizashi - "Ninja steel at its finest!" Machete - "Time to fight the Revolutionary way!" E-Tool - "Won't deny it… but I would like something longer." Baseball Bat - "Batter up, meat bags."

    Wonder Weapons -

    Ray Gun - "Reminds me of my nephew's toy…" D.I.E. Shockwave - "Huffing Those R&D boys need to make something lighter…. And less hot." R.A.I.K-84 - "This is Omega's work? Looking pretty damn fly." Monkey Bomb - "What in sam hell are you?"

    Tagging Special/Elite Zombies Megaton "Got one big, ugly fucker here!" "One big pile of radiation on the way!" "I better not get cancer from this." Mimic "Oh god definitely hated you." "Should've stayed an item. Now I'm gonna mess you up." Russian Mangler Zombie "Ruskie Pet Project on the way!" "Those Reds sure got a lot of time on their hand." "Commie bastards. Can't keep their grubby hands off of our Iron Man." Orda "That's one big motherfucker…" "The king of all freakbags is here!" "Holy fuck… gonna need a goddamn VTOL to deal with this." Tempest "Oh look, a pile of shit." "Tempest spotted! None of you touch a goddamn car!" "Found an asshole. Can probably just ignore it." Demented Echo "I'm gonna give you something to really cry about." "Sweet Mother Mary of Baby Jesus, what in the hell is that?" Krasny Soldat "Hey the 1800's called, they want their suit back!" "What the hell is that ugly thing? Looks dumb as hell." "Betting a fifty on breaking that shit with a hammer." Legion "The king of all Tempests is here!" "Asshole Royalty spotted!" "Let's all kill this thing."

    Event Triggering Dog Round "Gonna send you bitches to the pound in pieces!" "Come here Fido… Got a new toy for you to play with!" Base Defense (Firebase Zero) (Defense prep) "Load up everyone! Shit's about to get serious." (Defense start) "Got a horde threat on the way! Ready up!" Dragon Relic "Why are we feeding this thing?" "Dragon… feeding started." "Starting the freakbag buffet!" Golden Chest "Get your fucking paws away from my treasure!" "Shit's mine, back off or get dropped." "Drop dead you fucks, I'm still alive and you're not." Distress Call/Horde Patrol (Killing Horde Patrol) "Revenge for the fallen, motherfuckers." (Distress call finishes dialogue) "I'm gonna make you bastards pay." (Distress call finished) "I'll get them for you, guys." Fury Crystal "Go go go! Rush your fucking boots off!" "Quick, run like the Drill Instructors are gonna send you to the pit!" Defend (Starting machine)"Uh oh. Baby is crying for help." (Cleared out a wave) "Go on, keep crying for mommy. I'll break her and your friends' legs!" Holdout "'Dozer to Requiem, come in! Shit, we're on our own!" "Comms fucked! Gotta hold out until then!" Retrieve "Just get the crystals to the truck? That's it? Should be simple enough." (Carrying aetherium) "Heaving We're gonna have to have a talk about this later, asshole…" (Unloading Aetherium) "Heaving Ah fuck…. Forgot about the other one… Let's get this shit over with…" Escort "Vehicle is up and running! Let's protect the objective!" (Sealing dimensional breach) "Space tear patched up! Let's keep this up!" (Rover reappearing from breach) "Rover is- Where the hell is the monkey?" Eliminate "Satellite is online! Get ready for a fight!" (HVT 100% health) "Spotted the fucker! Let's bring them down!" (HVT 75% health) "Shit head is on the move, let's go!" (HVT 50% health) "Looks like the asshole is scared! We got him on the ropes!" (HVT 25% health) "Let's finish this undead bastard once and for all!" Secure "Pods have landed! Defending the objectives." (Entering secure zone) "Got this shit on lockdown! Come get some!" (Completed Pod A/B) "Pod is done! Moving to the next one!" (Completed both rockets) "It's done, need that help now!"

    Revive Reviving Teammate "Get up man, not leaving you here to die!" "I got you, come on!" "Not gonna let you turn into zombie food, let's go!" Reviving Special Teammate (Zeyna) "Come on Zeyna, not gonna let you die like this!" (Zeyna) "Get up homegirl, I got you!" (Zeyna) "Not gonna let you die to a few bites, come on! You've gone through worse!" Getting Revived by Teammate "I owe you a fuckin' a beer when we get back!" "Hey thanks man. I owe you." Getting Revived by Special Teammate (Zeyna) "Thanks for the help, Ossou." (Zeyna) "Saving me during a zombie rush a good rush for you?" (Zeyna) "Thank you, Diesel-blood!"


    No Ammo - "Anyone got any spares? Sharing is caring." Teddy Bear Box - "Oh fuck you, you little bag of shit." Teleporting - "Oh… My stomach is killing me…." Opening Chest Small Chest - "I don't think this is even enough for repairs for pistols." Medium Chest - "At least I found a standard Boot Camp safe." Large Chest - "Ooh la la, now we're talkin." Golden Chest - "Fuck the gear, I wanna pawn off this chest!" AFK/Idle - "Done with your potty break? Don't want to get fuckin torn apart." Using a dropped weapon element mod Napalm Burst - "Dragon Rounds. Nice." Dead Wire - "Gonna shock them to their core." Cryo Freeze - "Kinda want to use this during the summer." Brain Rot - "Wonder if I can make these into my butlers…" Shatter Blast - "Ho ho, gonna blast them into pieces." Petting a Zombie Hound Hellhound - "Who's a good dog? Want a treat?" Plaguehound - "coughing harshly Okay… maybe just start petting you with a stick for now on…" Using a Jump Pad - "Screaming "oH HOLY FUUUUUUUUuuuck!" Pack-a-punching a gun - "Whistling Now this is superior fire power!" Hit by a crawler - "Keep your damn mitts off my shins!" Fishing - "Come on come on, papa Wyatt needs a new pair of guns." Equipping armor - "This should keep their grubby fuckin' hands off of me better."

    submitted by /u/Demigod978
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    Some tips for those who are struggling with Outbreak EE

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    I completed Outbreak EE twice today and wanted to share my findings.

    A full pap M16 (using task force barrel) with legendary rarity only takes about 30 seconds to beat Legion. It takes around 5 seconds to break the armour of Legion and another 5 seconds to break one of the orbs. Repeat this for all three orbs and you are looking at around 30 seconds.

    When Legion first appears, you don't have to shoot it at all as it doesn't lose any health. Nor it loses any health, when it is on top of silos. Wait till it moves. I didn't shoot Legion at all until it first moved and wasn't on top of silos. Use the time when Legion is on top of silos to kill zombies and recharge your field upgrade and just ignore Legion.

    Here is the complete video:

    Using M16 only

    I only brought M16 and a knife to boss fight and none of the elites spawned and in my second run, I used M16 and Raygun and had a Megaton and Panzer spawning during the boss fight.

    submitted by /u/Terrible_Row8629
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    I Discovered A Skip On Bo3 Origins

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 04:28 AM PDT

    8 Months ago and now I think it's well circulated to an extent at least, at the time I was playing origins a lot and I was just running some randoms through the origins Easter egg for quite possibly the 200th time just for fun when someone was very obsessed with the lightning staff and nobody really cared. Until he must have said 5 or 6 times in a few minutes span "guys I'm getting lightning nobody take it" that I finally said ah screw it I'm going to mess with him a little bit. About 20 minutes later he went down and bled out near the end of the round and respawned as I was going into the bottom of excavation to snag it. We both go there at the same time and I grabbed it first and looked at him and started waving it around… to my surprise he was also wielding a lightning staff…

    That's the duplication glitch that has been known for a while…

    What people DIDNT know about was my skip I discovered after realizing you could duplicate staffs (I hadn't known at the time) Since they patched the fire skip in bo3 where you could just pick up and replace the staff 4 times I was curious did they actually fix that fire counted 4 times or did they only fix the fact it could be picked up after placed in the pedestal… sure enough the cut corners and did not fix the actual bug but just made it so it would be harder to do… If you go in a game of 4 and duplicate the fire staff to each player you can all place it in the central pedestal and it will instantly complete the step.

    The reason I wanted to post this is because I often hear people ask how do people find these obscure glitches and stuff like that… well, that's how. I was essentially trolling a guy and discovered a potential 5 minute time save for origins speedruns.

    Link to the video a guy posted shortly after I talked to ZWR admin about allowing it in speedruns with credit to yours truly in the description.


    submitted by /u/Aurockson123
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    ROFL so i don’t deploy the parachute and this happens

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 07:05 AM PDT

    Cold war 2 easy lol

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 08:06 PM PDT

    So I guess I only get one Megaton Bomber Today

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 06:28 AM PDT

    3 hours wasted due to unlucky panzar spawn & charged shot not doing shit....

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    Watching 2 Megaton’s jump a Panzer was definitely satisfying lmao

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 09:59 AM PDT

    To those that've been following the project, thank you for the support! I completed a test cast with silicone I've never used before and found that the absence of a pressure chamber (which I DO own) formed far too many air pockets for resin casting in said pressure pot. 4/5 parts need to be redone.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 02:41 PM PDT

    What’s your unpopular opinion of COD Zombies?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 10:50 AM PDT

    For me, I prefer the more straightforward maps, such as all WAW maps, most BO maps, Die Maschine and Firebase Z. The maps that require more complicated methods to travel around the map, such as Gorod Krovi, annoy me because I can't just casually play.

    What about you?

    submitted by /u/TheArmyOfDucks
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    My take for a hijacked zombies map, i was thinking they should do more multiplayer maps but for zombies.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 12:16 AM PDT

    Can Someone Rank Cold War Operatives by How Much Personality They Have? or atleast inform me of any operatives with personality

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 07:41 AM PDT

    More specifically it doesn't bother me if their personality is fun or serious just wanna know what operatives actually have a good personality with actually good voicelines.

    submitted by /u/EX0Enforcer
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    New raptor one? They don't look similar?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 10:14 AM PDT

    cool idea as why the wonder weapon fits with the map

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 11:00 AM PDT

    the recently teased wonder weaoin is most likely called cerberus, this really fits because cerberus is the guard to the gates of hell or hades. this could be a reference to the gate between east and west berlin, or our reality and the dark aether.

    submitted by /u/MW2wasbetter
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    The Mauer der Toten WW seems very similar to the service weapon from Control

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 11:43 AM PDT

    How does 1.0 richtofen in bo4 know that 2.0 richtofen killed him in bo3

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 09:32 AM PDT

    My current understanding is that the 1.0 richtofen we play as in bo4 is the one from Shi no numa through to buried and a different one that was killed in the giant. So how is it that in multiple voice lines in bo4 he talks about being shot in the face?

    submitted by /u/YEETLORD1673
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    Finally decided to start using the E Tool. I should've been using this a long time ago, it's so much fun!

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 05:11 PM PDT

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